Improving Academic Performance of Grade 5 in Science in Salet Elementary School Through Video-Mediated Instruction

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An Action Research Proposal


Teacher III

September, 2021
Context and Rationale

It is of common knowledge that education is a universal pursuit, and has been so since

the dawn of civilization. Humanity’s pursuit of excellence and development has made

education the prime commodity in the race towards progress and success. Education has

become a priority in every government, and has been the focal point for improvement and

development for the past decades.

With today’s distance modular modality methods adapted by the department of

Education to address the problems caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, academic

performance of students has been greatly affected by the lack of the usual guidance and

hands-on instructions present with the face to face modality of previous years.

Salet Elementary School’s incoming grade 5 pupils is no exemption to this. Their

academic performance in Science, as both conveyed by the students and parents themselves

as well as observable on their grades in Grade 4, is in real need of an intervention for


Thus, the researcher thought of ways to improve academic performance with today’s

setting of distance learning and with the use of technology. Video-mediated instruction is one

beneficial technology technique that has been demonstrated to be effective in studies. VMI

takes use of kids and students' visual processing abilities. VMI makes it possible to combine

direct instruction and video modeling approaches in a seamless manner. Video modeling is an

evidence-based teaching method in which a student views a video of someone doing

something and then imitates it. (Ellison and Brdar, 2019) The faculties of hearing and sight

are both stimulated by video training. According to Aboyeji (2014), recent improvements in

multimedia and communication technologies have resulted in a potent learning system

incorporating instructional video components. Video is a rich and strong learning medium. It
has the ability to deliver information in an appealing and consistent manner. According to

Aboyeji (2014), a videotape instructional package would be successful in a huge crowded

classroom and would help students absorb the course better.

The researcher desires to improve the academic performance of Grade 5 pupils in

Salet Elementary School through the utilization of Video-Mediated Instruction in hopes that

other schools may be able to adapt the method and improve the overall learning experiences

of pupils of not only this school of the whole nation as well.

Action Research Questions

1. How effective is Video-Mediated instruction in improving Grade 5 pupils’

academic performance in Science?

2. What are the challenges met by this technique particularly during the New

Normal and the modalities used by the school?

3. What are the foreseeable impact of utilizing Video-Mediated Instruction to the

performance of the teachers in terms of implementation and strategy?

Action Research Methods

This study used a quasi-experimental approach, using all Grade 5 students at Salet

Elementary School as the study's target group. The researcher employed exact sampling in

this study, which included the entire population of Grade 5 students at the school. In the

chosen school, two intact classes were used, one for the experimental group and one for the

control group. This study included two major instruments: a treatment instrument (video

mediated training) and 30 multiple choice questions that covered the two themes covered in

the video package. The researchers gave both the experimental and control groups pre-test
questions before starting the experiment. The experiment was then carried out by the


Data Gathering Method

Before reporting in the experiment, the experimental group was given video mediated

training on a chosen topic in science to observe and study individually and in groups, as well

as discuss possible solutions to the excises contained in the video instruction. After that, the

teacher taught the experimental group in class and answered all of the questions that the

students had when watching video instruction on the subject or concepts addressed. The

control group was taught the identical material in the traditional manner. The multiple choice

pre-test questions were rearranged and given to both groups as a post-test. After the four-

week workout, the experimental and control groups were compared. The script was gathered,

marked, and the scores were analyzed.

Data Analysis Plan

This is a quasi-experimental study. The data was treated and analyzed using

frequency counts, mean, and standard deviation, and t-test analysis. These methods were vital

in discovering how Video-Mediated Instruction impacts academic performance of Grade 5

pupils in Science.

T-Test formula:
Action Research Work Plan and Timeline

October 7, October - December, 2021 December December December

2021 10, 2021 11- 14, 15, 2021
Pre-Test Teacher will teach the control Post-Test Gathering Finalizing
group using conventional and and
modular methods. Analysis editing of
At the same time teach the of Data the Action
experimental group using Research.
video-mediated instruction.

Cost Estimates

needed for Research
Bond Paper 280
Black Ink 90
Snacks 500
Miscellaneous 500
TOTAL 1,370

Plan for Dissemination and Utilization

The participating respondents of the study are the Grade 5 pupils of the school. Pupils

will greatly benefit from the study as the primary concern of the researcher is to improve and

raise the level of their academic performance in Science. The teachers involved are

practically all the teachers of Salet Elementary School as this research will help augment

teacher knowledge and skill in the use of Video-Mediated Instruction in improving pupil

performance in Science. Administrators will benefit greatly from this study as having

effective and enhanced instructional materials results in independent and competent learners.


Aboyeji , B. O. (2014). Comparative effectiveness of video and print instructional packages

for teaching basic technology concepts in Nigerian schools. Unpublished (Doctorial

Thesis ) submitted to the Department of Educational Technology, University of Ilorin.

Ellison, L., & Brdar, K. (2019, May 17). The Benefits of Video-Mediated Instruction Using

video lessons and an instructional avatar creates an inclusive educational experience

for students with autism spectrum disorders. Www.Edutopia.Org.

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