Bag Technique Rationale

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Name: Ciara Nicole P. Materdo Date: March 8, 2023

Year and Section: BSN2-L2-G6

Procedure Rationale 1 2 3 4 5
1. Upon arriving at the client’s To protect the bag from
home, place the bag on the table contamination.
or any flat surface lined with
paper lining, clean side out
(folded part touching the table)

2. Ask for a basin of water if To be used for hand washing. To

faucet is not available. Place this protect the work field from being
outside the working area. contaminated.

3. Open the bag, take the paper To make a non-contaminated work

lining and plastic lining and field or area.
spread over work field or area.
The paper lining must be on
clean side out (folded part out)

4. Take out hand towel, soap To prepare for handwashing

dish and apron and place them at
one corner of the work area
(within the confines of the lined
plastic lining

5. Do handwashing. Wipe dry Handwashing reduces or prevents

with towel. Leave the plastic the risk of infection from one care
wrappers of the towel and soap provider to the client.
dish inside the bag.

6. Put on apron right side out and To protect nurse’s uniform and for
wrong side with cease touching infection control.
the body, sliding the head into
the neck strap. Neatly tie the
straps at the back.
7. Put out things needed for the To make them readily available and
specific case (e.g., thermometers accessible.
for temperature taking).
8. Place waste receptacle paper To prevent contamination of sterile
outside the work area. area.

9. Close the bag. Note: Proceed It reduces transmission of

to the nursing care or treatment microorganism.

10. After completing the nursing To protect the care provider and
care or treatment, clean and prevent spread of infection to
alcoholise the things used. others.

11. Do handwashing again. Hand hygiene deters the spread of

12. Open the bag and put back Clean and disinfect all the materials
all articles in their proper places. in the bag before storing them.

13. Remove apron folding away To prevent the spread of

from the body with soiled side microorganisms between the nurse
folded inwards; clean side out. and the apron or between equipment
Place it inside the bag. and the bag.

14. Fold the paper and plastic To prevent contamination of the

lining clean side out and place in equipment’s inside the bag.
the bag then close.

15.Make post visit conference on To plan additional nursing care and

matters relevant to health care implementation.
taking anecdotal notes
preparatory for final reporting.

16. Make appointments for the For follow-up care.

next visit (either home or clinic)
taking not on the date, time and

Comments/ Remarks:

Student’s Signature & Date C.I’s Signature

3/8/2023 _______________

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