Science, Technology and Society (Module 2)

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Module 2: Science,

Technology, and Society

and the Human Condition
Lesson 1: Human Flourishing

At the end of this lesson, the student must have:
a. Identified the different conceptions of human flourishing
b. Differentiated the Falsification with Verification theory
c. Created your own concept of human flourishing of today’s generation


This lesson will enlighten us about the concept of Human Flourishing. It is defined in the
classical Aristotelian notion as being “good spirited” to describe the pinnacle of happiness that is
attainable by humans. Let’s us go over into this lesson to know the different conceptions of human
flourishing and how it changed differently as time passes by.

Let’s Begin!
Human flourishing, as described above, is the peak of happiness
(Activity 1.1) that humans can attain. List down different things that you think
can be consider as human flourishing.

Below are the two short stories illustrating the difference of two Theories. All you need to
do is to identify which story points Falsification and which one is Verification. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

(Activity 1.2)

Story 1:
“Lea has a (not-so-scientific) theory that her classmate Ian likes her. Good, she thought, I
like him too. But how do I know that he likes me?
She began by observing him and his interactions with her. Several gestures she noted include his
always exchanging pleasantries with her whenever they bump into each other, his big smile when
he sees her, and him going out of his way to greet her even when riding a jeepney. Through these
observations, she was then able to conclude that Ian does like her because, she thought, why would
anyone do something like that to a person he does not like?

As it turns out, however, Ian is just generally happy to meet people he knew. He had known
Lea since they were in first year and regards her as a generally okay person. It is no surprise then
that upon learning that Ian basically does this to everyone, Lea was crushed. She vowed to herself
that she would never assume again.”
ANSWER: __________________________________

Story 2:
“Ian is generally everybody’s friend. He likes to be around people and generally aspires to
become everybody’s friend. However, there is this one girl, Lea, who seemed to not like him when
he is around. Every time he waves at her, she turns away, and when they are in the same room, she
avoid his glances. Through this, he concluded that Lea does not like him and does his best to show
her that he is not a threat. He began greeting her whenever they pass by each other at the corridor,
even going so far as calling her attention when he was in the jeepney and saw her walking past.
When they are able to talk to each other, he found out that Lea is just really shy and is not
accustomed to people greeting her. He then was able to conclude that his initial impression of her
not liking him (as a person) is wrong and thus said proposition is rejected.”
ANSWER: _______________________________

Let’s Process! Aristotle’s human flourishing arises as a result of different

components such as a phronesis (wisdom), friendship, wealth,
Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

and power. As time change, elements that comprise human flourishing also changed. People found
means to live more comfortably, explore more places, develop more products, and make more
money, and then repeating the process in full circle.

Story 1 best illustrates Falsification Theory which makes Story 2 as Verification Theory. Based on
the given scenario, what do you think is Falsification? Verification? What is/are the difference/s of
the two? Write your answers below.


1 2
Eudaimonia, literally “good spirited,” is a Our concept of human
Let’s Discuss! term coined by renowned Greek flourishing today proves to be
philosopher Aristotle (385-323 BC) to different from what Aristotle
describe the pinnacle of happiness that is originally perceived then –
attainable by humans. This has often humans of today are expected
There exists a discrepancy been translated into “human flourishing” to become a “man of the 12
between eastern and western in literature, arguably likening humans to world”. distingu
conception regarding society flowers achieving their full bloom. propose
and human flourishing. It has 5
For instance, the Chinese and the confirm
been observed that western 4 Japanese encourage studies of alterna
Human flourishing as an end then is
civilization tends to be more literature, sciences, and art, not regard,
primarily more of a concern for western
focused on the individual, entirely for oneself but in service and onl
civilizations over eastern ones. This is not
while those from the east are of a greater cause. measur
discrediting our kinsfolk from the east;
more community-centric.
perhaps in their view, community takes
the highest regard that the individual 6
The Greek Aristotelian view, on 15 Falsifi

Flourishing borders allowed should sacrifice himself for the sake of f
the other hand, aims for ideologs
people full access to cultures the society. eudaimonia as the ultimate good. explain
that as a result, very few are
we shou
able to maintain their original
9 10
Science, Technology, and Human The business of uncovering the Suffice to say that the end o
Flourishing secrets of the universe answers the goals of both science and a
Every discovery, innovation, and success question of our existence and technology and human 17
contributes to our pool of human knowledge. provides us something to look flourishing are related, in Lakato
Perhaps, one of the most prevalent themes is forward to. It is in this regard that
that the good is inherently Rorty
human’s perpetual need to locate himself in the human flourishing is deeply
intertwined with goal setting
related to the truth. dema
world by finding proofs to trace evolution.
relevant to science and technology. of scie2

Science as Method and Results
General idea of how to do science: Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change i
1. Observe and determine if there are unexplained occurrences unfolding.
2. Determine the problem and identify factors involved.
3 19
3. Through the past knowledge of similar instance, formulate hypothesis that could explain the said phenomenon. Ideally, the
goal is to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis for the study “to count as significant”. is ablea
4. Conduct experiment by setting up dependent and independent variables, and trying to see how independent ones affect humar
dependents one. contee

1. Identified the different conceptions of human flourishing

2. Differentiate Falsification with Verification theory
3. Create your own concept of human flourishing of today’s generation by illustrating it in any form.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Module 2: Science,
Technology, and Society
and the Human Condition Lesson 2: Technology as A Way Of
Revealing and The Good Life

At the end of this lesson, the student must have:
a. Illustrated a scenario where a certain technological innovation does not exist
b. Cut out pictures in magazines or newspapers that demonstrate how
technology has made the man’s desire for a happy life more realizable
c. Explained the relationship between the good life and science

Comparing the lives of the people before and now will make anyone realize the changes
that happened in society not just in terms of culture, language, or rights but more importantly,
changes in people’s way of life due to the existence of science and technology. People who lived in
the past and people who are living in the present all have different views of what it means to
flourish, primarily due to the kind of environment and the period one is in.
In an attempt to understand reality and the external world, man must see to understand
himself, too. Every attempt to know is connected in some way in an attempt to find the “good” or
as said in the previous lesson, the attainment of human flourishing. Rightly so, one must find the
truth about what the good is before one can even try to locate that which is good.
In this lesson, we will be covering two topics: (1) The changes that brought about by
science and technology, and (2) what it means to live a good life.

Let’s Begin! List down as many as you can about the way of living before the
(Activity 2.1) advancement of technology and the present time. Write your
answer in the table below.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change


(Activity 2.2) Compare and Contrast. Identify two modes of doing the
same thing where one involves a more technologically
advanced method. Example would be snail mail vs. e-mail.
List down as many examples. Brainstorm with someone (either a person you live with or your
classmate by sending a message) if a less technologically sophisticated mechanism can actually
turn out to be better in terms of reaching for the good life. Write your examples below.

vs. vs.
Let’s Process!
vs. vs.
vs. vs.
vs. vs.
vs. vs.
vs. vs.
vs. vs.
In your Activity 1.1 answers, you have identified the difference of two periods in terms of
technology. It shows that technology, on the present time, helps people to make their work easier,
faster, and comfortable.

Based on your answers, explain the concept of human conditions before science technology.
Share your ideas here!
In your Activity 1.2, you can infer that it is easy and convenient in your part as a student to have
more advance technologies especially at home in these trying times.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Based on your answers above, examine what is meant by a good life.

Share your ideas here!

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Let’s
________ Techn


The term “generation gap” is
People before are already fascinated attributed mainly to the changes
with science and technology and this led brought about by technology. Mostly
to numerous magnificent inventions that those who belong to the older
people in the present are able to enjoy generation think that these
and benefit from. Through science and technologies are too complicated to
technology, people get to experience operate. It is a challenge for people in
what it really means to live because it the field of science and technology to
make these technological

People’s ways of life and how the society works also affect how one construes the concept of
human flourishing. Since there have been drastic changes not only in the conception of human
flourishing but to people’s actual human condition.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

The Human Conditions Before Common Era There are several excavations in different parts7of
Soon enough, people discovered minerals Fur clothing
Europe of miniature statues prevalent during the
Homo erectus have been using fire to cook, and began forging metalwork. They realized against harsh
Paleolithic period, the so-called “Venus” figure. The
through chipping one flint over the other to that these substances are more durable, necessity, an
reason behind this is still unknown to archaeologists 10 Thro
produce a spark, all the while without realizing the malleable, and have more luster than the garments.
12 So
and anthropologists alike; they can only infer that the the Peop
laws of friction and heat. Tools from stone marked previous material. reminiscent o
humans of yesterday have a certain fixation on the produ
the era of Stone Age, during the advent of our very ancestors ha
female anatomy. What did this fascination translate stop theircog
own Homo sapiens, and humans began to sharpen beauty.
to? Lack of conclusive hinders us from proceeding any turnthey top
stones as one would knife; an example of this is the further. and
inadeq th
simple machine called wedge.
The initial roster of primitive gods includes objects 9 primar
they encounter through their day-to-day lives, so it good ol
is not surprising that different tribes may have
explain t
different gods. Those who might have lived
quickly r
alongside majestic creatures, such as elephants and
control a
mammoths, might have been awed their size and
a supern
worshipped them as the owner of the land, asking
for blessings in their hunting ground. In windy
places near mountains, they might have had a
mountain god to explain wind currents and ask for
15 16
They are still trying to discover and rediscover things Nothing much has changed since then, and it
that would give meaning to their lives – whether it be appears that nothing will change in the times to
honor, strength, or merit. People are still trying to come if we fail to shift our view elsewhere. While
make sense of their existence in the world, and it is true that technology offered us one
technology does little to aid them in their pursuit of compelling notion of the truth and the good, we 14
life’s meaning. should be staunched in our resolve of we want to im
know the real one. sci
18 tho
The Essence of Technology A good life is one which is practical in essence;
a life which makes use of our labor and which
17 mu
Modern humans are reliant on technology in their we get compensated fairly upon. It is no wonder
search for the good life. It assumes that it is that the sciences are one of the most sought
instrumental in achieving a goal in mind, that it is a after courses, for the opportunities are plenty
purposeful, deliberate craft of humans steer in order and the resources are bountiful. Since humans
to reach some greater good. One philosopher by the appear not to really know what they are seeking
name of Martin Heidegger argued that its essence, for, the search continues. This is the danger
or purpose, and being are different from each other. presented by too much reliance on technology.
He was able to expound on this point upon As this presents strong backing by the sciences
identifying that technology can either be perceived whose reverence is also brought upon by our
as first, a means to achieve man’s end and second, deluded enchantment with technology, it will
that which constitutes human activity. prove to be a herculean task to distance
ourselves from this perspective and consider
alternatives. After all, it was science and
technology that gave us explanations, which
Science, Technology and Society withworked
DRRM andfor us and benefited
Climate Change us. Rejecting a
working, tried-and-tested process seems foolish,
8 more so, knowing that there are no options of
equal value. It will be absurd to venture the dark
and the unknown, but it should be done in order
for us to retrace out steps to be able to achieve
2. Name three different species
that go extinct because of
human activities.

Share your ideas here! In Ancient Greece, long before the word “science”
_______________________________________________ has been coined, the need to understand the world
_______________________________________________ and reality was bound with the need to understand
_______________________________________________ the self and the good life. For Plato, the task of
_______________________________________________ understanding the things in the world runs parallel
____________________ with the job of truly getting into what will make the
soul flourish.
Aristotle and How We All Aspire for a Good Life

It is interesting to note that the first philosopher who 3
Plato thought that things in this world are not real
approached the problem of reality from a “scientific” lens as and are only copies of the real in the world of forms,
we know now, is also the first thinker who dabbed into the Aristotle puts everything back to the ground in
complex problematization of the end goal of life: happiness. claiming that this world is all there is to it and that
This man is no other than Aristotle. this world is the only reality we can all access.

Plato was convinced that reality is full of these seemingly 5
Aristotle, for his part, disagreed with his
contrasting manifestations of change and permanence. For teacher’s position and forwarded the idea that
Plato, this can only be explained by postulating two aspects of there is no reality over and above what the
reality, two worlds if you wish: the world of forms and the world senses can perceive. Change is the process that is
of matter. In the world of matter, things are changing and inherent in things. The movement, of course,
impermanent. In the world of forms, the entities are only copies entails change.
of the ideal and the models, and the forms are the only real

According to Aristotle, every human being moves according to some end. Every action that emanates from a human
person is a function of the purpose (telos) that the person has. When a boy asks for a burger from a Filipino burger A
joint, the action that he takes is motivated primarily by the purpose that he has, inferably to get full or to taste the of
burger that he only sees on TV. en

7 Happiness as the Goal of a Good Life

Every human person, according to Aristotle, aspires 10
The first m
for an end. This end, we have learned from the 9
History has given birth to different schools of Leucippus.
previous chapter, is happiness or human flourishing.
thought, all of which aim for the good and happy happiness.
life. clinging on
the meanin
The hedonists see the end goal of life in
acquiring pleasure. For them, life is about 12
obtaining and indulging in pleasure because life is
Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change espoused
limited. The mantra of this school of thought is
learn to d
the famous, “Eat, drink, and be merry for
9 term, apa
tomorrow we die”. Led by Epicurus, this school of
thought also does not buy any notion of afterlife
just like the materialists.

1. Try to imagine the world without technology. How do you think your day-to-day life would be like? Do
this by illustrating a scenario where a certain technological innovation does not exist. Example: Watch,
phone, cars and electricity. Draw it below.
2. Cut out pictures in magazines or newspapers that demonstrate how technology has made the man’s
desire for a happy life more realizable and explain the relationship between the good life and science.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Paste your pictures here!

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Module 2: Science,
Technology, and Society
and the Human Condition Lesson 3: When Technology and
Humanity Cross

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Discussed the development of science and technology in the Philippines.
b. Listed the effects of the interplay between technology and humanity
through the dilemma they face.

The ever-growing society has made people see technology as some form of
necessity. Tracing back its origins, the word “technology” came from the Greek words techne and
logos which mean art and word, respectively. Taking the two words together, technology means a
discourse on arts (Buchanan, 2010). It first appeared in the 17th century where the concept was
only used to talk about the arts, specifically applied arts. However, as technology progressed, the
concept also started to have a wider range of meaning where art is no longer the only topic
included. Concept like machine and tools were also attached to the word “technology” which is the
more popular sense of the concept nowadays.
In this lesson, several technological devices will be properly introduced, the roles they play
in society and their effects, particularly to the lives of the people will be identified, and the
problems they face will also be examined thoroughly.

Look around inside your house and list at least five appliances
Let’s Begin!
or technological devices you have found. Identify the
(Activity 3.1)
advantages and disadvantages in each. Write your answer

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Let’s Process!

Out from the information you have gathered, how do you reconcile the ‘need’ for these
technologies listed and the dilemma/s it faces? Write your answer below.

Share your ideas here!


The roles played by technology these days are very 2
It is with great effort that people were able to achieve
crucial not only to a few but also to everyone. In fact, such great inventions. It makes life so much easier and
most people survive their everyday lives with great more convenient than ever before. Technology these
reliance to the different technological advancements days enjoys so much fame and glory because of the
already available to the masses. many different benefits it brings to mankind.

At present, people work very hard in order to save
money to buy these “necessities” while in the past, 4
In general, technology keeps on progressing due to not
people only used their money for the things that only the changing times and environment but also to
would help them survive like food, housing, clothing. the ever-progressing mind of mankind. However, it is
also important to note that anything too much is bad.
Various ethical dilemmas have been identified
Television Sets, Mobile Phones, Computers, and
throughout time involving the use of different
Humanity 7
Television was a product of different 8
technological devices andexperiments This success story
its effects to humanity.
Almost all household, if not all, own these types by various people. Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a German systems, namely, m
of devices. To be more specific, these student, inAccording to Kantar
the late 1800s Media, oneinofhisthe most trusted
was successful These experiments
Roles Played by Theseare television
Technological audience measurement
to send images through wires with the aid providers, in the
previous invention
“celebrities” in the field of technology
of a Philippines,
rotating metal 92%This
disk. of urban homes
invention was and 70% of rural
then homes
people now have.
television sets, mobile
13 phones, and computers.
Television sets, mobile phones, and computers
called “electric or
own attelescope”
least one television
that had 18set. This survey simply shows
laptops all have Science, Technology
different functionsand
roles with DRRM
played and Climate Change 8
resolution.that almost
After some alltime,
Filipinos use this
in 1907, inventors,type ofFilipinos
twoparticular device. love to u
in the lives of the people, although some may
Most of
Alan Archibald be a
the time, they watch
Campbell-Swinton who television
was an during their anytime.
free In 2010, g
little similar. Television is mainlyEnglish
used as a 13
platform conducted
time or any time of the day
scientist and Boris Rosing who was a when they have nothing to do. a surve
for advertisements and information dissemination. It
Russian scientist, created a new system of in the country. To
also serves as a recreational activity and good stress
television by using the cathode ray tube in addition their mobile phone
reliever to most families. It is also a good
to the platformscanner
mechanical for system. Nationwide Urban
Mobile phones are primarily used for communication. It Personal computer and laptops can be used to surf
offer services like texting and calling. In the past, these the Internet and communicate. A lot of people prefer
were the only functions of the mobile phone but as to do their job using either a personal computer or a
technology progressed, there have been many additional laptop than a mobile phone. One reason is that a
features included on mobile phones. Example in the personal computer or a laptop has wide keyboard
present, people use their mobile phones to surf the than using a mobile phone, especially when a mobile
Internet and to take pictures more than to text or call phone has a small screen. Lastly, for the youth and
people. These are just some of the additional features of those who love to play different computer games,
mobile phones in the present. personal computers or laptops are really the better
choice because these allow them to play with comfort
and convenience.
Ethical Dilemma Faced by These Technological
Advancements 21
Germany w
Most parents would argue that these devices make
Another dilemma faced by these technological service robot
Ministry of Ed
devices is the moral dilemma. People, especially the
their children lazy and unhealthy. This is because of
Robotics Inno
children who are not capable yet rationally deciding
the fact that people who are fixated on these
technological advancements start and end their day by for themselves what is right or wrong, are freely collaborative
using such devices. They have a great tendency to sit exposed to different things on television, mobile Serviceroboti
and chill all day long without doing anything phones, laptops, or computers. Because of the Initiative) wh
productive in their homes, thus making them availability and easy access to the Internet, they can
Some of the
unhealthy because they do not just skip meals just easily search the web and go to different websites
DESIRE are th
sometimes but also lack exercise or any bodily without restrictions.
table” – all ob
movements. moved to wh
– the dirty dis
There are things that technology claims to do but in
dishwasher; a
The word “responsibility” in the sense of being reality, does not. It is for these reasons why therethat
are are not i
accountable for and accountable to is very appropriate people who call for the establishment of ethics ofwhere they b
to the ethics of technology because it makes each and technology. This subcategory of ethics will in one23way
every person in the scientific-technological The earliest
or another guide people on how technology ought to
development a proxy with reference to one another. In created in the
be used in order to prevent abuse and other
other words, each person must indicate the priorities, “Unimate” w
unfortunate results. It can be said that these reasons
values, norms, and principles that constitute the “Universal Au
make such devices somewhat unethical because they
grounds for one’s actions and define one’s contribution bring undesirable consequences to people. However,
to the scientific-technological event. it can also be argued that it is not the fault of the 24 Robot prim
technological devices but the agents using them or the
mankind. The
ones making them. efficient and
activities whi
There are als
be more spec
activities to e
Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change some robots
examples of
14 movies.

One of the
Another ethical dilemma faced by robots is 28
In the field of robotics, there are the so-called partial autonomy
the emotional component. This may seem a and full autonomy. Partial autonomy includes active human-robot
little absurd as of the moment, but looking at interaction while full autonomy excludes active-human robot
how fast technology progresses nowadays, it interaction. In other words, a robot with full autonomy can perform
is not completely impossible for robots to actions or activities even without a master telling it what should be
develop emotions (Evans, 2007). done or what should be performed next (IFR, 2012).

Share your ideas here!

____________________________________________ Application!
1. Discuss the development of science and technology
in the Philippines
2. List the effects of the interplay between technology and humanity through the dilemma they face.
Choose a unique topic and its perceived effects and the dilemma it entails. Do not forget to show the
role/s played by the technological advancement in the lives of the people;
Suggested topics:
a. Google and stupidity
b. Filipino’s addiction to different technologies
c. Waze application



Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change

Serafica, Janice Patria, et. al., (2018). “Science, Technology and Society and the Human Condition.”
Science, Technology, and Society.

Science, Technology and Society with DRRM and Climate Change


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