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DAILY Teaching Dates 2nd
LESSON PLAN and Time: October 16, 2019 (10:30-11:20) Quarter: QUARTER

➢ The learners demonstrate understanding of the interactions
A. Content Standards for survival among living and non-living things that take place
in tropical rainforest, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps.

➢ The learners should be able to form discussion groups to

B. Performance Standards tackle issues involving protection and conservation of
ecosystems that serve as nurseries, breeding places,
and habitats for economically important plants and
C. Learning Competencies/ ➢ Define an ecosystem.
Objectives ➢ Identify the different types of ecosystem.
Write the LC code for each
 Tropical rainforest
 Mangrove swamps
 Coral reefs

➢ Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living

things in a tropical rainforest, mangrove swamps and coral
reefs. (S6MT-Iii-j-5)

Values Focus: Protection and conservation of tropical

rainforest, mangrove swamps and coral reefs.

ECOSYSTEMS: Interactions Among Living Things in a Tropical

Rainforest, Mangrove Swamps and Coral Reefs
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Resource Materials Development Project, Regional Lesson Plan
in Science 6, pp. 88-90
 Prelimenary Activities a. Singing of song.
b. Setting of standards.
A. Reviewing previous
c. Unlocking of difficulties:
lesson or presenting the Through a self-corrected chart, the class decodes and define the
new lesson following words:
(Enhancement of literacy skills)- Integration in English
1. Tropical
2. Swamp
3. Reefs
4. Rainforest
5. Mangrove
d. Review: Strategy – MESSAGE RELAY

(Implementing developmentally sequenced teaching and

learning process)

1. What do you call animals without backbone?

2. What are the 5 classess of vertebrates?
3. What do you call animals without backbone?
4. What are the 8 groups of invertebrates?

e. Motivation: Strategy – Game: Complete the Picture

(Applies kowledge of content across curriculum teaching

areas – MAPEH-Arts)
(Enhancing numeracy skills)
(Strategy to develop critical and creative thinking)

Game Mechanics:
Through a picture puzzle, each group will complete a
picture of a specific type of forest ecosystem with the exact
inhabitants for each type as instructed. Picture puzzle A are for
tropical rainforest, Picture puzzle B are for mangrove swamp and
Picture puzzle C are for coral reefs. Another box is provided for
each group to identify the inhabitants for each type of forest
Fastest group wins.

f. Presentation of lesson/topic: Simultaneously posting the

topic on the board.

From the activity that we have, we were able to complete

the puzzle pieces to form a picture of a different type of
ecosystem. But the question is:

1. Do you know what type of ecosystem are presented in

the picture?
2. How do inhabitants of this type of ecosystem interact
with each other?

Our lesson for today is all about ECOSYSTEMS:

Interactions Among Living Things in a Tropical
Rainforest, Mangrove Swamps and Coral Reefs.
ENGAGE g. Presentation of Objectives
B. Establishing a purpose 1. Define an eciosytem.
for the lesson 2. Identify the different types of ecosystem.

 Tropical rainforest
 Mangrove swamps
 Coral reefs

3. Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living

things in a tropical rainforest, mangrove swamps and coral
reefs. (S6MT-Iii-j-5)

h. Raising of Motive Questions

Strategy-KWL Chart
Motivate the learners to ask questions on what they know
and what they want to know about the topic.

i. Lesson Proper
C. Presenting Group Activity: Strategy – Collaboration of ideas.
examples/instances of Buzz Session
the new lesson Group 1 – tropical rainforest
Group 2 – mangrove swamp
Group 3 – coral reefs

D.Discussing new concepts Group Activity: Strategy – Collaboration of ideas.
and practicing new skills #1 Forming an Expert Group

(Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and

creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills)
 Presentation of outputs for every group.
 Outputs will serve as medium for discussion.
 Checking of outputs, giving emphasis on the discussion of their
answers and valuing the importance of an ecosystem.

E. Discussing new concepts (Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and
and practicing new skills #2 creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills)

Cause and Effect Relationship (knowledge and comprehension)

1. What is the present condition of our ecosystem today?
2. What is the adverse effect of the loss of natural ecosystem?

Lecture through a video clip and powerpoint presentation.
F. Developing mastery (leads An ecosystem…
to Formative Assessment 3) A forest is a bigger ecosystem. It is an area of not less than a hectare.
Tropical rainforest….
Mangrove swamp….
Coral reefs…

Analysis and Discussion

1. What makes up an ecosystem?
2. What are the types of ecosystem?
3. How useful are these ecosystems to all its inhabitants including

Group Activity: Strategy – Collaboration of ideas.
Differentiated Activities.
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and (Manages classroom structure to engage learners,
skills in daily living individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within a range of
physical learning environments)

1. Groupings
2. Setting of standards in group activity
3. Presentation of the RUBRICS
4. Distribution of activity cards
5. Activity proper
(Manages learner behavior constructively by applying
positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-
focused environments)

Enhancement of numeracy skills.




GROUP All 75% 50% 25%

COOPERATION members members members members
of the of the of the of the group
group group group cooperate
cooperate cooperate cooperate actively in
actively in actively in actively in performing
performing performing performing the activity.
the activity. the activity. the activity.

Content of the All of the 75% of the 50% of the 25%of the
output information information information information
needed are needed are needed are needed are
delivered delivered delivered delivered
correctly correctly correctly correctly

Note: the total points gain of each group

= group cooperation + content of the output
perfect score is 10

Group I
Activity – slow learners (Using talking-drawing strategy)
(Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and experiences)
Illustrate an ecosystem. Include animals interacting with
it for survival. Group members take turns in talking about the

(Applies knowledge of content within curriculum teaching

area)-classfication of animals living in a particular ecosystem.

(Applies knowledge of content across curriculum teaching

areas) – MAPEH

Group II
Activity-average learner
list the different types of ecosystem and enumerate their
importance to men. Give some responsibilities of men towards
the ecosystem.

Group III
Activity – fast learners
Create a poem or chant which depict the life of animals
interacting in different types of ecosystem.

(Applies knowledge of content across curriculum teaching


H. Generalizing and 1. What is an ecosystem?

abstractions about the 2. What makes up an ecosystem?
lesson 3. What are the types of ecosystem?
4. Cite examples on the interaction between living and non-living things in
an ecosystem.
5. Valuing:
Ask pupils to name ways on how to help protect natural ecosystem.
j. Answering of the motive questions.

Test I
I. Evaluating learning
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What makes up an ecosysystem?

I. includes living things such as plants animals and organisms

II. also includes non-living environment such as weather, earth, sun, soil,
climate or atmosphere
III. an area of which living and non-living things interacting with each

A. I only C. III only

B. II only D. I, II, III

2. Which ecosystem is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef

building corals?

A. coral reefs C. tropical rainforest

B. mangrove swamp D. pond ecosystem

3. Which is NOT true about mangrove ecosystem?

A. these are coastal wetlands found in tropical regions

B. characterized by trees with their abilities to survive both salt and
C. it receives a maximum amount of rainfall
D. It serves as habitat for plants growing in brackish to saline tidal waters

4. Which type of ecosystem is described as tall, hot and dense forest

near the equator and is believe to be the oldest living ecosystem on earth
which gets maximum amount of rainfall?

A. coral reefs C. tropical rainforest

B. mangrove swamp D. pond ecosystem

5. What do you call the study of interaction between living and non-living

A. ecosystem C. economics
B. ecology D. symbiosis
EXTEND Activity Notebook:
J. Additional activities for Draw an artificial ecosystem (aquarium or
application or remediation terrarium) and place all possible organisms that
can be found on it.

Illustrate in your Science Journal this theme:
Wildlife and Forest Resources

A. No. of learners who earned 29

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require 0
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons 0
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue 0
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Employing games as part of the lesson. It develops social skills
strategies worked well? Why among learners and invigorate them to be more motivated and
did these works? keep their intersest in the lesson.
F. What difficulties did I none
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized Localized materials used in games for picture puzzle solving.
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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