Recount (Year 8) - Task Sheet
Recount (Year 8) - Task Sheet
Recount (Year 8) - Task Sheet
Semester 1 2023
TASK: ASSESSMENT TYPE: Recount Writing Task
WORD COUNT: Narrative (500 – 600) GRADED ON: See rubric below.
Demonstrate your understanding of writing a detailed, but entertaining personal (first person), factual, or imaginative
(third person) recount. You are to use the suggested recount structure (orientation, events, re-orientation/conclusion)
and figurative language (POPSMARS) to interest your audience.
This task requires you to use different literary devices and descriptive language (show don’t tell) to write an
interesting recount about an interesting event/moment of your life where you learnt something about yourself,
someone else or life in general.
Choose one of the following topics and write a descriptive recount that enables the reader to feel like they are there.
Write about your most embarrassing time. Write a recount about meeting somebody
Write about your funniest event. interesting.
Write about your favorite birthday. Write about the most difficult choice you ever had
Write about a time that you did something special to make.
with your family. Write about the most frightening moment you have
Write about a time that you did something special ever experienced.
with your friends. Write about the strangest thing that ever happened
Write about a time that you excelled/did something to you.
really well. Write a recount about your proudest moment.
Write about your pet—from the time you got them Write about a time you were completely surprised.
until now. Write about your favorite memory.
Write a recount about getting lost. Write about an unbelievable event you witnessed.
The orientation is the introduction, it sets the scene by telling the reader who, what, when, where and why (Five W’s).
Try to begin your recount by asking the reader a question or beginning with the action, before giving them the backfill
of the five W’s.
The events are what happened. They are described in chronological order (i.e. the order that they happened). Try to
write down the 3 to 5 most important moments of the event you are recounting. Keep them short and only focus on the
interesting parts within each chosen event. Try to focus use each of the five senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight).
You can include “dialogue”.
Suggested word count: 100-150 words per event (aim for 3-4 events)
This is where you provide a final comment of explanation to finish the recount. Try to share with the reader what you,
the author of the recount, thought, felt and learnt from the experience.