Episode 3, Abadilla, Harold Elijah, R.

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College of Teacher Education

Name: Harold Elijah R. Abadilla

Degree/Course & Major: BSEd English

Year & Section: 4-B


Below are the topics included in Episode 3:

A. K-12 Considerations in Preparing Daily/Weekly Lessons

1. Recommended Curriculum
2. Written Curriculum
3. Supported Curriculum
4. Assessed Curriculum
5. Learned Curriculum
6. Hidden Curriculum
B. The Miniscule School Curriculum
C. Guiding Principles in the Selection and use of Teaching Methods
1. Teaching Methods
1.1 Deductive
1.2 Inductive
D. Assessment “FOR”, “AS” and “OF” Learning

Be guided by the task below as you do your physical classroom observation. Then accomplish the
matrix data below.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Discover what curriculum is operating in the The curriculum is the backbone of learning. As I
school setting. Recall the types of curriculum observed they are using the recommended
mentioned in the introduction. Can you spot curriculum given by the Department of
where these are found? Education. And in that way the curriculum that
was served is where the teacher will get his/her
resources to make his/her lesson plans.
2. Carefully look for the indicators/behaviour of The lesson plan that our Resource Teacher have
the teacher along the major components of the created contains the objectives followed with the

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Written Curriculum or the Miniscule School motivation, lesson proper, learning tasks, the
Curriculum. synthesis, and evaluation.
A. Planning
-Borrow your Resource Teacher’s lesson
plan/guide for the day. What major parts do
you see? Answer these questions:

a.1. What are the lesson objectives/learning The majority of the goals concentrate on the
outcomes? emotive and cognitive learning domains. While
a.2. What is included in the subject matter? the subject matter is broken down into several
a.3. What procedure or method will the concepts or areas of interest based on the basic
teacher use to implement the plan? topic. In that regard, the instructor would take a
a.4. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the logical strategy.
lesson? How will this be done?

B. Implementing Before our resource teacher starts his class, he

-Now it is time to observe how the Resource always asks the learners to fix the chairs, for the
Teacher implemented the prepared plan. reason that one time he said that it hurts his eyes
Observe closely the procedure. when he sees a messy classroom. After that the
b.1. How did the teacher begin the lesson? teacher uses logical strategy. The way he engages
b.2. What procedure or steps were followed? or interact with his students is quite unique in my
b.3. How did the teacher engage the learners? opinion, since whenever he is discussing, he
b.4. Was a teacher a guide at the side? roams inside the classroom in a strategic way, in
b.5. Were the learners on task? Or were they a sense that it doesn’t bother or irritate the
participating in the class activity? learner’s concentration. Before the Resource
b.6. Was the lesson finished within the class Teacher ends his discussion, he does recaps to
period? sum it all up.

C. Evaluating/Assessing
Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here In his class ENG 10 all of the objectives were
you make observations to find evidence of achieved. The Resource Teacher gave a quiz to
learning. reflect on their topics and as far as I can recall it’s
c.1. Were the objectives or learning outcomes all part of objectives.
c.2. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c.3. What evidence can you share that
assessment, is constructively aligned with the
lesson objectives/outcomes and the teaching

3. In the class that you have observed, As I observed the resource teacher doesn’t
determine evidence of applications of the indulge high expectations inside the class, since
Principles of Learning. What did the teacher do he believes that every learner has its own
to apply these principles? capabilities and uniqueness. He is very willing to
Principle 1-Effective learning begins with the do his part for the learners to absorb more during
setting of clear and high expectations of discussions. And he do a lot of engaging activities
learning outcomes. for the other students to shine.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Principle 2-Learning is an active process.

Principle 3-Learning is the discovery of personal
meaning and relevance of ideas.
Principle 4- Learning is a cooperative and
collaborative process.
4. Describe the methods of teaching employed The teacher does lectures, but not all time. As I
by your resource teacher. observed after lectures, he gives the students
A. Teacher-Centered some activities or some 10-20 items quiz. The
a.1. Did the teacher lecture all the time? atmosphere is not that quite competitive. Since,
a.2. Was the emphasis on the mastery of the he manages to give every learner a chance to
lesson or on the test? Prove shine in class.
a.3. Was the class atmosphere competitive?
a.4. Did the teacher focus on one

B. Student-Centered A lot of learners were involved in the teaching

b.1. Were learners involved in the teaching- learning process. Almost all of the class is
learning process? How? participating whether if it’s collaborative or not.
b.2. Was the emphasis on the learners’ They are very willing and have eagerness to learn
application of the lesson in the real life? Give new things every day. And one thing I can recall
proofs. the way the teacher connects his lessons to
b.3. Was the class atmosphere collaborative? discipline is to ask the students some questions
Why? that will make them caught off guard.
b.4. Did the teacher connect lesson to other

What teaching-learning practice shows that the The teacher aids the students in creating their
teaching approach was own knowledge. Where knowledge is in high
1. constructivist demand among students. The constructivist
2. inquiry-based approach typically serves as the teacher's
3. developmentally appropriate guidance, but due to the students' resistance, he
4. reflective is forced to shift his attention to inquiry-based,
5. inclusive reflective, and collaborative techniques.
6. collaborative
7. integrative

5. Observing Assessment For, AS, and Of I've seen how our resource teacher would
Learning evaluate or challenge the students about their
clarifications or follow-up questions after each
A. Formative Assessment session. In order for the students to track and
a.1. Observe what your Resource teacher does evaluate their progress in a given activity and for
or listen to what s/he says to find out if the the teacher to have a basis for checking, criteria
learners understood the lesson while teaching- are always offered in every task and assessment.
learning is in progress.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

a.2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you

understand”? If s/he did, what was the class’
a.3. Did the learners make the teacher feel or
sense they did not understand the lesson? If
yes, how did the teacher respond?
a.4. Were the learners allowed to ask questions
for clarification? How was this done?
a.5. If she found out that his/her lesson was not
clearly understood, what did the teacher do?
a.6. If s/he engaged in reteaching, how did she
do it? Did s/he use the same teaching strategy?
a.7. Did the teacher check on learners’ progress
after re-teaching the lesson? If yes, how?

B. Self-Assessment In order to promote greater and deeper learning

b.1. Did the teacher provide opportunities for and to encourage students to not just rely on the
the learners to monitor and reflect on their concepts and examples provided, the teacher
own learning? does an excellent job of offering several sets of
b.2. What are the proofs that are learners were examples. Self-reflection occurs frequently
engaged in self-reflection, self-monitoring, and during student recitations and task creation.
b.3. Did the learners record and report their
own learning?
b.4. Did the teacher create criteria with the
learners for tasks to be completed or skills to
be learned?

C. Summative Assessment

c.1. Observe classes with different disciplines In order for the learners to acquire the proper
MTB-MLE, Science, Math quantity of course competencies, the teacher
c.2. Identify the learning outcomes of the (3) made sure that activities were conducted in
subjects you have observed. accordance with the results. The goals are in line
c.3. How did the teacher assess the learning with the cognitive and affective domains, and
outcomes? Specify evaluation is primarily done in groups.
c.4. Is the assessment tool/task aligned to the
learning outcomes?
c.5. If not aligned, improved on it

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Based on your observations and interview, answer the given questions clearly and concisely

1. Which of the seven types of curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?

Suggested, published, approved, and hidden curriculum were simple to locate due to the fact that
they are explicitly demonstrated as soon as the teacher begins his lesson and in line with the resources
he is utilizing.

Which is difficult to observe? Why?

How do curricula relate to one another? Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum
to the other.

The hidden curriculum, as its name implies, might be difficult to notice as it just occurs on its own.

2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe.

Yes, since the majority of the items have been included in the learning process by the teacher.

Are the three (3) components constructively aligned? If yes, accomplish the diagram below to explain
their alignment.

Constructive Alignment of the Components of a Lesson Plan

I. Subject Matter/Topic: Identifying Features of Persuasive Texts

II. Subject Area: Literature

III. Level: Grade 10

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Outcomes Teaching Method Assessment

1. identified personalities
Write a one-page speech
who have made Activity-based; about any controversial,
significant contributions Deductive approach; intriguing, or relevant
in fighting against
Teacher-centered topic. It
2. expressed understanding may be about issues on
of the story by politics/government,
answering literary
questions; environment, economy,
3. established the climate change,
characteristics of the
main character through
discrimination, poverty,
the backpack activity; mental health, etc.
4. created a playlist to
understanding of the
overall meaning of the

What component would tell if the outcomes have been met? Assessment

Can you describe the disposition of your Resource Teacher and the majority of his/her learners after
the lesson was taught? Happy and eager? Satisfied and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?

As I observed the teacher did well to supplement all of his students need. Since, the learners doesn’t
complain such unclear topics nor discussions, which leads us to know that the teacher met all of his
expectations in the class.

3. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?

Most Applied: Assisting learners in developing their own meaning where the teacher's actions and
assignments make this clear. Additionally, during recitations, the degree of difficulty of the questions
is displayed.

Least Applied: Students must believe they are competent and accomplished.

Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied

These principles should have been applied during their lessons which lead them having a great
advantage in their studies.

4. What are the possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and the test?

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Teaching only the material needed to prepare for tests has an impact on both the student and the
teacher because learning only lasts for a set amount of time and is not intended to be a lifetime

If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or student-
centered? Why?

I would continue to use a teacher-centered approach if it meant that the students would feel more at
ease given that the majority of the pupils are so unwilling to respond that the other approaches are
no longer feasible.

5. Analyze the following:

A. Formative Assessment

Why should the teacher find out if learners understand the lesson while teaching is in progress?

This enables teachers to maximize class time, understanding checks are crucial. It's a daily activity
that isn't just done on observation days. These checks need to be a part of every class if we want pupils
to remember the material.

Why is it not enough for a teacher to ask “Did you understand class?” when s/he intends to check
on learners’ progress.

It’s important to be on track with your students, every after discussion of the lessons that were given
to them. Having an update what their struggles, can change your strategies towards them.

Should the formative assessment be recorded for grading purposes? Why or why not?

Formative evaluations are typically only used to monitor and evaluate the students' comprehension
before a new class. These are not recorded as a result.

Based on your observations, what formative practice worked?

Based on my observation, it more engaging if the teacher does collaborative activities. Since, I’ve
noticed that they will be more eager to participate.

Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period be attributed to
the non-application of formative assessment? What do you think?

Obviously yes, since, all of the efforts that were provided to the students will be useless. If they don’t
try to fulfill their knowledge it will be hard for them.

B. Self-Assessment

If the student is at the heart of all assessments, then all assessments should support student learning.
Do you agree? Why or why not?

Yes, the reason that is assessments are instruments used to gauge student learning progress, such as
their degree of mastery, and to evaluate them.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment for learning?

Both assessment as learning and assessment for learning have as their main objectives to establish an
effective teacher-student interaction or discussion.

C. Summative Assessment

Are the assessment tasks aligned to the learning outcome?

Yes since, this is a step-by-step basis.

What are the possible consequences if teachers’ assessment tasks are not aligned to learning
outcomes? Does this affect assessment results? How?

it will be a hugely affect the assessment results, since, it will be very difficult to distinguish a certain
goal to your students. You will be just throwing some random activities and such and this will not take
effect and as a result it will end as a failure.

Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning outcomes?

In order for the delivery of instruction to succeed, the learning outcomes must be in line with the
assessment tasks. Students and the teacher will not stray from the assigned topic thanks to a cohesive
and coherent flow of the discussion, and they will have a fruitful discussion.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

1. The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to further learning. Reflect on your
personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you given opportunities for self-
assessment? If yes, what is its impact on your learning?

Luckily, I was given the chance to personally evaluate myself. I am convinced that these evaluation
techniques assist teachers track how well students are responding to the phasing of their lessons,
rather than just measuring students' intellectual capacities. This will enable the teacher to assess
whether the pace of instruction and learning is appropriate. This will aid them in understanding
their learning and how well they are doing, just like it did with the pupils. In several of my seminars,
the module required us to evaluate ourselves, specifically our progress, or what they like to term

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

I shall document my online observation and attach the required

evidence such as but not limited to accomplished “My Observation”,
“My Analysis”, “My Reflection”, My Artifacts” which include
MY LEARNING (photographs, illustrations, organizers, songs, rhymes, acronyms and
ARTIFACTS the like) per episode to counter validate my experiences.

My Artifact: Present evidence for each of the curriculum used in the class that you have observed.
Present a sample of the curriculum in a form of a Lesson Plan to show the learning outcomes and the
method used in class. Samples of formative, self, and summative assessments used by your Resource

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

I shall base my submitted e-portfolio in the presented analytic

scoring rubric for self-rating purposes upon completion of this



Work Task Evaluation for FS 1, Episode 3 - Close Encounter with the K-12 Curriculum and Teaching
Approaches, and Methods

Learning Outcomes: At the end of episode I, you would be able to

1. identify the curricula that prevail in the school setting;
2. describe how teachers manage the school curriculum by planning and implementing
3. analyze if the Resource Teacher aligns the objectives to the subject matter, to teaching
strategies and assessment;
4. determine whether the lesson objectives are met or not;
5. determine the guiding principles on lesson objectives/learning outcomes applied in
6. observe and differentiated the different methods of teaching employed by the Resource
7. explain the importance of formative, self and summative assessments; and
8. determine the alignment of assessment tools and tasks with ILO

Components Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Total

(4) (3) (2) Improvement (1)
Three two (2) to
All observation Four (4) or more
One (1) observation three (3)
tasks were observation tasks
My task was not observation tasks 4
completely were not
Observation answered/ were not
answered/ answered/
accomplished answered/
accomplished accomplished
Score 4 3 2 1
All questions were
Half or more than
answered Questions were not
All questions were of the given
completely; answered
answered questions were not
answers are with completely;
completely; answers answered; answers
My depth and are answers are not
are connected to were not
Analysis thoroughly connected to 4
theories; grammar connected to
grounded on theories; one (1) to
and spelling are free theories; most of
theories; grammar three (3) grammar
from errors. the texts were
and spelling are free and spelling errors
misspelled and
from errors.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Score 4 3 2 1
Not so clear and Unclear and
Profound and clear
Clear but lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
My supported by what
supported by what supported by what supported by what
Reflection were observed and
were observed. were observed and were observed and 4
analyzed. analyzed.
Score 4 3 2 1
The portfolio is The portfolio is The portfolio is not
The portfolio is not
reflected in the reflected in the reflected in the
reflected in the
context of the context of the context of the
My context of the
learning outcomes; learning outcomes; learning outcomes; 4
Learning learning outcomes;
Complete, well- Complete, well- Complete, not
Artifacts not complete, not
organized, highly organized, relevant organized, relevant
organized, not
relevant to the to the learning to the learning
learning outcome. outcome. outcome.
Score 4 3 2 1
Submitted two (2)
Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day
Submission days or more after 4
the deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
the deadline.
Score 4 3 2 1
COMMENT/s Over-all Score Rating:(Based on
the transmutation)

Proposed Transmutation Table

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.00 4 5

LOUIE B. VILLIANUEVA _______________

Signature over printed name of the FS Teacher Date

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph

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