Module 11 Perdev DLL 2022 23
Module 11 Perdev DLL 2022 23
Module 11 Perdev DLL 2022 23
A. Revising previous Review: Review:
lesson or presenting the The class will have a recapitulation The class will have a recapitulation and
new lesson and sharing of responses of the sharing of responses of the previous
previous topic: Social Relationship topic
B. Establishing a purpose To introduce the topic, read the Introduce the activity ‘Emotional’,
for the lesson quote by Jane Howard on Families: social, and spiritual legacy’ by saying
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it something like: “The activity that we are
a tribe, and call it a family. Whatever about to do will identify the legacies our
you call it, whoever you are, you need family/parents has/have passed on to
one.” The ask the students whether us. Are you aware of these legacies? Is
they agree with Ms. Howard. Ask there a chance that we can change the
how they need their respective legacy we received from our parents?”
families in their life.
C. Presenting examples/ The following activity is called Have the students answer the activity
instances of the new genogram or family tree making. Ask on Emotional, social, and spiritual
lesson the students why they think we need legacy.
to make one at the start of our topic.
What information can we gather
from a genogram/family tree? Using
a blank sheet of paper, instruct the
students to make their own
genogram. Be sure to read the
instructions to the class before they
start making their genogram. The
genogram is to be included in their
Portfolio Output no. 22.
D. Discussing new To introduce the reading on Family Spend more time for the students to
concepts and practicing structure, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts with the class.
new skills #1 describe their respective families in
terms of people in their family,
physical set up/agreement, place of
residence, who leads/makes decision
in the family.
E. Discussing concepts and After reading the article, have the Introduce the reading on ‘Family
practicing new skills #2 students refer to their genogram and legacies’ by saying something like:” Are
identify which among the family you happy with your legacy scores? Let
structures does their family belong. us reverse the roles, suppose you are
the parents, what legacies are you
ready to pass on to your children?
F. Developing mastery Have a quick survey among the class. Share their comments/ reactions about
(Leads to Formative Which family structure is prevalent? the reading.
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical To introduce the topic on family The reading on Family legacies will
applications of concepts legacies, have the students write a review the students on the details of
and skills in daily living poem about their respective families emotional, spiritual, and social legacies.
using the guideline for the activity The reading will also encourage the
‘Poem Writing’. The guidelines may student not to lose hope when they do
be written on the board. Give time not like the legacies of their parents
for students to write their poem. have passed on them.
Call on volunteers to share their
poems to the class. Ask the class,
“What unique qualities does your
family have?”
H. Making generalizations Introduce the reading on Inspiring Have the students share with the class
and abstractions about Stories of Families by saying: “The their ideas on the concept of legacy, in
the lesson reading on Inspiring Stories of particular, family legacies.
Families aims to remind us of the
importance of our respective
families. These readings came from
different parts of the world which
prove how universal the importance
of and our need for family is. Read
through and be reminded of the
sacrifices our individual family does
to us.
I. Evaluating learning Let the students answer the question Explain the requirement for Portfolio
“how do I show my love and Output No. 23: Reactions to the
appreciation for my family?” Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Legacy
J. Additional activities for Journal writing Journal Writing
application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did it work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other
Checked by:
Assistant SHS Principal II – SHS Dept.