2022 Acr Online Division Mass Training Workshop

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Hilongos South District


Venue and Location District Audio Visual Hall, Hilongos South Central School,
Hilongos South District, Hilongos, Leyte
Duration 2 days 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Dates February 15 – 16, 2022
No. of Participants All HSD Grades 1 to 3 teachers, District Reading Coordinators
and School Heads
Facilitators Ma’am Olivia P. Manasis and CRLA Team Hilongos South District
Reading Coordinator, Dr. Leoncia Felda F. Paran
Executive Summary
RATIONALE Reading is an essential skill for every learner as stated in
our vision and mission. It is the duty of every teacher to build,
mold the pupils. It is the right of every Filipino learner to learn
and complete basic education.
Two school year now that we experienced a big challenge
brought to us by the pandemic. Teachers and pupils need to
adjust the new modalities used in the teaching learning process,
in the new normal. The need of teachers’ assistance is in high
demand, thus to cater our learners especially in their reading
To ensure the delivery of quality, accessible, equitable basic
education, a new tool to assess the readiness of our pupils in
terms of their reading performance is created and introduced to
the field the CRLA. A comprehensive Rapid Literacy Assessment,
which is standardized, guided and additional support in reading.
The DepEd Leyte Division conducted an Online Division
Mass Training – Workshop on the Administration and Utilization
of the Comprehensive Rapid Literacy Assessment (CRLA) Tools
and Scoring Sheets for All Grades 1 to 3 teachers, Reading
Coordinators and School Heads.

OBJECTIVES a. Equipped the participants with knowledge and in skills on the

administration and utilization of the CRLA Tools and Scoring
b. Concretized the agreement for the testing in school using the
CRLA tools which shall start on March 1 – 31, 2022.
c. Discuss other related matters.

ACTIVITIES  Dr. Leoncia Felda Paran, Principal III of Lunang

Elementary School and at the same time the District
Reading Coordinator, checked the attendance of all HSD
Grades 1 to 3 teachers who attended the online Division
Mass Training in the Audio Visual Hall in the district
before the Virtual training started and assigned
rapporteurs for Day 1 and 2.
 Opening Program started at 8:45 in the morning. A prayer,
singing of the Philippine National Anthem and DepEd Leyte
Hymn were conducted thru a video presentation.
 Checking of attendance by Area, Areas III, IV, VA and VB
and Dagami North done by the host.
House Rules were mentioned as:
1. Microphones should be muted while the discussion is
going on,
2. Speak up, raise your hand and write your questions on
the chat box.
 The first speaker is the Division Coordinator in
Kindergarten, Ma’am Olivia Manasis. She discussed the
overview/introduction/background of CRLA, the legal
basis and the different memos. She also mentioned the
ABC + Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines a
project funded by USAID. She further discussed that this
project seeks to improve the numeracy, literacy of K to 3
learning outcomes. That USAID supports DepEd’s
priorities ensure access of those areas with greatest needs.
She mentioned also the 5 Core Principles of ABC+ the,
a. We culture
b. Rooted in Context
c. Investing Early
d. Collaboration
e. Value of Mother Tongue
 Ma’am Olivia Manasis further elaborated the CRLA has
parts, the introduction, administration and Recording of
 What is CRLA?
 Who developed the CRLA?
 CRLA is a comprehensive rapid literacy assessment, a
standardized reading assessment and additional support
in reading. This assessment tool is to be administered only
to Grades 1 to 3 learners.
Grade I Assessment is Mother Tongue
Grade II Mother Tongue and Filipino
Grade III Mother Tongue, Filipino and English

Ma’am Manasis explained on how to administer the CRLA tool.

CRLA is administered by a teacher to an individual child. This
child reads items out loud. Modes of administration is either face
to face or online using facebook, messenger, google meet, zoom,
WhatsApp, Viber. Estimated time of administration is 5 minutes.
 After the topic elaborated by Ma’am Olivia Manasis there
was a 10 minute break.
 The next speaker is Ma’am Alma Cavalejo from Kananga II
District. Her topic about the CRLA Tools and Reading
Profiles and the administration Guide.
 She gave the Overview of the different tools of CRLA and
the different BoSY CRLA Reading Profiles. The different
BoSY CRLA Reading Profiles are:
 Full Refresher – needs direct instruction
 Moderate refresher – does not have a firm grasp of
previous grade concepts.
 Light refresher – has firm grasp of previous grade

 Ma’am Alma Cavalejo also presented the different

administration guides for every grade level. Sample for
 Full Refresher – needs phonological awareness and
letter sound instruction
 Moderate Refresher – needs practice with letter sounds.
 Grade Ready – Demonstrate reading ability aligned with
end of Kindergarten standards.
Video Presentation was shown to the participants.

The next topic was Home Learning Partners Orientation. This

was given to us by Ma’am Shanelyn P. Hugo, Master Teacher I of
Pawing Elementary School, Palo III District.
Before conducting the CRLA, there should be an orientation
of Home Learning partners. It canbe done in groups, in group
chats but not individually. She further discussed the importance
of Orientation in CRLA, the key messages for HLPs, the Dos and
DONTs and NOTEWELL in the administration of CRLA.
A video presentation was presented as sample orientation
and simulation scenario.
 The morning session ended at 11:45 a.m. and agreed to be
back at exactly 1:00 p.m.

 At exactly 1:00 o’clock. All the HSD Grades 1 to 3 teachers

and school heads gathered again in the audio – visual Hall.
 The first speaker for afternoon session is from San Miguel
District, Ma’am Loida Repuerte.
Her topic was the administration of CRLA
One of the objectives is to gain knowledge on the
administration of CRLA.
She also discussed the Administration Guide for Grades I, II
and III.
Before we begin we must see to it that the following are
 Teacher Administration Guide
 Learner Sheet
 Pencil and paper
 Class record sheet
She further discussed the steps on how to administer the
o Ask the child to read the words in Task 1. If the child does
not read any words correctly in Task 1 end the
o If the child identifies at least one word correctly on Task 1,
Ask the learner to read the words in the second box.
She reminded the teachers to never write on the learner
sheet., use separate sheet, use a separate notebook to count the
number of words read correctly.

The following are the Reading Profiles:

1 – 10 Moderate Refresher
11 – 16 Light Refresher
17 -20 Grades ready

Steps to follow in administering the assessment.

o Ask the learner to point to item before they begin.
o All items on the Learner Sheet are read aloud by the child.
o Allow the child to read at their own pace.
o Do not help learners to read items during the assessment.
o Write down child’s score on piece of paper after each task.
A video presented after the discussion.

 The next speaker/ facilitator was Ma’am Zyka Anne V.

o She shared to us her topic about the Presentation
on Electronic Scoring
o She discussed about CRLA Electronic Scoresheet
which is easy to use and developed in MS Excel,
automatically generate summary tables and charts.
o She presents the CRLA Scoresheets File Location for
o 3 Type Sheets in the File
 Scoresheet, use to record the learners’
assessment results
 For Grade I , MT Scoresheet
 For Grade II, MT and Filipino Scoresheets
 For Grade 3, MT, Filipino and English
o Class Record
Automatically summarize the assessment results
by reading Profile
o Class Summary – automatically summarize the
reading profile/proficiency level of all the grade
levels and show it in CRLA Classroom
 She showed the different Samples of Scoresheets for each
grade level.
 There was also a Practice Session on how to use the
Electronic Scoresheet
 Before the first day of the training ended, there were 3
districts/schools assigned for Simulation for the second
o Grade 1 MTB Area Leyte 1 Central School
o Grade 2 Filipino Area 4 Isabel CS
o Grade 3 Area 5B Inopacan CS

 Ma’am Olivia Manasis gave her closing message before the

end of the first day’s activities, reminded the participants
to be in the virtual room at exactly 8:00 A.M. and appealed
to everybody to have enough patience for the unstable
internet connectivity because its beyond their control, just
find a place where there’s a strong internet connectivity.
 Since there was no more activity to tackle the training
ended at 4:30 p.m.

Resource Materials Projector, laptop

Issues Encountered Unstable Internet Connectivity (Facilitators)
Expenses MOOE
Recommendation CRLA Tool should be done at the beginning of school year.

Prepared by:


Noted by:


Principal III



Principal III (DIC)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Hilongos South District


Venue and Location District Audio Visual Hall, Hilongos South Central School,
Hilongos South District, Hilongos, Leyte
Duration 2 days 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Dates February 15 – 16, 2022
No. of Participants All HSD Grades 1 to 3 teachers, District Reading Coordinators
and School Heads
Facilitators Ma’am Olivia P. Manasis and CRLA Team Hilongos South District
Reading Coordinator, Dr. Leoncia Felda F. Paran
Executive Summary
RATIONALE Reading is an essential skill for every learner as stated in
our vision and mission. It is the duty of every teacher to build,
mold the pupils. It is the right of every Filipino learner to learn
and complete basic education.
Two school year now that we experienced a big challenge
brought to us by the pandemic. Teachers and pupils need to
adjust the new modalities used in the teaching learning process,
in the new normal. The need of teachers’ assistance is in high
demand, thus to cater our learners especially in their reading
To ensure the delivery of quality, accessible, equitable basic
education, a new tool to assess the readiness of our pupils in
terms of their reading performance is created and introduced to
the field the CRLA. A comprehensive Rapid Literacy Assessment,
which is standardized, guided and additional support in reading.
The DepEd Leyte Division conduct on Online Division Mass
Training – Workshop on the Administration and Utilization of the
Comprehensive Rapid Literacy Assessment (CRLA) Tools and
Scoring Sheets for All Grades 1 to 3 teachers, Reading
Coordinators and School Heads.
OBJECTIVES a. Equipped the participants with knowledge and in skills on the
administration and utilization of the CRLA Tools and Scoring
b. Concretized the agreement for the testing in school using the
CRLA tools which shall start on March 1 – 31, 2022.
c. Discuss other related matters.
ACTIVITIES  Opening program started at 8:50 in the morning a prayer
and singing of the Nationalistic song thru a video
 The CRLA Team in the Division had or unique formula in
checking of attendance, by singing their favorite song to
recognize the Area III, IV, VA and 5B and also Dr. Leoncia
Felda Paran, Principal III of Lunang Elementary Schol and
also the District Reading Coordinator in Hilongos South
District checked the attendance of Grade 1, 2 and 3
teachers who attended the second day of the training.
 The host of CRLA had a Recap for yesterday’s topics. There
were ten (10) questions were given to the assured by the
 Ma’am Alma the speaker discussed about the important
reminders before giving the assessment.
 Showing of simulation on how to conduct CLRA and giving
of score in each learners in Kananga ES (MTB), Isabel ES
(Filipino) and Inopacan ES (English) right after the TA were
 Ma’am Olivia Padilla Manasis before giving her closing
message she remind that “No changes” of pri "nt given by
CLRA “kon walay pagtugot sa Region”.
 Dr. Leoncia Felda Paran gives a nice impression message
about the CLRA Mass Training and teachers she asked to
the teachers to submit a reflection for Day 1 and Day 2.
 Ma’am Olive Manasis before the training ends she said that
“ Let us do our best for God will do the rest.”
 The training ended at 4:00 P.M.
Resource Materials Projector, laptop
Issues Encountered Unstable Internet Connectivity (Facilitators
Expenses MOOE
Recommendation CRLA Tool should be done at the beginning of school year.
Prepared by:


Noted by:


Principal III


Principal III (DIC)

Day 1
Day 2

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