Special Acharya Abhinavagupta Issue in Naad Periodical
Special Acharya Abhinavagupta Issue in Naad Periodical
Special Acharya Abhinavagupta Issue in Naad Periodical
A Monthly Publication of
Special Issue
VOL XXIX No. 11 November 2019
The Light Of India
Vol. XXIX No. 11 November 2019
Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
04-05 Editorial -Sunil Raina Rajanaka
Sunil Raina Rajanaka 06-07 From the President’s Desk - Col. Tej K. Tikoo
AIKS Secretariat, New Delhi 17-21 Abhinavagupta : An Introduction - Moti Lal Pandit
244, Sector - 3
R.K. Puram, New Delhi 22-26 Play of Consciousness -Subhash Kak
Abhinava-ramaṇīyaṃ saccidānanda-kandaṃ
Anubhava-surahasyaṃ maṅgalaṃ maṅgalānam
Adhi hṛdi Parameśaṃ maunamevāśraye' ham.
(Ātmāvilāsa, I.1)
PNBMT Honours Kashkari VP, AIKS Virendar Rawal, PNMBT Trustees, Advocate
In a function, held at Jammu, Pt. Prem Nath Bhat Kashmiri Lal Bhat, Dr. R L Bhat, H L Bhat, Brij
Memorial Trust awarded Sh. Vijay Kashkari, Lal Bhat, M K Jalali, Shadi Lal and Sharda
Vice President AIKS, along with Sh. K B Jandial Nandan.
with Pt. Prem Nath Bhat Amateur Journalist The welcome address was read by Prof A N
Award for year 2019. The award was presented Sadhu and vote of thanks was proposed by
by Union Minister of State in PMO with Sh. Shiban Khaibri, Chairman Trust.
independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr.
Jitendra Singh.
KPs Receive Physically Challenged
Engineer in Jammu
A physically challenged engineer R. Thangraja
from Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari was
received at Ramakrishna Mission, Udheywalla,
Jammu by a galaxy of prominent persons of the
community, including Padamshree Prof K N
Pandita, Prof A N Sadhu, Er. Shardanandan
Bhat, Neel Kanth Bhat and Vijay Kashkari, Vice
President, AIKS.
The welcome function was arranged by
Earlier citations of Sh. K B Jandial, former SRMA (Shri Ramakrishna Mission Ashram)
Secretary J&K Government and Columnist and Nagdandi, Achabal, Kashmir. The Chairman of
Sh. Vijay Kashkari VP AIKS and columnist for the Ashram Shri Brij Lal Bhat and his executive
AIKS Journal Naad and Voice of Silence were members of the Administrative Committee of
read by Sh. Shiban Khaibri and Sundari Lal Kaul SRMA were in attendance. The Chairman Brij
respectively. Sundari Lal Kaul highlighted Lal Bhat gave the introduction of Er.
Kashkari’s contribution in various fields R.Thangarajan, who is on Bharat Parikrama, Ek
especially post migration period. Bharat Vijay Bharat Mission.
On the occasion, the Minister said that The physically challenged Engineer on his
Kashmiri Pandits were the first stakeholders on three wheel scooter entered Jammu with the
Kashmir. He further said that Union message of Shree Ramakrishna and Shree
Government has the capacity and capability to Vivekananda on humanism, on completion of
address the aspirations and expectations of the
Paying tributes to the Martyrs, Dr. Jitendra
Singh said that Modi Government and BJP were
indebted to KP martyrs’.
A large number of intellectuals and KP
leaders attended the function who included
Padamshree Dr. K N Pandita, Prof B L Zutshi, K
K Khosa, KP Sabha President, President ASKPC
Ravinder Raina, ASKPC General Secretary Dr.
T K Bhat, NC migrant cell President M K Yogi,
President YAIKS R K Bhat, Chairman Vyeth
Making of Abhinavagupta
The Ambience that was Kashmir
the field of philosophy and religion. Its verily a heaven on the Earth. In the concluding
greatness came to be perceptible only through verses of Tantraloka, Ch. 37, from the verse 33
Abhinava's exposition. As Shankaracharya till the end, he gives a detailed account of the
interpreted the Upanishadic texts and gave a places and the people associated with him.
systematic shape to Vedanta, likewise Among the innumerable universes, he writes,
Abhinavagupta consolidated the Tantric texts built with the thirty-six tattvas, the present
and gave a definite shape to the wisdom of universe is the most beautiful one in which the
Tantra which is highly abstruse both in theory unique is our Earth where the movement of the
and practice. sun and the moon along with the expanse of day
To understand a great personality, we have and night are decorated with the varieties of
to study both his writings and his life. enjoyment. Then he praises the madhyadesa,
Sometimes, events and encounters in life shed otherwise known as kanyahvaya or kumarika
more light than even the commentaries. But (probably kanyakubja not kanya kumari as it is
unfortunately, in the case of great ones like wrongly interpreted by some), as the abode of all
Abhinavagupta we have very scanty the scriptures where Atrigupta, a man of great
information; opinions and beliefs, in most of the learning was born in his ancestry. King
cases, cannot be authenticated. Here, the literary Lalitaditya brought him to Kashmir and
works penned by the author and his close provided a house on the bank of Vitasta, in
associates come to our rescue. It is said that the Pravarapura (Srinagar) facing the temple of Siva
path of a flying bird cannot be accurately along with a lot of wealth. In his lineage was
followed; likewise, it is difficult to trace the path born Narasimhagupta, also called by the name
of a great one and ascertain his inner attainment. Chukhulaka, Abhinava's father, with great
The ambience, both physical and mental, plays learning and intense devotion to Siva.
invariably a vibrant role in making of a great In the meantime, Abhinava gives a
personality. Fortunately, Abhinavagupta has left splendid picture of Kashmir which according to
for us a vivid description of his ambience in the him is the best part of the Earth incomparable
concluding parts of his great works Tantraloka with anyone else for the accomplishment of both
and Paratrisika Vivarana which regales us as enjoyment and emancipation. In his words-
well keeps us spell-bound by the magnificent “Where, here and there the sages make their
picture of Kashmir, both in the inner and outer dwelling, where in every place resides Siva
expressions. The persons and the places which himself, except such a place as Kashmir, I feel,
give us a feel of Kashmir that he describes are for the fulfilment of all wishes and for the
noble and grand which consummate in his achievement of the perfect spiritual realization,
embodiment. Only Kashmir, exuberant in the there is no other place in the world”. Here
scenic beauty, vibrant with its refinements and Goddess Sarada, bright as the autumnal moon,
culture, reverberating with scholarship and being worshipped by the devotees fulfills their
spirituality could make it possible for the wishes. In Kashmir, flows Vitasta, verily the
coming of Abhinavagupta. To understand him kalpalata granting both bhoga and apavarga,
we have to pose us in that ambience. surpassing even the divine river Ganga in glory,
Understanding Abhinava is tantamount to which emerges from the strike of pinaka, the
understanding the entire spiritual wisdom in bow of Hara (hara-pinaka-kala-vatirna). Here
whatever form it might have been expressed. Abhinava refers to the legend described in the
At the time of Abhinavagupta Kashmir was Nilamata purana that Devi Uma herself
form; and she is verily the precious terrain doctrines. His personal life as gleaned from his
bearing the lustrous mine of the gems of writings contradicts the highly imaginary and
meaning of the supreme truth”. In the Paratrisika spurious depiction of Madhuraja who never
Vivarana, he praises her in a splendid language- actually met him but created a widespread
“His life-mate (Sauri's wife) is the venerable misconception. (Note: The false and distasteful
Vatsalika (srimad-vatsalika-abhidha sahachari) picture based on Madhuraja's description is
who is the abode of good conduct, the field of printed on the cover of some books) A genuine
opening of the fame of others, the resting place picture of Abhinava's personality one can get
of good humor and the ground of origin of filial from K.C.Pandey's depiction-“Thus noble was
love and great compassion, whose mind his birth, loving and gentle his temper, honest
blossoming in devotion and surging with and rigorous his life, strong and admirable his
emotion regales only in bowing to Siva in character, brilliant and highly useful his career,
reverence” (concluding verses, sloka.5). (Note: memorable and lasting his contribution to both
All the editions of Tantraloka following the first poetics and philosophy, and glorious was the last
Kashmir Sanskrit Text Series Ed. misread the scene of his earthly existence, when like
sloka 75 of Ch.37 as “bhratapi tasyah” which Tennyson's legendary king Arthur, he parted
should be “bhartapi tasyah” as the later reading from his followers never to be seen
only corroborates with the Paratrisika Vivarana again”(Abhinavagupta: An Historical and
sloka translated above. So, Sauri was the Philosophical Study).
husband (bharta) not brother (bhrata) of The ambience of Kashmir made it possible
Vatsalika. No editor or researcher has compared for coming of Abhinavagupta. Kashmir would
both the works to correct the error of the scribe be poorer without him. Abhinava and his
who first recorded it wrongly.) Kashmir, both are the valued common heritage
Kashmir was not only famous for the of mankind. By understanding them humanity
special type of Saivism, now bearing the name will better understand its inner craving for
Kashmir Saivism. It was the melting pot of all spiritual realization. By following
kinds of knowledge both secular and religious Abhinavagupta mankind will discover the
including Buddhism. The entire Vedic, Puranic ultimate oneness of all, Advaya, for the
and philosophical literatures along with poetics exposition of which he devoted his entire life. ¨
and dramaturgy were studied in Kashmir. So,
(Dr. Harmohan Mishra is retired professor of
Abhinavagupta's world view is the outcome of Sanskrit and formerly Director, Centre of Advance
the entire Indian wisdom culminating in his Research in Sanskrit, Sri Jagannatha Sanskrit
Advaita Saiva conception, the Trika combined University, Puri. Dr. Mishra is specialized in Advaita
with Krama with a sideline touch of Kaula Vedanta and Agamic Studies)
An Introduction
visualisation, arrives at a point of heightened Volumes four through seven of the Tantraloka
experience whereby complete identity consisting of chapters six to twelve, deal
between the individual consciousness and the thoroughly with the most important
Cosmic Consciousness is experienced. Also, cosmological doctrine, that of the Six Ways
in this method the meditator is asked to focus (shadadbran) of space and time. The
his concentration upon the shaktichakra, or meditational techniques used in relation to the
the Wheel of Energy, which is also known as six ways are jointly thought of as belonging to
the kalinaya, or the Way of Kali. The the external aspects of yoga (bahya-yoga).
concentration upon the Wheel of Energy is so The meditator, while meditating upon the six
focused as to result in the emergence of a state ways of space and time, concentrates on such
in which the various so-called internal forces meditative objects as are external to
are integrated in the womb of Cosmic Energy. consciousness. The sixth and seventh chapters
This method of meditation is also known as also delineate, alongside the meditative
the Yoga of Intellect (buddbiyoga). The techniques used in relation to time, the
anavopaya, or the Individual Way, is meant for esoteric aspects of the mantra, besides also
the beginner and is therefore considered to be informing us about how to correlate mantras
inferior to the other methods mentioned to the movement of breath in relation to time.
above. Here, the meditator is asked to engage This type of meditation is called chakroday, or
in such preliminary practices as are easy to the Emergence of the Wheel. The Trika
practice. In order to stabilise his cosmology is explained in the eighth chapter
concentration, the meditator is advised to of the Tantraloka. The cosmological structure
practice a specific type of pranayama or of Trika Shaivism is based upon the twenty-
breath control that has been devised by the five Samkhya categories of existence
Trika Shaivism, which is a technique of breath (tattwa). It, however, adds eleven more
control quite different from the one prescribed categories, thereby taking the total up to
by the Yoga Sutras. The Trika system speaks thirty-six. The highest category is
of this technique as the uttarayoga or the Yoga Paramashiva and the lowest one is that of the
of Emergence. The technique is devised so as phenomenal world. Trika believes in the
to enable the meditator to concentrate on the existence of numerous realms besides our
five functions of breath (prana) - the prana, empirical world, and these realms are thought
apana, samana, udana, and mana. The to be inhabited by beings invisible to the
meditator who gains proficiency in this naked eye. The eighth chapter discusses, in
technique is expected to have six types of the context of the Trika cosmology, such
blissful experiences: the nijananda, tantric deities as are thought to be ruling over
nirananda, paranananda, brahmananda, these various realms. The ninth chapter
mahananda, and chidananda while the concerns itself with such theological issues as,
highest possible blissful experience from the for example, the problem of creation, the
practice of this meditational technique is appearance of three types of impurities
termed jagadananda. (malas), and the nature of impure beings and
Play of Consciousness
\ rRlRk
Shiva Incarnate to Enlighten Humanity
Abhinavagupta was one of the most outstanding Acharyas ofthe Shaiva philosophy. We learn from
references about him in Tantraloka and Paratrimshika Vivarana that he lived in Kashmir about the
end of the tenth and the beginning of eleventh centuries A.D. The earliest ancestor of
Abhinavagupta was a famous Brahmin, Attrigupta, who lived in Autarvedi, the ancient name of
tract of land lying between the Ganga and the Yamuna. Attrigupta, a great Shaiva teacher, was
invited by King Lalitaditya, who ruled over Kashmir from 700-736 A.D. A spacious house was soon
built by the orders of the king on the banks of the Jhelum (Vitasta) for Attrigupta and a big Jagir was
granted to him for his maintenance. Many generations after him, one of his descendants, named
Varahagupta, became a great scholar of Shaiva philosophy. His son, Narasimhagupta, alias
Chukhala, father of Abhinavagupta, was also a great Shaiva teacher.
Puraścāryārṇava 1, 213; and, with slight alterations,Sarvollāsa Tantra 23; Viśvasāra Tantra l. 3771-3772; Kulamuktikallolinī l.
1972-73;Tantracintāmaṇi l. 968-9; Bṛhattantrasāra 40
The real ahimsa is not external, but that which is constantly happening within ourselves. It
consists of discovering the non-harming of our original divine nature, in the discovery and
awareness of Shiva permeating all aspects of existence without exception.
Journey Through Kashmiri Folklore & Oral Traditions
Editor's Note – The writer has revealed the Jayanti of Abhinavagupta, hence Shaivites must now onwards celebrate
this day with utmost reverence and devotion.
The Great and Immortal Master
The scale of Abhinavagupta’s personality, the authority and the scope
of his written heritage in Indian spiritual culture is astounding. He is
one of the most prominent representatives of Kashmiri Shaivism, in
particular its non-dualistic direction. Abhinavagupta was a great
tantric yogi who made an invaluable contribution to the development
and restoration of this spiritual tradition.
Acharya Abhinavagupta’s
Concept of Sattarka
;RlkjLorjlfl) ,o 'kq)% loksZ)k foylfr synthesis of Personal-Impersonal, Idealistic-
okP;okpkdkRek Realistic trends of thought. He took within its
dkf'ejh t;fr txf)rkorkj% l Jheku~ sweep the Agama and Tantra, Shaivism and
vfHkuoxqIrnsf'kdsUæ% Shakta, devotion and aesthetic activity, giving a
wide scope for a sadhaka to stay within its fold
Mahamaheshvara Acharya Abhinavagupta without feeling a discomfort. A single instance
was verily the personification of Parashiva, as to prove the greatness of his flight of intellectual
stated in the Isvara-pratyabhijna-vimarshini- acumen is attempted here.
vyakhya; Acharya uses a special type of logical
bg fo'o&vuqft?k`{kkRij% ijef'ko ,o reasoning that he calls sattarka. All prevalent
ldyHkwe.MyksÙkjs JhePNkjnkfnO;fØMklnus logic (tarka) is based on those conventions that
have evolved out of the mundane experiences of
Jhdk'ehjns'ks JhujflEgxqIr&lg/keZpkfj.;ke~ people working within the usual confines of the
JheR;ka foeyk;ka yhy;k vorh;Z mind and emotions. By contrast, sattarka is
JhenfHkuoxqIrukFk bfr ç[;krkfHknku% based on the intuitive experiences of yogins who
i.e Lord Parasiva, out of his compassion transcend limited existence and experience
towards upliftment of the world, incarnated as reality at the plane of unity in diversity (vidya).
Sri Abhinavagupta as a son of Sri Acharya teaches that an insentient object
Narasimhagupta and Smt. Vimala, in the holy cannot prove or assert its existence through its
land of Kashmir, the divine playground of own power, but requires the help of a sentient
Goddess Sharada. being to witness it and to say that it exists. This
brings to mind Berkeley's famous dilemma of
Acharya was a Polymath, who authored the tree falling in the forest. If no sentient being
numerous works on almost all the subjects of is present, does the tree falling make a noise?
Sanskrit Literature of which only thirty six have The Kashmir Shaivite would say, “Yes. There is
come to light. His greatest contribution was in noise, because it all happens within and is
establishing the Anuttara Saiva Philosophy of witnessed by Absolute consciousness”.
Kashmir, which is also referred to by the names In this philosophy, sentience alone is said
Trika and Pratyabhijna, two of its basic to have an independent existence. It proceeds to
concepts. It is a monoist system which arose on some insentient object, assumes its form, and
the background of the manifold religious and appears as that object as well. The manifested
religious and philosophical practices prevailing insentient object itself is thus considered real.
in India, especially in Kashmir. By establishing a However, such an object is considered to be in a
balanced approach, Acharya perfected the more real and pure form when it shines within
eclectic tenets of the school, and attempted a the consciousness of some living being where
Re-thinking Trika
– –
Outside of Sadhana
Bhairavastavah. of Abhinavagupta
In Bhairavastavaḥ Abhinavagupta has praised Bhairava
as an absolute knowledge, the ultimate reality.
Temple of Anandeshwar Bhairav at Maisuma, Lal Chowk, Srinagar Gopi Tritha, near Nishat where
where it is believed Abhinavgupta composed Bhairavstotra Abhinavagupta has performed penance
Bhagwan Abhinavagupta
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Vaakh is an informative and compact literary half yearly in Kashmiri (Devnagri Script), containing very
interesting material - prose, poetry, short stories and essays, of deep interest to our community members.
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1. All Cheques/DDs favouring All India Kashmiri Samaj to be sent at 244, Sec-3, R.K. Puram-
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Note : After making the payment through Internet the subscriber must send intimation to AIKS on
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At the outset, we are beholden, as ever, to you for your continuous support to KMECT,
which in totality, is "by the community, of the community & for the community, has become a
God send Saviour for the community patients. It has been rendering its discerning services not
only to the marginalized segment but also to the middleclass patients of the community who
require bags full of money for the treatment of their life-threatening diseases & horrendous
At this critical hour, I am constrained to address this mail to you to make you aware of the
developments at KMECT over the past few months. With the passing of each day, the number
of patients is on the increase while the funding becomes difficult because of the shortage of
available resources. Last year, the funding was aprx Rs15 million to 225 patients. This year
we have already registered about 170 Patients in 5 months & the out flow has crossed Rs 7.2
million while as receipts have been Rs 2.6 Million only. For you, it will be interesting to know
that we have provided support to over 1275 patients so far and over Rs 82 million released till
Poor patients who underwent treatment for cancer or kidney treatment and the like,
required medication for prolonged periods of time and in many cases lifelong. Cases of kidney
failure, very rampant in our community, are on the increase. KMECT created a separate head
to deal with these ballooning numbers called " sustenance patients" to differentiate them from
regular "emergency" cases. With the passage of time the patients under "sustenance" category
have now inflated to a significant number and account for about 55% of our annual expenditure
as opposed to 15% in the initial years.
Dear Hon'ble friends, disease does not follow any calendar, it strikes unannounced.
When any emergency comes up, the trustees lose no time in responding to the situation.
Saving a life then overrides all other considerations. In view of the current situation where
cases of "sustenance patients" has reached a high proportion, our Corpus Fund gets depleted at
an alarming rate and, if this trend continues, we would find it difficult to continue serving (if at
all !) our marginalized brethren.
As said earlier, KMECT belongs to each one of our community members and has to
become sustainable for all time to come. Hence, we appeal to my philanthropic brothers,
sisters & more importantly my children to consider this appeal in its entirety, contribute
liberally for the community cause and help the poor, sick & needy. God has given us enough
and it is our duty to be of assistance to others in times of their express need. Let me end this
mail by Rabindra Nath Tagore's saying:-
I slept.
And dreamt that life was all joy.
I awoke.
And saw that life was but service.
I served.
And understood that service was joy.
Warm regards
Sqd Ldr (Retd) B L Sadhu
Mob +91 9872992186.
Cheques/Demand drafts can be sent to: Contributions at Jammu can be sent to:
Jatinder Kaw Pt. Sunil K Thusu
Plot no: E-15, Flat no: 16-C, SHYAMALYA, H.No-47, Lane-2, Shyam Vihar, Opp
Shatabdi Vihar, Sector-61, Dir of Agriculture,Talab Tiloo, Jammu - 180002.
Noida (U.P.) - 201307, India. Cell No: +91-9419103744,
Cell: 98 101 34829 WhatsApp: +91-7006404650
All Contributions to KMECT are tax exempted under Section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961.
Events of the Month
Apart from issuing the schedule of the examination, NTA has informed that a network of Test
Practice Centres (TPCs) has been created across the country to let students have first-hand experience
of taking Computer Based Test (CBT) before the exam. A total of 4000 schools/ engineering colleges
with computer centres will be available on every Saturday/Sunday starting from September 1, 2019
for this purpose. The facility will be available free of cost.
The examination schedule of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) AIEEE 2020,
Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Test (JNUET) 2020, Delhi University Entrance Test (DUET)
2020 and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) MBA admission test 2020 will be published in the
next issue of ‘Naad’
For details visit website:- https://neta.ac.in
Tata Institute of Social Sciences Admission
TISS notifies admission to 53 Master's Programmes at Mumbai, Tuljapur, Guwahati and Hyderabad
Ÿ Deadline to apply is Nov. 25, 2019.
Ÿ Visit Website: www.tiss.edu for details.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management Nagpur
Admission to MBA
SIBM Nagpur invites application for admission to Master of Business Administration (MBA) for the
academic session 2020.
Government plans 1 National Test for Universities
The New Education Policy (NEP-2020) is set to propose a single test across the country, to be
conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), human resource development minister Ramesh
Pokhriyal said.
Ÿ Gaurav Foundation Merit Scholarship 2019
Gaurav Foundation Merit Scholarship is offered for studies at the postgraduate level. Submission of
Form & Documents is upto 20th November 2019. The candidate must be an Annual Member/Special
Applicant of Gaurav Foundation.
To obtain Scholarship Form, visit website and check request Form Section for more details. For more
details, please visit www.gauravfoundation.org
Ÿ NTSE Scholarship numbers increased from 1000 to 2000
The government has announced to increase the number of scholarship for National Talent Search
Examination (NTSE).
The students who are in 10th standard are eligible to give this exam. After fulfilling certain conditions,
the scholarship amount continues until the PhD level.
Feedback: [email protected]
Kintu durghaṭakāritvāt/Svācchandyān-nirmaladasau; /
Svātmapracchādana-krīḍā/Paṇditaḥ Parameśvaraḥ.
(Tantrāloka, IV.10)
But Almighty God, being able to do even the impossible, and possessing pure
Self-dependence, is skilled in playfully concealing His real Self.
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AIKS NAAD, NOVEMBER 2019 RNI Registration No. 53585/92
Posted on 17th/18th of every month Postal Registration No. DL-SW-17/4209/19-21
Printed and Published by Tej Kumar Tikoo on behalf of All India Kashmiri Samaj . Published at 244, Sector 3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022
Email: [email protected] Printed at Royal Press, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi -110020 Editor: Sunil Raina Rajanaka