Sthoulya - Obesity Ayurveda Aspects

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Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,

Online ISSN 2278-8808, SJIF 2019 = 6.380,



Dr. Kulkarni Pushkaraj

Assistant Prof., Kaychikitsa Dept., Siddhakla Ayurveda College, Sangamner, Ahemednagar
[email protected]


Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicine, postulated human being as a part of universe by focusing
health of human as a prime factor. Sthaulya or Medoroga according to Charaka Samhita is described
as one of the Ashtaunindita (8 most criticized disease). Stoulya i.e. Obesity is the most common
health problem in developed as well as developing countries all over the world.
Now a days, we can say Life style diseases (also sometimes called as diseases of longevity or diseases
of civilization.)are the diseases that appear to increases in frequency as the countries become more
industrialized and globalized.
According to WHO obesity is defined as follow:- 1. BMI greater than or equal to 25 is over weight. 2.
BMI greater than or equal to 30 is obese. Here is an attempt to enlght an Ayurvedic management for
prevention and treatment of Sthaulya / Obesity.
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Sthoulya is chronic disease which effects physical as well as mental health. Also it is origin
of other diseases like Diabetes, hypertension, many cardiac disorders, PCOS, Infertility .
Economic growth, urbanization , growing food industries, sedentary life style are prime
factors behind increasing Obesity all over the world.
TheCauses/ Hetu / etiological factors for Sthoulya are over eating or eating junk food, lack of
physical activities, improper sleeping patterns etc. These etiological factors are responsible
for Agnidushti thus affects the Meda Dhatvaagni. Thus, leading to strotorodh of Meda dhatu
and vitiating Vata and Kapha dosha and resulting in Sthaulya or childhood obesity.
In the prevention and management of obesity one must rule out hormonal
imbalances, genetic disorders etc.
. According to Ayurveda Agnidushti is the main cause of obesity. It can be treated
by internal medications and panchkarma therapies. Also, a bit change in diet and lifestyle and
dietary habits will help in curing obesity in children and thus preventing the further

Copyright © 2020, Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language
Dr. Kulkarni Pushkaraj
(Pg. 14599-14602) 14600

As, Sthoulya i.e. obesity is also an origin for other diseases like DM, Hypertention, , Cardiac
problems, PCOS, Infertility etc. Obesity prevention is an international public health priority.
Change in diet, following Dinacharya, Rutucharya along with panchkarma therapies and
internal medications helps in the management of childhood obesity and thus overcoming
further consequences.
Ashtouninditiya - Sthaulya or Medoroga according to Charaka Samhita is
described as one of the Ashtaunindita (8 most criticized disease). The etiological factors of
Sthaulya are over eating , Lack of physical activities, improper dietary habits like intake of
junk food, unhealthy food items and improper sleeping patterns.
Etiological factors i.e. hetu of Sthoulya are kapha dosha propogating guru,
snigdha, adhyashana, atyashan, atinidra and avyayam . According to Vagbhata Samhita, the
characteristics of Sthaulya or childhood obesity is described as pendulous movement of
buttocks, abdomen and breasts while walking (Nitamb, Stana and Udara lambanam). This
pendulous movement is due to deposition of excessive Meda and Mansa dhatu(Fats). Further
Sthaulya is associated with excessive foul smell sweating (sweda durgandhi) from axilla and
having bad body odour (gatragandha).
The pathogenesis of Sthaulya occurs due to etiological factors which results in
vitiating kapha and vata dosha further leading to Agnidushti (resembles abnormal increase in
appetite and food absorption). Later due to medadhatvaagni mandya medovaha strotas get
obstructed (strotorodha). Thus, leading to increase in dushta Meda dhatu (unwanted fats
deposition) and the child is becomes sthool or obese.
The management of Sthaulya include following:-
1. Change in dietary habits :-. It includes various Ayurvedic recipes that can be served to
a either in the form of supplements , eg avoid drinking excessive water, chilled water,
having Luke warm water daily instead of normal water.
2. Changes in the life style :- following proper sleeping patterns, avoiding sleeping at
the day time and regular physical activities.
3. Internal medications: - Shivagulika, Navak guggul, Takrarishta, Lohasava, Punnarva
mandoor, Dashmool kwath, Trifala kwath etc.
4. Panchkarma therapies like Ruksha Udvartana, Snehana, Swedana , Lekhan basti
above Vaman, Virechana are useful in the management of Sthaulya.

Copyright © 2020, Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language
Dr. Kulkarni Pushkaraj
(Pg. 14599-14602) 14601

5. Madhudak Prayoga (Chakradatta) , iManda Prayoga(Chakradatta) , Sattu

Prayoga (Chakradatta), Eranda kshara Prayoga(Bhaishajya Ratnawali) , Triphala
kwath(Yogaratnakara) ,Falatrikadi Churna (Yogaratnakara)
6. Moog, Kultha, Rice in the form of peya, vilepi, Akruta, Kruta Yosha, can be given by
adding sauwarchala to it.
7. Importance of water in Sthaulya (Obesity):- Acharya Vagbhata in his sutrasthana
has mentioned the importance of water. When water is drunk before meal it helps in
reducing weight. Where as, when water is drunk in the middle of the meal, it helps in
maintaining the weight and normal body posture. But, When Water is drunk after the
meal, it leads to weight gain.
8. Routinely having Luke warm water helps in reducing and controlling weight gain.
9. Appropriate oral intake along with physical exercise i.e. cycling, swimming, outdoor
games etc. along with following Dincharya and Rutucharya helps in preventing
hazards of obesity.
Do’s and Don’t’s :-
Do’s :-
1. Physical activity like cycling, swimming, outdoor games etc
2. Above mentioned preparation, Milk, Ghee, Jawar, Bajara, Nachani, Moong
Khichadi, Buttermilk, Sita, Soups, Brinjal, Daliya, Have water before lunch
and dinner, Lukewarm water.
Don’t’s :-
1. Indoor games, sedentary lifestyle.
2. Junk food, over eating, paneer, cheese, chilled beverages, Jaggery, sugar,
fermented food items, milk products, excessive water, water after lunch and
dinner, wheat, Maida, sabudana, etc.
Hormones also play an important role in obesity. For treating childhood obesity, one
must rule out the hormonal imbalance, genetic disorders etc. Management of obesity is done
by treating Agnidushti, Strotorodh of Meda dhatu and by subsiding the vitiated vata and
kapha dosha, where as the prevention of childhood obesity can be done by following
seasonal regimens, daily regimens, proper dietary habits and proper change in lifestyle as
mentioned above and also by taking internal medications along with panchkarma therapies.

Copyright © 2020, Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language
Dr. Kulkarni Pushkaraj
(Pg. 14599-14602) 14602

Panchkarma therapies play important role in reducing weight and also help in controlling
weight gain.
Obesity is the non-communicable disease. Making healthier choice of diet and changes in
lifestyle not only help in controlling weight gain but also help in increasing metabolism.
Thus, Ayurvedic management helps in controlling the weight and reducing the incidence rate
of obesity. Management and prevention of obesity is the need of an hour.
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Copyright © 2020, Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language

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