Co SECOND QUARTERLesson Plan in Science 6
Co SECOND QUARTERLesson Plan in Science 6
Co SECOND QUARTERLesson Plan in Science 6
Through Radio-Based Instruction with 80 % accuracy, the learners in grade 6 are able to:
a. identify the functions of the human body systems;
b. explain how the different organ systems work together (S6LT-IIc-d-2);
c. give importance the organ systems of the body; and
d. describe the similarities and differences of male and female organ systems. (GAD-
based objective)
II. Materials:
radio monitor, paper, ballpen, self-learning home task(slht) in Science 6
III. Procedure:
A. House Rules:
a.1. Use the Radio-monitor and Group Chat Messenger in participating the
lesson discussion of the teacher.
(Objective number 2: Ensured the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and
learning process)
(Objective number 5: Planned and delivered teaching strategies that are
responsive to the special educational needs of learners in difficult
circumstances SUCH as COVID-19 Pandemic )
(Objective 7: Selected , developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.)
a.2. Use the illustrations found in your Self Learning Home Task in Science.
a.3. Learners who participate during the discussion is will receive extra points in
performance task and answer the questions in a complete sentence.
(Objective number 6: Used strategies for providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to improve learner performance)
a.4. Be attentive and good luck!
B. Motivation:
b.1. Listen to the song “Organ Systems” by Mr. Parr and take note the important
terms mentioned in the lyrics.
(Objective number 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching areas.- Science topic is integrated to music and English such as noting
details and important terms.)
C. Discussion:
How do systems work together?
(Objective 3: Applied a range of strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills)
Why Human body system interrelates to one another?
ANSWER: to complete function of the body.
What is the skeletal system?
ANSWER: It serves as a framework of the body.
What is the muscular system?
ANSWER: It gives shape to the body or help the body to move.
Explanation: Skeletal and muscular system is also known as Musculoskeletal System.
What is the musculoskeletal system?
ANSWER: It is made up of the body’s bones (the Skeleton), muscles, cartilage, tendons,
ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that support and bind tissues and organ together.
The skeletal portion of the system serves as the main storage of calcium and phosphorus that is
needed for the bones to be strong and healthy. The muscle that keep the bone in place and
contract to move the bone attached at the joint. Its primary functions are supporting the body
which helps us to stand, allow movement and protecting vital organs in the body just like the
(Objective number 2: Ensured the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and
learning process)
A. Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The following are the functions of musculoskeletal system in the body, except ONE.
A. moves the body
B. supports the body
C. aids in digestion
6. How does the integumentary system work with the nervous system?
A. Nerves embedded in the skin are responsible for sensing the outside world.
B. Integumentary system helps the nervous system to produce blood
7. Which of the following protect the heart and lungs from injury?
B. Make a chart showing healthful habits that promote the proper functioning of the
musculoskeletal system.
Healthful Habits
(Objective 8: Set achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies.)
Directions: Explain briefly.
1. What will happen if these three systems, circulatory, respiratory and digestive system will work
2. What will happen if the respiratory system and circulatory system do not work?
3. Explain how your digestive system would be affected if your circulatory system failed.
Principal 1