3 - STS Module

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig



Topics to be delivered in the module:

1. Concept of Science Education
2. Science Education in Basic and Tertiary Education
3. Science Schools in the Philippines

Learning Objectives

1. Discuss the concept of science education; and

2. Identify science schools established to promote science education in the


The Philippines is trying its best to improve the state of science education in
the country. This lesson will discuss the concept of science education and will identify
some strategies to promote science education in the country. One of the strategies is
to establish science schools that will encourage students to pursue their career in
science and technology and to nurture their gifted potentials in science.

Science, Technology and Society – a. morada 1

Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

Topic Presentation

The Concept of Science Education

✓ Science education has three facets: teaching, learning, and understanding

- Teaching science involves exploring pedagogical theories and models in

helping teachers teach scientific concepts and processes effectively.

- Learning science includes both pedagogy and helping students understand

and love science.

- Understanding science implies developing and applying science-process

skills and using science literacy in understanding the natural world and
activities in everyday life.

✓ John Dewey (2001) stressed the importance of utilizing the natural environment
to teach student.
✓ Karl Heinrich Marx (1994) lectures that science is going to be one of the most
important school subjects in the future.

Importance of Science Education

✓ Science education is justified by the vast amount of scientific knowledge
developed in this area that prepares citizens in a scientifically and
technologically driven world.
✓ Science education provides skills and knowledge that are necessary for a
person to live in as what Knight (1986) describes as the age of science and
to develop a citizenry that will meet the goals of science in the society
(Tilghman, 2005).
✓ Therefore, developing a SCIENCE CULTURE is an immense responsibility
for schools.

Science Education in Basic and Tertiary Education

Basic Education
✓ Science education helps students learn important concepts and facts that are
related to everyday life including important skills such as: process skills, critical

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

thinking skills, and life skills that are needed in coping up with daily life activities
(Chaille & Britain, 2002).

✓ Science education also develops positive attitudes such: love for knowledge,
passion for innovative things, curiosity to study about nature, and creativity
(Lind, 1997).

✓ Science education will develop a strong foundation for studying science and for
considering science-related careers in the future. This is an investment for the
country to develop a scientifically cultured and literate citizenry.

Tertiary Education

Deals with developing students’ understanding and appreciation of science

ideas and scientific works. This is done through offering basic science courses in
the General Education curriculum. It also focuses on the preparation of science
teachers, scientists, engineers and other professionals in various science-related
fields such as engineering, agriculture, medicine and health sciences.
The state also provides scholarships to encourage more students to pursue
science courses.

Science Schools in the Philippines

One outstanding program for science education supported by the government is
the establishment of science schools in various parts of the country. There are also
several government programs implemented by the Department of Education and few
private schools for science education.

Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)

Science School Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)

Location Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City – Main Campus

• In 1963, the Republic Act (R.A.) 3661 established the

Philippine Science High School (PSHS)
• In 1998, by virtue of R.A. 8496, the PSHS System was
Established Date
created to harmonize the operations of four existing PSHS
campuses: Diliman (now Main Campus), Eastern Visayas,
Western Visayas, and Southern Mindanao.

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

We are the leading science high school in the Asia Pacific

Region preparing our scholars to become globally competitive
Filipino scientists equipped with 21st century skills and imbued
with the core values of truth, excellence, and service to nation.

The Philippine Science High School, operating under one

System of Governance and Management, provides scholarship
to students with high aptitude in science and mathematics.

The PSHS System offers an education that is humanistic in

spirit, global in perspective, and patriotic in orientation. It is
based on a curriculum that emphasizes science and
mathematics and the development of well-rounded individuals.

The PSHS System prepares its students for careers in Science

and Technology and contributes to nation building by helping
the country attain a critical mass of professionals and leaders
in Science and Technology.

In 1963, the Republic Act (R.A.) 3661 established the Philippine

Science High School (PSHS) to offer a scholarship on
secondary education with emphasis on science to prepare
students for a science career. The first campus operated in
Diliman, Quezon City.

In 1998, by virtue of R.A. 8496, the PSHS System was created

to harmonize the operations of four existing PSHS
campuses: Diliman (now Main Campus), Eastern Visayas,
Western Visayas, and Southern Mindanao. Three years later,
R.A. 9036 was enacted to establish one PSHS campus in every
region in the country that will provide a globally-competitive
education to a diverse population of Filipino youth. By 2016,
the PSHS System is comprised of 16 campuses around the
Brief History

The PSHS System is an attached agency of the Department of

Science and Technology (DOST). The Board of Trustees
(BOT), with the DOST Secretary as the Chairman, is the highest
policy making body of the PSHS System. The Office of the
Executive Director acts as the central office for systemwide
communication, collaboration, policy implementation, and
monitoring of perations of PSHS campuses.

The Executive Director leads the Executive Committee

(ExeCom) composed of the Campus Directors. The ExeCom is
a collegial body that recommends policies and guidelines for
the consideration of the BOT.

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

Additional Knowledge

Further Reading



Guided Exercises / Learning Activities

Activity 3

Research the background of the Science School you have chosen from the
given list. Follow the template provided.


Serafica, J. et.al. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Rex Printing Company,
Inc., First Edition, 2018.

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