21 - Appendix II PDF
21 - Appendix II PDF
21 - Appendix II PDF
Diphenylamine indicator
Weigh l.Og diphenylamine indicator and dissolve in lOOmL of concentrated
sulphuric acid.
Use 3 drops of indicator, add 200ml of 25% (v/v) sulphuric acid followed by
5 ml of 85% orthophosporic acid and titrate slowly, whilst stirring constantly
with standard dichromate until the solution assumes a bluish green or
greenish blue tint near the end point. Continue the titration, adding the
dichromate solution drop wise and maintaining an interval of a few seconds
between each drop, until the addition of one drop causes the formation of an
intense purple or violet blue coloration, which remains permanent after
shaking an is unaffected on the further addition of the dichromate. Carry
out two or at the most three titrations, this should agree with in 0.1 mL.
Appendix II
Stock iron solution
Ferrous ammonium sulphate
Slowly add 20ml of concentrated H2SC>4 to 50mL distilled water and dissolve
1.404g of ferrous ammonium sulphate (Fe(NH4 )2 (S0 4 )2 6 H2 0 ).
Add 0.1 N potassium permanganate drop wise until a faint pink color
persist. Dilute to lOOmL and mix.
lml = 200 pg Fe
Hydroxylamine solution
Dissolve lOg NH2OH.HCl in 100ml distilled water
Appendix II
1,10-phenanthroline solution
Dissolve lOOmg of 1,10-phenanthroline monohydrate C 12H8N2 .H2 O in
lOOmL distilled water by stirring and heating to 80°C. Do not boil. Discard
the solution if it darkness. Heating is unnecessary if 2 drops of concentrated
HC1 added.
Dilute samples that contain iron in range of 20-200|iig.
Add distilled water to make volume 33mL in 50mL volumetric flask.
Add 2mL concentrated HC1 and 1ml NH2 OH.HCI solution.
Add glass beads heat it up to 15 minutes.
Cool to the room temperature and add lOmL NH3 C3 H2 O2 buffer solution and
4mL phenanthroline solution and dilute to mark with distilled water.
Mix thoroughly and allow it at least 10-15 minutes for maximum color
Measure optical density v /s total iron (jig).
131 Acidity
Standard sodium hydroxide 0.02N
Disslove 0.8g NaOH and dilute to lOOOmL using CO2 free distilled water
store in air-tight, rubber Stoppard pyrex/coring glass bottle to protect from
atmospheric CO2 . Standardize against 0.02N potassium biphthalate.
Phenolphathalein indicator
Dissolve 0.5g in 500ml 95% ethyl alcohol. Add 500mL distilled water. Add
drop wise 0.02N NaOH till faint pink color appears.
Appendix II
Measure suitable volume of sample (50 or 100ml) in 250ml conical flask or
beaker depending upon the method to be followed.
Add 2 drops of methyl orange and titrate with standard 0.02N NaOH till
colour changes to faint orange characteristic of pH 4.4 to 4.3.
Note down the volume of NaOH required mark the reading as A.
Add 2-3 drops phenolphthalein indicator and continue titrating with NaOH
till faint colour appears indicating pH-8.3.
Note down the volume of additional NaOH required mark the reading as B.
Each mL of 0.02N NaOH = 1 mg CaC0 3 Therefore, acidity mineral or due to
CO2 .
(4) Sulfate
Conditioning reagents
Mix 50mL glycerol with a solution containing 30mL concentrated HC1,
300ml distilled water, lOOmL 95% ethyl alcohol and 75g NaCl.
Appendix I!
Barium Chloride
Crystals, 20-30 mesh.
Take suitable volume of sample in 250mL conical flask and dilute to lOOmL.
Add 5mL conditioning reagent accurately, mix well.
Keep the flask constantly stirred with the help of stirrer. Add BaCl2 crystals
while stirring; continue stirring for 1minute, after addition of BaCk.
Measure the turbidity developed after every 30sec for/minute on colorimeter
at 420nm. After 2 minutes stirring reading will remain constant. Note this
reading for calculation purpose.
Prepare standard curve by carrying standard sulfate solution through entire
Read mg SO4 present in the sample from the standard curve.
Detection range : 0.005 pmoles As and 0.05 pmoles As and 0.05 pmolesto
0.5 pmoles As when a 10 cm path length cuvette and a 1 cm path length
cuvette are used, respectively. This corresponds to a lowest detection limit of
37.5 (ig/L (10 cm path length cuvette).
Appendix II
Reducing reagents
(1) Dissolve 4.2 g Na2 S2 0 5 , 5H20 in 30 mL dd H20 (0.74 M or 14%).
(2) Dissolve 0.42 g Na2 S20 3 in 30mL dd H20 (0.056 M or 1.4%).
(3) Add slowly (exothermic) 18mL H2SC>4 cone. (1.82 g/L) to 812 mL dd
H20 (=H2 S0 4 3.5 N). Allow cooling and store in a glass bottle.
Appendix II
(1) Prepare 10 mL aliquots containing 0.05 pmoles (0.375 pg) to 0.5
pmoles (37.5 pg) As in 12 ml plastic tubes.
(2) Into untreated aliquots add lmL dd H2O.
(3) Into aliquots to be reduced pipet 1 mL of the mixed reducing reagent
and mix well.
(4) Into aliquots to be oxidized add 72.5 pL dd H2O, 250 pL of HC1 1 N
and then 25 pL of 50% saturated KIO3 solution and mix well.
(5) After 15 mins add 1 mL of the mixed molybdenum complex reagent to
each aliquot and mix. It is important to mix the sampled thoroughly
otherwise variability will occur in the absorbance.
(6 ) Measure the absorbance at 865 nm in a 1 to 10 cm path length
cuvette (depending on concentration of the samples to be determined)
against air or water after 90min and within 3h after addition of the
molybdenum reagent.
Calibration curve Complete aliquots containing O7 TO, 20, 40, 60, and 80
pL of a 5 mM As (V+) (samples containing 0.05 pmoles to 0.5 pmoles) or of a
0.5mM As (V+) (samples containing 0.005pmoles to O.Spmoles As) solution
to 11 mL with dd H20 and add 1 mL of molybdenum reagent. Measure as
described under point 6 of the procedure described above.
Appendix II
Protein content from samples were detemined using the following protocol
with Bovine serum albumin as standard. A standard calibration curve in the
range of 10-200 pg/mL was used.
Reagent I
(1) 5% Na2C03
(2) 0.5% CUSO4 .5 H2 O in 1% sodium potassium tartarate
To 50mL-of—(1) add 2mL of (2) prepare immediately-before use and do not
Dilute Folin-Ciocalteau reagent: Dilute it 1:1 to get IN solution
(1) Measure 0.5mL of washed cell suspension (ca. 100 fag of wt. of cell)
(2) To this add 0.5mL of 1.0 N NaOH place in a boiling water for 5
minutes and cool in cold water.
(3) Add 0.5mL of Folin-Ciocalteau reagent.
(4) After standing 30 minutes to allow full colour development. Measure
O.D. at 750 nm.
Appendix II
Appendix II
(9) Method for plasmid isolation (mini-prep) using alkali lysis method
(saunders, S.E. and J. F. Burke)
Solutions should be made with high quality water, such as MiliQ water and
all solution should be autoclaved as indicated before use to inactivate any
DNAses if present.
Solution I :
5 mL of 1M glucose stock
2.5 mL of a 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8 stock at pH 8
2 mL of 0.5M EDTA stock to 91.5 mL autoclaved dHaO
Solution H :
0.9 g NaOH to 90 mL dHaO autoclave and then add 10 mL of 10% SDS
solution ------ ------
Solution III:
Dissolve 29.45 g potassium acetate in50mL dHaO
add 11.438 mL glacial acetic acid
make up to lOOmL with dHaO and autoclave
(1) Resuspend the pellet from 1.5 mL active culture grown overnight on
LB in 100 pL solution I. If using autotrophic microbes, increase the
culture volume 50 to 100 fold.
Appendix II
(2) Add 200 pL of solution II and gently mix and swirl to ensure complete
lysis. Do not mix too vigorously otherwise chromosomal DNA will
contaminate the preparation.
(3) Add 150 pL of solution III and immediately mix contents completely.
Do not mix too vigorously otherwise chromosomal DNA will
contaminate the preparation.
(4) Centrifuge for 5 min in a microfuge.
(5) Transfer 380 pL of the supernatant to a clean microfuge tube and add
720 pL isopropanol.
(6) Centrifuge for 15 min in a microfuge.
(7) Carefully remove the supernatant leaving the pellet at the bottom of
the tube.
(8) Wash the pellet with lmL of ice-cold 70% ethanol. Centrifuge for 5
min at 12,000 g and remove the supernatant. Be very carful here as it
is easy to lose the pellet.
(9) Diy the pellet and then resuspend it in 49 pL of dH20 and add 1 pL of
RNase 1 pL of this should be plenty for agarose gel analysis and for
restriction enzyme analysis.