Sao - Evidence Set 3 Performance Management
Sao - Evidence Set 3 Performance Management
Sao - Evidence Set 3 Performance Management
Name: Elena Roberts E Number: E4109274 School: Campbell Primary School Subject: Dance
Situation: Briefly outloine the circumstances Action: Describe the Outcome: Describe the result of your action.
surrounding the example of a situation that had skills/knowledge/competencies required to Summarise the results of the action and/or the
a positive outcome or one in which professional address the situation – outline the steps you took professional growth that occurred. What was the
growth occurred. Where, why and when did you to complete the task. What did you do? How did result of your action? How do you know? What
do the task? you do it? went well?
As an employee of the Education I completed a meaningful self- I evidenced my ability to organise
Department, it is a requirement that we reflection which I was able to act on content in a coherent and effective
engage in a Performance Management in attempt to improve my teaching learning sequence throughout my
process. At Campbell Primary School, we and learning programs. During the classroom observation.
complete a 3-step process including self- self-reflection phase I identified a I was able to action my self-reflection
reflection, a planning meeting/classroom need to integrate ICT into the Dance and effectively integrate the use of
observation, and a review meeting. program and ensure that I am ICT into the Dance program. I have
Throughout this process I was able to achieving all the cross-curricular done this by giving students the
highlight areas of strength in my teaching priorities. opportunity to reflect on their ability
skills as well as areas to improve. in Dance, future goals, and their use
of the Creative Habits of Learning
using ICT as a learning tool.
I improved my classroom displays by
ensuring I had visual prompts for
positive audience member skills.