Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Selekop (Lepisanthes Amoena) Fruit
Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Selekop (Lepisanthes Amoena) Fruit
Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Selekop (Lepisanthes Amoena) Fruit
Cite this as: Salusu, H. D., Ariani, F., Obeth, E., Rayment, M., Budiarso, E., Kusuma, I. W., & Arung, E. T. (2017).
Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of selekop (Lepisanthes amoena) fruit. AGRIVITA Journal of
Agricultural Science, 39(2), 214–218.
Accredited: SK No. 60/E/KPT/2016
Heriad Daud Salusu et al.: Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Selekop................................................
Heriad Daud Salusu et al.: Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Selekop................................................
Heriad Daud Salusu et al.: Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Selekop................................................
Saponins were detected in all parts of the fruit. antioxidant activity expressed by Ahmed et al. (2014)
This confirms the statement of Fahrunnida & Pratiwi in his study of Calamus tenuis Roxb suggested a
(2015), which reported that the highest amount of correlation between antioxidant activity and the total
saponin was found on the fruit rather than on the flavonoid content. Regarding with phytochemicals,
leaves and leaf stalks in the case of starfruit. the peel and seed were higher than flesh and useful
Result of the analysis of the antioxidant activity as reducing agents and radical scavengers. These
based on IC50 values and compared with ascorbic antioxidants activities had a close relationship with
acid as a positive control is shown in Table 2. its total phenols and flavonoids (Bakar, Karim, &
Based on IC50 values antioxidant of sample Perisamy, 2015).
is presented in Table 2, as well as ascorbic acid as
positive control.
This study showed that extract of pericarp,
Table 2. IC50 value of extract flesh, seed and
flesh and seed from Selekop fruit can serve as
pericarp on Selekop fruit potential source of natural antioxidants. Out of the
Samples IC50 (ppm) three extracts, seed in particular, prospective to be
Flesh 122.51 developed as a source of natural antioxidants and
Seed 63.30 has the higher medicinal benefit. Further studies
Pericarp 53.21 are required for the isolation and characterizing
Ascorbic acid 3.06 of antioxidant components as well as the active
phytochemicals responsible their biological
The strength of the antioxidant activity was activities.
determined based on IC50 value, referring to Jun et
al. (2003) where the value of < 50 ppm is considered ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
as strong, 50-100 ppm as active, 100-250 ppm as This research support in part from grant of
moderate, 250-500 ppm as weak, and > 500 ppm Newton Fund Institutional Links (ID 172719105).
as inactive.
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