Cle 1ST Grading Reviewer
Cle 1ST Grading Reviewer
Cle 1ST Grading Reviewer
For Aristotle, everything that we do is pointed LESSON 4: CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE
to our very “Telos”
Telos – “End” “Purpose” “Goal”
Aristotle attempts to identify what are the
characteristics of human being that
differentiate it from other species. To be Human is to use our reason. And in
using our reason, we can produce the
Every species has its own role in the
“Categorical Imperative” and be Moral.
universe. It is the fulfilling its role well that
defines what is the ultimate good of that Immanuel Kant
thing or animal.
• Immanuel Kant was born on April 22, 1724,
Humans only have one main Goal. And that is in Kaliningrad, Russia.
to be HAPPY. • In 1740 Kant entered the University of
Telos of man – “Eudaimonia” Königsberg.
Eudaimonia - “Happiness” “fulfilled life” • He published science papers, including
"General Natural History and Theory of the
But happiness for Aristotle is not the usual Heavens" in 1755
happiness that we usually consider. Happiness • He spent 15 years as a metaphysics
for Aristotle is becoming who you are lecturer. In 1781, he published the first part
supposed to be to function as you are of Critique of Pure Reason. ò
supposed to function. It is more on doing • He died on February 12, 1804, in
than having. Konigsberg, Russia.
And we can only achieve that by becoming “Two things fill the mind with ever new and
virtuous. increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and
Arete (Virtue) the more steadily we reflect on them: the starry
heavens above and the moral law within.”
Virtue is a “golden mean” between the
extremes of excess and deficiency - Immanuel Kant
Virtue is doing things in RIGHT WAY, in the Kant’s Theory represent deontological ethics
RIGHT TIME, in the RIGHT PLACE, in the For him, a right action consists solely in an
RIGHT AMOUNT, towards the RIGHT action that is ruled and justified by a rule or
PERSON. principle.
But how do we become virtuous? Notion of Duty:
• Moral Exemplars Distinction between “I want” and “I ought”.
• Experience
• Choosing to be better everyday Moral actions are not spontaneous, if I see
someone in need of help, I may be inclined to
If you want to be happy, you must be virtuous look the other way, but I will recognize that my
duty is to help. Considering only those actions
that are seemingly good according to Kant are
actions that seem good by duty, that are good
to my common sense of duty and for that they
are right.
Kant’s Duty ethics suggests that right actions Second Formulation: “Act so as to will the
should only be based of REASON and not maxim of your action as a universal law in the
desires or emotions. kingdom of the Ends.”
Nature of Imperatives But first, the “Kingdom of Ends” must be
discussed. Kant explains that the
• Hypothetical Imperatives
• Categorical Imperatives “Kingdom” is the well-organized union of
accepted moral laws which binds every
Hypothetical Imperatives rational beings. (Formula of Humanity)
If you want you ought. The ought or the duty is In other words, they are the collection of laws
conditioned by your desires, wants and goals. and maxims which are universally valid and
Our goals are grounded in SELF-INTEREST ends in themselves. They are the ideal
“If you will treat me well, then, I will tell you the maxims which can make society an ideal
truth” society. These laws, being the ideal laws which
are universally valid must always be an end
Categorical Imperatives in themselves because they are already “good
The general from of DO. (Unconditioned) in themselves”.
For Kant there is only one imperative Third Formulation: “Act in such a way that
command and it is the Moral Law. you always treat humanity, whether in your
own person or in the person of any other,
“Tell the truth” never simply as a means but always at the
Categorical – It applies to all situation same time as an end.” (Do not treat people
as objects)
Imperative - it is commanding, an ought to do
In this formulation, respect for other people is
Reason over Sentiments! put into emphasis. It states that one must not
by any means use and treat other people for
Formulation of the Categorical
his own advantage. This means that a person
First Formulation: “Act only on that maxim must not in any way regard people only as a
through First which you can at the same time means but always an end.
will that it that it should become a universal
What is wrong will always be wrong, even
law.” (Universalizability principle)
though everybody is doing it; and what is
In this formulation, Kant emphasizes that a right will always be right even though
person’s action in order for it to be morally nobody is doing it.
acceptable must be universal. In other words,
it must always apply to every situation. For
example, “You shall not kill”. It is a universal Thomas Aquinas
maxim because it can apply to every situation.
That is why it is categorical. That a person • Italian Philosopher and Theologian Saint
ought not to kill. Thomas Aquinas, also known as Thomas
of Aquino, was born on 1225 in
An action can only be moral, if it can be Roccasecca, Italy. He was the son of
universalizable. Landulph, count of Aquino, and
Theodora, countess of Teano.
• Right is right and wrong is wrong.
• Before being born, a holy hermit prophesied
• No gray areas in morality.
to his mother : “He will enter the Order of
Friars Preachers, and so great will be his • Always will exist
learning and sanctity that in his day no one • Can’t not exist
will be found to equal him.” Contingent Being
• St. Thomas Aquinas later became one of - Any being that could have not existed
the most influential medieval thinkers of Argument from Degrees
Scholasticism and the father of
Thomistic School of Theology. Properties come in degrees. In order for
• Greatly influenced by ARISTOTLE there to be degrees of perfection, there must
be something perfect against which everything
Let us first lay some foundations of these else is measured.
Theory: And it can be seen in Aquinas’ 5 proof of
God’s existence: God is the pinnacle of perfection.