SOP of Water

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SOP OF water

Acidity (Water)
Principle & Theory:- Acidity of water is its quantitative capacity & react with a strong base to a designated pH. It may
be defined as equivalent concentration of hydrogen ions in mg/L. The equation in its simplest form is as follows: -
H+ + NaOH = H2O + Na+
 Steps:

1. Take 100 ml sample in conical flask by volumetric pipette.

2. Add 2 to 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator.

3. Sample solution show pink color.

4. And titrate with standardize standard 0.02N solution of sodium hydroxide.

5. End point of the sample will be pink color,

6. Calculation as per IS 3025 (pt-22): 1986.

7. Acidity at pH 3.7 as mg/1 CaCo3 = A×N×50000

8. Acidity at pH 3.7 as mg/l CaCo3 = B×N×50000

Where, A= Vol. in ml of Std NaOH used to titrate to pH 3.7

B= Normality of Std NaOH.
C= Vol. in ml of sample taken for test and
D= Vol. in ml of Std NaOH used to titrate to pH 8.3

Reagents for Acidity

1. Std Sodium Hydroxide Solution → (0.02N)

Dilute 20ml of 1N Sodium Hydroxide solution to 1 litre and
Standardize using Std.Potassium acid phthalate.

2. 1N Sodium Hydroxide → Dilute 67ml of 15 N Sodium Hydroxide

Sol N to 1Lit with distilled water.

3.Potassium acid phthalate →(0.02N)

Dissolve 4.0846gm of potassium acid phthalate Sol. in carbon dioxide
Free D.W. and dilute to 1 lit.

Alkalinity (Water)

Doc. No. ATL/7.2/F-02 Document Name:- Standard Operating Procedure Section No. 1.0
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date:- 04/03/2019 Copy No.:01 Page 1 of 7 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: Nil
Approved & Issued by:- CEO Prepared :- T .M.
SOP OF water


Principle & Theory:- Alkalinity of water is the capacity of that water to accept protons. It may be defined as the
quantitative capacity of an aqueous medium to react with hydrogen ions to pH 8.3 (phenolphthalein alkalinity) and they
to pH 3.7 (total alkalinity or methyl organe alkalinity. The equation in its simplest form is as follows:

CO3-- + H+ = HCO3- - (pH 8.3)

From pH 8.3 to 3.7 , the following reaction may occur:

HCO3- + H+ = H2CO3.

 Steps:

1. Take 100 ml sample in conical flask by volumetric pipette.

2. Add 2 to 3 drops of mixed indicator solution.

3. Sample solution show green color.

4. And titrate with standardize standard 0.02N Strength of sulphuric acid.

5. End point of sample solution will be green to pink color.

6. Calculation as per IS 3025 (pt.23):1986.

7. Phenolphthalein Alkalinity (as mg/l CaCo3) = A×N×50000

8. Total Alkalinity (as mg/l CaCo3) = (A+B)×N×50000

Where, A= Vol. in ml of Std H2SO4 used to titrate to pH 8.3

B= Vol. in ml of Std H2SO4 used to titrate from pH 8.3 to 3.7
N= Normality of acid used.
V= Vol. in ml of sample taken for test.
1.Mix Indicator Solution → Dissolve 0.02g methyl red and 0.01g bromocresol green in 100ml 95% , ethyl or
isotrophy Alcohol.
2.Std Sulphuric Acid → (0.02N)
Dilute 0.6ml H2SO4 in 1 lit of D.Water
Chloride (Water)

Principle & Theory:- In a neutral or slightly alkaline solution potassium chlorate con indicate the end point of
silver nitrate titration of chloride-silver chloride is precipitated before red silver chromate is formed.

 Steps:

Doc. No. ATL/7.2/F-02 Document Name:- Standard Operating Procedure Section No. 1.0
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date:- 04/03/2019 Copy No.:01 Page 2 of 7 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: Nil
Approved & Issued by:- CEO Prepared :- T .M.
SOP OF water

1. Take 100 ml sample in conical flask by volumetric pipette.

2. Add 1 ml of potassium chromate indicator solution.

3. Sample solution show yellowish color.

4. And titrate with standardize standard 0.014N of silver nitrate solution.

5. End point of the sample solution will be yellowish to pinkish yellow.

6. Calculation as per IS 3025 (pt.32):1986.

7. Chloride, mg/l = (V1-V2)×N×35450

Where, V1= Vol. in ml of AgNo3 used by the sample.
V2= Vol. in ml of AgNo3 used by the sample.
V3= Vol. in ml of sample taken for titration.
N= Normality of Silver Nitrate Solution.

1. For Chloride testing :-

(A) Potassium Chromate Indicator Solution :-Dissolve 50gm of potassium
chromate in a little distilled water, Add silver nitrate Solution until a
definite red precipitate is formed.Let it stand for 1hr.Filter and dilute to
1 lit with d.w.

(B) Std Silver nitrate titrate :- (0.0141N)

Dissolve 2.395gm of silver nitrate in d.w and dilute to 1 lit. (Store in brown bottle) stol.against 0.0141N sodium

Process of Standrisation → Take 10ml . of sodium 2,3 drops of potassium chromate indicator and titrate with
0.0141 N silver nitrate solution.
In this titration 10ml of 0.0141 N Silver nitrate should be used. Because When we used 10ml of sodium
Chloride Which is as same as normality
of 0.0141 N silver nitrate. Blank is also used in this process.

Sulphate (Water)

Principle & Theory:- Sulphate is precipited in Hydrochloric acid medium as barium sulphate by the addition of
barium chloride solution. The precipitation is carried out near boiling point and after a period of digestion, the
precipitate is filtered, washed with water until free of chlorides, ignited our dried and weighed as barium sulphates
The reaction in its simplest form is;

Doc. No. ATL/7.2/F-02 Document Name:- Standard Operating Procedure Section No. 1.0
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date:- 04/03/2019 Copy No.:01 Page 3 of 7 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: Nil
Approved & Issued by:- CEO Prepared :- T .M.
SOP OF water

So4 + BaCl2 Hcl Medium BaSo4 + 2cl-

 Steps:
1. Take 100 ml sample in conical flask by volumetric pipette.

2. Add 2 to 3 drops of methyl red indicator solution.

3. Now add Hydrochloric acid drop by drop till an orange red color appears.

4. Heat the solution to boiling, while stirring gently. Add warm barium chloride solution slowly until
precipitate appear to be complete the precipitance at 90 for at least two hurry.

5. Filling the precipitate through filling paper and work it with warm distil water.

6. Calculate as per IS 3025 (Pt-24):1986.

7. Sulphate as So3, mg/l = (M2-M1)x 34.3x 1000

Where, S= Sample taken in ml.
M1= Wt. of empty crucible in gm.
M2= Wt. of crucible and residue in gm.
Preparation of Reagents and Chemical & its Standrisation :-

Barium Chloride Solution :- Dissolve 100g of barium Chloride in 1 lit distilled water.Filter through a membrance
Filter or hard finish filter paper.
(1ml of this reagent is capable of precipitating approximate 40mg SO 4)

Methyl Red Indicator :- Dissolve 100mg, methyl red sodium salt in distilled water and dilute to 100ml.

1:4 Hydrochloric Acid :- Dilute one volume of conc Hydrochloric Acid with Four Volumes of distilled Water.
PH (Water)

Principle & Theory:- The pH value is determined by measurement of the electromotive force of a cell consisting
of an indicator electrode (an electrode responsive to hydrogen ion as a glass electrode) immersed in the test solution and
the reference electrode (usually mercury / calomel electrode). Contact b/w the test solution and the reference electrode is
usually achieved by means of a liquid junction. Which forms part of the reference electrode. The electromotive force is
measured with a pH meter, that is, a high impedance voltmeter caliber test in terms of pH.

 Steps:

1. Firstly follow the work instruction.

Doc. No. ATL/7.2/F-02 Document Name:- Standard Operating Procedure Section No. 1.0
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date:- 04/03/2019 Copy No.:01 Page 4 of 7 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: Nil
Approved & Issued by:- CEO Prepared :- T .M.
SOP OF water

2. Instrument standardize with buffer solution near the sample.

3. Measure the temperature of the water.

4. Rinse the electrodes with solution.

5. Take the reading.

6. Method as for IS 3025(pt-11).

Electrometric Method = Using pH Meter.

Suspended Solids (Water)

Principle & Theory:- Non-Filterable residue is determined by passing the sample through a weight filter and
trying the filter at 103-105°C or 179-181°C. Non-filtrate residue is calculated from the increase in mass of the filter.

 Steps:

1. Firstly wash the gooch crucible with three successive 20 ml volume of

distilled Water.

2. Then dry in oven at 103-105°C for 1 hour.

3. Transfer to a desiccators and weigh.

4. Shake the sample and take 100ml volumes.

Doc. No. ATL/7.2/F-02 Document Name:- Standard Operating Procedure Section No. 1.0
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date:- 04/03/2019 Copy No.:01 Page 5 of 7 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: Nil
Approved & Issued by:- CEO Prepared :- T .M.
SOP OF water

5. Sample pass through by gooch crucible.

6. Dry in oven 180°C for 1 hour.

7. Then cool in desiccators and weigh.

8. Calculation as per IS 3025 (pt-17):1984.

9. Non – Filterable residue, mg/l = 1000xM


Where, M= Mass in mg of non filterable residue.

V= Vol. in ml of the sample.

Solid Content (Water)

Principle & Theory:- The sample is filtered and the filtrate evaporated in a traved dish on steam-bath. The
residue after evaporation is dried to constant mass at 103-105°C or 179-181°C.

 Steps:

1. Take the sample 100 ml in evaporating dish.

2. Firstly evaporate the sample approximately 98°C.

3. Then Leating the residue in dish to an oven at 180°C.

4. Then cool in desiccator and weigh.

5. After weighing, ignite the residue in dish in a muffle furnace at 550°C for 1 hour.

6. After ignition, dish cool in a desicator and weigh.

7. Calculation as pre IS 3025 (pt-18):1984.

i. Filterable residue , mg/l = 1000xM

Doc. No. ATL/7.2/F-02 Document Name:- Standard Operating Procedure Section No. 1.0
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date:- 04/03/2019 Copy No.:01 Page 6 of 7 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: Nil
Approved & Issued by:- CEO Prepared :- T .M.
SOP OF water

ii. Volatile residue, mg/l = (A-B)x1000
iii. Fixed residue, mg/l = (B-C)x1000

Where, A= Mass in mg of residue and dish filter before Ignition.

B= Mass in mg of residue and dish filter after Ignition.
C= Mass in mg of dish, Filler and
V= Vol. in ml of the sample.
M= Mass in mg of filterable residue.

Doc. No. ATL/7.2/F-02 Document Name:- Standard Operating Procedure Section No. 1.0
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date:- 04/03/2019 Copy No.:01 Page 7 of 7 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: Nil
Approved & Issued by:- CEO Prepared :- T .M.

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