MOA - Faropenam Sodium (In-House) Akums
MOA - Faropenam Sodium (In-House) Akums
MOA - Faropenam Sodium (In-House) Akums
1.0 Description:
1.1 Requirements
1.2 Procedure
Take about 2-3 g sample in a dry glass petri dish, spread it by spatula and observe its color and
presence of any extraneous matter under suitable light and report the results.
2.0 Solubility
2.1 Requirements:
Analytical Balance and Test tube with stopper
2.2 Procedure:
Weigh accurately a suitable quantity of sample into a glass stoppered test tube and add specified
quantity of specified solvent as per the table given below. Shake vigorously to dissolve, keep aside
for 15 minutes, the solution should be clear.
Volume of solvent Weight of
S. No Solubility term Specified solvents
(mL) sample
1. Freely Soluble 1 to 10 1g Water & Methanol
2. Slightly soluble 10 to 100 10 mg Ethanol (95%)
3. Insoluble more than 100 10 mg Diethyl ether
3. 0 Identification
3.1 (A) Identification By Infrared Absorption Spectrophotometer
3.1.1 Requirements
IR spirit, Isopropyl alcohol
3.1.2 Procedure
Switch on the instrument and clean it with isopropyl alcohol.
Login to the computer using Login Id and Password.
Turn on the FTIR instrument.
Start IR solution software and initialize the instrument.
Load the parameter for the respective sample.
Record the background spectrum from 4000 to 625 cm-1.
Place about 5mg of Reference/Working standard on sample holder and record the spectrum in the
range of 4000-625 cm-1.
Similarly Record the spectrum of the sample in the range 4000-625 cm-1.
Compare it with standard spectrum of working standard.
The Infrared Spectrum of the sample should concordant with the spectrum of the Reference/Working
3.2 (B) Identification By HPLC
3.2.1 The retention time of principal peak in the chromatogram of test solution should correspond to the
retention time of principal peak in the chromatogram of standard solution during assay.
4.0 Water (By KF)
4.1 Requirements
Karl Fischer Titrator, Analytical Balance, Karl Fischer Reagent, Dried Methanol
4.2 Procedure
Weigh about 0.1 g of sample to be examined and transfer into titration vessel containing previously
neutralized Methanol, wait for dissolve and titrate to end point with Karl Fischer regent, record the
volume of KF reagent.
4.3 Calculations
Calculate the % water content by the formula given under:
V = Volume in mL of KF reagent
F = Factor of KF reagent (in mg/mL)
W = Weight of sample (in g)
5.2 Procedure
5.2.1 Preparation of Sample Solution
Weigh and transfer accurately about 0.5g (Calculated as on anhydrous basis) of sample into 50 mL
volumetric flask.add about 30 mL of Water, sonicate to dissolve, and further make up the volume up
to the mark with Water and mix well.
Stabilize the Polarimeter for 20 min before taking the reading. Rinse the Polarimeter tube with HPLC
water and fill the tube with the water. Make sure that the methanol is free from air bubbles. Record
the readings at 589 nm at 25°C temperature, the scale should show ZERO” at this point, if not, do
zero. Rinse the tube with sample solution and fill the tube with sample solution. Make sure that the
sample solution is free from air bubbles. Record five readings of sample solution at 589 nm at 25°C
Average Observed rotation at 25°C x 50
Specific Optical rotation = ---------------------------------------------------------------
Length of the tube in decimeter x Weight of sample (in g)
6.1 Requirements
Analytical Balance. Muffle Furnace, Nessler Tubes, Water bath, Platinum or Porcelain crucible
6.2 Reagents
Measure accurately 10 mL of Standard Led stock solution and add water to make exactly 100 mL
6.8 Procedure:
7.3.3 Diluent
Use Water as diluent.
Note: Adjust the flow rate to attain RT of Faropenem sodium at about 11 min
7.3.5 Test Solution Preparation
Note: Freshly prepared solution.
Weigh accurately and transfer about 25 mg of sample into 50 mL volumetric flask, add about 10 mL
of diluent, sonicate to dissolve and further make up the volume up to the mark with diluent and mix
2. Test Detectability 1
3. Standard Solution 6
4. Test Solution 1
AT2 = Total Area of all peak other than Faropenem in test solution.
AS=Average area of Faropenem peak in six replicate injections of standard solution.
WS =Weight of Faropenem sodium Reference/Working standard in mg.
Wt = weight of test sample in mg
8.0 Assay (By HPLC)
8.1 Requirements
High Performance Liquid chromatograph (HPLC), Analytical Balance
8.2 Reagents
Milli-Q Water
8.3 Procedure
8.3.3 Diluent:
Use Water as diluent.
Note: Adjust the flow rate to attain RT of Faropenem sodium hydrate at about 11 min
Weigh accurately and transfer about 25 mg of Faropenem sodium Reference/Working standard into
50 mL volumetric flask, add 10 mL of internal standard sonicate to dissolve then make up the
volume with diluent.
8.4 Calculations:
Calculate the Assay in µg/mg by area ratio, dividing area of Faropenem peak and Internal standard
AT WS 50 Potency
%Assay of Faropenem = ------ x ------ x-------x-------------------- x 100
(on anhydrous basis) AS 50 WT (100 - % water)
Additional tests:
9.0 Particle Size by Malvern Mastersizer (as per customer requirement)
9.1 Requirements
The Malvern Mastersizer 2000 equipped with Scirocco 2000, flow cell, Fourier lenses and a multi
element detector.
9.2 Procedure
Absorption 0.01
Note: On examination of data, fit curve and histogram shape, the absorption values may vary in
multiples of 10 from 0 to 1.0 to obtain the best fit curve.