2nd Quiz

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Summative Test in Personal Development

I. Identify the following challenges during adolescence by simply choosing the right answer
from the box.

Attitudes and behavior toward sexuality Roles Values and beliefs

Academic concerns Material poverty
Group Belongingness Parents working abroad
Health and Nutrition Career choice
Developing or regaining self-esteem Relationships

1. A camaraderie in the form of “walang iwanan”, “do or die”, or “one for all and all for one”.
2. Learn to listen to your body.
3. Puberty drives the adolescent to experience surges or sexual desires, which often lead them to
experimentation and exploration.
4. Memorization and comprehension are necessary elements in obtaining knowledge.
5. Part of one’s identity such as being son or daughter to your parents, brother or sister to your
siblings, being a student to your school or a member of your organization.
6. Adolescent students who live in far-flung areas.
7. Identifying what course to take in college.
8. Belief is not just limited to religious matters, but also to human needs like a safe and clean
9. Maintaining of this requires a certain level of maturity.
10. Parents leave their families to support their needs.
11. The underlying message in the criticism is “you are not good enough for me”.
12. Children who grow up with criticisms often result in losing their self- respect.
13. Long exposures to television and screen gadgets are also unhealthy.
14. The attitude of being responsible for one’s actions is the guiding principle toward a healthy
15. Academic grades are not only indicators of learning.
16. A destructive and constructive organization.
17. Grooming is also an important aspect of adolescent’s lifestyle.
18. A healthy adolescent whose self-identity is clear and whose roles are integrated will understand
and accept the situation.
19. Adolescents need to know what their interests are, what things they find exciting and
challenging and what their skills are.
20. Conducting career guidance program.
II. Enumeration.

21-23. Types of Stress signals

24-28. Possible stressors.
29- 30. In what ways does stress defined.
31- 35. Stress reduction method.

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