USP-NF Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
USP-NF Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
USP-NF Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Tribasic Calcium Phosphate consists of a variable mixture of calcium phosphates with the approximate composition (10CaO · 3P2O5 ·
H2O). It contains NLT 34.0% and NMT 40.0% of calcium (Ca).
• A.
Sample solution: Dissolve 100 mg in 5 mL of diluted nitric acid.
Analysis: Warm the Sample solution, and add 2 mL of ammonium molybdate TS.
Acceptance criteria: A yellow precipitate is formed.
• B.
Sample: 100 mg of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample by warming in 10 mL of 2 N hydrochloric acid. Add 2.5 mL of ammonia TS dropwise, with shaking, and
then add 5 mL of ammonium oxalate TS.
Acceptance criteria: A white precipitate is formed.
Sample: 150 mg of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Titrimetric system
(See Titrimetry 〈541〉.)
Mode: Direct titration
Titrant: 0.05 M edetate disodium VS
hydroxide solution (45 in 100) until the initial red color changes to clear blue. Continue to add it dropwise until the color changes to
violet, and add an additional 0.5 mL. The pH is 12.3–12.5. Continue the titration dropwise with Titrant to the appearance of a clear
blue endpoint that persists for NLT 60 s.
Calculate the percentage of calcium (Ca) in the portion of the Sample taken:
• CHLORIDE AND SULFATE 〈221〉, Chloride
Standard: 1.0 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric acid
Sample: 0.500 g of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample in 25 mL of 2 N nitric acid, and add 1 mL of silver nitrate TS.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.14%
Standard: 1.0 mL of 0.020 N sulfuric acid
Sample: 0.500 g of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate 1/3
11/7/2020 USP-NF Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample in the smallest possible amount of 3 N hydrochloric acid. Dilute with water to 100 mL, and lter, if
necessary. To 25 mL of the ltrate add 1 mL of barium chloride TS.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.8%
• ARSENIC 〈211〉, Method I
Test preparation: Dissolve 1.0 g in just su cient 3 N hydrochloric acid.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 3 ppm
Sample: 500 mg of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Analysis: Mix the Sample with 10 mL of water, heat, add hydrochloric acid, dropwise, until solution is effected, and then add 2 drops of
the acid in excess. Filter, and add to the ltrate 1 mL of potassium sulfate TS.
Acceptance criteria: No turbidity appears within 15 min.
Sample: 2 g of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Analysis: Mix the Sample with 20 mL of water, and add 3 N hydrochloric acid, dropwise, to effect solution.
Acceptance criteria: No effervescence is produced.
Analysis: If an insoluble residue remains in the test for Carbonate, boil the solution, lter, wash the residue well with hot water until the
last washing is free from chloride, and ignite the residue to constant weight.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2%; the weight of the residue is NMT 4 mg.
Sample: 1.5 g of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Titrimetric system
(See Titrimetry 〈541〉.)
Mode: Residual titration
Titrant: 1 N hydrochloric acid VS
Back-titrant: 0.1 N sodium hydroxide VS
Endpoint detection: Potentiometric
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample by warming with 25.0 mL of Titrant. Cool, and slowly titrate the excess of Titrant, while agitating
constantly, with the Back-titrant to a pH of 4.0.
Acceptance criteria: 13.0–14.3 mL of 1 N hydrochloric acid is consumed for each g of salt, calculated on the ignited basis.
[NOTE—Prepare and store all solutions in plastic containers.]
water and 3.0 mL of hydrochloric acid, and stir until dissolved. Add 50.0 mL of Buffer solution and su cient water to make 100 mL.
Electrode system: Use a uoride-speci c ion-indicating electrode and a silver–silver chloride reference electrode connected to a pH
meter capable of measuring potentials with a minimum reproducibility of ±0.2 mV (see pH 〈791〉).
Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution
Standard response line: Transfer 50.0 mL of Buffer solution and 3.0 mL of hydrochloric acid to a beaker, and add water to make 100
mL. Add a plastic-coated stirring bar, insert the electrodes into the solution, stir for 15 min, and read the potential, in mV. Continue
stirring, and at 5-min intervals add 100, 100, 300, 500, and 500 µL of Standard solution, reading the potential 5 min after each
addition. Plot the logarithms of the cumulative uoride ion concentrations (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 µg/mL) versus potential, in
Rinse and dry the electrodes, insert them into the Sample solution, stir for 5 min, and read the potential, in mV. From the measured
potential and the Standard response line determine the concentration, C (in µg/mL), of uoride ion in the Sample solution.
Calculate the content of uoride in the portion of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate taken:
Result = (V × C)/W
C = concentration of uoride ion in the Sample solution determined from the Standard response line (µg/mL)
W = weight of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate taken to prepare the Sample solution (g) 2/3
11/7/2020 USP-NF Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Analysis: Mix the Sample with 5 mL of water, and add just su cient hydrochloric acid to effect solution. Dilute with water to 10 mL,
add 0.20 mL of indigo carmine TS, then add, with stirring, 10 mL of sulfuric acid.
Acceptance criteria: The blue color persists for NLT 5 min.
Sample: 2 g of Tribasic Calcium Phosphate
Analysis: Digest the Sample with 100 mL of water on a steam bath for 30 min. Cool, add su cient water to restore the original volume,
stir well, and lter. Evaporate 50 mL of the ltrate in a tared porcelain dish on a steam bath to dryness, and dry the residue at 120° to
constant weight.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%; the weight of the residue is NMT 5 mg.
Analysis: Ignite at 800° for 30 min.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 8.0%
• PACKAGING AND STORAGE: Preserve in well-closed containers.
USP Sodium Fluoride RS
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Chromatographic Database Information: Chromatographic Database
Page Information:
USP43-NF38 - 5657
USP42-NF37 - 5610
USP41-NF36 - 5237 3/3