Legaspi's Account of The Voyage To Cebu

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Source: Blair & Robertson,

The Philippine Islands,

volume 2, pp. 196-
216.Translation from the
Spanish by Alfonso de

Illustrious Sire:

I wrote to your excellency

from Puerto de la Navidad
giving as full an account as
possible up to that port. Now I
shall do the same, for I consider
it a debt justly due, and I shall
always consider it so whenever
the opportunity presents itself. I
am enjoying good health,
thanks be to our Lord; and the
same can be said of the whole
camp, a thing which ought not
to be looked upon as of little
importance. May our Lord
grant to your excellency the
good health that I wish.

On Tuesday, November 21,

three hours before dawn, I set
sail with the fleet that was at
Puerto de la Navidad. For five
days the fleet sailed southwest,
but on the sixth we directed our
course westward until we
reached the ninth degree. We
sailed on in this latitude in
search of the island of Los
Reyes, in order that we might
go from that point to the
Philipinas. A week after we had
taken this course, we awoke
one morning and missed the
patache "San Lucas," with
Captain Don Alonso de
Arellano in command. There
had been no stormy weather to
make it lose sight of us; nor
could it have been Don
Alonso's fault, for he was a
gallant man, as he showed. It is
believed that it was due to the
malice or intent of the pilot.
And as he had already been
informed about the expedition
that we were making, and the
course we were to sail, and as
he was fully instructed as to
what he must do in case he
should lose sight of us (as
actually happened), and whither
he must proceed to await us, we
expected all the time that we
would find the vessel in some
of these islands. But up to this
time we have heard nothing of
it, which gives me not a little
uneasiness. After the fleet had
sailed for fifty days in the same
course between nine and ten
degrees, a degree more or less;
we reached land, which proved
to be an island inhabited by
poor and naked fishermen. This
island was about four leagues in
circumference, and had a
population of about two
hundred men. That same day
we sailed between two other
small islands, which were
uninhabited and surrounded by
many reefs, which proved very
troublesome to us for five or six
days. At the end of that time we
decided that the fleet should
continue its course along the
thirteenth degree of latitude, so
that we might strike a better
land of the Philipinas, which
the pilots were finding already,
and should not strike Vindanao.
We followed our course in this
latitude; and on Monday,
January 21, we came in sight of
land, which afterward proved to
be one of the Ladrones Islands,
called Gua. We directed our
bows to that island, but we
were no more than two leagues
from it when fifty or sixty
praus under sail surrounded the
fleet. These praus were
furnished with lateen sails of
palm mats and were as light as
the wind; this is a kind of boat
that sails with remarkable
speed, either with the wind or at
random. In each canoe were
from six to eight Indians,
altogether naked, covering not
even the privy parts, which men
are wont to cover. They
laughed aloud, and each of
them made signs inviting us to
his own town (for they were
from different villages) and
promising to give us food there.
At break of day we coasted the
island and the next morning we
cast anchor in a very good port.
The day had scarcely begun
when a great number of those
praus appeared about us. There
were so many of them, who
came to trade with us, that
some of our men who counted
them affirm that there were
more than four or five hundred
of them around the ships. All
that they had to sell us were
articles of food, namely,
potatoes, rice, yams, cocoa-
nuts, sugar-cane, excellent
bananas, and several other
kinds of fruit. They also
brought ginger, which grows in
this island in so great quantity
that it is a thing to wonder over;
and they do not till or cultivate
it, but it comes up and grows of
itself in the open fields, just as
any other herb. The natives
shouted at us, each one inviting
us to buy of him. The men of
the fleet began to give them the
face-cards from old playing
cards, and to put bits of woolen
cloth and other objects around
their necks and on their heads.
The Indians seeing this asked
for these articles, and adorned
themselves therewith as they
had seen our men do. In these
transactions many ridiculous
things happened, and many
jests were played. Afterward
our men began to give them
nails, which the Indians liked so
well that they desired nothing
else after that. They would
smell them before taking them.
For each nail they gave
measures of rice containing
about half a fanéga, more or
less. After the rice was drawn
up into the boat by means, of a
rope, because the Indians would
not trade outside of their
canoes, and the packages were
opened, it was found that only
the top layer was rice and the
rest straw and stones. The
Indian who had practiced this
jest would clap his hands in
glee, and laugh long and loud,
and go from that vessel to
another, to play the same trick.
Then again they would take the
nails, and take flight without
giving anything in return. These
and many other deceptions
were practiced by them. They
are so great thieves that they
even tried to pull out the nails
from our ships. They are better
proportioned than the
Spaniards. Often they attain the
great strength fitting to their
statures. One of them went
behind one of our soldiers and
snatched away the arquebuse
from his shoulder. When good
opportunity offered, they
discharged their weapons on
those who were taking in water.
Notwithstanding that some of
the natives on land were shot
down, the others did not
discontinue trading with our
ships; but rather those on the
ships; after they had sold their
goods, went ashore in their
canoes, and there with their
hardened clubs, stones, and
slings (which comprise their
weapons, and which they
manage very skillfully) they
took the place of those who
were fighting, and those who
were fighting embarked in the
canoes, and came also to the
ships to trade. All this seems to
be the proceeding of savages, as
these people really are, for they
have only the form of men.
They have no laws, or chiefs
whom they obey; and therefore
every one goes wherever he
wishes. They eat no meat. A
soldier who went ashore
received a wound in the hand.
The wound was apparently
small; and indeed it was
through negligence of the
wounded man himself that he
died within two weeks. One
day, after a slight engagement
between my men and the
natives, we got ready at sunset
to sail, without noticing the
absence of a young roustabout
who, either through
carelessness, or because he had
not heard the call to assemble,
must have advanced too far on
the mountain. As our small
boats reached the ships, the
Indians; who had not lost sight
of us during the hour while we
remained there, came out upon
the shore. As the boy came
down from the mountain to the
shore, the Indians, when they
saw him, fell upon him and in a
moment with great cruelty tore
him to pieces, giving him at
least thirty lance thrusts through
the body. When the men of our
ships saw the Indians
discharging blows, and
discovered that they did not
have the boy with them, they
returned to shore with great
fury; but at their arrival the
natives had already fled up a
hill. They found the boy as I
have said above; and I charged
the master-of-camp to punish
the natives for this act. At
midnight he went ashore, and
marched inland, but meeting no
Indians, he arranged his men in
an ambuscade on shore, in
which he killed a few of them
and wounded many others. Our
men burned many houses all
along the coast. The town
inland on this island is large
and thickly populated, and
abounds in all things which are
raised in the island. There our
men found about two pounds of
very good sulphur, and took
one of the natives alive, who
was brought to the ship, and
whom I am sending to that
Nueva España. This island is
called Ladrones, which
according to the disposition of
the inhabitants, is the most
appropriate name that could
have been given it. Eleven days
after reaching this island, we set
sail following our course in the
aforesaid latitude. After sailing
eleven days more with good
weather, we finally came in
sight of Philipinas, where we
finished our voyage. According
to the experiments and opinions
of the pilots, we covered more
than two thousand leagues from
Puerto de la Navidad to this
island, although I have heard
that they were deceived as to
the distance. On the afternoon
of the same day in which We
came to this land, we cast
anchor in a beautiful bay, called
Cibabao, and there we
remained seven or eight days.
Meanwhile we sent two boats,
one south and the other north
(for this island is located north
and south) to see whether they
could find some good port or
river. One of them returned
minus a gentleman of my
company, called Francesco
Gomez, and with the report
that, for ten leagues north, they
had found neither port nor river.
The gentleman was killed by
some Indians, after he
disembarked to make blood-
friendship with them, a
ceremony that is considered
inviolable. This is observed in
this manner: one from each
party must draw two or three
drops of blood from his arm or
breast and mix them, in the
same cup, with water or wine.
Then the mixture must be
divided equally between two
cups, and neither person may
depart until both cups are alike
drained. While this man was
about to bleed himself; one of
the natives pierced his breast
from one side with a lance. The
weapons generally used
throughout the Filipinas are
cutlasses and daggers; lances
with iron points, one and one-
half palms in length;
lenguados, 91 enclosed in cloth
sheaths, and a few bows and
arrows. Whenever the natives
leave their houses, even if it is
only to go to the house of a
neighbor, they carry these
weapons; for they are always
on the alert, and are mistrustful
of one another.

While we were in this bay,

Indians and chiefs came in
several boats, displaying
prominently a white flag at the
bow of one of them. Another
flag was raised on the stern of
the flagship as a sign that they
could approach. These people
wear clothes, but they go
barefooted. Their dress is made
of cotton or of a kind of grass
resembling raw silk. We spoke
to them and asked them for
food. They are a crafty and
treacherous race, and
understand everything. The best
present which they gave me
was a sucking pig, and a cheese
of which, unless a miracle
accompanied it, it was
impossible for all in the fleet to
partake. On the occasion of the
death of the gentleman whom
they killed, the natives scattered
themselves through the island.
They are naturally of a
cowardly disposition, and
distrustful, and if one has
treated them ill, they will never
come back. They possess, in
common with all these islands,
swine, goats, hens of Castile,
rice, millet, and in addition a
great variety of excellent fruit.
The people wear gold earrings,
bracelets, and necklets.
Wherever we went we found a
great display of these articles.
Although people say that there
are many mines and much pure
gold, yet the natives do not
extract it until the very day they
need it; and, even then, they
take only the amount necessary
for their use, thus making the
earth their purse.

Leaving this bay, we sailed

south until we reached the end
of the island, where the land
turns west. Just south of this
island are other islands between
which and this island there is a
straight channel running west.
The fleet passed through this
channel, and on the second day
from our departure from
Cibabao, after having sailed
nearly thirty leagues, we
reached a port of Tandaya

In this port a small river

empties itself into the sea
through an estuary. Some of our
boats sailed up this river and
anchored at the town of
Cangiungo. The natives
received them neither with
peace nor war; but they gave
our men food and drink. When
they were about to eat, an
Indian came to them, who
spoke a few words in the
Castilian tongue, saying
"Comamos" ["let us eat"],
"bebamos" ["let us drink"] and
answering "si" ["yes"], when
questioned by Anton Batista
"Villalobos [Villalobos]" and
"Captain Calabaça." It seems
that he had traded with the
people of the fleet of
Villalobos, according to what
was gathered from him. And
because he said this, this native
vexed the ruler of the village,
and never came back. The next
day I wished to go to the same
village, and found the natives
hostile. They made signs that
we should not disembark;
pulled grass, Struck trees with
their cutlasses, and
threateningly mocked us.
Seeing that in this case cajolery
could not suffice, we withdrew
in order not to disturb them; but
as we departed, they began to
shower sticks and stones after
us, and I was obliged to order
the soldiers to fire their
arquebuses at them; and they
never appeared again. This
town has a population of twenty
or thirty Indians.

On arriving at that port, I

despatched Captain de Goite
with a boat, and a frigate, well
supplied with men and
provisions, to discover some
port along the coast. On the
way he was to examine
thoroughly the town of
Tandaya, which was not very
far from where we were, and
other towns of the island of
Abbuyo. Deceived by the
appearance of the coast, he
sailed on past the coast for
fifteen leagues, without seeing
anything. Finally he reached a
large bay on which was situated
a large town containing many
families; the people had many
swine and hens, with
abundance of rice and potatoes.
He returned to the fleet with
this news, which gave us not a
little content, for all were
longing for land-products: The
fleet left this port; and in the
afternoon of the next day we
reached the above-mentioned
bay, where we anchored in
front of the large town of
Cavalian. One thing in especial
is to be noted—namely, that
wherever we went, the people
entertained us with fine words,
and even promised to furnish us
provisions; but afterward they
would desert their houses. Up
to the present, this fear has not
been in any way lessened.
When we asked the people of
this village for friendship and
food, they offered us all the
friendship we desired, but no
food whatever. Their attitude
seemed to me to be quite the
contrary of what had been told
me by those who had gone
there; for they had said that, in
this village of Cavalian, which
is located on the island of
Buyo, Spaniards were received
and were well treated. Now
they did not wish to see us, and
on the night of our arrival, we
were made thoroughly aware of
this; for they embarked with
their wives, children, and
property, and went away. The
next day, a chief called
Canatuan, the son of Malate 92
who is the principal chief of the
town, came to us; but I detained
him in the ship, until provisions
should be sent us from land
(paying for them to their
satisfaction), because of his not
returning to the village and
because his father was very old
and blind. But this proved no
remedy, to make them give us
anything but words. It was
determined that the people
should go ashore. And so they
went, and we made a fine
festival, killing for meat on that
same day about forty-five
swine, with which we enjoyed a
merry carnival—as payment for
which articles of barter were
given to the chief whom I had
with me. The latter sent us
ashore with an Indian, to give
these articles to the owners of
the swine.

This chief, Canutuan, by

signs and as best he could,
informed me of the names of
the islands, of their rulers and
people of importance, and their
number. He also promised to
take us to the island of
Macagua, 93 which was eight
leagues from this island. We set
sail with the Indian, and when
we reached Macagua I sent him
and three others, who went with
him to their village in a canoe,
after giving them some clothes.
He was quite well satisfied,
according to his own words,
and became our friend.

This Macagua, although

small, was once a thickly-
populated island. The Castilians
who anchored there were wont
to be kindly received. Now the
island is greatly changed from
former days, being quite
depopulated —for it contains
less than twenty Indians; and
these few who are left, are so
hostile to Castilians, that they
did not even wish to see or hear
us. From this island we went to
another, called Canuguinen. 94
Here we met with the same
treatment. As the natives saw
our ships along the coast, they
hastened to betake themselves
to the mountains. Their fear of
the Castilians was so great, that
they would not wait for us to
give any explanation.

From this island the fleet

directed its course towards
Butuan, a province of the island
of Vindanao; but the tides and
contrary winds drove us upon
the coast of an island called
Bohol. Here we cast anchor,
and within a small bay of this
island we made some necessary
repairs to the flagship. One
morning the almiranta 95
sighted a junk at some distance
away. Thinking it to be one of
the smaller praus, the master-
of-camp despatched against it a
small boat with six soldiers,
after which he came to the
flagship to inform me of what
he had done. Seeing that he had
not sent men enough, I
despatched another small boat
with all the men it could hold;
and the master-of-camp himself
with instructions how he was to
proceed, reached the boat and
junk, which were exchanging
shots. The junk seeing that the
boat contained so few men,
defied them. When the second
boat arrived it found some of
the men wounded, and that the
junk had many and well-made
arrows and lances, with a
culverin and some muskets.
The junk defied the second boat
also. Shouting out in Castilian,
"a bordo! a bordo!" ["board !
board!"] They grappled it, and
on boarding it, one of our
soldiers was killed by a lance-
thrust in the throat. Those
aboard the junk numbered
forty-five soldiers. Fourteen or
fifteen of them jumped into a
canoe which they carried on
their poop deck, and fled. Eight
or ten of the others were
captured alive, and the
remainder were killed. I have
been assured that they fought
well and bravely in their
defense, as was quite apparent;
for besides the man they killed,
they also wounded more than
twenty others of our soldiers. In
the junk were found many
white and colored blankets,
some damasks, almaizales 96 of
silk and cotton, and some
figured silk; also iron, tin,
sulphur, porcelain, some gold,
and many other things. The
junk was taken to the flagship.
Its crew were Burnei Moros.
Their property was returned to
them, and what appeared, in our
reckoning, its equivalent in
articles of barter was given to
them, because their capture was
not induced by greed. My chief
intent is not to go privateering,
but to make treaties and to
procure friends, of which I am
in great need. The Burneans
were much pleased and
satisfied with this liberality
displayed toward them, thus
showing how fickle they were.

On the same day that the

boats went to the junk, I
despatched the patache "San
Joan" with orders to go to
Butuan and sail along its coast,
and to find out in what part of
this island the cinnamon is
gathered, for it grows there.
They were also to look for a
suitable port and shore where a
settlement could be made.
While the patache went on this
mission, I kept the boat of the
Burneans and the pilot. This
latter was a man of experience,
and versed in different dialects;
and he informed me of much
regarding this region that I
wished to know. Among other
things he told me that, if the
Indians of this land avoided this
fleet so much, I should not be
surprised, because they had
great fear of the name of
Castilla. He said that while we
were among these islands no
Indian would speak to us; and
that the cause for this was that
about two years ago, somewhat
more or less, some Portuguese
from Maluco visited these
islands with eight large praus
and many natives of Maluco.
Wherever they went they asked
for peace, and friendship,
saying that they were
Castilians; and vassals of the
king of Castilla; then when the
natives felt quite secure in their
friendship, they assaulted and
robbed them, killing and
capturing all that they could.
For this reason the island of
Macagua was depopulated, and
scarcely any inhabitants
remained there. And in this
island of Bohol, among the
killed and captured were more
than a thousand persons:
Therefore the natives refused to
see us and hid themselves—as
in fact was the case. Although,
on my part, I did my best to
gain their confidence, giving
them to understand that the
Portuguese belong-to a
different nation and are,
subjects of a different king than
we, they did not trust me; nor
was this sufficient, for they say
that we have the same
appearance, that we wear the
same kind of clothing, and
carry the same weapons.

In this island of Bohol live

two chiefs; one called Çicatuna
and the other Çigala, who
through the Bornean's going
inland to call them, came to the
fleet. From these chiefs I heard
the same thing that I had been
told by the Burnei pilot and his
companions, in regard to the
great robberies that the
Portuguese committed
hereabout, in order to set the
natives against us—so that, on
our coming, we should find no
friends. This fell out as they
wished, because, although
Çicatuna and Çigala made
friendship with me, we could
put no confidence in them; nor
would they sell us anything, but
only made promises.

While in this island, I

despatched a frigate to
reconnoiter the coast of certain
islands that could be seen from
this island. The chief pilot and
Joan de Aguire accompanied it;
and it was supplied with
sufficient food, men, and
provisions. Coming to the
entrance between two islands,
they were caught by the tide
and drifted to the other entrance
of the channel; and, in order to
return, they sailed around the
island. On this island they saw
a town where the Moro pilot
declared that he was known,
and that he was on friendly
terms with its inhabitants; but
under pretense of friendship,
the natives treacherously killed
him with a lance-thrust. The
space of one week had been
given to them, but it took much
longer; for the return could be
accomplished only by sailing
around the island which was
one hundred and fifty leagues
in circumference.

When the patache returned

from Butuan, it reported that
they had seen the king, and that
two Moro junks of the large and
rich island of Luzon were
anchored in the river which
flows near the town. The Moros
sold our men a large quantity of
wax. When the men of Luçon
saw our tostones they were very
much pleased with them, and
they gave nearly twenty marks
of gold, which they had there in
that island, giving for six
tostones of silver one of gold;
and they said that they had
more gold, if our men would
give them more tostones, and
that in exchange for the latter
they would give them ten or
twelve quintals of gold which
they had there in that island.
The soldiers of the patache
were so desirous to plunder the
junks, that they besought
permission to do so from the
captain; thus importuned, and
because his own desire was not
less keen, he was on the point
of granting it. Fortunately the
officials (the treasurer and
factor) aboard the patache
opposed this, saying that it was
not fitting to his Majesty's
service, and that it would stir up
the land and set it against us. As
the men of Luçon had put some
earth within the cakes of wax
that they had sold, in order to
cheat us with it; and inasmuch
as they, moreover, insisted that
the natives should not give
anything in exchange for any
other kind of trade-goods, but
only for tostones, and had
uttered many lies and slanders
against us—the soldiers said
that this was sufficient to justify
the war; and that the war would
not be the cause of stirring up
the natives, because the latter
were not at all well-disposed
toward the Moros. Finally they
did not touch the Moros, being
persuaded to this by the captain
and the officials. By my
instructions, in case they should
meet any strange or piratical
junk that proved hostile, they
returned to the station of the
fleet, bringing a small quantity
of gold, wax, cinnamon, and
other things. Nevertheless the
natives of the island would
have sold them a quantity of
gold had not the Moros
prevented it.

While in the bay of the

island of Bohol, I was very
anxious about the frigate, since
it was to be gone but one week;
while twenty-one days had
passed, and it was nowhere to
be seen. Meanwhile a prau
which I had despatched with
two soldiers and the chiefs
Çicatuna and Çigala to the
island of Çubu to endeavor to
ascertain some news
concerning it, had returned,
bringing no news whatever of
its whereabouts. On Holy
Saturday, three hours before
daybreak, while we were thus
plunged in great anxiety and
grief, fearing that our
companions might have been
lost, captured, or killed, the
shout "the frigate! the frigate!"
was heard in our fleet. Turning
my glance, I beheld it entering
the bay. Only the Burnei pilot
was missing; the others looked
well and strong, although they
had suffered from hunger. On
arriving, they informed us that
the island which they had
coasted had a circuit of one
hundred and fifty leagues, and
that on their return they had
passed between it and the
opposite coast of Çubu. 97 They
reported that this island of
Çubu was densely populated,
containing many large villages,
and among them were many
people inhabiting the coast, and
inland many cultivated districts.
The above-mentioned soldiers
who went to Çubu in the prau
with Çicatuna and Çigala said
that the same thing was to be
observed on the other coast, and
that the port of the town of
Çubu admitted of anchorage,
and was excellent. I decided to
take the fleet to that island—a
plan I carried out, with the
intention of requesting peace
and friendship from the natives,
and of buying provisions from
them at a reasonable cost.
Should they refuse all this I
decided to make war upon them
—a step which I considered
justifiable in the case of these
people; for it was in that same
port and town that Magallanes
and his fleet were well
received. King Sarriparra and
nearly all the natives were
baptized, and admitted to our
holy faith and evangelical
teaching, voluntarily offering
themselves as his majesty's
vassals. Magallanes and more
than thirty of his companions
were afterward killed while
fighting in behalf of this island
against the people of Matan, a
thickly-populated island
situated near this one.
Afterward the two islands made
peace privately between
themselves, and the inhabitants
of the town of Çubu killed
many of the Spaniards of the
same fleet, and drove the
remaining few away from their
land. Hence we see that all this
is sufficient occasion for any
course whatever. In accordance
with this last opinion the fleet
left the port of Bohol and we
reached the port of Çubu on
Friday, April 27, 1565. We had
scarcely arrived when an Indian
came to the flagship in a canoe,
who said that Tupas, the ruler
of the island, was in the town;
and that he was going to come
to the fleet to see me. A little
later there came from the
village, an Indian, an interpreter
of the Malay language, who
said, on behalf of Tupas, that
the latter was getting ready to
come to see me, that he would
come on that very day, and that
he would bring ten of the
principal chiefs of that island. I
waited for them that whole day;
but as I saw that the people
were much occupied in
removing their possessions
from their houses and carrying
them to the mountain, and that
during all this day and until
noon of the next, Tupas, the son
of Saripara, who killed the men
of Magallanes, did not come, I
sent a boat with father Fray
Andres de Hurdaneta and the
master-of-camp, in order that,
in their presence, the
government notary, with
Hieronimo Pacheco, interpreter
of the Malay tongue (which is
spoken by many of the natives
of this land), might request the
natives, as vassals of the king
of Castilla, to receive us
peaceably. They were to assure
the people that I did not come
to do them any harm, but on the
contrary to show them every
favor; and to cultivate their
friendship. Three times this
announcement was made to
them, with all the signs and
kind words possible to win their
friendship. But at length—
seeing that all our good
intentions were of no avail, and
that all the natives had put on
their wooden corselets and rope
armor 97* and had armed
themselves with their lances,
shields, small cutlasses, and
arrows; and that many plumes
and varicolored headdresses
were waving; and that help of
men had come in praus from
the outside, so that their number
must be almost two thousand
warriors; and considering that
now was the time for us to
make a settlement and effect a
colony, and that the present port
and location were exactly suited
to our needs, and that it was
useless for us to wait any
longer; and seeing that there
was no hope for peace, and that
they did not wish it, although
we had offered it—the master-
of-camp said to the natives
through an interpreter: "Since
you do not desire our
friendship, and will not receive
us peacefully, but are anxious
for war, wait until we have
landed; and look to it that you
act as men, and defend
yourselves from us, and guard
your houses." The Indians
answered boldly: "Be it so!
Come on We await you here."
And thereupon they broke out
into loud cries, covering
themselves with their shields
and brandishing, their lances.
Then they returned to the place
whence they had set out,
hurling their lances by divisions
of threes at the boat, and
returning again to their station,
going and coming as in a game
of cañas.98 Our men got ready
and left the ships in boats; and
as the boats left the ships for
the shore, in accordance with
the order given them, some
shots were fired from the ships
upon the multitude of praus
anchored near a promontory, as
well as at the landsmen upon
shore, and upon the town. But,
although they had showed so
great a desire for war, when
they heard the artillery and saw
its effects, they abandoned their
village without waiting for
battle, and fled through the
large, beautiful, and fertile open
fields that are to be seen in this
region. Accordingly we
remained in the village, which
had been left totally without
provisions by the natives. We
pursued the enemy, but they are
the lightest and swiftest runners
whom I have ever seen. When
we entered the village, all the
food had been already taken
away. However, I believe that
there will be no lack of food. In
exchange for our hardships this
is a good prospect, although
there is no hope of food except
through our swords. The land is
thickly populated, and so fertile
that four days after we took the
village the Castilian seeds had
already sprouted. We have seen
some little gold here, on the
garments worn by the natives.
We are at the gate and in the
vicinity of the most fortunate
countries of the world, and the
most remote; it is three hundred
leagues or thereabouts farther
than great China, Burnei, Java,
Lauzon, Samatra, Maluco,
Malaca, Patan, Sian, Lequios,
Japan, and other rich and large
provinces. I hope that, through
God's protection, there will be
in these lands no slight result
for his service and the increase
of the royal crown, if this land
is settled by Spaniards, as I
believe it will be. From this
village of Çubu, I have
despatched the ship with the
father prior [Urdaneta] and my
grandson, Phelipe de Zauzedo,
with a long relation of the
things which I boldly write here
to your excellency. They will
inform his majesty at length, as
persons who have been
eyewitnesses of all, especially
of what has taken place here,
the state of the new settlement,
and the arrangements made for
everything. It remains to be said
that, since this fleet was
despatched by the most
illustrious viceroy, my master,
of blessed memory, and further,
chiefly because of being an
enterprise that every gentleman
should all the more favor,
inasmuch as it pertains
naturally to your excellency, as
the heir of the glory resulting
from this expedition—your
excellency should favor it in
such a manner that we may feel
here the touch of your most
illustrious hand, and so that aid
should be sent as promptly as
the necessity of our condition
demands. For we shall have war
not only with the natives of this
and other neighboring islands
of the Philipinas (which is of
the lesser import), but— a thing
of greater consequence—we
shall have to wage war with
many different nations and
islands, who will aid these
people, and will side against us.
On seeing us settled in this
island the Portuguese will not
be pleased, nor will the Moros
and other powerful and well-
armed people. It might happen
that, if aid is delayed and is not
sent by you to us with all
promptitude, the delay will
prove a sufficient obstacle, so
that no result will follow from
the work that we have
accomplished. I beg his majesty
to send us some aid with the
promptness, which rightly
should not be less than in that
city of España, where his
majesty resides. And because it
is worth knowing, and so that
your excellency may
understand that God, our Lord,
has waited in this same place,
and that he will be served, and
that pending the beginning of
the extension of his holy faith
and most glorious name, he has
accomplished most miraculous
things in this western region,
your excellency should know
that on the day when we
entered this village one of the
soldiers went into a large and
well-built house of an Indian,
where he found an image of the
child Jesus (whose most holy
name I pray may be universally
worshiped). This was kept in its
cradle, all gilded, just as it was
brought from España; and only
the little cross which is
generally placed upon the globe
in his hand was lacking. This
image was well kept in that
house, and many flowers were
found before it, no one knows
for what object or purpose. The
soldier bowed before it with all
reverence and wonder, and
brought the image to the place
where the other soldiers were. I
pray the holy name of this
image which we have found
here, to help us and to grant us
victory, in order that these lost
people who are ignorant of the
precious and rich treasure
which was in their possession,
may come to a knowledge of

91 A short dagger with a broad blade.

[back to text]

92 In the relation published in Col.

doc. inéd. Ultramar, ii, pp 265-277,
where these transactions are recounted
in greater detail, these names are
spelled Camutrian (Camutuan,
Camotuan), and Maletec, respectively.
[back to text]

93 Apparently the same as the

Massaua of earlier documents. [back
to text]

94 In the relation cited above, note 92,

the name of this island is spelled (p.
277) Camiguinin. [back to text]

95 The second ship of the fleet, "San

Pablo." The "San Pedro" or flagship
was spoken of as the capitana. [back
to text]

96 A veil of thin gauze worn by the

Moors. Evidently the term is used in
this connection, as the Mohammedans
of these islands were called Moros
(Moors) by the Spaniards. [back to

97 Apparently referring to the island

of Negros. [back to text]

97* The word is escaupiles, which

was a species of ancient Mexican
armor. [back to text]

98 An equestrian exercise with reed

spears. [back to text]


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