Lesson Plan in ARTS Grade III First Quarter Lesson 6 I. Objective
Lesson Plan in ARTS Grade III First Quarter Lesson 6 I. Objective
Lesson Plan in ARTS Grade III First Quarter Lesson 6 I. Objective
First Quarter
Lesson 6
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
Create a geometric design by contrasting two kinds of lines in terms of type size. A3PR-
A. References
1. Teachers Guide: Curriculum Guide 2016 Arts 3 pp.25-26
2. Learners materials -MAPEH in Action III pp.128-129
B. Materials
A. Preliminary Activities
The teacher will post a picture and the student will make comments and reactions to the pictures.
(Note: Pictures were taken from Angelica Paradise Resort, Siruma Cam. Sur. To be replaced and
contextualized. Teacher may use varied example)
2. Motivation
B. Presentation
-Art Activity
-The teacher will give instruction on how to create gift wrapper using . In performing
the activity, let the children follow the instruction given. The teacher will show how to do it
and the children will perform while following the instruction of the teacher.
1. Get your medium size box.
2. Get the gift wrapper (If gift wrapper is not available let the children draw something on
the cartolina, instead of real gift wrapper.)
3. Measure the length and width of the box.
4. Wrap the box in each edge of gift wrapper put a glue or a tape to close it.
Ask: Of all the art designs posted on the board, how can you show appreciation of others
art work?
D. Generalization
Ask: How will you create an art work using a geometrical design?
What makes your design artistic and creative?
Look for a picture of cloth with geometric designs from old magazines or
newspapers. Ask the assistance of your parents or guardian in cutting the picture.
Lesson Plan in ARTS Grade III
First Quarter
Lesson 9
D. Content Standards
E. Performance Standards
Sketches and color and view of the province/ region with houses and buildings indicating
the foreground, middle ground and back ground by the size of the objects. A3Pr-Ii
C. References
1. Teachers Guide: Curriculum Guide 2016 Arts 3 pp.25-26
2. Learners materials -MAPEH in Action III pp.130-132
D. Materials
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
3. Motivation
1. Are there old houses or building in your community?
2. Where can these houses/ buildings be found?
3. When can you say that these buildings or houses are historical or not?
B. Presentation
-Present picture/s of historical houses / buildings found in your province or
region. (NOTE; Picture was taken from the internet, to be replaced and
contextualized. Teacher may use varied example)
C. Developing Activities
D. Skills Practice
- Divide the class into 2 groups. The teacher will distribute white cartolina. Each group will
sketch the historical places/houses/buildings in their provinces or in their community. Have
the children use the different lines and add some design. Showing foreground, middle
ground and back ground.
-Let each group present their output. Let them describe the lines and shape they used in
their sketches of historical houses or buildings.
When time comes when the building destroyed or dilapidated, people make some
renovation following the same structure.
E. Generalization