Action Plan Intrams
Action Plan Intrams
Action Plan Intrams
AMABE Virtual Intramurals 2021
November 22-26, 2021
Theme: "Initiating Camaraderie during Health Crises: Enhancing Athletic, Literary, and Musical Capabilities
Through Technology in the New Normal"
Rationale: The school intramural program is an extension of the regular physical education instructional program, including the development of movement skills, health-related fitness, and personal and
social responsibility, conducted before and/or after school among students in the same school. All intramural activities are treated equally in terms of resources, facilities, selection of staff, and
allocation of supplies and equipment.
Intramural programs should provide students with a variety of interesting, diverse, and challenging activities to accommodate differing levels of need, skill, readiness, and interests. The primary reason
for participation is enjoyment of the learning activities rather than pressure to compete and win, as in athletic competition. Such an environment will enable students to extend learning of the benefits of
movement, develop positive attitudes, increase self-esteem, enjoy positive social interactions, and broaden their fitness and leisure horizons.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand, has wreaked havoc on the education system. The crisis situation hampered the normal operation of schools, including school activities. Introducing
sports would be impossible given the current situation. The school is able to make this event possible through the powerful waves of connectivity to the virtual world.
The school AMABE intramural program provides opportunities for students to:
Person(s) Resources needed
Objectives Strategy Activity Time Frame Expected Output
Responsible Equipment Material Needed- Estimated Budget
- Discussing the The program has
activity: schedule, Show the proposal been finalized;
program and Activity Chairman/s November 11,
program for the A. Faculty Meeting - - additional
preparation of Faculty 2021
equipment and intramural. information is
facilities to be used. added.
Team manager of
each team will be
the one to check the
attendance of the Understand the
members. meaning of the
theme and applying
The school Director values through
will formally start sports and
the program Virtual Tools activities.
through giving a (Zoom or Google
-Discussing the November 22,
short message B. Virtual School Head Meet) Win with humility
importance of the 2021 -
event, explanation of
about the theme: Intramurals Opening Teacher and lose with grace.
the theme. "Initiating Ceremonies Students Green Screen for
10:00 AM
Camaraderie Virtual background Do both with
During Health dignity.
Crises: Enhancing
Athletic, Literary, Avoid excessive
and Musical celebrating after a
Capabilities play or at the end of
Through a game.
Technology in the
New Normal"
-Preventing violent The MAPEH C. Oath of School Head November 22, Virtual Tools - Those who pledge
action towards teacher will be task Sportsmanship Teacher 2021 (Zoom or Google agree:
officials, opponents to lead the Oath of Students Meet) • To be a proper
and other spectators
which are becoming
common place in
today’s society and
sports. role model for other
young people.
• To be clear and
-Decreasing the firm about rules
through reading the
emphasis on just 10:00 AM Green Screen for concerning our
winning and losing an pledge and letting
Virtual background conduct and
event. student to follow.
behavior while
participating in
-Learn the attitudes virtual contest.
necessary for
responsible behavior.
Virtual Tools
(Zoom or Google
-Formally open the
program. The torch is The team The activity
November 22, Green Screen for
a symbol of the manager/s who won explains that the
E. Virtual Lighting of 2021 Virtual background
harmony and goodwill Sport Fest 2019 will - - intramural is now
which represent the the torch
be doing. open and about to
ideals of the Olympic 10:00 AM Team digital
(Video recorded) start.
Games. Banner
Video of Lighting of
-Acknowledge all good Wish opponents Routine Sport Live up to the
plays or performances good luck before Exhibition Events standards of
by both your the game and sportsmanship
teammates and your congratulate them Elementary Category established by the
in a sincere manner referees and
that you would like -Taekwondo committees
-Winning with
to be greeted -Volleyball Virtual Tools
humility and lose with Players
grace. Do both with following either -Basketball (Zoom or Google
Team Managers November 22-25 -
dignity. victory or defeat. Meet)
-Playing by the rules
and in the spirit of the -Taekwondo
game. -Volleyball
- Poster Making
- Poetry Out
loud: Recitation
- Math Online
Quiz Bee
- Digital Poster
- Photography
– in- photo
- Online Spoken
Word Poetry
- Math Online
Quiz Bee
Non – academic
Elementary Category
- Tiktok
- Mass dance
- Billiards 8 ball
- Mobile
Legend: Bang
- Chess
- Scrabble
- Mobile
Legend: Bang
Virtual Tools
(Zoom or Google
Office of the
- Closing formally the Green Screen for Appreciation to all
November 26, School Director
program. Award the team for School Head Virtual background players’
F. Awarding and 2021
winning most of the Players participation.
Closing Remarks Activity Focal
-Recognizing activity. Teachers Trophies Accomplishment of
outstanding players. 10:00 AM Person and
the program.
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Ms. Mary Chris Morales
Activity Focal Person
I (state your name) do solemnly swear that in joining the AMABE virtual intramural 2021, I shall abide by its rules and regulations, subscribe to the true spirit of
sportsmanship, promote happy fellowship and camaraderie. To help me attain this pledge, I shall be guided by the dictum “when the great scorer pens your name, he writes not, if
you won or lost, but how you played the game”.
4. Panunumpa sa Watawat
Schedule of Activities
Academic Competition
submission of entry)
1. All the contests are open to bona fide students of AMA Basic Education of Las Piñas in the preschool, elementary, junior high school and senior high school levels dully enrolled for
given school year.
2. The team has two categories: three teams from preschool and elementary five teams from junior high and senior high school.
3. All the activities and contests will be conducted virtually using any virtual tool, e.g., zoom, Google meet, or KUMU.
4. Each contestant should arrive at their designated online venue at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
a. Draw lots will be done immediately before the starts of competition
b. Latecomers are disqualified but may perform if they so desire.
c. All the video entries will be sent 2 -3 days before the actual judgement of the juries. Send your video with the proper file name format that will be given by the organizers.
5. The contestant should dress appropriately and decently.
6. The board of judges is comprised of individuals who are not affiliated with the school.
7. The board of tabulators will compile each judge's entries and rank them to determine the final winners. They will apply the appropriate deductions, if any, prior to completing the final
8. The Chairman of the Board of Judges will announce the first, second, and third place winners in the presence of the event coordinators.
Scoring System
1. For the pre-school and elementary category, winners will be declared in each event: Champion, First Runner-Up, Second Runner-Up, and Third Runner-Up.
2. For the junior high and Senior high school, winners will be declared in each event: Champion, First Runner-Up, Second Runner-Up, Third Runner- up and Fourth runner up.
3. The table below is the basis of determining the Over-all Champion for the AMABE Virtual Intramurals 2021.
EXHIBITION 45% 40% 35% 30%
20% 15% 10% 5%
EXHIBITION 50% 45% 35% 30% 25%
40% 35% 30% 15%
30% 25% 15% 10% 5%
1. The sports exhibition event has two categories. The first category is for the elementary level (Grade 1-6). The second category is for junior high and senior high school levels (Grade 7-
2. Each team will have one (1) representative from elementary and one (1) from junior high school and one (1) representative form junior high school.
3. Film yourself while doing a routine.
4. Deliver the routine in a 2-3-minute video.
5. The video must be taken within the vicinity of your house. If you wish to go out and shoot your routine drill outside, parental consent is required.
6. Editing your video and adding musical backgrounds are allowed to complement the delivery. No deduction shall be made if the contestant opts out of having a musical background.
7. Any contestant who falls short of time limit of delivery or who succeeds the maximum time will be given corresponding deduction of three (3) points for every minute in excess in total
points of judge.
8. The following are the routines that should be shown in your video:
1. Poster Making was organized to explore and encourage an individual's creativity in order to showcase his or her ability. It will motivate them to think critically and creatively in order to express
themselves visually.
2. The contest is open to all preschool and elementary students of AMA Basic Education of Las Pinas and each team will have one (1) representative from preschool and one (1) from elementary.
3. The poster must be an original.
4. The piece must be related with the theme and must not contain any malicious and offensive content.
5. Each contestant must submit a picture for the evidence for poster making.
6. The contestants are free to use any variety of art and coloring materials to express their thoughts. We encourage the participants to use the materials which is already available in their respective
households to avoid going out.
7. For final judging, the contestants' final piece must be submitted by November 24, 2021, at exactly 12:00 p.m. Send your entry to the assigned organizer of the event through messenger to avoid copying.
8. Digitized output will be disqualified. Only those made by hand can be accepted.
9. The contestants will be judged using the following criteria:
1. Digital Poster Making was created to foster and encourage an individual's creativity through the use of digital tools. It will encourage them to be critical and creative in their thinking in order to express
themselves visually.
2. The contest is open to all junior high school and Senior high school students of AMA Basic Education of Las Pinas and each team will have one (1) representative from junior high school and one (1) from
senior high school.
6. For final judging, the contestants' final piece must be submitted by November 24, 2021, at exactly 12:00 p.m. Send your entry to the assigned organizer of the event through messenger to avoid copying.
7. The following criteria shall be used:
a. Message and relevance to the theme 40%
b. Creativity and artistry 30%
c. Originality and neatness 20%
d. Over-all impact 10%
Total = 100%
8. If the participants fail to submit their final entry on the given deadline will not be accepted.
9. All participants agree to abide by these rules. Any violation of these rules will result in immediate disqualification and forfeiture of their final entry.
10. The decision of the panel of judges is final and irrevocable.
(Preschool and Elementary Categories)
1. The Poetry Out Loud Recitation has two categories. The first category is for the preschool level (Nursery, Kindergarten and Preparatory). The second category is for Elementary level
(Grade 1-3).
2. Each team will have only one contestant for each category.
3. The piece will be given 1 week before the submission of the video entry.
4. Recite or deliver the piece in a 1–2-minute video. Wear an appropriate attire.
5. The video must be taken inside your home (can be filmed inside the room, living room, kitchen, etc.). Video entries taken outside will be DISQUALIFIED.
6. The following criteria shall be used:
a. Voice quality 20%
b. Diction & pronunciation 20%
c. Delivery & Interpretation 40%
d. Master of piece 10%
e. Presence 10%
Total =100%
7. Props and backdrops will not be allowed.
8. Deadline of submission is on November 24, 2021, at 5:00 pm.
9. Submit the video with Subject Heading ENTRY: POETRY OUTLOUD _ TEAM _LEVEL to the organizer's email address (to be announced)
10. If the participants fail to submit their final entry on the given deadline will not be accepted.
11. The decision of the panel of judges is final and irrevocable.
1. The contest is open to all junior high school and Senior high school students of AMA Basic Education of Las Pinas and each team will have one (1) representative from junior high school and one (1) from
senior high school.
2. Spoken poetry must be an original composition with title. It could be written in Filipino or in English.
3. The piece must be related to the theme: “Initiating Camaraderie During Health Crises: Enhancing Athletic, Literary, and Musical Capabilities Through Technology in the New Normal"(Note: It must not
contain any malicious and offensive content)
4. Recite/Deliver the piece showing the composer in 2-3 minutes video. Wear an appropriate attire.
5. The video must be taken inside your home (can be filmed inside the room, living room, kitchen, etc.). Video entries taken outside will be DISQUALIFIED
6. Instrumental or musical background are allowed to complement the delivery. No deduction shall be made if the contestant opts not to have a musical background.
7. The following criteria shall be used:
a. Relevance to the theme and content: 40%
b. Mastery of piece 30%
c. Delivery 15%
d. Creativity 15%
Total = 100%
8. Please send two (2) soft copies of the written composition and the video with the subject heading entry: SPOKEN WORD POETRY_TEAM _ LEVEL to the organizer's email address (to be announced).
9. Deadline of submission is on November 25, 2021, at 5:00 pm.
10. If the participants fail to submit their final entry on the given deadline will not be accepted.
11. The decision of the panel of judges is final and irrevocable.
1. The Declamation Contest is open to all students in grades 4–6, and each team will have one (1) representative.
2. The piece will be given 1 week before the submission of the video entry.
3. Deliver the piece in a 2-3-minute video.
4. The video must be taken inside your home (can be filmed inside the room, living room, kitchen, etc.). Video entries taken outside will be DISQUALIFIED.
5. The following criteria shall be used:
a. Voice quality 20%
b. Diction & pronunciation 20%
c. Delivery & interpretation 40%
d. Mastery of piece 10%
e. Presence 10%
Total = 100%
(Junior high school and Senior high school Categories)
1. The contest is open to all junior high school and Senior high school students of AMA Basic Education of Las Pinas and each team will have one (1) representative from junior high school and one (1) from
senior high school.
2. The Board of Judges will give one topic and shall be used by all of the contestants.
3. Except for contestant # 1, all the other contestants will stay in the zoom waiting room.
4. The Master of the Ceremonies will read the topic to the first contestant. As soon as the first contestant starts speaking, the topic will be given to the second contestant through a private message while in
the waiting room.
5. The speech should be at least one (1) minute long but not beyond three (3) minutes. The timer starts counting as soon as the contestant start with his first word action.
6. An online timing device will be used. The green light indicates the end of one (1) minute, the yellow light indicates the end of two (2) minutes, and the red light indicates the end of three (3) minutes. After
the red light, the contestant has thirty (30) more seconds to wrap up his speech. Anybody who speaks for less than one (1) minute, or more than three-and-a-half (3 ½) minutes will be given a
corresponding deduction of three (3) points for every minute short or in excess of total points.
7. The following criteria for judging will be followed:
a. Organization & content 50%
b. Delivery 20%
c. Diction & Pronunciation 20%
d. Presence 10%
Total = 100%
8. A contestant may deliver his piece in any decent attire.
1. The contest is open to all bona fide students of AMA Basic Education of Las Piñas enrolled in this given year.
2. There are three levels in the contest. The grade school contestants may come from any level but should not go beyond sixth grade. High school and senior high school students are eligible
to compete.
3. Only one representative from each team is allowed to participate. It will be held via google meet or Zoom.
4. They must open their cameras (half body) the whole time to avoid cheating.
5. Participants must have a white board /illustration board/ bond paper, markers chalks, and paper and pens (for your answer)
6. The quizmaster reads each question twice, after which he/she gives the GO signal.
7. The quiz bee has three rounds with corresponding points, number of items and time allotment for answering each item. Easy (2 points, 5 questions, 15 secs to answer) the questions are
answered mentally. There should be no writing anywhere, either on paper nor in the table, etc. Average (3 points ,5 questions ,30 secs to answer) the contestant is allowed to use any clean
bond paper for solution, contestant may begin solving as soon as she/he wish. Difficult (5 points ,3 questions, 60 secs to answer) for the one I minute question, a given problem is provided
through power point presentation.
8. One of the judges will announce the contestant with the correct answer. The scorer will record the points obtain by the contestant for each correct answer.
9. The quizmaster reads each question twice, after which he/she gives the GO signal.
10. In case of a tie, Clincher Round will be given. (do or die).
11. The top 3 scores are declared as winners.
1. Communication-in-Photo Contest is a photography competition that aims to integrate student photographer’s understanding of the communication process in the digital age into the art of photography.
2. The contest is open to all junior high school and Senior high school students of AMA Basic Education of Las Pinas and each team will have one (1) representative from junior high school and one (1) from
senior high school.
3. Photos must be on 8.5”x11” and must bear an up to 10-word title and 25-word creative description placed at the bottom of the content.
4. Submit the final photo with Subject Heading ENTRY: AMABE COMMUNICATION-IN-PHOTO CONTEST_TEAM_LEVEL to the organizer's email address (to be announced)
5. The deadline for submission is November 24, 2021.
6. Judging of the photo-entries shall be made on November 25, 2021. Upon submission to the committee, Judges’ decision shall be considered final and irrevocable
7. The following criteria shall be used:
a. Adherence to Theme 40%
b. Clarity of Expression and Uniqueness of Concept 40%
c. Creative Title and Description 20%
Total = 100%
8. If the participants fail to submit their final entry on the given deadline will not be accepted.
1. The contest is open to all preschool and elementary students of AMA Basic Education of Las Pinas and each team will have one (1) representative from preschool and one (1) from elementary (Grade 1-
2. Create a viral video (school appropriate). Example: Daily E. Learning Vlogs, School appropriate dances, Quarantine trends, Cooking, Make up tutorials.
3. Tag @AMABE on tiktok and use #VirtualIntramural2021
4. Winner with most viral video will win.
5. Videos are due on November 24, 2021
1. The Tiktok wellness dance contest is open to all students in grades 4–6, and each team will have one (1) representative.
2. Students must form a dance craze twist with their 2 to 4 members of their family.
3. Performance must be recorded with a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 4 minutes.
4. Health protocol must be observed. (Face mask and face shield is a must!)
5. The criteria shall be used:
a. Choreography 50%
b. Execution 30%
c. Costume and Props 20%
Total = 100%
6. The deadline for submission is November 25, 2021.
7. Submit the Tiktok Wellness Dance video with Subject Heading ENTRY: TIKTOK WELLNESS DANCE CONTEST_TEAM to the organizer's email address. (To be announced)
8. Judging of the Tiktok wellness Dance video shall be made on November 25, 2021. Upon submission to the committee, Judges’ decision shall be considered final and irrevocable.
(Junior high school and Senior high school Categories)
1. The solo and duet singing contest is open to all junior high school and Senior high school students of AMA Basic Education of Las Pinas and each team will have one (1) representative from junior high
school and one (1) from senior high school.
2. Film yourself while singing your chosen song.
3. Maximum duration of the video is four (4) minutes only.
4. The contestants must be responsible for their own health and safety while making the video.
5. The following criteria will be used:
a. Tone Quality 50%
b. Enunciation, timing, and dynamics 20%
c. Musically 20%
d. Editing 10%
Total = 100%
a. Tone Quality 30%
b. Harmony 20%
c. Enunciation, timing, and dynamics 20%
d. Musically 20%
e. Editing 10%
Total = 100%
6. The deadline for submission is November 24, 2021.
7. Submit the video entry with Subject Heading ENTRY: SOLO OR DUET SINGING CONTEST_TEAM_LEVEL to the organizer's email address. (To be announced)
8. If the participants fail to submit their final entry on the given deadline will not be accepted.
9. Judging of the video entries shall be made on November 25, 2021. Upon submission to the committee, Judges’ decision shall be considered final and irrevocable.
1. Together with your virtual teammates this intramural, utilize online video conferencing platforms and create a team cheer showcasing your whole team as one unit.
2. Entries must display your AMABEian Team Pride and Spirit. The video may be composed of at least 10 team members up to the whole team depending on your groups' preference.
3. The minimum length of the performance is two (2) minutes and a maximum of three (3) minutes. Teams who go beyond or fall short based on the time provided will be penalized. Every exceeding second
will get a one (1) point deduction from the total score.
4. The criteria that will be used for judging are as follows:
a. Originality 30%
b. Musicality 20%
c. Clarity of Voice 25%
d. Mastery and Timing 15%
e. Editing 10%
Total = 100%
5. Hand props are not allowed.
6. The deadline for submission is November 24, 2021
7. Submit the video entry with Subject Heading ENTRY: BENCH -LIKE CHEERING COMPETITION_TEAM to the organizer's email address. (To be announced)
8. Judging of the video entries shall be made on November 25, 2021. Upon submission to the committee, Judges’ decision shall be considered final and irrevocable.