School Learning Continuity Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Ayungon I District


Areas of Concern Objectives Activities/Strategies Persons Inclusive Resource/Fund Expected
Responsible Dates Requirement Output/Outcome
I. School Leadership
A. Planning 1. Conduct survey/ School Head August Bond Paper, laptop, Accomplished SLCP
1. Address readiness of profilling of teachers School ITC 2021 printer, SLCP Form 1 Form 1 & 2
school to adapt and adopt and lerners on their Teachers &2
change in the “ New Normal” access to technology
gudgets, etc
2. Consolidate and
analyze results and
prepare school profie
3. Prepare and implement 1. Prepare and develop School Head, August Bond Paper, laptop, One (1) School
the School Learning the School Learning Teachers 2021 printer Learning Continuity
Continuity Plan. Continuity Plan. Plan
2. Present the SLCP
teachers and other
school personel
3. Advocate the “New School Head, September Bond paper, laptop, Informed[arents, list
Normal” to parents and Teachers, PTA 2021 printer, leaflets of recipients of the
community Offices, JO leaflets

II. School Management & Operations

A. Physical 1.Improve/ Enhance school 1. Follow up School Head, August 2021 APP, Deped Fund, Approved, Revised
Facilities facilities to help maintain construction of hand Division Engineer, October School MOOE APF New Hand
cleanliness, sanitation and washing facility School Treasure, 2021 Washing Facility ,
hygiene for all learners and 2. Plan nd revise the School Health Purchase Request,
school personel APP for the Inclusion Coor., School Sanitation & Hygiene
of anitation and Physical Supplies, Signages
hygiene supplies Facilities/DRRM around the school
3. Procure sanitation an Coor premises
hygiene supplies for
the learners and the
4. Procure sanitation
and hygiene supplies.
5. Putting up of signages
inside the school
B. Health 1. Prioritize teachers and 1. Plan and set a Work School Head August 2021 Bond paper, laptop, Work Schedule Plan,
learners safety, health Schedule for the School Health to July 2022 printer Printed guidelines on
and well-being teachers suited to Coor, School protocols, clean and
their age and health Physical sanitized school
status Facilities/DRRM facilitie
2. Set-up guidelines on Coor, Job Order,
earing of masks, hand
washing and the use
of disinfectant
1. Improve /Augment 1. Allocate and provide School Head, August 2021 Cellphones Strong Mobile internet
internet connectivity mobile data load School Tresurer, to July 2022 Connection.
and ICT equipment. school ICT School ICT Coor.
coordinator when
2. Keep ICT equipment in 1. Conduct inventory on School ICT Coor., August 2021 Property Inventory Functional ICT
good condition. all ICT equipment. School Property to July 2022 Forms equipment Filled and
Custodian accomplished
inventory forms.
III. Curriculum and Instruction
A. Curriculum 1. Ensure adherence to the 1. Provide teachers hard School Head, August 2021 Bondpaper, Printer Updated teachers copy
Impementation most essential learning copies of MELs. Teachers to July 2022 of MELCs
competencies (MELCs) 2. Check Teachers LPs
as basis for teaching and regularly.
2.Continously enrich the 1.Check teachers work from School Head, August 2021 Bond Paper, laptop, Relevant IMs
MELCs through home activities/developed Teachers to July 2022 printer & cellpohone
contextualization activities and relevant
and developing appropriate Ims/contextualized/localized
and relevant instructional Ims.
3. Equip teachers and other 1. Check teachers skills School Head, August 2021 Bond Paper, laptop, Copy of MELCs
personnel with the and competencies for Teachers to July 2022 printer
needed skills and teaching the “new
competencies for normal”.
teaching the “ New
4. Formulate intervention 1. Provide intervention School Head, August 2021 Bond Paper, laptop, Intervention Programs
programs to address programs to address Teachers to July 2022 printer
gaps in the gaps in the
implementation of the implementation of the
curriculum. curriculum.
E. Teaching- 1. Select and implement 1. Provide teachers & School Head, August 2021 Bond Paper Modules
Learning flexible learning learners needs based Teachers & to July 2022
Delivery options/modalities on current school Learners
appropriate to learners resources available
needs and based on option chosen.
current school resources
2. Keeping the school Teachers &
facilities clean and Learners
sanitized at all times.
G. Fiscal 1. Allocate and manage 1. Procure one (1) School Head, Whole year School MOOE School Facilities with
effectively the Thermal scanner for School Treasurer round supplies for sanitation
utilization of MOOE each Coor., School and hygiene.
and other school funds classroom/adviser. Health Coor, Job
based on priority needs 2. Provide teachers, Order, teachers &
of the school. learners and other learners.
personnel alcohol and
washable face mask.
3. Provide classrooms
with supplies of
alcohol, door mats,
floor wax and hand
4. Provide hand washing
facilities with water
and hand soap/liquid
soap for each faucet.
5. Provide CRs with
toilet bowls cleaner,
toilet brush, floor
mop, muriatic acid,
pail, dipper, trash bin
& soap.
H. Social 1. Ensure the full 1. Prepare and send out Schoo Head, ASP August to Bondpaper, Special Deeds of donations
Mobilization engagement of different solicitation letters to Coordinator, September Paper, Laptop,
stakeholders through stakeholders. Teachers, PTA 2021 Printer, certificates,
Adop-a-School 2. Encourage teachers to Officers Tokens.
program/Brigada have at least one (1)
Eskwela and other types donation solicited.
of collaboration. 3. Reward the teacher
having the highest
amount solicited with
certificate and token.
4. Recognize donors
with certificates.
I. Planning 1. Strengthen the use of 1. Provide school ICT School Head, Whole year Mobile data load, Printed downloaded
Research the system for uploading Coordinators School Treasurer, Round Laptop, Printer, pertinent reports and
pertinent reports and allowance for the School ICT Cellphone school data, Up-to-
school data including purchase of load Coordinator date school online
LIS Admin for online (Mobile data) during data.
tasks. online task.
J. DRRM 1. Practice resiliency 1. Viewing of risk School Head, September to Cellphones, Laptop, Well-onformed
through risk management drill on School DRRM December TV sets, flash drive teachers and learners
management in school. cellphones/laptop/TV. Coor, Teachers 2021 on what to do in times
2. Giving of leaflets to of disaster.
the teachers and
2. Empower and involve 3. Parents and SH, Teachers August Laptop, cellphone Home-based learning
parents and community community must get 2021-July materials.
for home-based involve and support 2022
learning. for home-based
learning of learners.
K. Assessment 1. Device appropriate 1. Provide appropriate SH, Teachers August Bond paper, printer, Assessment
assessment tools to assessment tools to 2021-July laptop tool/template
assess and strengthen assess the learning 2022
learners capacity to capacity of learners
learn base on the based on learning
learning modalities.

IV. Monitoring 1. Implement the school 1. Create school SH, Teachers August Bond paper, Folder & List of different
& monitoring evaluation monitoring and 2021-July fastener, laptop achievement areas.
Evaluation and ajustment (SMEA) evaluation and 2022
for effective adjustment (SMEA)
performance. Team for effective
2. Identify the best 1. Responsible enough SH, Teachers August Laptop Best Practices.
practices as well as the for assigned tasks. 2021-July
challenges encountered. 2. Teamwork 2022

Prepared by: LIZA R. FLORES

Head Teacher III Noted by:

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