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Proximate Compositions and Biological Activities of Caulerpa Proximate

Compositions and Biological Activities of Caulerpa lentillifera

Article · December 2018

DOI: 10.20884/1.jm.2018.13.2.441


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Faculty of Agriculture, Tanjungpura University


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Proximate Compositions and Biological Activities of Caulerpa Risa Nofiani, et al.

Proximate Compositions and Biological Activities of Caulerpa lentillifera

Risa Nofiani*1, Sigit Hertanto1, Titin Anita Zaharah1, and Sutarman Gafur2
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tanjungpura,
Pontianak, Indonesia
email: [email protected], [email protected]
Received September 14, 2018; Accepted November 25, 2018; Available online December 8, 2018

Caulerpa lentillifera is an edible and functional seaweed due to its high nutritional compositions and its
biological activities. In this study, C. lentillifera was evaluated for its proximate compositions (moisture,
ash, protein, lipid and fiber contents) and its biological activities (antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, and toxicity).
Moisture content, crude lipid, crude protein, and crude fiber were determined using oven method, soxhlet
extraction, semi-micro Kjeldhal, and hydrolysis, respectively. Fresh C. lentillifera of Natuna Island,
Indonesia, showed its higher level content of ash, crude lipid, and crude fiber compared to that of fresh C.
lentillifera of Penghu, Taiwan. For its biological activity assays, the extracts were prepared from fresh and
dry C. lentillifera (FC and DC). Both of the extracts showed the broad spectrum of weak antimicrobial using
well-diffusion agar tests and antioxidant activities using a modified linoleic acid emulsion system. The
toxicity for both extracts was determined using brine shrimp lethality test. DC extract showed its very low
toxicity level and there was no toxicity for FC. Hemolytic activity was determined using red blood assay.
Both extracts showed their low hemolytic activities (about 5-13%) for the concentration of 100 and 150
μg/mL, but the activity increased sharply (about 96%) on the concentration of 200 μg/mL. It was concluded
that C. lentillifera has a potency as a functional food due to containing secondary metabolites with various
biological activities.
Keywords: Caulerpa lentillifera, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, toxicity, hemolysis, proximate

INTRODUCTION In Natuna Island, Indonesia, C. lentillifera is

naturally grown and known as Latuh and it is
Seaweeds have high nutritional constituents
used to be consumed as a fresh salad, although
consisting of essential minerals, fatty acids,
it is lately rarely consumed by the community
dietary fibers, amino acids and vitamins
of Natuna.
(Bhuiyan, Qureshi, Kamal, Aftab, & Siddique,
In addition to its good nutritional
2016). Studies about chemical composition
composition, the genus Caulerpa is known rich
and nutritive value of edible seaweeds have
in its bioactive compounds with various
increased due to their potential for food uses.
biological activities. These properties make it
For example, C. lentillifera from Malaysia and
be potentially used as a functional food.
Thailand were reported having the nutritional
Caulerpa racemose has anti-microbial
composition such as: proximate composition,
activities due to its bioactive compounds
amino acids, vitamin C and E (Matanjun et al,
content known as: caulerpin, sterol, and
2009; Ratana-arporn and Chirapart, 2006). It
caulerpicin (Doty and Aguilar-santos, 1970;
was also reported that dry C. lentillifera (DC)
Doty 1966). Caulerpa ashmeadii contains
which can be used as sources of food protein
high concentrations of sesquiterpenoid
due to its high protein levels and balanced
showing their anti-microbial and ichthyo-
amino acid profiles (Ratana-arporn &
toxicity activities (Paul, Littler, Littler, &
Chirapart, 2006)
Fenical, 1987). Caulerpa taxipolia and the
C. lentillifera is a green edible seaweed,
other Caulerpa containing caulerpenyne
classified into a Chlorophyta marine macro-
showed their cytotoxic activities (Dumay,
algae (Mohamed, Hashim, & Rahman, 2012).
Erard, Pergent-martini, & Amade, 2002). C.
It is widespread in Asian countries such as:
lentillifera combined with Hibiscus rosa-
Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, China,
sinensis, and Piper sarmentosum showed their
Philiphine, Korea and some other countries in
antipyretic activities (Daud, Fazuliana, Arsad,
Southeast Asia (Nguyen, Ueng, & Tsai, 2011).

Molekul, Vol. 13. No. 2, November 2018 : 141 – 147 doi: 10.20884/1.jm.2018.13.2.441

Ismail, & Tawang, 2016). Extract of C. methods referred to SNI (Indonesian National
lentillifera has the potency to be used as an Standard 01-2891-1992).
anti-diabetic agent.
Extraction of C. lentillifera
A seaweed grown in different location,
The FC (139.6 g) was ground using a a
habitat, or environmental conditions, and
mortar and macerated using 80% of ethyl
harvested in different maturity levels had
acetate. The maceration was carried out many
caused the different in its chemical
times until colorless filtrate. The filtrate was
compositions, consistency, color, quality, and
evaporated using a rotary evaporator to get
its bioactive compounds (Ito and Hori 2009;
crude extract FC. The DC powder (21.6 g) was
Kılınç et al. 2013). The proximate composition
macerated using of methanol 80% until
of C. lentillifera of Malaysia and Thailand has
colorless filtrate. The filtrate was evaporated
been reported but C. lentillifera of Indonesia
using a rotary evaporator to get crude extract
has not yet been studied and reported.
In this study, C. lentillifera from Natuna
Island of Indonesia was evaluated for its Antimicrobial Test
proximate compositions as C. lentillifera fresh Both extracts (FC and DC) were
because it is eaten fresh in the community of screened antimicrobial activities using well-
Natuna. For its biological activities particularly diffusion methods (Okeke, Iroegbu, Eze,
for its antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, and its Okoli, & Esimone, 2001). Tested
toxicity activities was also analyzed as fresh microorganisms were cultured by inoculation
and dry C. lentillifera which probably benefit onto 10 mL of nutrient broth (NB) medium and
for health or is called as a functional food. incubated on a rotary shaker incubator at 130
rpm at 30 °C for 14-16 h. The culture was
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION added on nutrient agar (NA), mixed and
poured into the plate. After gel solid, the
Sampling medium was punched using a sterilized pipette
C. lentillifera was collected randomly with diameter 0.4 mm. The extracts (FC and
from the coastal area of Kabupaten Natuna, DC) with various concentrations (50, 100, 200,
Kepulauan Riau. Morphology of C. lentillifera 400, and 500 μg/well) were poured into the
was identified in the Laboratory of Biology, well. After solvent from the extract was
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, evaporated, the plate was incubated for 14-16
Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia. hours.
Preparation of C. lentillifera The extract having antimicrobial
Fresh C. lentillifera (FC) was rinsed activities was signed with the formation of
using distilled water and used directly for its inhibition zone around the well then the
proximate analysis and biological activity diameter of inhibition zone (measured from the
assays. Dry C. lentillifera (DC) were prepared edge of the colony to the edge of the clear
by drying of C. lentillifera directly under the zone) was recorded. Furthermore, the extract
sunshine. The FC was used for proximate having antimicrobial activities was tested for
analysis, while the FC and DC were used for its bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities by
its antioxidant, hemolysis, cytotoxicity and the measuring its inhibition zone. Minimum
antimicrobial assays. inhibition concentrations (MICs) of each
extract was counted based on the method of
Proximate Analysis Bonev et al. (Bonev, Hooper, & Parisot, 2008).
Moisture content was determined using
oven method based on Method of 925.10 from Antioxidant Assay
AOAC. Ash content was determined based on The antioxidant assay was carried out
Method number of 08-01 from AOAC. Crude using a slight modified linoleic acid emulsion
lipid was determined using Soxhlet extraction system (Loganayaki, Siddhuraju, & Manian,
with diethyl ether referred to Method of 30-25, 2013). A 10 μL of linoleic acid was mixed
AOAC. Crude fiber was determined using with 1 mL of ethanol in Eppendorf tube. The
successive hydrolysis with 100°C 1.25% of mixture was added with 1000 μg extract of C.
H2SO4 and 3.25% of NaOH for 30 min each lentillifera and incubated in the dark room at
based on SNI 01-2891-1992. Crude protein 25 °C.
was determined using semi-micro Kjeldhal

Proximate Compositions and Biological Activities of Caulerpa Risa Nofiani, et al.

(Sample absorbance at 24h - sample absorbance at 0 h)

% of AA = 1- ×100% (1)
(Blank absorbance at 24h - blank absorbance at 0 h)

After 24 hours, the mixture was added sample treated with buffer)]/[(A540 of the
with 20 μL of FeSO4 0.014 M and 20 μL of sample treated with SDS -A540 sample treated
KSCN After 3 min, the absorbance was with buffer)] x 100%.
measured at 490 nm. A blank absorbance was
Preliminary Toxicity Test
measured at t = 0 h and t = 24 h. Vitamin C
Preliminary toxicity test was carried out
(1000 μg) was used as a positive control. The
using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT)
antioxidant activity (AA) was calculated as a
(Meyer et al., 1982). Ten shrimps Artemia
persentage of inhibition relative to the control
salina Leach, of 2 days old, were added with
using the Equation 1.
the extracts of various concentrations (0 (for
Erythrocyte suspensions were prepared
control), 10, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 dan 1.000
according to Situ & Bobek (2000) and
μg/mL) and with artificial sea water (3 mg in 5
Saengkhae et al. (2007). Cow blood was
ml artificial sea water) to make a 9 mL
collected using a sterile container and added
solution. After 24 hours at room temperature,
with an equal volume of Alsever’s solution.
the nauplii survivors can be counted
The blood was centrifuged at 1.500×g for 5
macroscopically and the percent deaths at each
menit with a temperature of 4 °C. The pellet
dose and control were determined. The
was washed three times with 10 volumes of
percentage of death was counted based on
phosphate buffer saline (PBS; 125 mM of
Abbott's formula (Abbot, 1925).
NaCl, 10 mM of sodium phosphate buffer, pH
7.4). The pellet was resuspended in PBS
% deaths = [(test—control)/control] x 100 (2)
solution and adjusted to a hematocrit of 1%.
Statistical Analysis
Hemolytic Assay
The data were subjected to a one-way
The hemolytic assay was carried out
analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the
using a red blood cell (Situ & Bobek, 2000;
significance of the difference between means
Saengkhae et al. 2007). A 100 μL of
was determined by LSD (P<0.05) using SPSS
erythrocytes 1% was mixed with the extracts
version 23 (Kokoska, 2015). Values expressed
of FC and DC (100, 150 dan 200 μg/mL) and
are means of three replicate determinations ±
incubated at 37 °C. After 30 min, the mixture
standard deviation.
was centrifuged at 1500 x g, 4 °C. Cell lysis
was monitored by measuring the release of
hemoglobin at 540 nm using a Microplate
reader. As a positive and negative control was Proximate Composition of C. lentillifera
used 1% of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in Proximate composition of FC from
PBS and PBS alone, respectively. Percentage Natuna District of Indonesia was different than
of hemolysis was calculated as follows: [(A540 that of FC from Penghu of Taiwan except for
of the sample treated with the extract-A540 the moisture content (Table 1).
Table 1. Proximate Compositions of C. lentillifera from Natuna District (% FC)
Percentage of FC from
Natuna, Indonesia Penghu, Taiwan (Nguyen et al., 2011)
Moisture 95.01±0.170 94.28±0.24
Ash 3.41±0.160 1.27±0.02
Crude Lipid 0.79±0.002 0.09±0.01
Crude Protein 0.43±0.007 0.53±0.02
Crude fiber 14.38±3.640 0.17±0.01
Carbohydrate (exclude 0.36±0.025 3.67±0.07
crude fiber)**
Values are presented as mean±SD (n=3). ** Calculate by difference (% carbohydrate
=100%-% moisture-% crude protein-% crude lipid-% ash-% crude fiber).

Molekul, Vol. 13. No. 2, November 2018 : 141 – 147 doi: 10.20884/1.jm.2018.13.2.441

Table 2. Antimicrobial Activities of the extract DC and FC against Tested Microorganism

MIC of Extract (μg/well)
Microorganism Tests
E. coli - 500
S. aureus 400 500
B. subtilis 200 50
V. cholerae 50 500
C. freundii 500 400
V. harveyi 500 500
V. vara - 100
Salmonella sp. 500 -
P. aeruginosa - 500
A. hydrophila 500 500
Bacillus sp. 200 -
K. pneumoniae 200 500
C. albicans 400 500
Note: -: no antimicrobial activities
FC from Natuna had generally higher antimicrobial activities towards Bacillus
levels of ash, crude lipid, and crude fiber subtilis (Freile-pelegrin & Morales, 2004).
compared with that of FC from Penghu of Caulerpin and caulerpenyne were probably
Taiwan. DC of Malaysia, Taiwan, and contributed to antimicrobial activities of C.
Thailand showed a generally different of their lentillifera which is commonly to occur in
proximate composition (Nguyen et al., 2011; Caulerpa (Paul et al., 1987).
Ratana-arporn and Chirapart, 2006; Matanjun
Hemolytic Assay
et al., 2009). It might be due to the different in
The hemolytic assay can be used for
their habitat conditions, maturity levels, and
toxicity studies of compounds (Situ and Bobek
their environmental conditions (Ito & Hori,
2000; Djouossi et al. 2015). The advantages
using of this assay is it is sensitive, cheap,
Antimicrobial Activity quick, and easy to monitor the lysis. Both
In general, extract C. lentillifera FC and extracts of FC and DC showed its low
DC showed the broad spectrum of weak hemolytic activities (around 5-13%) for
antimicrobial activities against tested concentrations of 100 and 150 μg/mL, but the
microorganisms (E. coli, S. aureus, B. subtilis, activity increases sharply (about 96%) for both
V. cholerae, C. freundii, V. harveyi, P. concentration of 200 μg/mL (Table 3). The
aeruginosa, A. hydrophila, K. pneumoniae and hemolytic activity will probably damage the
C. albicans). Based on their high minimum red cell of the membrane and induces the
inhibition concentration (MIC) value (Table hemolytic anemia (Zohra and Fawzia 2014).
2). The broad spectrum of antimicrobial This activity probably results from the
activities was also shown by the other extract astringent phenolic content of C. lentillifera
of Caulerpa such as: C. ashmeadii, C. (Nguyen et al. 2011; Singh & Kaur 2008).
paspaloides and C. prolifera (Freile-pelegrin & According to this result, C. lentillifera is not
Morales, 2004). C. cupressoides, C. recommended to be consumed in excessive
Mexicana, and C. racemose showed their amount.
Table 3. Hemolytic activitiy of the extract C. lentillifera
Pencentage of Hemolysis for Concentration (μg/mL)
100 150 200
Extract FC 13.32±0.23a 13.48±0.27a 96.71±1.40b
Extract DC 5.11±0.56a 9.20±1.43b 96.22±1.77c
Values are presented as mean±SD (n=3). Values with different superscript in each column
are significantly different from one another (p < 0.05)

Proximate Compositions and Biological Activities of Caulerpa Risa Nofiani, et al.

Table 4. Antioxidant Activity of C. lentillifera Extracts Using Linoleic Acid Emulsion System
Extract % of antioxidant activity
DC 54.23±2.28%a
FC 79.09±0.78%b
Positive Control (Vitamin C) 81.78±0.71%c
Values are presented as mean±SD (n=3). Values with different superscript in each
row are significantly different from one another (p < 0.05)
Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) Fe3+ ions. Fe3+ ions then react with ion
BSLT is a cheap and simple bioassay thiocyanate to produce ferri thiocyanate
system which is used to detect a bioactive complex (Fe(SCN)6) with red color. The red
compound such as a cytotoxic drug (Meyer et color intensity showed the active peroxide
al., 1982). BSLT result of both extracts of C. formed and was measured at an absorbance of
lentifera showed that was only extracted of DC 490 nm wavelength.
caused death on larvae (nauplii) of A. salina Both extracts showed antioxidant
but no extract of FC. The extract of DC gave activity, even though the antioxidant activity
LC50 value 258,360 μg/mL which was very value of both was significantly lower (p<0.05)
low toxicity due to an LC50 value greater than than that of in the positive control, vitamin C
100 μg/mL (Mbwambo, Moshi, Masimba, (Table 4). According to Matanjun et. al., C.
Kapingu, & Nondo, 2007). As a comparison, lentillifera also contains a low level of vitamin
standard cytotoxic of drug (cyclophosphamide) C and vitamin E which probably contributes to
and of gallic acid have LC50 of 531.0 and 323.6 antioxidant activity in this assay (Matanjun et
μg/mL, respectively (Sonibare, 2017). al. 2009; Nguyen et al. 2011).
According to Meyer et al., the LC50 value of
extracts ≤ 1000 μg/mL was predicted CONCLUSION
containing bioactive compounds (Meyer et al.,
The proximate composition of C. lentillifera of
1982). Caulerpenyne, a cytotoxic sesquiter-
Indonesia was different from that of Taiwan.
penoid, is likely responsible for this activity
Ash, lipid, and fiber contents of C. lentillifera
due to its most abundant found in the genus of
of Indonesia were higher than that of C.
Caulerpa (Dumay et al., 2002).
lentillifera of Taiwan. Furthermore, C.
Antioxidant Activity lentillifera of Indonesia also contained
Antioxidant activity of an extract of C. secondary metabolites having various
lentillifera from Taiwan have been analyzed biological activities, even though it is not
using various assays which are DPPH (1,1- recommended to be consumed in excessive
diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl) radical amount. According to this study, C. lentillifera
scavenging, ferric reducing, hydrogen peroxide is highly recommended to be a functional food
scavenging and ferrous ion chelating (FIC) and to be a potent secondary metabolite source
activity. The extract of C. lentillifera showed with various biological activities.
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