Episode 2, Abadilla, Harold Elijah, R.

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College of Teacher Education

Name: Harold Elijah R. Abadilla

Degree/Course & Major: BSEd English

Year & Section: 4-B


Below are the topics included in Episode 2:

A. Developmental Characteristics, Needs, and Interest of the Diverse Learners

B. Factors that Influence Learning
A. Gender
B. Needs
C. Strengths
D. Interests
E. Experiences
F. Language
G. Race
H. Culture
I. Religion
J. Socio-economic Status
K. Difficult Circumstances
L. Ethnic Affiliations
M. others

Be guided by the task below as you do your physical classroom observation. Then accomplish the
matrix data below.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the learners based on your Their gross motor skills are graceful and
observation for the following: composed. Talking about their fine motor skills,
a.1 Physical they write very legibly both in manuscript and
-Observe their gross motor skills like how cursive.
they carry themselves, how they move, walk
-Are they gross motor movements clumsy or
-How about their fine motor skills? Writing,
drawing, etc.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

a.2. Social
-Describe how they interact with their The way they interact with the resource teacher
teacher and peers. is well-disciplined they participates well in class
-What do they talk about? What are their but sometimes they are lacking with manners and
concerns? respects.

a.3. Emotional
-Describe the emotional disposition or Most of the learners hides their true feelings,
temperament of the learners (happy, sad, scared of rejection and they express this by
easily cries, mood shifts). talking to friends or peers. They are a bit
-How do they express their wants/needs? demanding in terms of submissions and grades.
-Describe their level of confidence as shown
in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?

a.4. Cognitive
-Describe their ability to use words to The learners can communicate well in English and
communicate their ideas. Note their language Ilokano but unfortunately in Tagalog they
proficiency in either (Ilokano, Tagalog, or struggle a bit. The level of communicative
English). competence they have is average.
-Describe how they figure out things. Do they They can manage hard times easily.
comprehend easily? Look for evidence for their
thinking skills.
-Were there opportunities for numeracy Most of the learners understands that the lesser
skills? Describe how they showed problem- the better with integration of real-life situations.
solving abilities.
2. Describe the learners’ characteristics based
on the following tasks:

-Describe the characteristics of learners in They are leaders in their own learning, they
terms of age, gender, social and cultural engage with the world around them and have
diversity, etc. inner motivation and self-discipline.

-Describe the relationship among the Most of the learners cooperate with each other,
learners. Do the learners cooperate with or and they don’t indulge any negativity inside the
compete against each other? learning environment.

-Who among the learners participate One that I noticed is that only 3-5 learners were
actively? Who among them ask for most help? active during class discussions 3-5 out of 40
-When a student is called and cannot answer The teacher will ask the other students to help
the teacher’s question, do the classmates try to his/her classmate.
help him/her? Or do they raise hands, so that
the teacher will call them instead?

-Interview your Resource Teacher (if After the moment we’ve interviewed our
possible). Ask him/her about his/her Resource Teacher, he mentioned that he doesn’t

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

experiences with learners in difficult have any hard encounters with the learners, and
circumstances. Let him/her describe these all of his activities and plans for them went on
circumstances and how these affected the track, except for grade 12-STEM he finds very
learners. Ask about the best strategy he/she difficult to have their attention when discussion,
uses to help these learners cope up with they are sometimes demanding and hard to
gender issues, language, cultural, region understand. One of his strategies were to
differences, socio-economic status, physical supplement them what they are lacking and
and intellectual disabilities. that’s attention. When discussing the learners
show boredom, that’s why he roams the
classroom and ask striking questions what will
catch the students off-guard.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Based on your observations and interview, answer the given questions clearly and concisely

1. Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these
characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.


Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching-

Observed Learning Process
GRADE 10 CAMIA High School Students like to be Even if the student is in the
in the latest trends and can higher section, the teacher
understand lesson better when must not show less enthusiasm
they are integrated with real in teaching.
life situations
Very active students and loves Teacher acknowledges the
to participate in class to share students’ efforts. He treats
GRADE 11-ABM their thoughts and ideas. everyone in class with fairness
and no favoritism

Full of energy, they are creative Teacher tells them the

in their own ways. Always significance of the lesson to the
GRADE 11-STEM curios and ready to learn new students’ everyday life.

Sometimes they show their Teacher uses technology to

true colors inside the keep the students interested.
GRADE 12-STEM classroom, a handful of people But sometimes the teacher
participates in class. shows having difficulties to
keep the discussion flowing.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

1. Which of the identified best practices in handling diverse learners do you think you have to consider
when you will be in the field? Elaborate on your argument.

One of the best practices to have is be flexible and make adaptations inside the learning
environment. Second is to be consistent in that way the learners won’t lose on track. Third is to make
connections with the learners, having their feelings and being comfortable with you is one of the best
keys as a future teacher. Always keep in mind that utilizing cooperative learning techniques makes the
discussion more engaging. This is a simple goal to have but try to remember their names so they can
be more confident. And finally use informal assessments.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

I shall document my online observation and attach the required

evidence such as but not limited to accomplished “My Observation”,
“My Analysis”, “My Reflection”, My Artifacts” which include
MY LEARNING (photographs, illustrations, organizers, songs, rhymes, acronyms and
ARTIFACTS the like) per episode to counter validate my experiences.

My Artifact: With the principle of individual differences in mind, what method and strategies will you
remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high and low
achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address the learners’ different ability

As shown in the pictures I think one of the best ways to provide the learners needs are giving them an
engaging, collaborative activities, and connecting yourself to them. Having a lot of strategies in your
arsenal, since we all know that every learner is different you must not just teach this and that you
must also learn how to adapt to the current situation.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

I shall base my submitted e-portfolio in the presented analytic

scoring rubric for self-rating purposes upon completion of this



Work Task Evaluation for FS 1, Episode 1 - Understanding the Diversity of Learners

Learning Outcomes: At the end of episode 2, you would be able to

1. describe the characteristics, needs, and interests of learners with a diverse background in
the kindergarten/ preschool levels;
2. identify best practices in differentiated teaching to suit the varying learner's needs in a
diverse class; and
3. demonstrate openness, understanding, and acceptance of the learners’ diverse needs and

Components Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Total

(4) (3) (2) Improvement (1)
Three two (2) to
All observation Four (4) or more
One (1) observation three (3)
tasks were observation tasks
My task was not observation tasks 4
completely were not
Observation answered/ were not
answered/ answered/
accomplished answered/
accomplished accomplished
Score 4 3 2 1
Half or more than
All questions were
of the given
answered Questions were not
All questions were questions were not
completely; answered
answered answered; answers
answers are with completely;
completely; answers were not
My depth and are answers are not
are connected to connected to 4
Analysis thoroughly connected to
theories; grammar theories; most of
grounded on theories; one (1) to
and spelling are free the texts were
theories; grammar three (3) grammar
from errors. misspelled and
and spelling are free and spelling errors
from errors.
Score 4 3 2 1
Not so clear and Unclear and
Profound and clear
Clear but lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
My supported by what
supported by what supported by what supported by what
Reflection were observed and
were observed. were observed and were observed and 4
analyzed. analyzed.
Score 4 3 2 1
The portfolio is The portfolio is The portfolio is not The portfolio is not
reflected in the reflected in the reflected in the reflected in the

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education

Learning context of the context of the context of the context of the

Artifacts learning outcomes; learning outcomes; learning outcomes; learning outcomes; 4
Complete, well- Complete, well- Complete, not not complete, not
organized, highly organized, relevant organized, relevant organized, not
relevant to the to the learning to the learning relevant
learning outcome. outcome. outcome.
Score 4 3 2 1
Submitted two (2)
Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day
Submission days or more after 4
the deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
the deadline.
Score 4 3 2 1
COMMENT/s Over-all Score Rating:(Based on
the transmutation)

Proposed Transmutation Table

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.00 4 5

LOUIE B. VILLIANUEVA _______________

Signature over printed name of the FS Teacher Date

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

[email protected] (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph

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