Philarts Half 1ST Grading Reviewer
Philarts Half 1ST Grading Reviewer
Philarts Half 1ST Grading Reviewer
• Hablon, taken from the Hiligaynon • A sculpture is one of the main types of
word “Habol,” meaning “to weave,” both visual and fine art. It takes the
refers to both the process of making form of hard or plastic materials
the fabric and the end product. It is worked into three-dimensional objects.
traditionally made of locally-made Sculptures are traditionally reliefs or
fibers such as piña, abaca, and cotton. freestanding objects.
This hand-woven world-class textile is
• However, contemporary artists may whereby material is systematically
also use sculpture as a part of eliminated from the outside in.
“experimental art,” where sculptures
• The act of using tools to shape
are part of environments or tableaux
something from a material by
that can envelop the spectator.
scrapping away portions of that
SCULPTING material.
• From the Latin word Sculpere, the MODELLING
word Sculpture literally means to
• Modeling, also spelled modelling, in
sculpture, working of plastic
• Sculptures are one of the oldest visual materials by hand to build up form.
art forms in existence and one of the Clay and wax are the most common
most publicly visible forms of artwork. modeling materials, and the artist's
hands are the main tools, though metal
• Sculptures are more than just beautiful and wood implements are often
objects; they help us learn about employed in shaping.
ancient civilizations and understand
history. • Is an additive process, as opposed to
carving, the other main sculptural
technique, in which portions of a hard
• Philippine Sculpture is the most substance are cut away to reveal form.
familiar art forms among Filipinos. CASTING
From the transitional carving of anitos
to the santos to Christ and down to • Is a manufacturing process in which a
saints, Filipinos find it rather not liquid material is usually poured into a
difficult as they are already familiar mold, which contains a hollow cavity of
with the ways of the wood. the desired shape, and then allowed to
• Abueva (1930-2018) was recognized
as the Father of Modern Philippine • Assemblage is a creative method of
Sculpture. His modernist approach sculpture incorporating everyday found
can be seen in his exploration of objects into a three-dimensional
various media such as molave, acacia, sculpture and can be used to create
langka, ipil, kamagong, palm, adobe, dramatic, humorous, satirical, and
cement, marble, bronze, iron, brass, emotional works of art.
among others.
Traditional sculpture materials were:
In contrast to painting, sculpture has three
- Metals - Wood
dimensions – height, width, and depth. It is
created by either: - Clay - Marble
- Carving - Casting Contemporary sculpture can use any material
the artist desires.
- Modelling - Assembling
- Plastic
- Even found objects
• Carving involves cutting or chipping
away a shape from a mass of stone, GENERAL KINDS OF SCULPTURE
wood, or other hard material.
Carving is a subtractive process
• This is a kind of sculpture that can contemporary series of the okir: the
independently stand in space. It has a flat Sarimanok, the sari-mosque, the and
horizontal base. All its sides contribute to calligraphy sculptures sari-okir
the overall form of the sculpture.
• This refers to using paid space or time in
• This kind of sculpture does not have a flat any of the media to inform and influence
horizontal base. The form is projected the public. This is used to encourage the
from a flat surface. There are two types of public to patronize certain goods and
relief – low relief or bas-relief, and high services, or support policies or persons.
relief. The form of a low relief projects
- Animation
slightly from the flat surface, in contrast to
the high relief. - Photography
ASSEMBLAGE - Computer-generated graphics
• This sculpture is formed by putting - Neon signs
together materials such as found objects,
- Mascots
pieces of paper, sponges, wood scraps,
and other materials. - Total product improvement
KINETICS SCULPTURE - Total corporate promotion
• This is considered a sculpture in motion BAMBOO ART
because the entire sculpture or some
• This refers to works made of bamboo that
parts of the sculpture are moving with the
may be used for everyday purposes or for
wind or are vibrating with the surrounding
decorations or ornaments.
air. Mobile is said to be the simplest form
of kinetics sculpture.
• Creating these sculptures involves the
process of connecting sheets of metal
together by using acetylene or an electric
torch. Most sculptures of Eduardo Castillo BASKETRY
are welded sculptures.
• This refers to the art of creating containers
USE OF GLASS by weaving, plaiting, or braiding materials
• Ramon Orlina and Imelda Pilapil started into hollow three-dimensional shapes that
the use of glass in sculpture. Orlina used can be either be used for carrying, storing,
glass in table pieces, murals, and and trapping animals.
sculptures which are usually unified into a COSTUMES
framework. On the other hand, Pilapil
used glass planes with irregular shapes • These are garments, hairstyles, and
and linear patterns. accessories that are worn by individual
members or groups in a particular society.
SYMBOLIC SCULPTURE These may vary according to class, sex,
• A good example of symbolic sculpture is civil status, occupation, rank, and
the interpretation of Abdulmari Imao on personal taste of an individual.
Okir design, which is a Maranao design EMBROIDERY
tradition that is typically used in wood
carving. Imao produced four
• This refers to the art of stitching • This process involves the use of gold and
ornaments on cloth by hand. silver in creating objects and ornaments.
• Tinsmithing can be easily seen in creating
jeepneys, kalesas, and cariton or ice-
cream cart.
• This involves packaging and/or
presentation of food in an artistic way.
This is different from Western garnishing, CONCEPTUAL ART
which is adding decorative touches.
• In this type of multimedia, a visual artist
FURNITURE “ideates or sets up a situation, placing
philosophical value in the process itself,
• These are decorative and functional
while negating the importance of
objects which are typically found in a
craftmanship in arriving at a finished art
public or private dwelling or building.
These are also known as muebles or
KOMIKS AND EDITORIAL CARTOON • In this type of multimedia, the artist puts
together the materials and objects in
• Komiks and Editorial cartoons involve
exhibition space to cast a new experience
illustrations of stories or events.
or idea.
• In this type of multimedia, an artist
converts himself or herself into an art
object motion, and sound.
• The leaf is used in religious rituals, food • This involves the processes of cutting,
wrapping, and even as a form of modern pasting, recycling, and/or constructing
artistic expression. This makes leaf art objects from paper. Paper art used to be
different from basketry. limited to folk paper art such as taka and
higante from Angono, Rizal. Parol,
pastillas wrappings, and kites.
• This refers to the art of “plaiting strips of
organic fibers into mats.” These mats,
locally known as banig, are cool light, and • Personal ornaments are objects worn on
portable compared to fixed beds. the human body which may either be
natural of handcrafted as jewelry.
Alhajas/alahas: superior material and
BRASS CASTING AND BLACKSMITHING artistry which belong to hispanized
• This process involves casting and forging
brass or bronze. Tools, containers, PHOTOGRAPHY
weapons, and other items can be created
• The word Photography literally means
using this process.
'drawing with light', which derives from
GOLDSMITHING AND SILVERSMITHING the Greek photo, meaning light, and
graph, meaning to draw. Photography is
the process of recording an image – a • This refers to a body adornment
photograph – on light-sensitive film or, in permanently engraved on the skin using a
the case of digital photography, via a sharp instrument and plant dyes or inks. A
digital electronic or magnetic memory. tattoo is worn for several reasons.
• Contemporary photographers can create TEXTILE WEAVING
photographic images using either an
• This refers to the process of creating cloth
analog camera or a digital camera.
by interweaving a series of parallel vertical
Contemporary in the art world refers to
threads with another series of horizontal
artworks created in the present time or
threads at right angles. Textiles may be
very recent past.
plain or decorated by dyes, embroidery,
POTTERY and applique.
• One of the oldest and most widespread #10 LA LAGUNA ESTIGIA
of the decorative arts, consisting of
• English Title: The River Styx
objects made of clay and hardened
with heat. The objects made are • Location: López Memorial Museum,
commonly useful ones, such as vessels Pasig, Philippines
for holding liquids or plates or bowls from
which food can be served. • Artist: Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo
• This type of pottery is made from clay and THE BIRD SELLER
is usually fired at 1,700-2,100° F • Artist: Vicente Manansala
• Year: 1976
• This type of pottery is made from clay and GENESIS
feldspar. Stoneware is usually fired at
2,220-2,230° F • Artist: Hernando R. Ocampo
• Aside from dialogue, sound also includes • Period
background music, theme melodies, and
• This American-influenced type of film
mainly uses physical conflict as emphasis.
• Cutting or Editing There are two types of action films:
• Camera Movement • The first one is based on real-life stories
or actual experiences of real persons. An
• Framing
example of this is Nardong Putik (1972).
• The other type of action films, which is
• This involves joining one shot with centered on purely fictional events, may
another, making sure that these two shots be based from the tradition of metrical
are logically connected. This helps in romance or of the literary komedya, or
ensuring that only the scenes that are with contemporary issues.
required in the story will be shown.
Transitions are used for emphasis or for
smooth changing of one shot to another, • Animation is a film that involves creating
such as dissolve, fade, and turn-over. illustrations or inanimate images and
bringing them to life. Single-frame
photography was used to capture images
• This is done in order to have a smoother of a series of arranged drawings. These
change of view, to help in the gradual shots are then run in the movie projector
growth of emotions, or to stimulate a on 10 or 24 frames per second. There are
familiar experience. three types of animation: drawn
animation, cut-out animation, and model
FRAMING or live animation.
• This helps in bringing balance to the film • Drawn animation involves the use of
as it is viewed. Framing can also get the drawings for a certain image. In this type
attention of the audience and sustain the of animation, a single movement requires
attention. creating another image on a separate
FORMS AND TYPES OF FILMS sheet of celluloid (cel) or acetate sheet.
Acrylic colors are used in creating
• Action/Aksyon drawings on cel or acetate.
• Animation • On the other hand, cut-out animation, as
• Bomba the name implies, involves cutting out
images from photos, cardboard, or other
• Dokyu flat materials. A collage is formed out of
these materials. This process is simpler,
• Drama
relatively cheaper and does not take too
• Experimental much time. However, this is not popular
among filmmakers because the final
• Fantasy output does not have the smooth flow of
• Historical movement compared to that in drawn
• Horror
• Lastly, model or live animation involves
• Komedi/Comedy moving three-dimensional objects made
from sand, clay, wire, or other solid
• Musical
objects. These movements are recorded events and places that are recreated in
by the camera. the film.
• Bomba, a film that primarily depicts nudity • A horror film is shown to bring fear to the
and sex, became popular from 1970’s. audience. It includes supernatural beings
Known as “bold,’’ and “ST,’’ bomba is like ghosts, goblins, vampires, and
different from X-rated films. imaginary monsters to the story. This
genre is very appealing to most Filipinos,
and it may be attributed to the fondness of
• The dokyu is a motion picture that the Filipino for the supernatural and
narrates or discusses news events. It may unknown.
also explain other subject matter based on
facts. The director may add fiction to the
subject matter. There are five types of the • The aim of this film is to induce laughter in
dokyu: the audience. There are two types of
• film journalism, general-interest film,
nature documentaries, committed • The romantic comedy
documentaries, and cinema direct.
• The slaptik comedy
• This refers to a motion picture that dwells
on personal problems and conflicts.
Drama draws sentiments and emotion. It
is typically meant to be tearjerker.
• This type of film attempts to create
something radically innovative or
something is never done before with the
camera. It also explores the hidden
potentials of films.
• Fantasy films often have an element of
magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the
extraordinary. They may appeal to both
children and adults, depending upon the
particular film. In fantasy films, the hero
often undergoes some kind of mystical
experience, and must ask for aid from
powerful, superhuman forces on the
• This type of film shows actual events that
occurred in the past. It may depict real
stories of famous persons, or historical