"Leaving An Inhabitable Planet To Future Generations Is First and Foremost Upto Us" - Laudato Si
"Leaving An Inhabitable Planet To Future Generations Is First and Foremost Upto Us" - Laudato Si
"Leaving An Inhabitable Planet To Future Generations Is First and Foremost Upto Us" - Laudato Si
“Leaving an inhabitable planet to future generations is first and foremost upto us”---Laudato Si
3.Environment (J) C. It studies the relationship between living organisms and the
environment in which they develop.
4.Economic Ecology D. The protection of the environment as an integral part of
(D) the development process such as to produce predictable
reactions and certain standardization with simplifying
procedures and reducing costs.
7.Sustainability (A) G.A central and unifying principle of social ethics, the sum of
those social conditions of social life which allow social groups
and their individual members relatively thorough and ready
access to their own fulfillment.
8.Human Ecology (H) H. It includes efforts to bring about an integral improvement
in the quality of human life and this entails considering the
setting in which people live their lives.
9.Common Good (I) I. The relationship between human life and the moral law,
which inscribed in our nature and is necessary for the creation
of a more dignified environment.
10.Preferntial Option J. It cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves
for the Poor (E) or as mere setting in which we live.
II Global and Local Environmental Problems: (20 pts)
1.JPIC-VLOG #140: Our Low Cost Housing Insights /Reflection (minimum of 5 sentences and
maximum of 10 sentences)
1. Explain what is Integral Ecology in your own understanding. (min=5 sentences and max =10
2.Explain stewardship of God’s creation in the context of being created by God, A Catholic/Christian
and a Holynamian.
God created me so I should live The words we live on are stated Having Social Responsibility as a
by his words and his will. Being in the bible and acted by our Core Value of our school should
created by God comes with a ancestors, being a steward in be taken seriously by the
responsibility of being a Good the context of being a catholic is students. For it is taught by the
Steward as well. Though it's not something we should value teachers, it is empowered by
hard because following him will because it is some kind of the priests and it is bestowed by
be the easiest thing in the tradition. The things we do, the God upon us. Following that
world. things we believe in, it is all part Core Value is like using your
of being a steward of God. Stewardship as a student of
Holy Name University.