Reviewer On Cle
Reviewer On Cle
Reviewer On Cle
Notion of Duty:
• Third Formulation: Necessary Being
“Act in such a way that you always treat – Always existed
humanity, whether in your own person or in – Always will exist
the person of any other, never simply as a – Can’t not exist
means but always at the same time as an end.”
Contingent being
In this formulation, respect for other people is put – Any being that could have not existed
into emphasis. It states that one must not by any
means use and treat other people for his own Argument from Degrees
advantage. This means that a person must not in - Properties come in degrees. In order for there to
any way regard people only as a means but always be degrees of perfection, there must be something
an end. perfect against which everything else is measured.
- Treat other people for his own advantage God is the pinnacle of perfection.