User Manual Vitomax 200 HS M75A

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Operating and service VIESMANN

for contractors

Vitomax 200-HS
Type M75A
Oil/gas high pressure steam boiler
With and without economiser
Rated steam output 5 to 26 t/h


5692 806 GB 8/2009 Please keep safe.

Safety instructions

Safety instructions

Please follow these safety instructions closely to prevent accidents and mate-
rial losses.

Safety instructions explained ■ The Code of Practice of relevant trade

Danger ■ Directive 97/23/EC, as well as the rel-
This symbol warns against the evant safety regulations of the follow-
risk of injury. ing countries

! Please note
This symbol warns against the
risk of material losses and envi-
ronmental pollution. SWKI, VKF and EKAS guideline
1942: LPG, part 2
Details identified by the word "Note" con- If you notice oil leaks and the smell of
tain additional information. gas

Target group Danger

Escaping fuel can lead to explo-
These instructions are exclusively sions which may result in very
designed for qualified personnel. serious injuries.
■ Work on gas installations must only be ■ Do not smoke. Prevent naked
carried out by a registered gas fitter. flames and sparks. Do not
■ Work on electrical equipment must switch lights or electrical appli-
only be carried out by a qualified elec- ances on or off.
trician. ■ Close the quick-acting fuel
■ The system must be commissioned by valve and shut-off valve.
Viessmann Industrieservice, the sys- ■ Open windows and doors.
tem installer or a qualified person ■ Remove all people from the
authorised by the installer. danger zone.
■ Notify your gas or electricity
Regulations supplier from outside the build-
Observe the following when working on ■ Shut off the electricity supply to
this system the building from a safe place
■ All legal instructions regarding the pre- (outside the building).
vention of accidents
■ All legal instructions regarding envi-
ronmental protection
■ Health and Safety at Work Act (Betr-
5692 806 GB

SichV) [Germany]

Safety instructions

Safety instructions (cont.)

If you smell flue gas Repair work

Flue gas can lead to life-threat-
ening poisoning.
! Please note
Repairing components that fulfil a
safety function can compromise
■ Shutdown system. the safe operation of your sys-
■ Ventilate boiler room. tem.
Replace faulty components only
Working on the system with original Viessmann spare
■ Close the fuel shut-off valve and
secure against unintentional opening. Auxiliary components, spare and
■ Isolate the system from the power sup- wearing parts
ply and check that it is no longer 'live',
e.g. by removing the separate fuse or
by means of a main isolator.
■ Safeguard the system against unau-
! Please note
Spare and wearing parts that
have not been tested together
thorised reconnection. with the system can compromise
its function. Installing non-author-

! Please note
Electronic modules can be dam-
aged by electrostatic dis-
ised components and making
non-approved modifications or
conversions can compromise
charges. safety and may invalidate our
Before beginning work, touch warranty.
earthed objects, such as water For replacements, use only orig-
pipes, to discharge static loads. inal spare parts supplied or
approved by Viessmann.
Risk of burning from hot surfaces Draining hot water
so that
■ steam line,
■ hot water line,
■ cleaning cover and closures/
! Please note
The blow-down and T.D.S. water
from boiler systems can reach
plugs at the boiler system, temperatures of 100 °C and
■ boiler doors, as well as compo- higher.
nents behind the doors, Set up the system so that this
can all become very hot. Observe water is cooled down to < 35 °C
safety in the workplace! prior to it entering the sewer sys-
tem. Where necessary, refer to
the local water authority.
5692 806 GB

Safety instructions

Safety instructions (cont.)

Draining condensate from the flue Subject to the regulations in the country
gas side concerned, this condensate may need to
be neutralised. In such cases, consult

! Please note
When the boiler system starts or
under certain conditions, conden-
the local water authority or the relevant
body responsible for issuing permits.

sate can form in the flues, the flue

gas collector and downstream in
the flue or chimney.
The system user must provide
suitable installations to safely
drain such condensate.

Technical safety information

Any damage to the boiler that could The boiler house must only be entered
lead to risks requires an immediate by authorised personnel. Always keep
boiler shutdown. the boiler house clean, well lit and free
If major damage occurs at the boiler or from all objects that do not belong there
vessels, notify the authorising supervi- and that might impair the operation. The
sory body without delay prior to carrying use of any part of the system as a drying
out repairs. area is prohibited.
Observe all technical safety instructions. During operation, all required exits must
Steam generators require local permits be left unlocked and free from obstruc-
both for their installation and their oper- tions. The operating personnel must log
ation. This permit must be available prior all events, such as faults, adjustments,
to commissioning. consumption of spare parts and repairs.
In the case of explosions, the user must A log must be maintained of all regular
immediately notify the authorising super- readings of the control instruments.
visory body, irrespective of whether any-
one was injured or not. Prior to the official
investigation, the status created by the
accident must not be changed apart from
what is necessary to prevent further
damage or as required for rescuing per-
5692 806 GB

Safety instructions

Technical safety information (cont.)

Obvious signs at weld seams, leaking

damaged areas, severe corrosion,
unusual characteristics of operating
instruments and system components as
well as unusual noise inside the boiler
must be notified immediately. Faults and
defects on the system that cannot be
remedied by experts locally must be noti-
fied to the manufacturer. Protect all
boiler parts and control equipment from
rain, water leaks and expelled steam.
Immediately repair all damage and
Apart from the relevant legal require-
ments, all practical instructions issued by
our technical personnel to the operating
personnel are applicable.
It is impossible to clarify and describe all
potential cases of indicators and possi-
ble faults. These guidelines should
therefore, after a reasonable time in
operation, be supplemented based on
the experiences gained up to that point.
5692 806 GB



Operating instructions
Operating information
Storage of Vitomax boilers prior to the system installation................................... 7
Operating tips....................................................................................................... 7
Functions.............................................................................................................. 9
Switching OFF...................................................................................................... 16
Preservation......................................................................................................... 16
Maintenance instructions...................................................................................... 20

Service instructions
Water quality
Water quality for steam boiler systems................................................................ 21

Preamble.............................................................................................................. 30
Installation............................................................................................................ 30
Commissioning..................................................................................................... 32

Utilisation and operation

Supervision........................................................................................................... 39
What to do in case of operating faults.................................................................. 40

Repairs and inspection

Repairs................................................................................................................. 41
Inspection............................................................................................................. 42

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Steps - commissioning, inspection and maintenance.......................................... 43
Further details regarding the individual steps....................................................... 44

Spare parts
Wearing parts, gaskets......................................................................................... 55

Operating, maintenance and inspection tasks..................................................... 58

Keyword index.................................................................................................... 60
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Storage of Vitomax boilers prior to the system installation

Please note:
This information applies to the storage prior to the system installation.

1. Vitomax boilers must be stored in ■ To prevent corrosion in the non-pres-

enclosed rooms, free from weather surised state, observe the following if
influences under dry conditions. the boiler is stored longer than for 4
2. The room temperatures must not fall weeks:
below or exceed the following values: – Protect the interior of the boiler on
0 °C to +50 °C. the flue gas and on the water side
3. In its delivered condition the boiler is with a desiccant, e.g. silica gel,
protected as standard on the water against moisture.
side with dummy flanges or caps – The amount of desiccant depends

against the ingress of foreign matter. on the boiler volume.
4. Remove the shipping packaging to – Check the effectiveness of the des-
prevent the formation of condensate. iccant regularly. See the details pro-
vided by the desiccant manufac-
– Ensure that the desiccant does not
come into contact with the boiler
material (e.g. through suspended
– Preserve the dry flue gas side with a
thin film of graphite or boiled oil.
– Instead of the moisture extraction on
the flue gas side by means of a des-
iccant, a drier with air circulation can
also be connected.

Operating tips

According to the Steam Boiler Order The authorised monitoring authority may
[Germany], a steam boiler category IV grant, upon application, permission to
may only be taken into use when the rel- operate the boiler without permanent
evant authority has granted permission supervision subject to it being equipped
for the installation of the system, and an in accordance with the TRD 604.
authorised expert has tested the sys- The system must be commissioned by
tem. the Viessmann Industrieservice, the sys-
According to the Steam Boiler Order tem installer or a qualified person author-
[Germany], steam boilers category IV ised by the installer as well as the rele-
5692 806 GB

may only be operated, supervised and vant expert.

maintained by a trained boilerman.

Operating information

Operating tips (cont.)

Within 4 weeks of the combustion equip- In systems comprising several boilers, of

ment being commissioned, the operator which one is constantly used as standby
must notify the local flue gas inspector boiler, only change the operation over in
accordingly [check local regulations]. longer intervals, e.g. during the annual
Record all actual values in a commis- inspection of the total system.
sioning/service report. These must be
confirmed by the expert and the system
We would recommend that you operate
the boiler constantly at the required oper-
ating pressure. The operation of the
boiler at pressure will still be beneficial,
even if no heat demand occurs for a lon-
ger period of time.

5692 806 GB

Operating information


Installation drawing


Example: Order-specific deviations of the standard delivery are possible.

5692 806 GB

Operating information

Functions (cont.)

Illustration of the fitting assembly refers to modulating operation. Provide two further
pressure regulators for stepped operation; the pressure transducer for the burner
control will then not be required.

1 Platform wW Steam shut-off valve

2 Control panel wE Feedwater shut-off valve
See separate documentation wR Feedwater non-return valve
3 Integral economiser wT Blow-down shut-off valve
4 Connection line between econo- wZ Blow-down valve
miser and boiler wU T.D.S. shut-off valve
6 Burner wI T.D.S. valve
qP Level electrode eP Economiser drain shut-off valve
(WR – Water level controller) rP Water level indicator
qQ Level electrode rQ Pressure gauge
(HW – Maximum water level) rW Maximum pressure limiter
qW Level electrode rE Pressure transducer
(NW – Minimum water level) rR Straight-through shut-off valve with
qT Conductivity electrode cap (option)
wP Safety valve rT Feedwater dial thermometer
wQ Air vent shut-off valve rZ Sampling cooler

In the following, selected components of

a steam boiler system are described. For
details, see the documentation provided
by the manufacturer of the individual
components. 5692 806 GB

Operating information

Functions (cont.)

Level electrodes qP to qW

Permanently modulating level monitoring qP

Level electrode for continual and load-dependent boiler filling

Function Function Operating info

Continual water level con- Water level below The controller issues a pulse to the
trol comprising or exceeds the feedwater control valve
■ a level electrode selected set value Boiler is filled continually and sub-
■ an associated level con- ject to load

Continual control of the
boiler water level via the
feedwater control valve

Level monitoring "excessive" (HW electrode qQ)

Level electrode to safeguard against maximum water levels

Function Function Operating info

Self-monitoring overfill protection com- Standard Electrode is not immersed
prising water level in the conducting boiler
■ a level electrode water and registers a high
■ the associated evaluating device resistance
Feedwater pump opera-
tion enabled
Feedwater pump runs
Boiler is filled continually
and subject to load
Water level Electrode is immersed into
too high the boiler water and regis-
ters a low resistance
The feedwater pump is
stopped via the pump
Feedwater supply to the
boiler interrupted
The level Feedwater pump can start
drops again subject to demand
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Functions (cont.)

See also country-specific regulations.

Level monitoring "too low" (NW electrode qW)

Level electrode to safeguard against minimum water levels

Function Function Operating info

Self-monitoring low water indicator com- Standard water Electrode is immersed
prising level into the conducting
■ Two level electrodes boiler water and regis-
■ The associated evaluating devices ters a low resistance
Safety chain closed
Burner operation ena-
Water level too Electrode is out of the
low boiler water and
reports a high resist-
Safety chain and
burner operation con-
stantly interrupted
The minimum Re-enable safety
boiler water chain
contents is ach- Burner block lifted
ieved again

Safety valvewP

Function ■ At P1, the blow-off output lies 10%

■ Physical protection of the boiler higher
against pressures in excess of the ■ Closing pressure at P1 minus 10-12%
design pressure P1
■ Valve response pressure = steam
boiler design pressure

Function Operating info

Operating checks in regular intervals or Brief cracking open of the lever – do not
in accordance with country-specific release the lever fully
5692 806 GB

Regular checking by an authorised con- Never remove the lead seal

tractor or test body

Operating information

Functions (cont.)

Air vent shut-off valve wQ

Function Function Operating info

Venting the boiler During heat-up, Air / steam must be able to be routed away
during filling or open the valve and safely
after a new sys- close it again, as
tem start from soon as visible
atmospheric steam is expelled

Steam shut-off valve wW

Function Function Operating info
Main boiler shut- Enable steam or Open slowly to prevent water hammer
off towards the close boiler with
steam mains damper valves

Blow-down wT and wZ

■ Periodic removal of sludge deposits

Function Operating info

Automatic blow-down via programma- The programmable switch opens via the
ble valve at regular intervals control valve of the blow-down valve and
briefly drains off boiler water. The vacuum
force thus created removes the sludge from
the boiler.
Manual activation possible at any time.
Manual blow-down at regular intervals Push the locking lever of the blow-down to
or in accordance with country-specific the side.
regulations. Push down on the activating lever of the
blow-down valve for two to three seconds

! Please note

In case of manual activation

observe the lever kickback.
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Functions (cont.)

T.D.S. unit wU and wI

■ Continual checking and regulation of
the salt content through temperature-
compensated conductivity electrode
■ Desalination via the T.D.S. valve
■ Maintenance of specified limits by
opening and closing the valve

Function Operating info

Conductivity drops Flow rate is reduced
Conductivity value exceeds the selec- Valve is opened further
ted set value
Conductivity exceeds the highest Safety chain is opened
value Burner stops

Water level indicator rP

■ Optical and direct water level indica-

Function Operating info

Optical water level check Valve on the steam and water side; shut-off
device OPEN
Flushing valve, shut-off device CLOSED
When there are no personnel present Keep valve CLOSED
Carry out operating checks in regular Close the valve on the water and steam
intervals or in accordance with country- side
specific regulations Open blow-down valve, drain and check the
valve for tightness
Open the valve on the water side; check for
blow-off noise
Close valve on the water side
Open the valve on the steam side; check for
blow-off noise
Leave the valve on the steam side open
Close the flushing valve
Open valve on the water side
5692 806 GB

The water column rises quickly to the When the water column rises slowly, check
correct level that there are no blockages
Operating information

Functions (cont.)

Pressure monitoring unit rQ to rR

Component Function Operating info

The pressure moni-
toring unit is directly
connected to the
boiler via the fitting
assembly and com-
■ Pressure gauge rQ An operating pres- Operating checks in regular intervals
sure indicator or in accordance with country-specific

■ Pressure limiter rW Protection of the Checking with a calibrated test pres-
boiler against over- sure gauge by an authorised contrac-
pressure when the tor or test body
maximum pressure is
Safety chain opened by opening a
contact in the pressure limiter
Burner stops
Safety chain reset by means of the
appropriate key in the control panel.
Reduce the boiler pressure via the air
vent valve or the main steam valve by
approx. 1 bar below the switching
point of the max. pressure limiter and
reset the max. pressure limiter.
Burner starts again
■ Pressure trans- Load-dependent reg-
ducer rE ulation of the boiler
combustion subject
to the operating pres-
■ Straight-through Enables the replace- Exclusively by authorised contrac-
shut-off valve with ment of faulty compo- tors
cap rR nents
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Functions (cont.)

Sampling cooler rZ

Function Operating info

Removal of water samples to carry out Values to be checked in accordance with
comparative tests country-specific regulations and to be
recorded in the boiler log
■ pH value
■ Residual hardness
■ p value (value to determine the free alka-
■ m value (value to determine the entire
■ Phosphate
■ Sulphite

Switching OFF

For brief interruption ≤ 3 days, maintain In case of long-term interruptions: See

the positive pressure in the boiler system chapter "Preservation".
incl. all boiler-related drives (thermal
water treatment, etc). See also
page 37.


The procedures listed in the following To prevent corrosion setting in during

should be considered as preservation idle periods, when the boiler is not pres-
options. Further procedures with alter- surised, conserve the boiler surfaces on
native chemicals should be agreed with the flue gas and water sides, subject to
their manufacturer. The basis of these the length of the period during which the
instructions is the VdTÜV datasheet boiler is taken out of use. There is a dif-
TC1465 "Preserving the water side of ferentiation between wet preservation
steam boilers" [Germany]. during which exposure to oxygen is to be
avoided and dry preservation during
which moisture levels are to be mini-
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Preservation (cont.)

Wet preservation

1. Fill the boiler incl. Eco and super- Never use this procedure where there
heater (if installed) up to the highest is a risk of frost.
possible level with treated feedwater. Apart from the chemical wet preserva-
To prevent oxygen corrosion, add an tion, physical-technical methods may
oxygen binder to the boiler water (e.g. also be applied. With the wet preserva-
sodium sulphite) in accordance with tion, the rapid boiler availability is an
the manufacturer's instructions. For advantage.
this, ensure a good admixing with the
boiler water (thermal or mechanical – with sodium sulphite

2. If, in multi-boiler systems, only some For steam boilers, add the sodium sul-
boilers must be conserved, these can phite in soluble form to the completely
be filled with desalinated boiler water drained steam boiler via the feedwater
from the boilers that remain in use, pump. Drain the steam boiler com-
which will also maintain the tempera- pletely. Also fill any superheaters and
ture. Ensure that the temperature flue gas heat exchangers. The pH value
remains constant. should be between 11 and 12.
3. Maintaining pressure in a fully filled Keep all valves closed during the pres-
boiler using nitrogen (preferably nitro- ervation process. The preservation sol-
gen 5.0) of 0.1 to 0.2 bar can prevent ution should be circulated weekly. Ini-
boiler corrosion. tially, check the sulphite excess fre-
Chemical wet preservation chemically quently, then at least monthly. When the
binds the oxygen thereby protecting the content drops and falls below the speci-
boiler material against corrosion. The fied standard values, recirculate again
chemical wet preservation can be imple- and add agent, as required.
mented when steam boilers are taken
out of use for short or longer periods.
An adequate amount of oxygen binders,
corresponding putrefaction by alkalis, a
thorough mixing of the preservation sol-
ution and complete filling of the boiler or
system, effectively prevent corrosion
due to idle periods whilst giving a great
deal of security with a reasonable
amount of effort and cost.
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Preservation (cont.)

Sodium sulphite excess

Idle time Sodium sulphite con- Additional sodium sul-
tent in the preserva- phite
tion solution mg Without Crystal-
Na2So3/l water g/m3 lised g/m3
Fill water for steam
Water of low salt 1 Week 20 - 50 20 - 50 40 - 100
e.g. fully desalinated 1 Month 100 - 200 100 - 200 200 - 400
Condensate Longer 200 - 500 200 - 500 500 - 1000
than 1
Water with salt con-
e.g. fully softened 1 Week 40 - 100 40 - 100 80 - 100
or boiler water Longer 400 - 1000 400 - 1000 800 - 2000
than 1
When using cold-prepared water which has not been deaerated, add an additional
80 g (without water) or 160 g (crystallised) sodium sulphite per m3.

– with film forming amines – through physical-technical meas-

A wet preservation with film forming
amines is not permissible. The following preservation steps through
physical-technical processes are also
Note possible, such as
■ Observe all conditions for draining ■ maintaining a positive steam pressure
waste water into sewer systems or into in the boiler
the main outfall when draining the pre- ■ flow preservation of steam boilers.
serving solution. These processes require system-spe-
■ When using the preserving agents cific equipment (valves, pipework,
observe the working instructions and pumps) and should be taken into con-
safety datasheets supplied by the sideration when designing the system.
product manufacturer.
■ Also agree the steps for the preserva-
tion of the water side with the manu-
facturer of the preserving agent.
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Preservation (cont.)

Dry preservation

Note Dry out components, such as superheat-

This method is used when longer idle ers and flue gas heat exchangers, sep-
periods are expected and to ensure pro- arately.
tection against frost. This method pre- Position desiccants (e.g. silica gel, blue
cludes a quick return of the system into gel) in shallow bowls inside the open and
use. drying boiler or hang them inside the
boiler so that any contact with the boiler
Complete drying out material is safely prevented. Then close
the boiler. Check the desiccants at least

After cooling down in the idle stage, the monthly and replace them, if required.
boiler will be quickly drained at a pres-
sure of approx. 3 bar. Observe the max- Alternative methods
imum permissible temperature for drain-
ing into the public sewer system. Where These include preservation with ammo-
required, catch the water in a collecting nia or nitrogen. These methods require
tank and drain it after it has sufficiently extensive technical and technological
cooled down. effort. When using these preserving
Flush steam boilers with high salt con- methods, formulate system-specific
tent in the boiler water (approx. operating instructions.
> 5 000 µS/cm) again on the water side.
Afterwards, open all man, head and
hand holes.

Preserving the hot gas side

Flue gas side It is recommended to treat the combus-

tion chamber and the hot gas flues with
After the boiler has been taken out of preserving oil (graphite or boiled oil).
use, clean the heating surfaces on their This can be sprayed on or applied with a
hot gas side. The normal draught brush. The boiler doors remain open.
ensures that the heating surfaces on the Keep the surfaces dry during the idle
hot gas side are adequately dried. Accel- periods (by inserting desiccant (e.g.
erate the process by means of a fan silica gel) or by air changes from a con-
heater; if required open the flue gas shut- nected dryer).
off dampers for this process and then A dry preservation is not recommended
close again. under special installation conditions in
areas with high relative humidity (in the
tropics, near the sea).
5692 806 GB

Operating information

Preservation (cont.)

Further details

For further details, see the VdTÜV data-

sheets (no. 1465, Oct. 1978) and the
VGB (no. R116H, 1981) [or local regula-

Maintenance instructions

The TRD regulation specifies the main-

tenance of a steam boiler system, which
can be carried out by the Viessmann
Industrieservice or by an authorised con-
You can contact the Viessmann Indus-
trieservice by phone
+49 (0)30/6602 389, by fax
+49 (0)30/6602 136, by email: Industrie-
[email protected] or via the
internet: www.viessmann-industriekes-\Industrie Service.

5692 806 GB

Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems

Steam boiler

In its natural state, most untreated water The requirements are monitored by
will be unsuitable as boiler feedwater. measurements made by suitable, pref-
The type of boiler feedwater treatment erably uncomplicated devices (either
should be matched to the raw water every 24 h or 72 h or in line with national
quality. As its quality may change, regu- requirements, subject to the mode of
lar checks are required. operation). These test values, the vol-
The water feed pipe downstream of the ume of top-up water, the chemical con-
boiler feedwater treatment should be sumption and the required maintenance
equipped with a suitable water meter to should be entered into a boiler log to
record the volume of top-up water added enable the operating conditions to be
to the return condensate; this also pro- checked at any time.
vides an indirect check on the steam
draw-off volume.
In all circumstances, it is advisable to
return as much condensate as possible
to the feedwater tank. The condensate
may also have to be treated so it con-
forms to the requirements of the boiler
feedwater (according to table 1).
These requirements, plus those apper-
taining to the boiler water, mean that –
according to the condition of the untrea-
ted water and the amount of top-up water
– at the very least a suitable chemical or
thermal water treatment system must be
installed, and there should be a facility
for adding oxygen binders (possibly
alkalines and phosphates) into the feed-
water tank supply line.

Table 1: Saline boiler feedwater requirements

Permissible operat- bar > 0.5 < 20 > 20

ing pressure
General requirements Colourless, clear and free of undissolved sub-
pH value at 25 °C >9 >9
Conductivity at 25 °C µS/cm Only standard values applicable to boiler
5692 806 GB

Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)

Permissible operat- bar > 0.5 < 20 > 20

ing pressure
Total alkaline earths mmol/litre < 0.01 < 0.01
(Ca2+ + Mg2+)
Oxygen (O2) mg/litre 0.05 < 0.02
Bound carbon dioxide mg/litre < 25 < 25
Iron, total (Fe) mg/litre < 0.2 < 0.1
Copper, total (Cu) mg/litre < 0.05 < 0.01
Oxidability (Mn VII → mg/litre < 10 < 10
Mn II) as KMnO4
Oil, grease mg/litre < 1 <1
Organic substances — see comment*1

Table 2: Boiler water requirements

Feedwater conductivity > Feedwater conduc-

30 µS/cm tivity ≤30 µS/cm
Permissible bar > 0.5 to 20 > 20 > 0.5
operating pres-
General require- Colourless, clear and free of undissolved substan-
ments ces
pH value at 10.5 to 12 10.5 to 11.8 10 to 11*2*3
25 °C
Acid capacity mmol/litre 1 to 12*4 1 to 10*4 0.1 to 1.0*2
(KS 8.2)
*1 Generally organic substances are mixtures of different compounds. The consis-
tency of such mixtures and the characteristics of their components under the oper-
ating conditions of the boiler are hard to predict. Organic substances can degrade
into carbon dioxide and other acidic products that would increase the conductivity
and result in corrosion and deposits. They can also lead to the formation of foam
and/or coatings that should be minimised. The TOC content (Total Organic Car-
bon) should also be kept to a minimum.
*2 When using demineralised water with mixed bed quality (conductivity <
0.2 µS/cm), a phosphate injection is not required. As alternative, an AVT operation
(conditioning with volatile alkalising agents, feedwater pH value ≥ 9.2 and boiler
water pH value ≥ 8.0) may be used. In such cases, the conductivity downstream
of a severely acidic cation exchanger must be < 5 µS/cm.
*3 Base level adjustment of the pH value through injection of Na3PO4; additional
NaOH injection only if the pH value is < 10.
5692 806 GB

*4 With superheaters, 50% of the specified upper value should be treated as maxi-
mum value.
Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)

Feedwater conductivity > Feedwater conduc-

30 µS/cm tivity ≤30 µS/cm
Permissible bar > 0.5 to 20 > 20 > 0.5
operating pres-
Conductivity at µS/cm < 6000*4 see Fig. 1, < 1500
25 °C page 24*4
Phosphate mg/litre 10 to 20 10 to 20 6 to 15
Silicic acid mg/litre Subject to pressure; see Fig. 1 (page 24) and 2
(SiO4)*5 (page 25)

The addition of phosphate is recommended, but is not always essential.
Conversion: 1 mol/m3 = 5.6 ºdH; 1 ºdH = 0.179 mol/m3; 1 mval/kg = 2.8 ºdH

Operation with salt-free boiler feedwater is also possible as an alternative to operation

with saline boiler feedwater.


*4 With superheaters, 50% of the specified upper value should be treated as maxi-
mum value.
*5 If phosphate is used, higher PO4 concentrations are permissible, subject to con-
5692 806 GB

sideration of all other values, e.g. with balanced or coordinated phosphate treat-
ment. (See section "Conditioning").
Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)

Maximum permissible direct boiler water conductivity, subject to pressure

Feedwater conductivity >30 μS/cm



Direct conductivity in µS/cm


0 10 20 30 40
Operating pressure in bar

Figure 1
5692 806 GB

Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)

Maximum permissible boiler water silicic acid content (SiO2), subject to pres-

160 15 B
10 B
Silicic acid content (SiO2) in mg/l


80 0.5B




0 10 20 30 40
Operating pressure in bar

Figure 2

A This level of alkalinity is no longer permissible > 20 bar

B KS 8.2 - value in mmol/l

Certain feedwater and boiler water char- ■ stabilising the hardness and prevent-
acteristics must be improved through ing or reducing scaling and deposits,
chemical treatment. ■ achieving chemical binding of residual
This conditioning may contribute to: oxygen.
■ support for the formation of magnetic Conventional conditioning agents may,
layers or other protective oxidisation for example, contain sodium and potas-
layers, sium hydroxide, sodium phosphate,
■ a reduction of corrosion through opti- sodium sulphite, ammonia and diamide.
misation of the pH value,
5692 806 GB

Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)

In some countries or production pro-
cesses, the use of some of these chem-
icals may be restricted.

General information regarding conditioning

■ Conductivity A balanced conditioning with phosphate

– With salt content or its derivatives can also be beneficial
This means feedwater with electrical through regulating the pH value of the
conductivity of > 30 µS/cm (e.g. boiler water. However, organic condi-
downstream of a softening system). tioning agents have also been in use for
– Low salt content years.
This means feedwater with electrical If organic conditioning agents are used,
conductivity of 0.2-30 µS/cm (e.g. the amounts and processes to be used
downstream of a T.D.S. system). as well as the required analyses must be
– Free of salt specified by the supplier of these chem-
This means feedwater with electrical ical products.
conductivity of < 0.2 µS/cm and sili- ■ Oxygen and carbon dioxide or oxy-
cic acid concentration < 0.02 mg/l, gen binders
as well as condensate with electrical Carbon dioxide and oxygen are expel-
conductivity < 5 µS/cm (e.g. down- led from the feedwater through full
stream of full T.D.S. systems with thermal deaeration. The use of oxygen
mixed bed quality). binders is required if it proves impos-
■ Acid capacity KS 8.2 sible in practical use, e.g. through
A higher acid capacity in feedwater repeated idle periods, to keep the oxy-
would indicate an excess of bound car- gen content of the feedwater below the
bon dioxide. This results in a higher permissible values. This "correcting
putrefaction by alkalis of the boiler chemical" is admixed with the feedwa-
water, which leads to an increased risk ter through the dosing facility.
of corrosion on the steam boiler, and
also on the steam network down- Please note:
stream of the boiler through separation Amines that form a film are not oxygen
of vapour-volatile carbon dioxide. binders.
■ Adjusting the alkalinity
The selection of the alkalising agent
depends, amongst other things, on the
use of the steam, the steam pressure
and the type of water treatment. There
are solid and volatile alkalising agents.
5692 806 GB

Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)

In case of damage, evaporation can lead
to a concentration of the solute non-vol-
atile boiler water constituents (salts,
solid conditioning agents). Such condi-
tions can lead to local alkali concentra-
tions that result in stress fracture corro-
sion. Therefore, with only mildly buffered
feedwater with conductivity < 30 µS/cm,
sodium hydroxide as an alkalising agent
is only permissible if the recommended
pH range cannot be achieved with
sodium phosphate alone. With this
method, sudden fluctuations in pH value
result in low sodium hydroxide content.

Deviation during conditioning

Actual values deviating during constant Carry out immediate changes to rein-
operation from those specified may be state the correct operation. For example,
the result of the following: feeding in returned condensate must not
■ inadequate treatment of the top-up influence the feedwater quality and may
water, have to be treated.
■ inadequate feedwater conditioning, The chemical consistency of the boiler
■ advancing corrosion on some system water can be monitored by dosing spe-
components, cific chemicals as well as through con-
■ water contamination through ingress tinual or intermittent blow-down of a part
of contaminants from other systems, of the water volume. This must be done
e.g. condensate tank, heat exchang- in such a way that solute as well as sus-
ers. pended contaminants can be removed. Service


Please note:
The warranty will be void:
■ if film forming amines are used,
■ if dosing agents are used that are not listed in the guidelines.
5692 806 GB

Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)


Sampling of water and steam from the The sample should be analysed imme-
boiler system should comply with diately after drawing as values might
ISO 5667-1; the treatment and handling change as a result of prolonged settling.
of samples should comply with
ISO 5667-3. Opaque or contaminated sample water
Samples are taken via a sampling should be filtered prior to testing.
cooler. This cools down the water sam-
ple to a temperature of approx. 25 °C. See also the "Operating instructions of
To be able to draw off a useful sample, the sample cooler".
flush the sampling line for an appropriate

Sampling ports

Provide sampling ports at representative ■ boiler feedwater entry valve,

points in the system. ■ boiler water from a downpipe or a con-
Typical sampling ports are: tinuous T.D.S. line,
■ top-up water downstream of the top-up
water treatment system or the storage
■ condensate at the condensate tank
outlet, if installed; otherwise draw the
sample off as near to the feedwater
tank as possible.


General Note
Verify compliance with the values speci- For some types of water, the amount of
fied in table 1 (page 21) and table 2 solute matter can be estimated by
(page 22) through analyses. means of the conductivity. In addition
If the analyses are carried out in accord- there is a correlation between the pH
ance with different standards or by indi- value and both conductivities.
rect means, calibrate such methods. A Viessmann offers components for water
clean surface with water supply and analyses to aid continual monitoring of
drainage facility should be made availa- the O2 and pH values as well as water
ble for carrying out the analyses. The hardness levels.
required equipment should also be avail-
able in a cupboard at this workplace.
5692 806 GB

Water quality

Water quality for steam boiler systems (cont.)

Analysis procedure/test equipment The exchanger is inserted into a cylinder

with a diameter:height ratio of 1:3 or less,
In continuous boiler operation, the boiler whereby the exchanger medium takes
values can be checked adequately with up at least three quarters of the cylinder
the test equipment. In case of severe volume.
deviations, confirm the actual values Regenerate the ion exchanger when it
through correspondingly standardised has been exhausted by two thirds. This
analysis procedures and remedy the can be recognised when using an
problem. exchanger with colour indicator and
Parameters should be checked in transparent cylinder.
accordance with the following stand-

Acid capacity EN ISO 9963-1

Conductivity ISO 7888
Copper ISO 8288
Iron ISO 6332
Oxygen ISO 5814
pH value ISO 10523
Phosphate ISO 6878–1
Potassium ISO 9964–2
Silicic acid*6
Sodium ISO 9964–1
TOC*7 ISO 8245
Total hardness as ISO 6059
Ca + Mg

Measure the acid conductivity in the form

of the hydrogen ion concentration con-
tinuously in the same manner as the con-
ductivity in hydrogen form, after the sam-

ple has gone through a severely acidic

cation exchanger with a volume of 1.5 l.

*6 There is currently no European or international standard; see for example

DIN 38405-21 standardised German procedure for water, waste water and sludge
examination : anions (group D); photometric determination of solute silicic acid (D
5692 806 GB

*7 As an alternative, the permanganate index can be checked in accordance with

ISO 8467, if these values are specified.


This manual contains general informa-

tion regarding the installation, commis-
sioning, operation, maintenance and
inspection. It must be supplemented and
specifically adapted by country-specific
regulations. In addition, any instructions
for the equipment and auxiliary systems
that are part of the boiler system must be
incorporated into the manual supplied
with the system. Only technically trained
and instructed personnel must operate
this system.


Requirements for structural systems are

always subject to the regulations appli-
cable in the installation country. The fol-
lowing represent some fundamental

Installation requirements

Steam boiler systems must be installed Valves and fittings of the steam boiler
so that all parts can be correctly oper- and the steam boiler system together
ated, maintained, repaired and moni- with any safety and pressure relief facili-
tored. The Health & Safety at Work of ties fitted to them must be installed, so
employees must be safeguarded at all that these can safely blow-off or can be
times. safely activated, and that the relief proc-
Steam boilers and ancillary equipment ess can be clearly recognised.
that form part of the steam boiler system
must be installed with regard to the pre-
vention of shock, vibrations and sound
emissions as well as the protection
against any other risks, so that the sys-
tems are compliant with all technical
safety aspects.
5692 806 GB


Installation (cont.)

Clearances for operation and maintenance

Areas that must be accessed for control The clearance between the boiler top
and maintenance of the steam boiler and the ceiling above must be at least
system must offer a head clearance of at 0.75 m, when access to that area is
least 2 m and a clear width of at least required for operation and mainte-
1 m. Individual boiler fittings may restrict nance.
the clear width to 0.8 m. All inspection apertures of the steam
In all other areas, a passage width of boiler system must be freely accessible
0.5 m will suffice. or must be able to be made accessible
In case of cylindrical boiler bodies, the easily.
passage width on one side can be
reduced to 0.3 m.

Access to boiler rooms

The boiler room must not include instal- Unauthorised personnel must not be
lation to which personnel requires given access to the steam boiler system.
access that is not charged with working Affix prohibition notices on all entries to
on the steam boiler system or that might the boiler room so that they are clearly
prevent the boilerman from carrying out legible at any time. The boiler user must
his work. determine the authorised circle of per-

Rescue routes, emergency exits

Rapid unhindered access to and from Doors in the way of escape routes must
the steam boiler rooms must be ensured be able to be opened easily from the
at all times through the number, location, inside and must open in the direction of
type and condition of escape routes. escape. Service
Escape routes must lead away from the The boiler room must be able to be ade-
danger area by a short and direct route. quately ventilated. For this, openings
Exits must be identified. must be provided at suitable points. If the
Boiler rooms should have two exits combustion air is drawn from the boiler
opposite each other, one of which should room, ensure that the boiler room is
be designed as an emergency exit. never subjected to more than 0.5 mbar
Escape routes and their exit points must negative pressure.
have a clear width of at least 0.6 m and
a clear head height of at least 2 m; they
must always be kept free and unobstruc-
5692 806 GB


Installation (cont.)

Platforms and handrails

To be able to safely operate fittings/ Walk-on platforms or boiler covers

valves that must be activated or tested higher than 1 m above floor level and
daily or every three days, provide steps, stairs with more than five steps require a
lean-to ladders with platform and pro- handrail.
truding handrails or platforms with steps, Access and working platforms and simi-
fixed ladders or lean-to ladders. Refer- lar must not restrict the ventilation in the
ence is made to the associated UVV boiler room.
"Ladders and steps".

Flue gas routing

Flue gases from steam boiler systems

must be routed so that they represent no
risk to personnel and third parties.


Adequate lighting is required for the Emergency lighting must be provided for
steam boiler system, in particular in the the escape routes and their exits. The
area of valves/fittings, controls and lighting installation must be maintained
safety equipment as well as in access in good working order at all times.
and escape routes.



Generally, commissioning is carried out

by Viessmann Industrieservice, the sys-
tem installer or a contractor authorised
by them.

Commissioning preparations

Prior to commissioning the boiler, at

least the following steps are required, the
5692 806 GB

execution of which are the installer's



Commissioning (cont.)

■ Checking the pipework for implemen- ■ Testing the lighting system.

tation according to design (e.g. retain- ■ Checking the availability of fire fighting
ers, expansion joints, dewatering, and "First Aid" equipment.
draining, venting). ■ Opening the front cleaning apertures
■ Checking the fittings/valves for correct of the boiler and checking the turbula-
selection and installation (e.g. correct tors (if part of the standard delivery)
pressure stage and materials, flow and removing shipping brackets.
direction, controls, correct flange con- ■ Operational telephone system.
■ Ensuring the safe operation of all
boiler house facilities (equipment,
working and access platforms, hand-
rails, insulation, heating, ventilation).

Starting the boiler

The commissioning steps are subject ■ Commissioning the feed pumps

to the respective boiler equipment (see also the commissioning instruc-
and the type of ancillary systems. The tions of the pump manufacturer with
specific sequences must be deter- reference to the required operating
mined individually for each specific conditions)
case. See page 34
The following details a sample ■ Filling the boiler with feedwater until
sequence for a system requiring no the water level is visible in the sight
supervision for 72 hours acc. to TRD glass
604/Bl. See page 34
■ Adjusting the water level control
Steps See page 34
■ Checking the water level limiting
■ Commissioning the chemical water equipment
treatment system in accordance with See page 35

the manufacturer's operating instruc- ■ Commissioning the burner

tions; adjustment of the safety equip- See page 35
ment for monitoring the required water ■ Function check of the safety pressure
quality limiter
■ Filling the feedwater tank with treated See page 35
water and flushing the feedwater lines ■ Safety valve function check
■ Commissioning the dosing equipment See page 36
for feedwater conditioning ■ T.D.S. controller adjustment
■ Commissioning the control panel See page 36
See page 34
5692 806 GB


Commissioning (cont.)

■ Boilout Adjusting the water level control

See page 36
■ Plugs/closures on the water side ■ 1. Stepped control
See page 36 – Checking the switching points for
pump ON and pump OFF via the
Commissioning the control panel water level indicator
■ 2. Constant control
■ Visual inspection – After the water level has reached the
■ Switch ON the main isolator NW level, adjust the zero point
■ Setting the individual control MCBs – Fill the boiler up to the top edge of
■ Checking individual functions the sight glass and adjust the 100%
■ Checking the display/indicator func- point at the controller
tions – Set the feedwater valve to CLOSED
■ Checking the rotational direction of via the controller and adjust the zero
motors and actuators point of the valve at the controller
■ Function test "EMERGENCY STOP". – Set the feedwater valve to OPEN via
the controller and adjust the 100 %
Commissioning the feed pumps point of the valve at the controller
– Set the limit switch at the straight-
■ Filling the pumps with medium through feedwater valve for pump
■ Starting the pumps and checking the OFF
rotational direction – Preset the switching points for pump
■ Adjusting the operating pressure of the ON and pump OFF at the controller,
pumps during the first filling of the whilst the boiler starts with the steam
boiler valve closed
■ Supply pressure must be lower than – Set feed pump switch to automatic
the max. operating pressure at the control panel and check the
■ Checking whether the boil-dry protec- function of the water level control
tion device is active and operates. ■ Repeat this process after the burner
commissioning and when the boiler
Filling the boiler with feedwater has been pressurised. As the boiler
water heats up and consequently
For this check that expands, check the NW and HW levels
■ the drain (blow-down valve) is closed again.
■ the T.D.S. valve is set to "CLOSED" ■ Let the water level return to the zero
■ the air vent valve is open point by opening the blow-down valve
■ the steam valve is closed and readjust at the controller
■ the sight apertures in the water area ■ Bring the boiler to the required water
are tight; replace gaskets if required level and adjust at the controller
■ if an ECO is installed, the ventilation
and drain valves are closed
5692 806 GB

■ the water level sight glasses are open;

flush the water side if required.


Commissioning (cont.)

Checking the water level limiting Once the combustion is steady, raise the
equipment operating pressure to approx. 3 bar
under partial burner load or at burner
■ When the NW (LWL) level has been stage 1. After that value has been
reached, reset the water level limiter in reached, the burner load up to rated out-
the control panel by resetting the boiler put is enabled. Now slowly open the
safety chain. steam valve and close the air vent
■ Check the response of the water level valve.
limiter under operating conditions in Clean the steam lines in accordance with
accordance with the manufacturer's the specification provided by the user
operating instructions. For this, take (blow-through). Ensure the adequate
the feed system out of use and reduce dewatering of the steam systems.
the water level in the boiler to the NW Subject to a steady steam draw-off the
level by drawing steam or by means of combustion can be fine adjusted.
a blow-down. Observe that both limit- Agree the operating pressure subject to
ers must respond. the safety pressure with the system
Commissioning the burner
Function check of the safety pressure
Commission the burner in accordance limiter
with the operating instructions issued by
the burner manufacturer. A prerequisite Adjust the safety pressure limiter so that,
for the commissioning is that the fuel just before the safety valve responds, it
supply is enabled and that, in case of an switches the boiler to fault status. The
oil boiler, the quick-acting oil shut-off setting pressure depends on the individ-
valve at the tank operates correctly. ual system and must be adjusted with
In case of gas combustion, a healthy gas reference to the safety and operating
supply from the local gas supply utility pressures. It must lie below the response
must be enabled and the gas line inside pressure of the safety valve.
the boiler house must be tested and cer- Make the function check with a closed
tified in writing by the system installer as steam valve and by bypassing the pres-

suitable prior to commissioning. The sure controller (key switch or test button
quick-acting gas shut-off valve at the on the control panel). The burner may be
entry into the building must function cor- operated with partial load.
rectly. Any required gas warning equip- After the safety pressure limiter has
ment must function correctly. responded and caused the boiler to per-
No unauthorised personnel must be in form a fault shutdown, seal the safety
the boiler house when the burner is pressure limiter to prevent unauthorised
being commissioned. adjustment. Reset the safety pressure
limiter following a pressure reduction in
the boiler, and return the boiler into
5692 806 GB

standard operation.


Commissioning (cont.)

Safety valve function check T.D.S. controller adjustment

This function check serves to check the This adjustment must also be made in
set pressure and to verify that the safety accordance with the manufacturer's
valve is capable of blowing off the instructions. The maximum permissible
amount of steam occurring at full load. boiler water conductivity is specified in
Prior to implementing the function check, the water standards (e.g. EN 12953, part
verify that the blow-off line has been cor- 10 or page 22); these may differ. Never
rectly routed and secured, that the dew- exceed maximum values of
atering line has been connected to the 6000 µS/cm to 20 bar. Agree the control
safety valve and that its outlet is unob- value with the user. Test the limit switch
structed and that no personnel are any- function regarding the max. conductivity
where near this area. by reducing the set value.
To check the safety valve, take the fol-
lowing steps: Boilout
■ close the steam valve,
■ bypass the pressure controller (key For technical or safety reasons, a boilout
switch or test button at the control prior to commissioning the boiler is not
panel), required for boilers with large water
■ bypass the safety pressure limiter chambers.
inside the control panel,
■ set the burner to full load. Plugs/closures on the water side
The safety valve must open when the set
pressure has been reached; this must be During commissioning, check all plugs/
=/< of the permissible operating pres- closures and flanges on the water side
sure of the boiler. The boiler pressure for tightness and retighten in accordance
can rise up to 10% above the permissible with page 45 point 17.
operating pressure before the safety
valve opens. If the pressure inside the
boiler remains below this value, then the
valve functions correctly and the boiler
can be shut down.
The function check must only be carried
out with a trained supervisor. For this
ensure that the boiler can be shut down
immediately and at any time via the
5692 806 GB


Commissioning (cont.)


Create a commissioning report regard-

ing the commissioning, where you
record the established and set values.
This report must be signed by the cus-


Instruct the operating personnel after the

first commissioning. Create a report
about these instructions.

Returning the boiler into use after idle periods

Generally, the local operators would ■ Controlling the output to partial load or
return the boiler into use after an idle stage 1
period. Starting the boiler from the exter- ■ Check the water level and, upon
nal control room is not permissible. reaching HW, reduce the water level
The boiler must be returned into use in by means of a blow-down.
the following sequence: ■ When the boiler pressure has risen to
■ Walk around the system to visually 3 bar below the permissible operating
check its correct condition pressure, slowly open the steam
■ Commissioning the control panel – cir- valve.
cuit breaker ON ■ Further checks as described in chap-
■ Commissioning the feed ter "Utilisation and operation".
■ Checking the water level and the func- ■ For one hour after starting the boiler
tion of the water level indicator as well the system should be supervised by an
as that of the water level control operator (only applicable to systems Service
■ Commissioning the combustion with a without temporary supervision).
closed steam valve


Taking the boiler out of use means the

shutting down of the system via the cir-
cuit breaker at the control panel.
5692 806 GB


Commissioning (cont.)

The length of the shutdown period also

determines the preservation measures
described in chapter "Preservation". A
short-term shutdown is not recommen-
ded, as every start-up process subjects
the boiler to additional stresses. For a
period up to 24 hours or over a weekend,
the boiler should continue in operation. If
pressure can be reduced via an addi-
tional pressure regulator or via the PLC,
then the boiler can be operated with
reduced pressure (approx. 2 bar). Only
close the steam valve downstream of tee

For this ensure that the thermal water
treatment (TWA) is not closed off by
damper valves, i.e. that it is not isolated
from the system pressure. Keep the
TWA – just like the boiler – under pres-
sure when taking the system briefly out
of use.

Steps to take the boiler out of use

■ Shut down combustion and close the

fuel valve
■ Feed the boiler up to the controlled
water level
■ Close the steam (see information
regarding the TWA above) and feed
■ Switch off the circuit breaker
5692 806 GB

Utilisation and operation


Utilisation and operation

The supervision intervals are subject to

the user specification and the national
regulations applicable in the country of
installation. The operating, maintenance
and checking tasks as listed from
page 58 are suggested by the opera-
tor. These tasks are suggested as mini-
mum requirements.

Checks are differentiated according to:

per shift/day/week/month: Execution by the operators
The period "Day" for systems with operation for
72 hours without supervision means every three
every 6 months/12 months: These checks should be carried out by a spe-
cialist contractor, e.g. the Viessmann Industrie-
service or the manufacturers of the boiler sys-
tem, combustion equipment and water treat-

All checks and their results must be

recorded with traceability.

Boiler log

This boiler log should be presented to ■ result of the regular water checks car-
the authorised supervisory body during ried out as part of standard operation,
every inspection. Make the following ■ all fault cases and special findings dur- Service
entries in the boiler log: ing inspections and maintenance of/on
■ confirmation by the boilerman with sig- the steam boiler system.
nature of the inspection tasks carried
■ confirmation by a trained person
regarding the inspection and mainte-
nance work carried out at the control
and limiting equipment every six
5692 806 GB

Utilisation and operation

What to do in case of operating faults

Note ■ irregularities in the combustion opera-

See technical safety information on tion or a deflagration have/has occur-
page 4. red,
■ medium is leaking from the pressure
Generally, the operating instructions part of the boiler.
should be observed regarding action in If dangerous conditions for boilers exist,
case of operating faults. The following shut off such conditions from boilers con-
highlights some aspects that are the nected in parallel.
result of general operating experience. If an emergency operation should be
enabled for operational reasons, agree
If steam lines, fittings/valves and other the required measures with the author-
operating equipment on the steam boiler ised supervisory body and the manufac-
system leak, and these leaks cannot be turer.
remedied immediately, limit their effect,
identify and monitor them.
Areas at risk must only be entered if this
is requested by the authorised person
and the safety measures required for
work inside the areas at risk have been
System parts that have been shut down
as a result of a fault must only be started
following the expressed instructions of
the person with the appropriate respon-
sibility, once the cause for the shutdown
has been removed and the system com-
ponents have been tested locally prior to
the new start.

Immediately shut down the steam boiler

system and inform the supervisor as
quickly as possible if a boiler condition is
suspected that could cause a dangerous
condition. This applies particularly if, for
■ a boiler wall shows signs of glowing
red hot or of a deformation anywhere,
■ the safety valve cannot be made to
respond correctly,
■ a correct operation of the controllers,
the limiters or flame monitors cannot
5692 806 GB

be ensured,
■ a fuel leak is recognised,

Repairs and inspection


General requirements Work in areas at risk may only com-

mence if the system or parts of the sys-
Repair work may only commence after tem have previously been reliably dep-
the person responsible for such repairs ressurised and are also not under nega-
has determined the required safety tive pressure, that this state has been
measures, has inspected their imple- secured and a person authorised by the
mentation and has declared the place of user has checked the implementation of
work as safe to proceed. Following the this measure and has certified in writing
completion of the work, safety measures that the area of work is safe. (This also
may only be removed on the instruction applies if line sections have been isola-
of the person, whose responsibility they ted for the purpose of a shutdown.)
are. These required measures that depend
Keep all gaskets in the closure systems on the individual system must be laid
clean and dry. Consumables, such as down in writing by the user in the form of
sealing compounds or separating agents operating instructions.
must generally not be used. Exceptions
require the agreement of the gasket
manufacturer. Only use gaskets in their
original condition and in accordance with
the manufacturer's installation and oper-
ating instructions.

Working on hot pressurised medium

Work by personnel on systems or parts

of systems that carry hot pressurised
medium (e.g. valves in steam lines) is
not permitted, if during such work the risk
of releasing the medium cannot be totally
excluded. Service
5692 806 GB

Repairs and inspection


Entering the steam boiler During the entry into the steam boiler
and flues, electrical equipment may only
Prior to entering the steam boiler, pipe be used if, including its cables and leads,
connections (steam, feed and drain it complies with the relevant safety reg-
facilities) to the operational boiler must ulations and has been provided by the
be securely and visibly separated by user or their agents for work inside the
means of adequately strong dummy steam boiler. Lamps must only be oper-
flanges or by removing pipe sections. If ated with safety voltage up to 42 V. The
on pipework with welded-in or seal-wel- same regulation applies to electrical
ded fittings the break is made by in-line tools, these may, however, be operated
shut-off facilities, the intermediate con- with higher voltages of up to 380 V, sub-
necting device that connects to the out- ject to their supply being routed through
side air, must be opened. These shut-off an isolating transformer. LV and isolating
devices must be locked and secured transformers must be located outside the
against unauthorised activation. Remov- steam boiler.
ing the hand wheels from these shut-off
devices is not enough. Warning signs: Inspections
"Danger! Persons inside the steam
boiler" must be affixed to the shut-off The type and interval of inspections
devices in a clearly visible location, so depends on the regulations that apply in
that the signs cannot be easily removed. the country of installation.
Removing the warning signs is only per- The following periods are suggested in
mitted with the agreement of the works the declaration of conformity:
manager. Steam boiler and flues must
be well ventilated. External inspec- annually
The entry into the steam boiler must be tion of the system:
explicitly requested by the person with Internal inspection every three years
the appropriate authority. The entry must of the system:
be supervised. Prior to the safety meas- Repeated pres- every nine years
ures being removed, a person with sure test: (max. test pressure
appropriate authority must ensure that in accordance with
no one is left inside the above parts of the initial pressure
the system. test)
5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Steps - commissioning, inspection and maintenance

For further information regarding the individual steps, see the page indicated

Commissioning steps

Inspection steps

Maintenance steps Page

• • • 1. Starting the system........................................................ 44

• • 2. Shutting down the system............................................. 45
• 3. Removing the burner (if required)................................. 46
• • 4. Open the boiler doors.................................................... 46
• • 5. Open the clean-out cover............................................... 47
• 6. Removing and cleaning the turbulators (if installed).. 48
• 7. Clean heating surface and flue gas collector.............. 48
• 8. Cleaning the economiser heating surfaces................. 49
• • 9. Checking all seals/gaskets and packing cords on the
flue gas side
• • 10. Clean the sight glass in the cleaning aperture............ 49
• • 11. Check thermal insulation components and gaskets... 50
• • • 12. Insert turbulators (if appropriate) and close the boiler
doors................................................................................ 52
• • 13. Fitting the cleaning cover.............................................. 53
• • 14. Burner installation.......................................................... 54
• • • 15. Checking all connections on the water and steam side
for leaks

• • • 16. Checking the inspection ports for leaks...................... 54

• • 17. Checking the water quality............................................ 54
• • • 18. Checking the installation room ventilation
• • • 19. Checking the flue pipe for tightness
• • 20. Adjusting the burner...................................................... 54
5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps

Starting the system

Details provided by the burner 10. Switch ON the main isolator, the
manufacturer and regarding switch for the boiler drives and the
accessories burner control switch in this order
(observe the burner manufacturer’s
01. Check that the turbulators (if instal- operating instructions).
led) are fully pushed into the hot gas
flues (open the boiler doors). 11. Start the boiler at a low output and
gradually heat up to a pressure of
02. Check that the boiler doors and approx. 3 bar below operating pres-
cleaning apertures at the back of the sure.
boiler are closed. Version with integral economiser:
To prevent steam hammer during
03. Check that the installation room heat-up, initiate a feedwater flow
ventilation is unobstructed. through the economiser several
times, for example by manually acti-
04. Check the function of the water vating the blow-down valve.
treatment system.
12. Vent the boiler at the air vent valve
05. Fill the steam boiler with treated during heat-up until steam is expel-
water higher than the NW level. led. Then close the valve.

Note Danger
In accordance with the TRD 611, Expelled medium can lead to
only suitable water must be used scalding.
with the steam boiler. Ensure the medium is
drained off safely.
See "Standard values for
water quality" from page 21. 13. Slowly open the steam valve after
the required steam pressure has
06. Check all fitted components, such been reached, otherwise there is a
as pipework, valves, controllers, risk of steam hammer.
pumps etc. for function and tight-
ness. 14. While the system heats up, check
the correct function of all control and
07. Check the fuel. safety equipment.

08. Open the flue gas damper (if instal- 15. Observe the pressure and temper-
led). ature test equipment.
5692 806 GB

09. Open the gas or oil line shut-off 16. If required, dewater and vent the
valves. connection lines.

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

17. Check the plugs/closures for leaks 18. Check the boiler doors and cleaning
and retighten, if required. covers for leaks after approx. 50
Retighten all plugs/closures again hours and retighten all screws (tor-
at max. permissible operating pres- que approx. 5 to 10 Nm).
sure. Torque values under cold and
hot conditions:

Closure Dimensions Torque

Hand 100 x 150, 100 Nm
hole M16
Head 220 x 320, 200 Nm
hole M20
Manhole 320 x 420, 350 Nm

Shutting down the system

Danger 2. Close the shut-off valves in the oil

Opening the boiler connections lines (at the oil tank and filter) or the
and openings whilst the boiler is gas shut-off valve.
under pressure can lead to a high
risk of severe personal injury. 3. Isolate the system from the power
Only open the connections on the supply.
water and steam side and inspec-
tion apertures after the boiler has 4. Close all valves.
been completely de-pressurised.

1. Shut down the burner.

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Removing the burner (if required)

1. Remove the fuel supply line.

2. Undo screws A and remove burner

with burner plate B.

! Please note
Ensure the burner and burner
plate are flush fitting.
Use a suitable tool/lifting

Open the boiler doors

Undo screws A and swing open boiler

doors B.

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Open the clean-out cover

1. Flue gas collector

■ Undo screws A from insulating
fascia B and remove together
with thermal insulating mat C.
■ Undo screws D and remove
cleaning cover E.

2. Flame tube entry

■ Remove screws F and swing
open the cleaning aperture G.

3. Economiser
■ Remove nuts H and remove
cover K.

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Removing and cleaning the turbulators (if installed)

Remove turbulators A without force.

Clean heating surface and flue gas collector

1. Clean flues A, flame tube B and

reversing chamber with pneumatic
cleaner and remove combustion res-

2. Remove combustion residues from

the flue pipe and the flue outlet.

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Cleaning the economiser heating surfaces

1. Remove combustion residues

through cleaning apertures A or
allow cleaning water to drain off
through drain connector B on the
flue gas collector.

2. Clean the heat exchanger surfaces

through cleaning apertures C with
pressure lances or, in case of severe
contamination with feedwater. In
case of wet cleaning always ensure
that the exchanger surfaces are at
almost identical temperatures to the
feedwater to prevent thermal
stresses and thermal shocks.

Clean the sight glass in the cleaning aperture

Check the sight glass with gaskets A for

leaks and clean.

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Check thermal insulation components and gaskets

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Check all gaskets A and insulating

parts for damage and a firm seat.

Only perfect and fixed material protects
against the egress of gas and overheat-
ing, and consequently against material
damage and injury/risk of death.

Insert turbulators (if appropriate) and close the boiler doors

1. Push turbulators B (only in the

external pipe array) as far as they will

2. Close boiler door A; tighten screws

C evenly and diagonally (torque
approx. 5 to 10 Nm).

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Fitting the cleaning cover

Fitting in reverse order as shown on

page 47.

5692 806 GB

Commissioning, inspection, maintenance

Further details regarding the individual steps (cont.)

Burner installation

1. Fit burner plate B with screws A to

the burner flange.

2. Thermally insulate the space

between the flame head (burner) and
the burner opening (boiler).

3. For pressure-jet gas burner:

Fit the gas supply pipe.

Escaping gas leads to a risk of
Test the tightness of all gas

Checking the inspection ports for leaks

Note Installation instructions of the

Replace the gaskets every time a con- gasket manufacturer.
nection has been opened.
Insert only gaskets approved in accord-
ance with TRD 401, appendix 1, VdTÜV
[or local regulations].

Checking the water quality

Standard values for water qual-


Adjusting the burner

By the burner manufacturer or author-

ised heating contractor.
5692 806 GB

Spare parts

Wearing parts, gaskets

When ordering spare parts, please quote the serial number and the boiler type (see
type plate).
Quote required number of spare parts.
Obtain standard parts from your local trade supplier.

5692 806 GB

Spare parts

Wearing parts, gaskets (cont.)

5692 806 GB

Spare parts

Wearing parts, gaskets (cont.)

5692 806 GB

Operation of steam boiler systems TRD 601
Part 1- General instructions for users Operation
of steam boiler systems Appendix 1
For steam boilers category IV

Issue June 1983 (unchanged 8/93)

Checklist for a steam boiler system (steam and hot water boiler)
( S = Visual inspection; F = Function test; F* - at six monthly inspection (to TRD))

Tasks comprising operation, maintenance Type of tests (examples)

and inspections/tests per:

TRD 601
Sheet 2
72 hours
6 months
12 months
3.2.1 Safety valves S F* Vent
Blow through and for boilers
3.2.2 Water level - display equipment F F*
with p < 32 bar
Comparison of display with the directly
3.2.3 Remote water levels S
indicated water level
3.2.4 Sampling facility F Operation and clear passage
3.2.5 Water level controller S F* Blow through and operation
Blow through or reduction
3.2.6 Water level limiter F*
to switching point
3.2.7 Flow limiter Flow reducer
3.2.9/12 Thermostat or pressure switches S F* Carry our comparative test
Operating, maintenance and inspection tasks

Change in set value /

3.2.10/13 Temperature or pressure limiter S F*
test keys
Checking with precision thermometer /
3.2.8/11 Temperature or pressure indicators (pressure gauge) S Zero point test

3.2.14 Drain and T.D.S. facilities F F* By activation

3.2.15 Boiler - fittings S By activation

5692 806 GB
5692 806 GB

3.3.1 Feedwater and circulation facilities S F The alternate operation

Feedwater and Through analytical monitoring
3.3.2 X
boiler water testing acc. to TRD 611
Devices for monitoring boiler water
3.3.3 S F Activation of test key
regarding ingress of foreign matter
Closing and re-opening of the
3.4.1 Flue gas dampers - limit switch F*
Burner control
3.4.2 F* Operation
(servomotors for air and fuel)
Combustion air fan, Quite running, transfer of power
3.4.3 S F*
ignition and/or cooling air fan (e.g. Vee-belts)
Air pressure-volume display Interruption of the pulse line
3.4.4 F*
and air pressure switch
3.4.5 Fuel shut-off facility S F Operation
3.4.6 Fuel store and Operation, leaks
3.4.7 Fuel indicator S F
Safety shut-off facility
3.4.8 upstream of the burner (for a 72-hour-operation S F Operation, leaks
also in the return line)
Tightness checking facility
3.4.9 S F
or intermediate air vent valve
Pivoting the burner,
3.4.10 Burner limit switch
pulling the burner lance
3.4.11 Emergency stop switch F F* Activation
3.4.12 Ignition S
3.4.13 Ventilation S F*
Operating, maintenance and inspection tasks (cont.)

3.4.14 Flame monitor S F Through covering the sensor

3.4.15 Assessment of combustion S
Assessment of combustion chambers
3.4.16 F*
and flues
3.4.17 Emergency stop switch F


Keyword index

Keyword index

Access to boiler rooms.......................31 Level monitoring.................................11
Adjusting the water level control........34 Lighting..............................................32
Air vent shut-off valve........................13
B Platforms and handrails.....................32
Blow-down.........................................13 Plugs/closures on the water side.......36
Boiler log............................................39 Preserving the hot gas side...............19
Boilout................................................36 Pressure monitoring unit....................15

Checking the water level limiting Rescue routes, emergency exits........31
equipment..........................................35 Returning the boiler into use after idle
Clearances for operation and periods...............................................37
Commissioning preparations.............32 S
Commissioning the burner.................35 Safety valve ......................................12
Commissioning the control panel.......34 Safety valve function check...............36
Commissioning the feed pumps.........34 Sampling cooler.................................16
Conditioning.......................................25 Shutdown...........................................37
Starting the boiler...............................33
D Steam shut-off valve..........................13
Dry preservation.................................19
E T.D.S. controller adjustment..............36
Entering the steam boiler...................42 T.D.S. unit..........................................14

Filling the boiler with feedwater..........34 Utilisation and operation....................39
Flue gas routing.................................32
Function check of the safety pressure W
limiter.................................................35 Water level indicator..........................14
Wet preservation................................17
I What to do in case of operating faults40
Installation drawing..............................9
Installation requirements....................30
5692 806 GB

5692 806 GB

5692 806 GB
5692 806 GB

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Subject to technical modifications.

Viessmann Werke GmbH&Co KG Viessmann Limited

D-35107 Allendorf Hortonwood 30, Telford
Telephone: +49 6452 70-0 Shropshire, TF1 7YP, GB
5692 806 GB

Fax: +49 6452 70-2780 Telephone: +44 1952 675000 Fax: +44 1952 675040
E-mail: [email protected]

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