Diplomat OCT 2021
Diplomat OCT 2021
Diplomat OCT 2021
The persecuted
PM 40957514
Charles Sezlik, Dominique Laframboise, Sara Adam Sales Reps. and Trystan Andrews, Broker.
The World in Canada
Table of
Donna Jacobs
Neil Reynolds
Jennifer Campbell
Paul Cavanaugh DIPLOMATICA|
BOOKS COLUMNIST Cartoons from around the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Christina Spencer Fen Hampson on upcoming global summits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Questions Asked with the WHO’s Bruce Aylward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Margaret Dickenson Notes from the Field: Community Forests International’s work . . . . . 26
Good Deeds: Helping Afghan refugees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Peter Simpson Trade Winds with Brazil, Estonia and Mongolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Trade: The Pacific Alliance celebrates 10 years of co-operation . . . . . . 32
Ülle Baum
Diplomatic Agenda: UAE's sustainability goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Monica Allaby DISPATCHES|
Fahad Saeed M. A. Alraqbani When state and society attack people for their faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Laura Neilson Bonikowsky
Tristan Bragaglia-Murdock Afghanistan: The end of a war and a perilous future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Raul Eduardo Fernandez Daza Africa’s schisms and what can be done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Wolfgang Depner
Juan Jose Ignacio Gomez Camacho
What Canada must do vis-à-vis China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Fen Hampson Residential school revelations and the hard search for truth . . . . . . . . 64
Patrick Langston CODE promises every girl the right to read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Jorge Alberto Julian Londono de la Cuesta
Pedro Henrique Lopes Borio
Toomas Lukk
Roberto Rafael Max Rodriguez Arnilla
Robert I. Rotberg
Guy Saint-Jacques Books on diplomacy, sovereignty and pandemics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
J. Paul de B. Taillon Art: What's in store for Ottawa galleries this autumn and winter . . . 76
Ariunbold Yadmaa
Food: Three recipes for entertaining or treating yourself . . . . . . . . . . . 81
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Wine: Why corks may or may not matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Mike Beedell Envoy's Album: Photos from diplomatic events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Larry and Margaret Dickenson
Ashley Fraser Photo finish: The greater snow goose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Jessie Reynolds O’Neil DIGNITARIES|
New arrivals in the diplomatic corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Gilles Laberge, www.redrocket.ca
Sharleen Tattersfield DIPLOMATIC LISTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Contact Donna Jacobs, [email protected],
(613) 794-7654.
SUBMISSIONS: Diplomat & International Patrick Langston on winter adventures around Ottawa . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Canada welcomes submissions. Email editor@
Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1P 5R2
Phone: (613) 794-7654
E-mail: [email protected] ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material.
www.diplomatonline.com No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written permissionfrom the publisher. © 2007
Published by Sparrow House ISSN 1190-8343 Publication Mail # 40957514. Return undeliverable Canadian copies to: Diplomat Magazine,
Enterprises Inc.
P.O. Box 1173, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5R2
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he Pew Research Centre has shown gain the education that war and discrimi- J . Paul de B . Taillon served in the
that the suppression of religious nation against females have denied them. Canadian intelligence community for
minorities is on the increase. It’s a Up front, columnist Fen Hampson 30 years and also served as an army
subject that is reported on sporadically, discusses the issues that will arise at fall reserve colonel . From 2006-2014, he
when major incidents happen. But what summits and Canada’s election, which was the strategic and counterinsur-
about the systemic, constant persecution was supposed to indicate how the Liberals gency adviser to the commander
of citizens simply for what they believe. steered Canada through COVID but was of the Canadian Army . He has op-
Diplomat looked into it and, drawing on overtaken by the way Canada would deal erational experience with Ameri-
the Pew research, and that of several with refugees who worked with Canadian can, Canadian and British Special
other governmental and non-governmen- forces when they were in Afghanistan as Operations Forces, and has served
tal groups, came up with a Top 10 list of that country fell to the Taliban. in Great Britain, the United States,
some of the worst-offending countries. Also in Diplomatica, I (virtually) sat Oman, Bosnia, Kosovo, Ukraine and
Writer Wolfgang Depner discovered down with World Health Organization Afghanistan . Taillon holds a PhD
a few consistencies among the countries senior adviser Bruce Aylward, who runs from the London School of Econom-
in question. Religious persecution occurs the ACT-Accelerator program. COVAX, ics and Political Science and a mas-
under authoritarian rule, whether that be the global vaccine equity program, falls ter’s in strategic studies (U .S . Army
secular or theocratic. He also discovered within his purview and Aylward spoke War College) . He has taught at the
that Asia is becoming increasingly hostile frankly about the importance of vaccine Royal Military College of Canada,
for religious minorities, Christians and equity and how national leaders must is an adjunct fellow at Joint Special
others. Finally, he found that Christians make it a priority and encourage others to Operations University in Tampa and
are being driven out of the Middle East. do so, too. With many high-income coun- has taught at the U .S . Naval Post
Also in Dispatches, J. Paul de B. Taillon tries reporting 40 per cent of their popula- Graduate School in Monterey and the
tackles the subject of Afghanistan. The tions fully vaccinated and Africa reporting NATO Special Operations School in
retired colonel has plenty of experience in only 2 per cent, Aylward points out that Chievres, Belgium .
war zones and discusses what the future vaccinating the world is morally and eco-
holds for the beleaguered country after 20 nomically the right thing to do. Claire Bolton
years of war and the hurried withdrawal In Delights, Christina Spencer shares
of foreign troops in August. background on books about diplomacy,
Taillon refers to it as a war “marred by sovereignty and pandemics, while food
unclear strategic goals after the initially writer Margaret Dickenson offers up three
successful United States invasion of the Is- elegant recipes for entertaining or just
lamic Republic of Afghanistan in response treating those in your family bubble. Arts
to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.” columnist Peter Simpson surveys the lat-
He acknowledges that the exact date for est from the Ottawa art scene and Patrick
a Taliban takeover would have been dif- Langston continues his ongoing series of
ficult to ascertain, but that it was clear the imaginative suggestions for getting out Claire Wanjiru Bolton joined CODE
Taliban would eventually fill the tactical and seeing things in spite of the pandemic. in 2012 and is currently a program
vacuum left by the Afghan/U.S. military. manager. Working with local partner
Also in Dispatches, Africa columnist Jennifer Campbell is editor of Diplomat. organizations in Liberia and Ghana,
Bolton is on a mission to help teach-
ers effectively engage classrooms of
young readers and learners. Born
O U R T EM PORA RY FOR MAT and raised in Kenya, she moved to
Canada a decade ago to earn her
Diplomat is currently publishing online only, master ’s in globalization and in-
but this PDF version of the magazine has a ternational development from the
neat feature that print can't offer: The ads are University of Ottawa. She is a proud
"live," which means a click of the finger takes mom of two toddler boys and wife
you right to the advertiser's website. Try it out. to Fidele.
Google Caves in Russia by Bob Englehart, PoliticalCartoons.com Human Rights in the Arab World by Emad Hajjaj, Alaraby Aljadeed
newspaper, London
Taliban & Women by Bart van Leeuwen, PoliticalCartoons.com Pandora Papers by Peter Kuper, PoliticalCartoons.com
More vaccines by Patrick Chappatte, NZZ am Sonntag, Switzerland Diplomatic lust by Manny Francisco, The Manila Times, Philippines
Remarkable offspring by Joep Bertrams, The Netherlands 30th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine by Vladimir Kazanevsky,
Ukraine, PoliticalCartoons.com
China real estate market cracking by Dave Granlund, Fuel Shortage UK by Bart van Leeuwen, PoliticalCartoons.com
Haitian migration hopscotch by Monte Wolverton, Battle Ground, French colonial history by Emad Hajjaj, Alaraby Aljadeed newspaper,
Washington State London
Alexander Lukatanko by Bart van Leeuwen, PoliticalCartoons.com Indo Pacific Quad Summit by Marian Kamensky, Austria
At his virtual Leaders' Summit on Climate Change, U.S. President Joe Biden said his administration would halve U.S. greenhouse gas
emissions from 2005 levels by 2030, with a goal of making the U.S. economy carbon-neutral by 2050. It's summit seaon again and two major
events will test Canadian leaders' ability to define key foreign priorities.
and stewardship of the economy. Instead, the headlines, especially if, as is certain,
it was quickly overshadowed by the un- the humanitarian and refugee crisis wors-
folding tragedy in Afghanistan and ques- ens under Taliban rule. Canada’s new
tions about the government’s competence government will be under pressure to
and failure to properly plan for the evacu- secure the safe passage of Canadians and
ation of its citizens and those Afghans others who were left behind after the Aug.
who had worked alongside Canadian 31 deadline for U.S. withdrawal expired
Fen forces. As former British prime minister and international airlift operations were
Harold MacMillan once said when asked suspended.
what could throw a government off The foreign policy challenge doesn’t
he fall of the Western-backed Af- course, “Events, dear boy, events.” That stop there. Two major summits of global
ghan government to the Taliban just adage also clearly applies to elections. leaders in the fall will test the new govern-
as the Canadian election writ was Although the Liberal government’s han- ment’s ability to define clearly some of its
drawn showed, yet again, that the best- dling of the Afghanistan file was itself not key foreign and economic policy priorities.
laid plans, to riff on Robert Burns, “go oft a ballot issue, it reinforced the question in
awry.” the minds of many voters about why the G20
The Sept. 20 election was supposed to election was being held when the country The first international junket is to the G20
be a referendum on the Liberal govern- and the world were in crisis. leaders’ meeting on Oct. 30-31 in Rome.
ment’s handling of the COVID pandemic Afghanistan will not disappear from The summit will focus on the global
two-week conference is supposed to be consumers to be used for the purchase while also funding infrastructure projects
more than the usual gabfest, but will also of “green” products such as bicycles, in more than 70 countries that will soon
give countries a chance to showcase their electric cars and solar panels, instead of account for more than half of all new
individual concrete plans to reduce green- the redeemable tax credit proposed by carbon emissions, according to the World
house gas emissions. COP countries (110 the Liberals.Whatever Canada eventu- Economic Forum.
in all) had to submit their national plans ally does, the reality is that it can’t solve At his “Leaders’ Summit on Climate”
to address climate change by July 31 this climate change on its own. Canada’s GHG earlier this year, U.S. President Joe Biden
pect of reaching a deal, there will have to racked world we are living in now, the
be top-level political engagement on the Canada’s China policy has been in the deep government cannot afford to drag its feet
freeze as a direct result of the imprisonment of
file.The government also needs a proper or stick with the status quo.
Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor — the “Two
China strategy. Canada can’t ignore the
Michaels” as they are known — in retaliation
Chinese market, which, within a decade, for Canada’s arrest of senior Huawei executive Fen Osler Hampson is Chancellor’s
will surpass the United States’ in size Meng Wanzhou, shown here, at the request of Professor at Carleton University and
alone. China’s strong growth prospects U.S. authorities who wanted to put her on trial co-author of Diplomacy and the Future of
and its rapidly budding middle class will in the U.S. All three were recently released. World Order.
nated by the end of this year and then 70 VAX, we had the participation of the AMC
per cent by the end of next year. We’re go- countries [92 low- and middle-income
ing to need everyone working together to countries] that will get donated doses, but
get to those [goals] and Canada has been we also needed the participation of the
a fantastic partner in getting us this far — other countries, which have to buy doses.
getting COVAX set up and vaccines [in With their downpayments and optioning
of doses, that provides a [framework] BA: It’s a great question. Of course, we the Delta virus, which is roaring through
that you can use to help set the deals with all say our older populations and health- populations and we are going to continue
manufacturers that will help benefit the care workers should be prioritized, which to see a march of this virus becoming
entire facility. is really a moral argument to a certain more transmissible. When I trained, half
What we do is work with high-income degree. But we also have leading econo- of my epidemiology course didn’t know
and middle-income countries as self- mists [speaking.] [British economist] what an R-naught [which measures the
financing participants, so, under the Lord Jim O’Neill, whom I’ve worked transmissibility of a disease] was. Now
legal terms and conditions and because with a lot on the economics of this, spoke half the world does.
they’re spending taxpayer money, they at a meeting of G20 finance ministers The R-naught of the Delta is five, which
had to have a guarantee that they would and said ‘Folks, this is the economic no- means this thing is moving twice as fast,
be eligible for vaccines just like all other brainer of our time’ — just the return on at least. You look at what is the right thing
countries. Otherwise, you could end up investment to finance this thing and to to do, what economically makes sense,
in a situation where they all come in, but equitably distribute the vaccines. We’re because your economies are crushed in
then decide that they want to serve these in an interconnected economy. Our sup- this whole thing, and then from a security
countries, or those countries.
Way back in the beginning, there had
to be protections for all countries to be
able to access vaccines and that’s why. The
whole world was vulnerable because no-
body had seen this virus before. The threat
was in every single country. The threat
was rapidly becoming omnipresent. Ev-
eryone was at risk, so what we worked on
was how to roll things out, which meant
proportional distribution to everyone who
was part of [COVAX.] What we didn’t
expect when we set up COVAX — there
were some countries that had bilateral
deals going into it and we kind of grand-
fathered those in — was the proliferation
of bilateral deals subsequently. It’s not just
high-income countries, because manu-
facturers have chosen not to prioritize
COVAX and they’ve continued to do bi-
lateral deals with everyone else at a higher
price and all sorts of other conditions, and
frankly have not been [acting] in the best
interests of the global population. I get re-
ally frank about this these days. It’ll prob-
ably be the last job I ever have.
That’s the great thing about work-
ing for someone like Tedros [Adhanom, Bruce Aylward (centre), visits Sierra Leone when he was assistant director general of the World
director general of the WHO.] He is all Health Organization (WHO) in charge of the operational response on Ebola. He's shown with Ismail
about equity. He’s the moral compass on Ould Cheikh, special representative to the UN secretary general.
that piece of the response. This man just
never loses sight of the fact that a person ply chains, our markets — everything is perspective, what makes sense. And this
anywhere has to have the same degree, interconnected and there’s been some re- ticks every single box. This means lead-
same rules of the game across the board. ally good economic research that’s come ers standing up and explaining it to their
That’s why he’s looking at [whether] we out. Look at the IMF’s recent report that populations and explaining it to other
need a treaty or an international treaty says there will be $9 trillion in forgone leaders. These are always hard times. This
and [whether] we need to make it bind- economic growth if we don’t vaccinate is a Churchillian moment we’re looking
ing, because this doesn’t work. We put the equitably around the world and that [the] for here. When we had the banks fail and
best possible mechanism in place, every- $9 trillion forgone is in high-income and then we had the giant financial stimuli
one agrees it’s the right thing, but no one upper-middle-income countries across that got us out of that crisis, it was because
wants to play ball. As a result, there are the board, so you have the economic ar- [then-British prime minister] Gordon
hundreds of billions of dollars in profit. gument. Brown stood up and said ‘This is what we
We didn’t listen to the moral argument, have to do.’ It was unpopular and incred-
DM: How does a country balance the we didn’t listen to the economic argument ibly expensive, but it got us out of the
health of its citizens and faltering jobs/ so then the virus started to tell us: ‘Look, worst financial crisis we’d faced since the
economy with the needs of countries al- if you don’t get this under control every- Depression.
ready disadvantaged financially and with where, I am going to evolve, I am going to This is how you control this pandemic.
COVID overwhelming their poor health- mutate and everything you’re doing is go- It comes back to ‘What have we learned?’
care systems? ing to be for naught.’ So here we are with You need a set of rules for the game to
the small things. I live in a part of the doses. In the Americas, 40 per cent are donations are great, but we really need
world where people were clapping in the vaccinated with two doses; in the western countries to step out of the queue and take
evening for health-care workers. These Pacific, it’s 40 per cent; in Europe, 40 per a place at the back. It’s as simple as that.
were beautiful gestures. When I came cent. In Africa, it’s 2 per cent. How is that Today, manufacturers are shipping doses
out of China, I was working with various possible without a certain amount of in- to high-income countries and they’re say-
different countries, so keen to understand tent, if you’ve got COVAX that solves that ing they can’t ship to [COVAX] because
what each other were learning. At the problem? they have to service those high-income
WHO, one of our greatest assets is our You’ve got all these people who say countries first. Then the high-income
ability to convene. One of the things clos- they want to be successful — manufac- country says they have too many doses
est to me was the ACT Accelerator, which turers, high-income countries, producing so they’ll donate to COVAX. In the mean-
I run. This is an extraordinary type of co- countries. How can Africa have 2 per cent? time, imagine the transaction costs and
operation and collaboration. Clearly the words aren’t being matched the time. So we get them late, they have
We’ve taken 10 leading agencies — by the action. We’ve got to come forward expiry dates, we send them to the Congo.
such as WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, with rules as we go forward. People have They can’t use them. And the world com-
GAVI, UNIFUND, Gates Foundation —
and we said we’re going to need a massive
war effort. We’ve had these 10 agencies
repurpose to try to advance these agendas
and create new institutions like COVAX
out of thin air. Those things have been
inspiring. There are little things I see:
With these agencies, they’re running big
multilateral operations, but every Thurs-
day evening, 6:30 and 8 p.m., they’re on
a Zoom call with me, looking at what are
the crucial issues we need to be cracking
on for next week. This is a year and a half
of this.
What’s impressed me? The degree of
collaboration, openness, co-operation and
[the willingness] to share ideas and work
toward really novel solutions.
to share. mechanism that makes sure everybody — will have 1.3 billion doses more than
These are life-saving interventions nine gets what they need. they need to vaccinate their popula-
months after they first went into a human. That’s why governments are so impor- tions this year, including booster shots.
Nine months later, we’ve used six billion tant, why Canada is so important. The So, they said 400 million they’d donate
don’t look at equity after you’ve vac- cines that the manufacturers depend on, them together, but that accountability is
cinated the rich people. What they said so it’s got to be a collaborative effort. something we’ll need from these guys.
was that there’s enough to vaccinate the Biden has such an incredibly powerful
world. On Wednesday, COVAX comes DM: And that brings us to the Biden virus podium.
DM: Anything you want to add? work with so many different parts of [the it went forward. It was an extraordinary
BA: This is just such a giant issue. I’ve country] and an international team, in the opportunity. [We saw] what China was
been in this for 30-plus years, in dis- middle of this massive crisis they were doing. This [may have been] a respiratory
ease eradication — polio, Zika, or the trying to manage and working with the pathogen and they were using contact
Ebola outbreak in West Africa. I’ve been China CDC, the Chinese physicians who tracing, [which usually doesn’t work,]
through a lot of these and I have to say were dealing with this first-hand — I got but they were making it work. The most
I’m still stunned by what a triumph on great insights into this country. Last time amazing thing that struck me was the per-
the one hand that we have vaccines and I’d been there was 20 years before and spective of individuals. [The Chinese] like
the international effort on that, but the China has changed. to engage as much as they can and the in-
challenge of sharing scarce life-saving It was such an honour to lead a team credible personal sense of responsibility in
vaccines [stuns me, too.] If we could of 26 and 27 people, which was half Asia and China was just stunning. It was
get just 10 per cent of the population in from Chinese institutions and half from very difficult, but at the end of the day,
Africa covered, you would be covering international institutions. The insights, the mission was a success. We understood
everyone over the age of 60 because of the brains and experience — it was fan- as much as anyone could about what was
the demographic. [In May] when [Tedros tastic. We said, ‘We need to go to this working; we also understood what was
Adhanom] sent out his target of 10 per area, to see a rural area, we need to see a not understood as well. You spend your
cent coverage by the end of September, densely populated area and we need to lifetime in this business preparing for
everyone said ‘That’s not ambitious go to Wuhan to see what it’s like at the those missions.
enough.’ I said, ‘Tedros, that’s going to be epicentre of this.’ And China — at that [Final comment]: Canada has been a
a massive lift.’ And today we’re at 2 per time and I’m not saying it in the current very important contributor to the ACT
cent in Africa. This is why the summit context — worked really hard with us to Accelerator and COVAX. It was a great
is so important and why we need world understand for China and then help the champion right from the very beginning,
leaders out there. world understand what this virus was, but also Canada put its money where
what they were doing in response, was it its mouth is. Canada is one of the high-
DM: One more question, tell me about making any difference, what do we have est per cent fair-share donors. It’s one of
leading the WHO-China joint mission on to do next? We had three or four big ques- four or five countries — up there with
coronavirus disease. tions we had to answer. It was incredibly Germany, Norway and Saudi Arabia — in
BA: It was fantastic, absolutely incredible. hard, because you’re trying to solve hard going that extra mile. We talked about
Always, when you go into a situation problems with something very new, with why Canada didn’t do this or that, but
like this, you’re trying to understand an very few anchor points, and then to distil we wouldn’t be where we are without
outbreak. With China, the opportunity to all of what we saw to help the world as Canada. D
613.590.3000 [email protected]
arlier this month, the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) released its latest report on
climate change and UN Secretary General
António Guterres called it a “code red for
What gives our team at Community
Forests International hope is that we
all know the causes of this crisis — and
we also know the solutions. Too often,
complex global challenges lack this same
level of clarity. More important though,
the small island communities we have the
privilege of working alongside are adapt-
ing and responding to this crisis despite
challenges that most of us in Canada can’t
even really imagine. We have witnessed
these efforts first-hand through our work
in Zanzibar, Tanzania, over the past de-
In 2006, Mbarouk Mussa Omar — a Mbarouk Mussa Omar, executive director of Community Forests Pemba, visits a community-owned-
community leader and climate activist on and-operated tree nursery.
Pemba Island, Zanzibar — befriended Jeff
Schnurr, a young Canadian tree-planter programming in Eastern Canada in 2010. results of our most successful climate-
who was travelling in the region. Mussa While the regions we work in are home adaptation efforts, the European Union
Omar had a vision to bring back Pemba to unique ecosystems, cultures and chal- awarded our organization a new four-year
Island’s lost forests, and Schnurr was lenges, we have learned that the most contract to deliver our greatest programs
inspired to help him any way he could. successful solutions to the climate crisis to more people and communities in the
Local community groups quickly stepped benefit ecosystems and the people directly region.
up to get involved and establish tree nurs- connected to them. Applying lessons from This initiative is now allowing Com-
eries, and when the next tree-planting sea- Zanzibar back here at home has enabled munity Forests Pemba to team up with
son arrived in Canada, a growing team of Community Forests International to build new partners, such as the Tanzania Media
young Canadians helped to raise money one of Canada’s first forest carbon proj- Women’s Association and the People’s De-
to support their efforts in tree planting ects, and to create new ways of working velopment Forum to expand our climate-
camps across the country. Community with forests to generate community and smart agriculture and forestry projects,
Forests International and our local partner climate benefits. while empowering women and youth to
organization, Community Forests Pemba, Today, the Community Forest network earn a living as they strengthen the health
emerged from these simple acts of solidar- is growing. We recently expanded to Mo- of their environment.
ity. zambique and continue to scale up our The innovations that our work has
Our work was built on mutual respect, climate action activities across Zanzibar, generated are increasingly needed around
trust and friendship, which remain the with a second local office and doubling the world today. Our partners in Zanzibar
foundation of the partnership to this of our team size there. Working alongside have taught us that sustainable change is ZACH MELANSON FOR COMMUNITY FORESTS INTERNATIONAL
day. Our two organizations work closely colleagues at Community Forests Pemba, community-led change, and that fostering
together on community-led projects that our efforts have now directly benefited 7 strong relationships between people and
range from agroforestry and tree-planting, per cent of the island’s population and in- forests is critical to ensuring a climate-
to ethical trade and women’s economic creased income for more than 80 per cent secure future. The IPCC made it clear
empowerment. While Community Forests of the people we support. that we need to act fast. Communities in
Pemba oversees programs and a team of In early 2020, as the profound chal- Zanzibar have proven it’s possible to work
expert field staff, Community Forests In- lenges of a global pandemic and ac- with nature — even on small islands, in
ternational helps secure the resources that celerating climate change combined in one of the most climate-vulnerable regions
allow their work to grow. To date, we have challenging ways, with political turmoil in of the world.
directly helped upwards of 58,000 people Tanzania and Zanzibar, we were reminded
in more than 50 communities. that building food and income security for Monica Allaby is the communications
The success of our work in Zanzibar greater climate resilience also helps build adviser for Community Forests Interna-
inspired Community Forests Interna- community strength and resilience against tional, which is headquartered in Sack-
tional to establish an office and introduce any crisis that may arise. Inspired by the ville, N.B.
hen Sarah Harvey heard that
Afghan refugees, fleeing the
now Taliban-run state, were
coming to Canada, her mind immedi-
ately turned to her friend Arian Ahmadi.
Harvey is the head of the Heads of Mis-
sion Spouses Association (HOMSA) and
Ahmadi is a member of its steering com-
mittee and wife of Afghan Ambassador
Hassan Soroosh.
“We’ve all been very conscious of what
life is like for her now,” Harvey says of
Ahmadi, who was born in Canada to
Afghan parents. “She’s been in contact
with the local Afghan community and
discovered they need all kinds of supplies
because the refugees are arriving.”
Harvey knew that in addition to collect-
ing used clothing for refugees arriving just
as Canadian winter nears, the volunteers
would need a place to store the goods.
“We have a very large basement and
I offered it to them,” Harvey says. “They
The Afghan-Canadian Support Network is working towards a better future for our newcomers
said ‘yes, please.’ My basement looks like
through resettlement programs. From left to right (front row): Zahira Sarwar, Allaha Balouch,
a department store and I have the real Tamana Shekib and Malala Mehraban. Back row from left, Bassel Kaddoura, Mina Nazir, Barin Habibi
pleasure of working with 12 local Afghan and Naheed Housany.
Canadians, some of whom were refugees
themselves. They come to my house to
sort and then to distribute to the families
in the hotels.”
Harvey figured it was a simple way
she could help out. As she puts it: “It’s not
everyone who lives in a large residence.”
Asked if she had to go through any official
New Zealand channels to get the okay to
offer the space, she said “the official chan-
nel is my husband — he said yes.”
As a founding member of the Afghan
Canadian Support Network, Ahmadi
was pleased to be able to link the Ottawa
Afghan community with the city’s dip-
lomatic corps — especially when people
such as Harvey stepped up to help.
Harvey doesn’t usually work in the Sarah Harvey, centre, and her friend, Sue Carlton, right, prepared a meal for the members of the
basement alongside the volunteers because Afghan-Canadian Support Network, who are working in the basement of the residence she shares
they tend to speak an Afghan languate with her husband, New Zealand High Commissioner Martin Harvey, left.
among themselves and she doesn’t want
to slow them down by requiring them to them and hear their stories.” most acutely, winter coats to fit men and
speak English. Instead she supports them One woman, for example, arrived in teenage boys. It is also looking for space
in other ways. For example, one night in Sherbrooke, Que., as a refugee and now such as rental properties and a warehouse
early October, knowing they were coming has the distinction of speaking Farsi, to store donated goods until they can be
to her home straight from their day jobs, English and French. “She’s now a social handed out.
she asked them to let her feed them dinner. worker and is very adept at co-ordinating Donors with questions can send an
“I offered to prepare a meal so they can this group,” Harvey says. email to [email protected] or Af-
be more efficient,” she says. “I’m just a The Afghan Canadian Support Net- ghan Canadian Support Network on
support. It’s a privilege to get to eat with work needs warm winter clothing and, Instagram. D
ince 1866, with the opening of the
first Canadian trade office in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil and Canada have Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and 12th in the world, with a GDP of about US $1.45
worked together to improve bilateral trillion in 2020.
trade and investments based on a set of
shared values. This year, both countries solar panels and windmills. $6.03 billion, an increase of 6.9 per cent
celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Brazil and its partners of Mercosur from 2019. Brazil’s exports to Canada in-
establishment of formal diplomatic rela- (Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) are clude mainly gold, inputs for aluminum,
tions. The traditional and significant bi- also negotiating a number of free trade sugar from sugarcane, semi-manufactured
lateral exchanges were critical during the agreements with many other countries, goods of iron and steel and coffee beans.
pandemic as trade and investment flows with Canada on top of that group. Such a Canada’s exports to Brazil include mainly
showed resilience amid turbulence and deal with Canada will expand the trade of potassium for fertilizers, aircraft, coal, eth-
maintained a solid upward trend. goods and services and enhance the envi- ylene, medicine and wheat. An example of
Brazil is the largest economy in Latin ronment for investments. the investments in the last year was the ac-
America and 12th in the world, with a The pandemic effects on the world quisition of CEDAE, a Rio de Janeiro wa-
GDP of about US $1.45 trillion in 2020. economy are widely known, and tourism ter treatment company, by a consortium
The country is home to a diverse economy, was one of the most affected sectors. In of a Brazilian company and a Canadian
ranging from commodities to aerospace. 2019, Brazil introduced the electronic visa investment fund. Likewise, another Cana-
Brazil is the third largest exporter of agri- for Canadians, with facilitated process and dian fund invested in expanding the wind
cultural products, therefore, like Canada, reduced costs. Original estimates of an in- farms “Complexo dos Ventos do Piauí e
a key actor in feeding the world, with crease in the flow of tourists could not be do Araripe,” in the Brazilian Northeast,
a highly mechanized and technological achieved so far due to travel restrictions, the largest in the country, with a capacity
yield that brings together productivity but Brazil expects that more Canadians of one million watts.
and sustainability. will soon benefit from the expedient visa The traditional and close economic
The Brazilian government is committed process and visit our country. ties between Brazil and Canada stem
to continuing to improve the country’s The flow of students from Brazil to from continuous and persistent efforts
business environment and facilitating for- Canada has also been severely affected. from both sides. There is vast untapped
eign investment and international trade. Canada is one of the main destinations for potential for further co-operation and
Extensive tax reform is under discussion Brazilian students abroad: In 2017, more more trade, investment and personal
to simplify and modernize the rules. Nu- than 23,000 Brazilian students enrolled in exchanges. The expected free trade agree-
merous new partnerships with the private Canadian universities, colleges and lan- ment between Mercosur and Canada will
sector are also on the way, notably in infra- guage courses. In addition to the enrich- trigger new opportunities, advancing a
structure projects, such as roads, railroads, ing academic experience, such exchanges well-established economic relationship.
ports, airports, sanitation and water treat- promote closer human connections and Other initiatives geared towards reactivat-
ment, frequently with Canadian participa- understanding and they will continue. ing the flows of tourists, professionals and
tion. Recently, Canada has included Brazil in academics will certainly boost the Brazil-
Canada has been a close partner in all the “Student Direct Stream” program, Canada partnership and continue to help
these efforts. The Canadian public and expediting the flow of Brazilian students overcome the challenges of the pandemic.
private investment funds have been suc- to Canada.
cessfully present in Brazil for more than a As mentioned, bilateral trade and Pedro Henrique Lopes Borio is Brazil’s
century and remain key sources for financ- investments have shown impressive ambassador to Canada. Reach him at
ing companies in a vast array of sectors, resilience during the pandemic. In 2020, [email protected] or
now including renewable energy, such as Brazil-Canada trade accounted for US (613) 237-1090.
hirty years after its re-establishment can work together in realizing this strate-
of independence, Estonia has be- gic goal of building a secure, reliable and
come one of the fastest growing Since it re-established independence 30 years seamless digital society and industry.
economies in Central and Eastern Europe, ago, Estonia has become one of the fastest Estonia’s vibrant and welcoming
and a place where quick and successful growing economies in Central Europe. startup community consists of more than
reforms, economic westernization, in- 1,000 startups, including 7 unicorns. The
novation and openness to foreign capital world’s economic production and trad- startup community has an excellent record
have attracted numerous international ing patterns. Post-pandemic co-operation of successful innovations and investments,
companies. models require a global vision. which have delivered outstanding returns
Estonia has attracted FDIs and enjoys International trade agreements provide to its founders and investors. That takes
some of the highest international credit a good framework to enhance such co-op- smart people with outstanding IT skills,
ratings. Entrepreneurship indicators eration. The EU-Canada Comprehensive and excellent entrepreneurial and com-
place Estonia in the same category as the Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) petitive performance. A business-friendly
Scandinavian countries. Its 2021 economic is “the most ambitious trade agreement environment and modern digital infra-
freedom score makes Estonia’s economy the EU has ever concluded.” It has driven structure create an ideal environment for
the 8th most free in the world. trade between EU member states and innovation and testing. A compact domes-
Canada was Estonia’s 25th top foreign Canada since its provisional application tic market makes the sector open to global
trade partner and the 9th biggest outside in 2017, in spite of slowdowns in COVID. ideas, growth and investment.
the European Union (EU) in 2020. Esto- Approximately 100 Estonian companies Canadian capital is welcome to be
nia’s foreign trade balance with Canada export to Canada, and 80 per cent of them part of this ambitious ecosystem. Foreign
was positive. However, COVID-19 has are small- and medium-sized enterprises citizens may join Estonia’s e-Residency
had an instant and strong impact on bi- (SMEs.) CETA helps them reach markets program, which provides a government-
lateral trade as exports from Estonia to and eliminate duties, provides a level issued digital identity and access to Esto-
Canada have decreased by 25.5 per cent playing field and sets clear and unam- nia’s transparent business environment.
compared to the previous year. biguous procurement rules. E-resident entrepreneurs from all over the
Estonia’s main exports to Canada were CETA also covers sustainable develop- world can start their EU-based company
refined petroleum products, followed by ment and the environment, helping to and run it online without leaving their
yeasts and other micro-organisms, and achieve green transformation goals. Yet, it home. The Digital Nomad Visa allows re-
communication equipment. Estonia’s is about more than just trade. It could be a mote workers to live in Estonia and work
main imports were precious and semi- template for dealing with complex trade for their employer or their own company
precious stones and jewelry, various food issues in a post-pandemic world. registered abroad. E-residency also serves
products and electrical equipment and The digitalization of society and the people beyond Estonia’s borders and the
machinery, such as wood processing ma- incorporation of new technologies and Digital Nomad Visa allows people around
chines and computers. business models using the potential of the world to choose how they work.
Today, the world is concentrated on information technology may become a key At Expo 2020 in Dubai, open from
economic recovery while being mindful factor in accelerating economic growth. Oct. 1 to March 31, 2022, Estonia will take
of weaknesses in global trade flows and Innovation and IT play a central role a step forward and present a nation of
threats from disrupted supply and value in the Estonian economy. Combining ele- tomorrow reflecting three important key-
chains. The pandemic challenges the role ments of the old and new economies helps words — digital, smart and sustainable.
of globalization in international trade and upgrade value chains in sectors such as
may have already reshaped it. A grow- forestry and oil shale. This is why the Eu- Toomas Lukk is Estonia’s ambassador to
ing services economy along with digital ropean Innovation Scoreboard 2021 classi- Canada. Reach him at (613) 789-4222 or
and green transformations also affect the fies Estonia as a strong innovator. [email protected].
n 2016, Mongolia and Canada signed Oyu Tolgoi has one of the world’s largest copper- wooden structure building materials and
the Canada-Mongolia Foreign In- gold deposits, which is being developed into a technology, we are working closely with
vestment Promotion and Protection multibillion-dollar world-class mine. the Standards Council of Canada and
Agreement, wh ic h provides a more other standards-developing organiza-
transparent and predictable regulatory was boosted by the import of machin- tions to adopt more Canadian standards.
environment for Canadian investors in ery and equipment from Canada. Mongolia’s farmers are interested in
Mongolia. The agreement’s strong protec- Several other TSX-listed Canadian importing seeds of crop varieties, such
tions help Canadian and Mongolian com- companies are developing their projects as wheat, barley and buckwheat, that are
panies deepen commercial ties. in Mongolia. Mongolia-Canada ties in the suitable in Mongolian climate conditions.
Investment-related laws and regula- mining sector are also bolstered by a cross- They also want to learn best practices
tions of Mongolia render equal rights and listing of TSX-listed companies’ shares on for establishing feedlots, developing
opportunities to both foreign and domes- the Mongolian Stock Exchange. quality beef production, refining supply
tic investors to run a business in Mongo- However, the volume of bilateral chains and exporting. Advanced agricul-
lia. There are no restrictions on trading trade in other goods and services is far be- tural technologies help Mongolia to diver-
foreign currencies and returning profits to hind the above-mentioned mining- sify its exports.
their home country. The tax environment related co-operation. Canadian imports In accordance with the recent
is internationally competitive and certain totalled $27.7 million in 2020, which is 50 amendments to banking laws, com-
taxes can be stabilized through the issu- per cent lower than the previous year. The mercial banks in Mongolia will be pub-
ance of a stabilization certificate as well as total value of goods sent from Mongolia to licly traded companies by 2023, with
investment agreements. Canada was $850,000. Mongolia exported shares of each owner not exceeding 20
Mongolia is a mineral-rich land- cashmere products and prefabricated per cent. Canadian institutional inves-
locked country encountering its yurts and imported vehicle, machin- tors are welcome to the banking sector of
biggest challenge of diversifying the econ- ery and their parts from Canada. Mongolia. Transport, logistic services, avi-
omy with non-mining export products Mongolian yurts, the traditional dwell- ation, online trading, information
and accessing new market destinations. In ings of Central Asian nomads, are very technologies, health, education, agricul-
2020, Mongolia’s GDP amounted to $14.4 popular in Canada. More than a tent, the ture, forestry, wooden construction and
billion and growth averaged -5.3 per cent yurt is the result of ancient know-how tourism are also potential areas of prosper-
over the previous year, due to COVID-19. and has been developed over hundreds ous business and sustainable investment.
It is forecasted to recover in 2021, ac- of years. Made to resist extreme climates, In addition to the domestic laws and
celerate in 2022 as post-pandemic global this circular domed abode is warm in the regulations, the friendly political and
recovery strengthens and reach 6 per winter and cool in the summer. economic relations formed with our main
cent by 2023. Mongolian cashmere is known as one market countries such as Russia, China,
Canada is the top-tier investor in the of the softest fibres in the world. Despite Japan and South Korea, as well as the
mining sector of Mongolia. One of the supplying 45 per cent of the unprocessed agreements signed with these countries
world’s largest copper-gold deposits cashmere in the global market, only 10 can be advantageous for investors operat-
was discovered by a junior Canadian per cent of final cashmere products with a ing in Mongolia. Mongolia, with its easy
exploration company in Mongolia and “Made in Mongolia” label enter the global access to much of Asia, remains commit-
it is now being developed into a multi- market. Recently, the Mongolian wool ted to welcoming Canadian investors.
billion-dollar world-class mine, known and cashmere association introduced a
as Turquoise Hill (Oyu Tolgoi). During “Mongolian noble fibre” mark, which cer- Ariunbold Yadmaa is Mongolia’s ambas-
the underground mine construction for tifies that the product is made with sador to Canada. Reach him by phone at
this project, bilateral trade between the 100-per-cent high quality wool and cash- (613) 240-2749 or by email at mongolia@
countries reached $260 million, which mere sustainably sourced from Mongolia. rogers.com.
olombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru
— sister nations united by history,
a common language and the vast
Pacific Ocean — signed the “Declaration
of Lima” on April 28, 2011, establishing
a new integration scheme to achieve the
free transit of goods, services, capital and
people; promote greater growth, develop-
ment and competitiveness of their econo-
mies; and become connected to the rest of
the world, especially the Asia Pacific.
Today, 10 years after its creation, the
Pacific Alliance is the regional integra-
tion mechanism that has accomplished
the most achievements in the shortest
amount of time, establishing a flexible and
pragmatic integration space with a view
towards deep integration, representing the
eighth largest world economy, 41 per cent
of Latin America’s GDP and 40 per cent of
foreign direct investment in the region.
When the agreement came into force,
92 per cent of the goods imported and
exported between the four countries had
duty-free tariffs, which has contributed
to productive supply chains in the region,
allowing each member of the alliance
to access supplies from the other three
countries. Similarly, export, investment
and tourism promotion activities have
generated nearly US $1 billion in business
opportunities. This would not have been
possible without initiatives aimed at facili-
tating trade, such as the interoperability of
the foreign trade single windows, which
save costs, time and facilitate business
development among entrepreneurs by In April 2011, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru signed the Declaration of Lima, establishing
allowing them to process their certificates a new integration scheme to achieve the free transit of goods, services, capital and people and
digitally. promote the greater growth, development and competitiveness of their economies.
For SMEs, the Pacific Alliance has
established an ecosystem of entrepreneur- ecosystem of entrepreneurship and inno- tion requires generating incentives for the
ship and innovation made up of networks vation with accelerator agency networks, creation of new ventures, especially in ac-
of innovation agencies, investors, business investors, innovation and technology, tivities that are intensive in human capital.
accelerators and technology transfer of- which has made it possible to unite the In this sense, the Pacific Alliance seeks to
fices, which has made it possible to unite business community and develop innova- be a portal for the knowledge economy
the business community and develop in- tion in member countries. Likewise, the and a landing strip for future technologi-
novation in member countries. Pacific Alliance Cooperation Fund has cal ventures in Latin America. For this rea-
For SMEs, initiatives such as the en- been established, with US $1 million avail- son, and with a view to what the economy
trepreneurial capital fund stand out. It able to finance projects in various areas. and trade of the future will be like, during
has given startups financial support to For the four member countries of the the last summit in Santiago de Chile, the
grow and go global while establishing an alliance, it is clear that deepening integra- countries’ presidents signed a declaration
on the development of the regional digital of the Santiago Summit, the four states
market (MDR) and the drive towards digi- signed a statement and implemented a
tal transformation. These initiatives seek roadmap specifically aimed at promoting
to enable the free flow of digital products, the autonomy and economic empower-
goods and services that are marketed ment of women. Being inclusive of gender
through the internet. has been incorporated as a cross-cutting
Characterized by its high degree of element in all the Pacific Alliance’s work.
flexibility and pragmatism, the Pacific Likewise, training programs have been
Alliance’s achievements are reflected in developed for businesswomen and entre-
student and academic scholarships, which preneurs in the region to strengthen their
have mobilized more than 3,000 students business skills, create contact networks
and teachers since 2013; the electronic and expand their export capacity.
exchange of certificates of origin and phy- The expansion of the Pacific Alliance
tosanitary certificates through the foreign is promising. Today, we are working with
trade single window system; the free the 59 observer countries on various mat-
movement of permanent resident foreign- ters of co-operation. Also, we are signing
ers in the member countries; and active in- joint statements with the EU, ASEAN and
ternational relations through the network the EEC. Meanwhile, progress is being
of 59 observer states and other regional made to begin negotiations with associ-
As shown on the map, the Pacific Alliance
initiatives, such as ASEAN, APEC, Merco- ated states such as Singapore, and meet-
stretches down the West Coast of North and
sur, the Eurasian Economic Commission ings are being held with Canada, New
South America. Its total area is 13,729, 753
and the European Union. square kilometres. Zealand and Australia to establish a mutu-
Similarly, the Pacific Alliance has made ally beneficial association agreement with
important progress on the social and sus- In addition, in the coming weeks, the these countries. Meetings have started
tainable development agenda. In 2019, its Social Observatory of the Pacific Alliance with Ecuador and it is expected that in the
four member states signed the Declara- will identify the needs of the most vulner- near future it will become the fifth mem-
tion on the Sustainable Management of able populations in the four countries and ber of the Alliance.
Plastics, which reflects the importance of thereafter develop joint policies. Likewise, The Pacific Alliance shares common
developing and implementing new poli- the promotion of gender equality and the values and principles with Canada, as
cies to promote the integral management permanent integration of women in the well as a similar vision of the global
of this waste and reduce its presence in economy is fundamental for the Pacific challenges our countries face during this
ecosystems. Alliance. For this reason, on the occasion health and economic crisis. Through Col-
leges and Institutes Canada (CICan), im-
portant co-operation channels have been
consolidated with the alliance, especially
the Education for Employment Program
of the Pacific Alliance (EPE-AP), a joint
project that facilitates a three-party dia-
logue between the public sector, private
sector and civil society to address the issue
of environmental sustainability.
Despite these achievements, there is
still a long way to go. Before the pan-
demic, intra-regional trade in Latin Amer-
ica and the Caribbean was barely 30 per
cent, compared to other regions with
higher rates, such as Europe (70 per cent)
and Asia (60 per cent). In 10 years, the
Alliance has achieved much for our coun-
tries, counting on the active participation
of the private sector through the Business
Council of the Pacific Alliance. However,
there are new challenges today, in par-
ticular due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We can only overcome these challenges
together. We must continue working
together towards the construction of an
alliance that is more integrated, more
state for food and 17 per cent in 2020 over 2019 to more than
. A. water security. $2 billion, with the UAE continuing to
had Saeed M
FIR Leading this stand as Canada’s No. 1 trading partner in
Al Raqbani ministry, Mariam the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
i bint Mohammed region, with an additional $30 billion of
Al Mheiri has de- UAE investment in Canada.
NAMED AS AM BA SS AD OR:: veloped a com- UAE agricultural imports from Canada
, 20 18 prehensive food alone saw a dramatic increase of 42 per
Jan. 29
or ad vi se r at security strat- cent in 2020 from the year prior, with the
BS: Seni
PREVIOUS JO t Co mpany, egy to achieve UAE importing almost $1 billion from
ve st m en
Mubadala In bu year-round food Canada in this sector. Said in another way,
re ct or-g en eral of the A
l for Ec on om ic self-sufficiency, this means agriculture made up almost
Dhabi Counci i n c re a s e o u r half of the total bilateral trade between our
Developmen f o o d n u t r i - two countries.
tional level, According to the Canola Council of
reduce our food waste and Canada, canola seed exports alone from
he United Arab Emirates marks its contribute to global food security. Canada to the UAE reached a record of
Golden Jubilee this year, and while The COVID-19 pandemic has been an $607.9 million (in 2020) making the UAE
we are proud of our many accom- invaluable time to take stock of our cur- one of the top five global buyers of Cana-
plishments over the last 50 years, we have rent food security policies and direction. da’s canola seeds.
always had our eye on the future. Even during the height of the pandemic, Likewise, Saskatchewan-UAE total
Our country is already home to the we did not experience food shortages, we bilateral trade increased by 65 per cent in
world’s most sustainable city, where controlled food prices, and our food dis- 2020 from 2019, also making the UAE Sas-
people move around in self-driving pod tribution systems ran extremely smoothly katchewan’s largest trading market in the
cars. We’re also building an authentic as a result of our government’s insightful MENA region, largely due to this robust
Mars city in our desert — while develop- policies. trade in agriculture. To expand on these al-
ing an actual one on the red planet within While food supply chains may have ready strong relations, the government of
100 years — and already our firefighters been challenged around the world dur- Saskatchewan has announced it will open
are using jetpacks and robot surgeons are ing the pandemic, we actually witnessed a trade office in the UAE in the fall of this
performing operations. In short, we are flourishing trade relations between the year, with another Canadian province also
always looking forward. UAE and Canada. Overall bilateral trade expected to soon follow suit.
The roots of our current innovative between our two countries increased by Turning to the transport systems that
culture are found within our environment
and history. With our harsh desert climate
that includes almost no rainfall, a limited
supply of fresh water and sparse arable
land, we have always had to innovate to
From the earliest of times, we sought
innovative solutions to gain access to food
and water. In fact, more than 3,000 years
ago, we developed the world’s earliest
underground irrigation system, called
“falaj,” and trained falcons to hunt for our
Today, the UAE enjoys economic and
political stability, a strong currency, high,
world-class logistics infrastructure and
progressive food and water policies. It is
also a food-secure country that serves as a
global food logistics hub.
support this dynamic trade, it is interest- supports resident individuals and com- where we welcome Canadian research-
ing to note that even the logistics network panies of all sizes registered in the UAE, ers, entrepreneurs, startups and industry
to export Canadian products, such as provided they offer unique and innovative experts to lead us into the future of the
Saskatchewan’s canola, is operated by DP ideas. food industry, with my government now
World, a UAE company that manages four Canadian firms setting up operations in taking expressions of interest from around
container handling facilities in B.C. alone our Emirate of Abu Dhabi can also receive the world.
(Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Nanaimo and support from the Abu Dhabi Investment This new smart city will host four main
Fraser Surrey Docks, the latter having Office (ADIO), which enables opportuni- clusters: agricultural technology and en-
been acquired in February of last year.)
DP World also manages other ports across
DP World is one of the largest marine
terminal operators in the world, with
more than 75 terminals located in more
than 40 countries. The company has won
countless awards for being the world’s
best and most efficient operator, including
the 2020 prestigious Port Operator Award
from Lloyd’s List, a company that records
shipping traffic at the world’s major ports.
Yet another dynamic connection be-
tween DP World and Canada is the US
$8.2-billion investment partnership be-
tween DP World and Caisse de dépôt et
placement du Québec (CDPQ), in ports
and terminals worldwide. This joint in-
vestment was expanded by US $4.5 billion
just last year from the original US $3.7- Food Tech Valley will be an integrated modern city that will serve as a hub for future clean tech-
billion agreement in 2016. This partnership based food and agricultural products in Dubai.
has since grown to include a high-quality
portfolio of 10 ports and terminals across ties for domestic and foreign investors gineering, a food innovation centre, R&D
the globe, including locations in Canada, aligned with Abu Dhabi’s economic facilities and an advanced smart food
Chile, the Dominican Republic and Aus- priorities, including food security. Just in logistics hub, with 60 per cent of the proj-
tralia. the last year, ADIO invested a total of US ect’s space dedicated to vertical farming.
Above and beyond our strong ports in- $142.95 million in seven AgTech compa- Bioengineering in aquaculture and hy-
frastructure and management, the UAE is nies. droponics will be used to produce more
also a world leader in the aviation sector, Another economic advantage for Ca- than 300 varieties of crops. This will triple
serving as home to seven of the world’s nadian companies located in the UAE the UAE’s food production while improv-
top-ranked airports, and two internation- comes from our geographic positioning. ing our nutrition and reducing food waste
ally award-winning airlines — Etihad With one third of the world living within in a world where approximately one third
Airways and Emirates Airlines, both of a four-hour flight of the UAE, and this of all food is wasted.
which offer direct flights between Toronto connectivity reaching more than 3.2 bil- Another exciting and historic opportu-
and the UAE. lion consumers in Europe, Asia, Africa nity for international collaboration within
Our strong infrastructure also allows and the Middle East, the world is at your the agricultural and agritech sector is
for the efficient flow of goods, including fingertips when you have a presence in through EXPO Dubai, where global mar-
more than 45 free trading zones in the the UAE. kets come together.
UAE. They play a significant role in pro- Drawing upon the UAE as an interna- From Oct. 1 to March 31, 2022, the UAE
moting an attractive business environment tional gateway to the world, and always will host EXPO Dubai, where Canada will
for entrepreneurs that offers economic striving for excellence, we are now push- join more than 190 other participating
freedom to investors such as a tax-free ing the boundaries of discovery and countries to showcase Canadian business
package and world-renowned facilities. building a new futuristic city where clean and investment, research, academic and
Outside of the free trading zones, the high-tech meets global food demands. cultural sectors, among others. Those
UAE also recently approved legislation Food Tech Valley will be an integrated include opportunities for the agrifood
that allows for full foreign company own- modern city that develops alternative and agritech sectors, such as Gulfood in
ership within certain categories, including proteins, creates drought-resistant crops February.
the agricultural sector, which will reduce and uses 3D technology and robots to We look forward to working in collabo-
costs for companies and further attract help sustain food production, create su- ration with knowledgeable Canadian part-
foreign entrepreneurs. perfoods and provide answers to global ners in the agricultural sector to further
Canadian companies registered in the food challenges. It will help us achieve enhance our national food security strat-
UAE are also eligible to apply for the Mo- our National Food Security Strategy 2051 egy, not only for the UAE, but in support
hammed Bin Rashid Innovation Fund, a objectives, and it will support a diversified of a sustainable, healthy, equitable and
federal government fund worth US $545 knowledge-based economy. prosperous future for the next generation
million to finance innovation. This fund It will serve as a global destination, of our global community. D
When church
and state clash
Many governments oppress and even commit genocide against
religious minorities — Wolfgang Depner lists some of the worst
he sword and the word: These terms respectively describe
the power of the state to make and enforce laws and the
power of religion to shape millions of believers. What sepa-
rates the West from the rest of the world is the (theoretically)
strict separation between state and religion. It’s a spirit that
also infuses other Western institutions and ideas, including the diffu-
sion of political power across separate but equal sources of authority
with the rule of law governing them all, and the supremacy of empiri-
cism over dogmatism.
As Heinrich August Winkler, author of the monumental four-vol-
umed A History of the West, and others have argued, these characteristics
have their roots — many ironically — in Christianity, itself combining
the monotheism of Judaism with “pagan ideas” from antiquity.
Early Christians embraced an endur- their respective Muslim minorities. But religion spread into every corner of the
ing universalism in opening their faith to European affairs are increasingly devoid world. Fourth, the sword and the word
all groups regardless of social status and of relevance and the real tensions between remain firmly wed in the Islamic world,
previous religious beliefs and sharply dis- the sword and the word exist in Asia and as recently demonstrated by the behaviour
tinguished between a worldly and heav- its sub-regions. of the Sunni-sect Taliban following their
enly sphere, to “render unto Caesar the As the Washington, D.C.-based Pew return to power in Afghanistan. Amnesty
things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the Research Centre has shown, the sup- International has already received ac-
things that are God’s,” to quote the Gospel pression of religious minorities — or counts of Taliban fighters massacring
of Mark, a perspective that earned them more broadly, religious belief — has been members of Afghanistan’s Shia minority
violent persecution by the Roman Empire. escalating (https://www.pewforum. for being out of line with the Taliban’s in-
Christianity, of course, eventually be- org/2021/09/30/harassment-of-religious- terpretation of Islam. Reports of a woman
came the religion of the empire and its groups-reaches-new-peak-in-2019/). killed for not wearing a burqa (on the very
successors. And yet the tension between Drawing on the work of the Pew Re- day Taliban leaders pledged to protect
the sword and the word never ceased. search Centre, various governmental and the rights of women within the norms of
Certainly it continued in Western Europe, non-governmental groups and interna- Islamic law) won’t likely dispel the per-
the geographic centre of Christianity af- tional agencies, this list draws attention ception that much of the Islamic world
ter the spread of Islam through Asia and to states that openly oppress and even remains a realm of religious intolerance.
North Africa between the middle of the commit genocide against religious minori-
7th and the middle of the 15th centuries, ties. It is not a quantitative ranking, but
but before the European colonization of rather a qualitative representation of the China
the Americas and beyond. worst offenders against religious minori- The message sent by the British House
This tension (exacerbated by sectarian- ties specifically and the right to worship of Commons in April 2021 was symbolic,
ism within Christianity) sparked the reli- generally. As such, it aims for a measure but sharp. China, so read the non-binding
gious wars that roiled Europe following of balance, in so far as it does not want to motion passed by parliamentarians, is
the Protestant Reformation, climaxing in downplay the sufferings of some while committing genocide against the Uyghur
the continental catastrophe of the Thirty exaggerating those of others. This said, people, the historic Muslim minority of
Years’ War (1618-48), which depopulated three things stand out. First, religious Xinjiang province.
parts of continental Europe through war, persecution is part and parcel of authori- Subject to forced labour, torture and
famine and disease. But, as cynical as it tarian rule, whether it be secular, as in the sterilization in internment camps euphe-
might sound, this conflict also had posi- case of China, or theocratic in the case of mistically named “re-education” camps,
tive consequences. It not only sparked the Shia Iran and its Sunni rival Saudi Arabia. one million people are currently suffer-
emergence of the modern nation-state, but Second, Asia is becoming increasingly ing the personal consequences of living
also set the fuse on the slow but inevitable hostile for religious minorities, Christian under the rule of a Communist Party that
divorce of the political from the religious. and otherwise. (As such, the region con- subscribes to official atheism and suspects
Prussia’s King Frederick the Great sum- tinues a historic tradition. While the Ot- believers of challenging its authority.
marized this sentiment in the 18th Cen- tomans’ genocide of Armenian Christians But the status of the Uyghur has not
tury when he told his subjects that they during and after the First World War had just soured already strained relations
could prepare themselves for the afterlife causes, religion was one of them). Third, between several Western countries and
in any way they pleased. the number of Christians clinging to their China in drawing attention to the dif-
True, the European Enlightenment homes in the Middle East continues to ference between religious toleration and
(with its anti-clerical spirit) also led to the shrink as they are effectively driven out, persecution; it has also raised the pro-
anti-religious excess of the French Revolu- and it is uncertain whether they will have vocative but legitimate question (as posed
tion, the Napoleonic period and ultimately a future in the region from where their by Forbes) of whether Christians would
the forced secularization of Eastern Eu-
rope during its Soviet period.
Number of re-education-related government procurement bids in Xinjiang, China
On the other hand, the 19th Century
witnessed the ongoing perversion of 12
Christianity in Western Europe in the
form of colonialism abroad and stifling 10
social policies at home, including the state-
sanctioned oppression of religious minori-
ties such as Europe’s Jewish population.
Mixed with Social Darwinism, it set the
stage for the Holocaust.
Seven decades later, most Europeans
can and do save themselves as they please, 4
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This child was at a rally in Ottawa calling for an end to the Uyghur genocide and organized by the Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project.
undergo comparable treatment in the fu- ing new followers across all segments of authority” and the campaign to “Sinicize”
ture as a growing number of Chinese turn the society since the early 1980s, when the religion has been under way since 2015
toward, rather than away, from religion. Communist Party relaxed religious rules. continues.
The Chinese state officially recognizes Current estimates peg the total number This forced alignment of Christian
five religions (Buddhism, Catholicism, of Protestants and Catholics at anywhere faith with communist ideology has led to
Daoism, Islam and Protestantism) and between 103 million and 127 million, with the closing of churches existing outside
citizens “enjoy freedom of religion” un- Protestants outnumbering Catholics by those sanctioned by the state, the arrest of
der the Chinese constitution. But Human a large margin. Other organizations say preachers and parishioners who preached
Rights Watch has questioned the reliability the number is higher and that the num- and prayed in them and the rewriting of
of this promise. ber of Christians could reach as many as Christian scriptures with pictures of Xi
State officials routinely supervise reg- 160 million by 2025 and 247 million by and Mao replacing Christian icons. An his-
istered and unregistered religious groups 2030, according to projections from the toric, albeit provisional agreement, signed
with the stated purpose of preventing Pew Research Centre cited by the New in 2018 between China and the Holy See
public disorder, an agenda authorities York-headquartered Council on Foreign (the Vatican state and the religious entity
interpret broadly and with growing Relations. that is the Catholic Church) governing the
animosity toward Christians, according to This development has not gone unno- appointment of bishops continues into
Christian and non-Christian groups. ticed among Communist authorities, who 2022. But Beijing shows indifference, even
While Christianity has ebbed and have long considered Christianity a Trojan contempt toward the letter — never mind
flowed with China’s changing political Horse through which the West introduces the spirit — of the agreement.
tides — Washington’s Freedom House, unwanted ideas. This does not bode well for relations
which conducts research on democracy, None other than President Xi Jinping is between the world’s most populous coun-
political freedom and human rights, a strong subscriber to this theory. His gov- try and the church that speaks for its larg-
speaks of “periodic cycles of growth and ernment has declared that it will not toler- est denomination.
suppression” — the religion has been find- ate any other source of “moral and social Ultimately, Freedom House points to a
More than one million Rohingya have fled Myanmar since the early 1990s. Members of the small Muslim minority in a largely Buddhist country are
persecuted and have been stripped of their citizenship.
linkage between international events and civil war following yet another military More than one millon Rohingya have
state-sanctioned repression of Christian- coup in early 2021, attention has faded fled the country since the early 1990s.
ity. It spiked in the aftermath of the 1989 from the fate of the Rohingya, the increas- Another 130,000 of 600,000 remaining Ro-
Tiananmen Square protests and ahead of ingly smaller Muslim minority in the hingya live in government-run detention
the 2008 Beijing Olympics. As tensions largely Buddhist country. Since August camps.
between China and its Western rivals rise, 2017, more than 742,000 have officially “The squalid and oppressive conditions
Christians may prepare for another round fled Myanmar for neighbouring Bangla- imposed on the Rohingya amount to the
of repressions if they are not already desh, according to United Nations High crimes against humanity of persecution,
experiencing them. Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). apartheid and severe deprivation of lib-
There, they live in unbearable conditions, erty,” Human Rights Watch concludes.
uncertain about their future, as authori- Yet Myanmar is neither close to a resto-
Myanmar (Burma) ties do not recognize them as a “national ration of civilian rule nor the legal punish-
As this country of 57 million and multiple race,” having stripped them of citizenship ment of those responsible for the actions
ethnic groups continues its descent into in 1982. in 2017 that amounted to a genocide, as
mese who account for 68 per cent of the Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has arrested those calling for more freedom of religion
population. and speech in the Maldives.
ists such as Ahmed Rilwan or lawmakers Islam,” which Freedom House describes
such as Afrasheem Ali — who have died as a vague condition that encourages self- Iran
at the hands of Islamic radicals, who find censorship in the media. The media stand Lost in the current climate of geopolitical
themselves tolerated, if not encouraged, accused by the International Humanist tension and clandestine warfare between
by a state-sanctioned climate of religious and Ethical Union of spotlighting individ- Iran and Israel is the historic role that
intimidation and intolerance. uals with allegations of apostasy, atheism, Iran played in saving thousands of Pol-
The constitution of the Maldives de- secularism, homosexuality or support for ish Jews fleeing the German-orchestrated
clares Islam to be the state religion and homosexuality. Holocaust during the Second World War.
denies citizenship to non-Muslims. All International observers have praised A total of 116,000 Polish refugees, includ-
candidates for elected offices must be fol- the current government for launching ing 5,000 to 6,000 Jews, many of them
lowers of Sunni Islam, explicitly excluding the Commission on Investigation of orphaned children, used Iran, itself strug-
adherents of minority religions, according Murders and Enforced Disappearances, gling with famine and political impotency,
to Freedom House. The latter laments which is designed to investigate cases as a temporary refuge, then a transit point
the growing influence of Islamists on the such as Rasheed’s. But its slow progress between 1942 and 1945, mainly to British
education system and other spheres of contrasts with years of growing religious overseas colonies and protectorates.
society, an influence that leaves no room extremism, stoked in part by the previous This history, recently told in personal
for public expressions of non-Islamic faith. administration, and confirms the unholy detail by Mikhal Dekel in Tehran Children,
The constitution guarantees freedom of confluence of political corruption and re- draws attention to the deep, biblical ties
expression, but only if exercised in a man- ligious fervour in a place best known for that connect Judaism to Iran and its his-
ner that is “not contrary to any tenet of pristine beaches. toric predecessors, with Jews having lived
The part-Jewish cemetery at Yazd in Iran: Jews find themselves living in a constant state of anxiety, never sure how the mullah might limit their religion.
Worse off are the Baha’is, who are persecuted, sent to jail and banned from access to higher education.
on the current territory of Iran for 2,700 lahs might limit religious freedom. in Syria, hundreds of thousands lie buried
years. Sadly, Jews in Iran can count them- in its soil, killed by the weapons of their
Even today, as leading Iranian officials selves among the more privileged reli- own government or those of foreign pow-
continue to threaten Israel with another gious minorities. ers supporting the various factions.
Holocaust while denying the first one, Consider the members of the Baha’i Millions more have fled their homes.
8,300 Jews (as of 2019) continue to live in faith, whose followers are, in the words According to the United Nations High
Iran, which holds the distinction of being of Freedom House, systematically perse- Commissioner for Refugees, the war
home to the largest Jewish population in cuted, sentenced to prison and banned has chased more than half of the overall
the Middle East outside Israel. from access to higher education. population (about 13.5 million) from their
But their numbers are dwindling. At The hostility of the mullahs toward homes, displacing them to other parts
least 80,000 Jews lived in Iran before the religious minorities does not stop even at of Syria or abroad. At total of 6.7 million
Islamic Revolution in 1979. Tens of thou- fellow Muslims, as Sunni Muslims also Syrian refugees have sought refuge in 128
sands have, since then, left Iran in the face find themselves excluded from positions countries, with Turkey hosting 3.6 mil-
of state-sponsored persecution. Those and denied opportunities to worship. In lion, which is more than half of Syria’s
who remain have faced spurious charges a way, this treatment of Sunni Muslims at refugees. As the years pass, it is less and
of being spies for Israel as well as violent home reflects the sectarian crack running less likely many will return, depriving the
forms of harassment and intimidation, as through the Muslim world at large. country of human potential and resources.
catalogued by governmental and non-gov- Those who have remained live among the
ernmental observers. Within this context, ruins of destroyed cities and devastated
Syria institutions of every kind. And yet this
While some believe that Islamic State has state of sorrow and suffering has served
been vanquished, many think it is still an Syrian President Bashar al-Assad well.
TH E C U R R E N T IR A N IA N entity that will regroup. Nevertheless, in When it became increasingly clear
the short-term, at least, defeat and destruc- that none of the rebel groups opposing
C O N S TIT U TION tion of the Islamic State may have freed al-Assad could push him from power,
the religious minorities of Syria from an thanks to support from Russia and Iran,
R E C O G N IZ E S JE WS existentialist threat, but their long-term he started to spell out his vision for a
future looks perilous, because the country “healthier and more homogenous society
A L O NG WITH — once a relative beacon of religious plu- in the true sense,” code for a country less
ralism — has become more sectarian. diverse and presumably easier to control,
Ten years after the start of the civil war a vision increasingly appearing before the
objects of suspicion by a murderous re- cities of the Nineveh Plain, such as Qa- Pope told The New York Times. Thousands
gime, cynical and capable of committing raqosh, the largest city of Iraq’s Christian of Muslims, Christians and Yazidis, he
atrocities against its own people. At the heartland. said, “were cruelly annihilated by ter-
same time, they live in a ruined state that What followed was the desecration and rorism, and others forcibly displaced or
is poisoned by sectarianism with severe destruction of ancient Christian churches killed.”
consequences for all. and religious symbols, theft and extortion With these words, the Pope drew
attention to the religious diversity in the enced this marriage firsthand when he background, Muslims account for 61.3 of
region, a diversity that ultimately depends visited Malaysia in late September 2017 the population; Buddhists, 19.8 per cent;
on the steadfastness of religious minorities to make his long-running case, through Christians, 9.2 per cent; Hindus, 6.3 per
such as Christians and a broader commit- a series of lectures, for a reformed Islam, cent; while followers of Confucianism,
ment to religious pluralism by a state with the second of which called on Muslims to Taoism and other traditional Chinese reli-
barely existing institutions and rife with uphold freedom of conscience in line with gions account for 1.3 per cent.
sectarianism. the Qur’anic dictum against compulsion Of interest and influence, Freedom
Accordingly, the Pope called on Chris- in religion. House notes, is the role of the powerful
tians to forgive their trespassers and re- “I said that apostasy should not be pun- Malaysian Islamic Development Depart-
build, while praising their perseverance. ished by death, as it is in Saudi Arabia, or ment (JAKIM) in shaping and enforcing
But the Pope’s appeal to persist is falling with ‘rehabilitation,’ as it is in Malaysia,” the practice of Islam in Malaysia. Local
on fewer and fewer ears. he wrote. This appeal earned him a visit state officials also have considerable influ-
When he toured the historic ruin of from authorities at the end of his lecture, ence.
Ur, believed to be the birthplace of Abra- an overnight stay in prison and an ap- While the constitution enshrines free-
ham, the personified root of Judaism, pearance before a Sharia court, where au- dom of worship, it declares Islam as the
Christianity and Islam, he visited a region thorities interrogated him for hours before country’s official religion and automati-
nearly emptied of Christians, with only releasing him. cally defines all ethnic Malays as Muslims.
one Christian family said to be left in the In other words, the government sees faith
nearby provincial capital of Nasiriya, ac- as a product of biology (rather than social
cording to The New York Times. conditioning), a logic designed to discour-
While Christians had experienced de- age conversion.
cades of discrimination before the 2003 While conversion to a non-Muslim re-
invasion of Iraq by U.S.-led forces, their ligion is possible, would-be converts face
fate worsened after it as the country de- immense hurdles. Specifically, they have
scended into violence and civil war, even- to make their case to a religious court and
tually getting caught in the maelstrom of cases of conversion are incredibly rare.
the Syrian civil war. Within this context, Those who signal their desire to convert
Sunni and Shia extremists treated local face the possibility of being placed in re-
Christians (their roots in the region dating habilitation centres, a prospect that forces
back to late Antiquity) as fifth columnists many to live double lives, ripping apart
for Western forces with predictable results. families along the way. Other cases have
They include the destruction of churches seen parents secretly convert their chil-
and the threat of death unless they con- dren to Islam to gain the upper hand in
vert, pay a tax or leave the area. custody battles.
As in neighbouring Syria and Iran, As Freedom House says, Muslim chil-
all part of the Shia Crescent, the number dren (along with civil servants) are re-
of Christians in Iraq has declined pre- quired to receive religious education using
cipitously. According to U.S. estimates, government-approved curriculums and
Iraq’s overall Christian population has instructors.
decreased at least 50 per cent and perhaps Muslims are subject to Sharia (Islamic
as much as 90 per cent since 2003, with law) and the constitution stipulates that all
many fleeing to Syria, Jordan, Lebanon matters related to Islam should be heard
and beyond. in Sharia courts. This means Muslims and
Only time will tell whether the Pope’s non-Muslims receive different treatment
visit will reverse current trajectories. But in “moral” and family law cases, with
his sermon in Mosul included a promising non-Muslims subject to English common
reminder when he noted that the inhabit- “This incident,” he wrote in The New law.
ants of Nineveh eventually heeded the York Times, “showed me once again that Freedom House also notes that the
words of Jonah. there is a major problem in Islam today: state prohibits the practice of Islam other
a passion to impose religion, rather than than the Sunni version. Shiites and other
merely proposing it, a mindset that most sects face discrimination. Further, it notes,
Malaysia Christians left behind at the time of the non-Muslims are not able to build houses
A self-described born-again Muslim, Inquisition.” of worship as easily as Muslims, and the
Mustafa Akyol sees Islam going through Unfortunately, this attitude appears state retains the right to demolish unreg-
a crisis that threatens the very future of to be flourishing in Malaysia (along with istered religious statues and houses of
Islamic societies, even Islam itself, unless neighbouring Indonesia). worship.
the religion undergoes an Enlightenment As the Council on Foreign Relations These restrictions have economic conse-
that divorces the sword from the word. notes, the two countries have “witnessed quences. Ethnic Chinese, who account for
Islam, writes the author of Reopening an upswing in harder-line Islamist senti- just under 21 per cent of the population,
Muslim Minds: A Return to Reason, Freedom, ment,” which further enforces an arti- are increasingly leaving the country, tak-
and Tolerance, must save itself from its con- ficial form of religious apartheid that ing with them their money and education.
temporary marriage with coercive power. denies personal agency and obscures the Akyol’s prediction is slowly, but
Akyol, a Cato Institute fellow, experi- country’s religious diversity. By way of steadily coming true.
sign of weakness, the Algerian govern- Religious minorities are already fearful
Algeria ment treats the few religious minorities that authorities will use the constitution
Like so many places in the Middle East, (Jews, Christians, as well as Ahmadiyya to further erode their numbers, even if, as
Algeria breathes the spirit of ancient and Shia Muslims) as threats that must Human Rights Watch suggests, the new
Christendom. not be allowed to “shake the faith of Mus- constitution promises the right to “practise
Within the borders of the modern-day lims,” to use the language of the ban on a religion,” a promise devoid of credibility.
Annaba, near the border with Tunisia, lie proselytizing by non-Muslims. Central to Algeria’s apparatus of reli-
the ruins of Hippo, where St. Augustine Violators (as deemed by authorities) gious control is the ministry of religious
served as bishop during the final phase face a significant fine and a prison sen- affairs, an Orwellian phrase if one ever
of the Roman Empire. Having converted tence of up five years for printing, storing existed. Groups must register with it
before conducting any activities, and a
commission under the ministry’s supervi-
sion approves worship locations. There
is only one catch. The commission rarely
approves locations — some sources claim
it has never met — leaving non-Muslim
worshippers in violation of the law.
Claiming merely to enforce the law, au-
thorities can close places of worship used
by Christians or the non-Sunni Muslims
such as the 2,000-member-strong Ahmadi
community, a Muslim sect long the object
of government persecution.
Saudi Arabia
The diplomatic quarter of Riyadh or
Neom is a futuristic mega-city 33 times the
size of New York City that is currently un-
der construction in the northwestern cor-
ner of Saudi Arabia bordering the Red Sea.
It is the potential, highly speculative
location of what would be that country’s
The Algerian government treats the few religious minorities as threats that must not be allowed to
“shake the faith of Muslims.’’ This photo depicts a Christian family from Kabylia.
living and praying in North Africa to little language from the 2020 constitution that mit such a place of Christian worship
more than archeological attractions. protects “freedom of conscience” follow- in the country that sees itself as the self-
Like its neighbours, Africa’s largest ing a constitutional reform of questionable described defender of Muslims around
country by area is an overwhelmingly legitimacy, based on low turnout and the the world. Some (like an unnamed royal
Islamic country, as Muslims account for 98 absence of genuine consultation with all adviser quoted in The Economist) say it is
to 99 per cent of the population. groups, including the 130,000 to 200,000 not a question of if, but when the country,
And yet in what can only be read as a Christians in a country of 43 million. home to the two holiest cities in Islam —
Mecca and
The total Medina,
number the respective
of countries with “high”birth
or ban, saying it would combat the “spread
and burial place of the Prophet Muham- Number of countries with high or very of cultist ideas, which have nothing in
“very high” levels of government restrictions high levels of government restrictions
mad — would sanction such a step.
has been mounting as well. Most recently, that common with Christian religion,” as cited
This prediction has its premise in the reaches five-year high by Pew Research. This language echoes
number climbed from 52 countries (26% of the
past actions of Crown Prince Mohammed
198 countries and territories included in the
% of countries with high or very high government
the words of Putin himself, who has de-
restrictions on religion
Bin Salman (MBS), the de-facto ruler of
study) in 2017 to 56 countries (28%) in 2018.
scribed Jehovah’s Witnesses as people
Saudi Arabia.
The latest figures are close to the 2012 peak in
who practise faiths that are not “tradi-
Since coming to power in 2017, MBS tional” in Russia.
the top two tiers of the Government
has met with Maronite Patriarch Bechara This overlap points to a larger pattern:
Restrictions Index.
Boutros al-Rai, who represents Christians the alignment of the Russian state with the
in Lebanon, Archbishop of Canterbury agenda of the Russian Orthodox Church,
As of 2018, most of the 56 countries with high
Justin Welby and Coptic Pope Tawadros II. currently headed by Patriarch Kirill of
or very high levels of government restrictions
MBS himself has spoken of religious toler- Moscow, now in office for more than a
on religion are in the Asia-Pacific region (25
ance, acknowledged the historic presence decade.
countries, or half of all countries in that region)
of Christians on the Arabian Peninsula As Russian historian Michael Khodar-
or the Middle East-North Africa region (18
and held several meetings with evangeli- kovsky has noted in The New York Times,
countries, or 90% of all countries in the region).
cal Christians from the United States who this relationship is as old as Russia itself,
are eager to open the first church. King Source: Pew Research Center analysis of external data. See
Methodology for details.
with the church playing the role of sub-
Salman has met French Catholic Cardinal “In 2018, Government Restrictions on Religion Reach Highest Level servient proponent of a political theology
Jean-Louis Pierre (since deceased) and Globally in More Than a Decade”
that presents Moscow as the Second Je-
Pope Francis himself visited the neigh- PEW RESEARCH CENTER
rusalem and the Third Rome (after Rome
bouring United Arab Emirates (a Saudi and Constantinople).
ally) in early February 2019 as the first True, seven decades of state-enforced
pontiff to travel to the Arabian Peninsula. atheism during the Soviet period have
These Saudi overtures to the Christian Russia shown their effects on Russia’s religious
world and its various emissaries have Harassment, video surveillance, arrest sociology. Russian society is thoroughly
unfolded against the backdrop of larger threats, torture and long prison terms: secular as Russian Orthodox Christians —
reforms designed to make Saudi Arabia According to The Guardian and other the largest sectarian group — account for
more attractive to foreign investors as the observers such as Human Rights Watch, somewhere between 15 and 20 per cent of
country designs a post-oil future. these are the realities facing the 175,000 the population, not far ahead of Muslims,
But Western ears have heard such Jehovah’s Witnesses living in Russia. who account for 10 to 15 per cent, fol-
promises before, only to see them go un- Relative to the overall population of lowed by other Christians at 2 per cent.
fulfilled. 142.3 million, this Christian sect makes up Yet the Russian Orthodox Church
True, MBS has cut the influence of only a fraction, yet the state of Vladimir enjoys a privileged position in Russia,
Saudi Arabia’s religious police — the Putin places them in the same category as “working closely with the government on
Commission for the Promotion of Virtue neo-Nazis and members of al-Qaeda. foreign and domestic policy priorities,” as
and Prevention of Vice — and radical cler- Jehovah’s Witnesses earned the unjusti- Freedom House notes. Kirill himself said
ics at large. fied wrath of the state after an April 2017 that even during the Russian Empire, “the
But their current weariness and sus- ruling by the Russian Supreme Court, church did not have an equal partner in
picion about MBS could easily turn into which declared the church’s head office the face of government.”
something more threatening if he were to an extremist organization and banned 395 More broadly, the vague, increasingly
allow a church. branches across Russia. harsher extremist legislation sweeping up
Christians living in Saudi Arabia, www.pewresearch.org
some As of mid-June 2021, Russian officials Jehovah’s Witnesses has in the past also
1.2 million in a country of 34 million, most had investigated 418 members of the netted other believers and non-believers
of them working migrants from Asia and church, with 53 Witnesses in pre-trial de- appearing as threats to the state-church
Africa, may no longer suffer the worst ef- tention or sentenced to prison, another 36 alliance propping up Putin’s regime, its
fects of the Saudi state, but their religion under house arrest and 224 not allowed most recent catch being Alexei Navalny’s
remains underground. Open displays of to leave their hometown, according to nationwide political organization.
faith are to be avoided lest believers want JW.org. It, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, has since
to invite danger. Even Evangelical Chris- UN observers have found these deten- suspended operations to avoid a similar
tians from the United States, who enjoy tions to be arbitrary, lacking legal basis fate. That will likely not help.
the support of former U.S. president Don- and in violation of the right to freedom of
ald Trump, an ally of MBS, had to heed religion, while other groups such as Hu- (https://www.pewforum.
this lesson. Ultimately, MBS has skilfully man Rights Watch have called on the Rus- org/2021/09/30/harassment-of-religious-
exploited low expectations of himself and sian government to reverse course. groups-reaches-new-peak-in-2019/)
any assessment of his regime boils down In typical manner, Putin first treated
to the following: Is he pursuing genuine the accusations with feigned ignorance, Wolfgang Depner is a writer who lives
reform or is he guilty of window dressing? even concern for the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Greater Victoria in British Columbia,
MBS’s proven involvement in the brutal before signalling his tacit approval of where he teaches at Royal Roads Univer-
murder of regime critics, such as journalist them in December 2018. Since then, perse- sity. He has previously taught interna-
Jamal Khashoggi, is one of a long litany cution of this Christian minority has only tional politics and political philosophy
of human rights abuses against critics at intensified, likely to the satisfaction of the at the University of British Columbia,
home. Russian Orthodox Church. It supports the Okanagan campus.
The harassment ofmeasured in Christians, Muslims harassed in more countries in
religious groupsa wide
the study includes
2019, most of any religious groups
variety of actions – from
reaches new peak in Number of countries where religious groups were harassed, by year
derogatory statements by
government officials to physical
The acts
number of countries
of force such as and territories
where religious groups experienced
damage, detentions,
harassment by governments and social
groups reached 190 (out from homes,
of 198 analyzed)
in 2019, a higher number than
assaults and killings – that in any other
year of the study. This figure is up from
185 target
in 2018.groups or individuals
The harassment measuredat
in the
least in part because of their of
study includes a wide variety
actions — from derogatory statements
religion. Harassment
by government directed
officials to physical acts
of force such as property
against those who are damage, deten-
tions, displacements from homes, assaults
and religiously
killings — that unaffiliated,
target groups or indi- * Includes Sikhs, members of ancient faiths such as Zoroastrianism, members of newer
viduals at least in
including part because
atheists, of their re-
agnostics faiths such as Baha’i and other religious groups.
ligion. Harassment directed against those ** Includes, for example, followers of African traditional religions, Chinese folk religions,
and humanists, also is captured
who are religiously unaffiliated, including Native American religions and Australian aboriginal religions.
atheists, agnostics
by this study. and humanists, also is Note: This measure looks at the number of countries in which groups were harassed, either
by the government or individuals/social groups. It does not assess the severity of the
captured by this study.
harassment. Numbers do not add to totals because multiple religious groups can be
harassed in a country. The figure for other religious groups for the year ending in December
Christians and Muslims, the 2012 and the any-of-the-above figure for the year ending in December 2011 have been
world’s largest and most widely updated to correct minor errors in previous reports.
Source: Pew Research Center analysis of external data. See Methodology for details.
dispersed religious groups, 31
“Globally, Social Hostilities Related to Religion Decline in 2019, While Government
experienced harassment in PEWRemain
at Highest Levels”
more countries than other
religious groups in 2019,
Most religious
continuing groups
a consistent experienced
pattern government
since the beginning of theharassment in more
study. In addition, bothcountries than
Muslims and
social harassment
Christians saw increasesinin2019
the number of countries where they were harassed in 2019. And, as in
Number of countries where religious
prior years of the study, both groupsgroupsfaced
were harassed,
harassmentby year
in countries where they are religious
minorities as well as in countries where they are the majority. For instance, Muslims faced
*Includes Sikhs, members of ancient faiths such as Zoroastrianism, members of newer faiths such as Baha’i and other religious groups.
**Includes, for example, followers of African traditional religions, Chinese folk religions, Native American religions and Au stralian aboriginal
Note: This measure does not assess the severity of the harassment. Numbers do not add to totals because multiple religious gr oups can be
harassed in a country.
Source: Pew Research Center analysis of external data. See Methodology for details.
“Globally, Social Hostilities Related to Religion Decline in 2019, While Government Restrictions Remain at Highest Levels”
hristians and Muslims, the world’s largest and most
Government restrictions on religion around the world
widely dispersed religious groups, experienced harass- Level of government restrictions on religion in each country as of 2019
ment in more countries than other religious groups in
2019, continuing a consistent pattern since the beginning of
the [PEW Research Center] study [first published first in 2007].
In addition, both Muslims and Christians saw increases in
the number of countries where they were harassed in 2019.
And, as in prior years of the study, both groups faced ha-
rassment in countries where they are religious minorities as
well as in countries where they are the majority. For instance,
Muslims faced harassment in 38 European countries where
Islam is not the majority religion, as well as in all 19 countries
and territories with Muslim majorities (either Sunni or Shiite)
in the Middle East.
In 2019, harassment of Christians was reported in 153 Source: Pew Research Center analysis of external data. See Methodology for details.
countries, up from 145 countries in 2018. In Pakistan, for ex- “Globally, Social Hostilities Related to Religion Decline in 2019, While Government Restrictions Remain at Highest Levels”
religious groups besides Christians and Muslims, despite their record high since the beginning of the study in 2007.
relatively small population size. (Jewish people make up just Adherents of folk religions experienced government harass-
0.2 per cent of the world’s population.) In 2019, Jews were ment in 20 countries and social harassment in 18 countries in
harassed in 89 countries — a slight uptick from 88 countries in 2019. In Canada, an Indigenous elder contended that airport
2018. One such incident occurred in Argentina, where a promi- security officials desecrated the contents of a pouch contain-
nent rabbi was seriously injured during a home invasion in ing cedar, sage, sweet grass and tobacco, considered sacred by
which his attackers physically assaulted him, robbed him and her tribe, by requiring her to open it for inspection in order to
said they knew he was a rabbi. travel.
Hindus were harassed in 21 countries in 2019 — up from 19 And in the United States, an Indigenous tribe called the
countries the previous year. In Bangladesh, for instance, rioters Ramapough Mountain Indians had an ongoing lawsuit in
ransacked a Hindu temple after two Muslims were arrested for 2019 against the township of Mahwah, New Jersey, after the
allegedly hacking the Facebook account of a Hindu man and township limited their religious gatherings and ordered them
posting material disparaging Islam on his account. to remove several religious structures, including an altar and
Buddhists experienced a small increase in the number of prayer circle. (The U.S. Department of Justice later supported
countries where they faced harassment, from 24 in 2018 to 25 the tribe’s lawsuit against the town, and the parties eventually
in 2019 — the highest total for this religious group since the settled in June 2019.)
study began in 2007. In Austria, for example, the construction Other religious groups beyond those analyzed individually
site of a Buddhist shrine was vandalized with swastikas. — including Baha’is, Scientologists, Sikhs, Rastafarians and
Religiously unaffiliated people (including atheists, agnostics Zoroastrians, among others — faced government harassment
and people who don’t identify with any religion) were ha- in more than twice as many countries (59) as they faced social
rassed in 22 countries in 2019, up from 18 the previous year. In hostilities (24). In Kenya, for example, a public secondary
Saudi Arabia, the presidency of state security released a video school asked a Rastafarian student to shave her dreadlocks.
on Twitter referring to atheism as “extremist.” A 2014 royal The school had expelled the student the previous year for
decree in the country punishes atheism with up to 20 years in wearing them in a turban and had been ordered by a court to
prison, and in early 2019, the government criminalized “the let her return.
promotion of atheistic ideologies in any form.”
A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III transports 823 Afghans from Hamid Karzai International Airport on Aug. 15, 2021 after the U.S. military
withdrew from the beleaguered country.
he first, the supreme, the most full on. Fine fecal-laden dust covered their hope of being included on the departure
far-reaching act of judgement bodies and gear. The heat and the 25-ki- list for one of the flights that would take
that the statesman and com- logram weight of the personal protective off before the withdrawal date of Aug. 31.
mander have to make is to establish the equipment (PPE) and the ensuing body It was on this date that the United
kind of war on which they are embark- sweat, combined with the scent of gun oil, States would finally clear out of Afghani-
ing,” wrote strategist Carl von Clausewitz was ever present amongst them and their stan. For those soldiers and Marines un-
in his book, On War. comrades. dertaking their respective duties to secure
For the soldiers and Marines who were Meanwhile, crowds of desperate Af- this airport, many had not witnessed the
assigned to the U.S. security force in Kabul ghans sought sanctuary outside the events of 9/11. For those born after 9/11,
during the August pullout from the coun- airport security walls topped with they were now witnessing, indeed par-
try, their arrival hit many instantly and barbed wire that separated them from the ticipating, in a historic moment — the
hasty and frantic departure from Afghani- ain, France and Germany — were also threat of terrorist activities, presumably
stan after two decades. monitoring events in Afghanistan, and targeted against those nations that par-
The ill-fated departure followed a may also be responsibile for not anticipat- ticipated in the fight over the last two
20-year war that was marred by unclear ing an eventual Taliban takeover. More decades. The success of the Taliban will
strategic goals after the initial successful than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces mem- provide al-Qaida, ISIS-K (Islamic State of
United States invasion of the Islamic Re- bers served in the Afghanistan theatre of Iraq and the Levant - Khorasan Province)
public of Afghanistan in response to the operations between 2001 and 2014. and other jihadist organizations with a tre-
terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The failure to be ready and act quickly mendous psychological boost. This cannot
to expedite the departure of Western be understated as Islamists have and will
Intelligence failure? citizens and Afghans seeking asylum draw inspiration from the U.S. and the
There has been much speculation as to the demonstrates a true lack of strategic vi- West’s ignominious departure. A Taliban
intelligence assessments that would have sion by political leaders and bureaucrats. Afghanistan may again provide a territo-
been provided to the American political
and military leadership in Washington
and Kabul. This would include the vari-
ous scenarios being considered, the op-
tions and potential courses of action and
assessed cascading consequences. It is un-
likely that the U.S. intelligence community
would not have briefed those responsible
about the implications of the Afghanistan
withdrawal, likely by providing daily as-
sessments of events.
Although the exact date for a Taliban
takeover would have been difficult to
ascertain, the monitoring of the U.S. with-
drawal also saw the Afghan forces under
attack. The Taliban would immediately fill
the tactical vacuum left by the Afghan/
U.S. military. Intelligence assessments
would be updated daily, if not hourly, as
the Taliban advanced towards the capital.
It is difficult to believe that senior political
leaders and the bureaucracy writ large
would not have been aware of the Taliban
momentum as Afghans surrendered or
withdrew from the field.
Of note, in a cable dated July 13, two
dozen American diplomats stationed in
the U.S. Embassy in Kabul warned of the
potential collapse of the Afghan govern-
ment to the Taliban following the U.S. Where it all began in 2001: The remains of the World Trade Centre smoulder as U.S. officials were
troop drawdown. Forwarded to the secre- no doubt making retaliation plans against Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida.
tary of state, the strongly worded cable re-
portedly urged the U.S. State Department This is not hindsight, as those nations rial operating space to facilitate recruit-
to start organizing an airlift operation to involved were aware, as were their intel- ment, training, support and planning for
evacuate Americans and other qualified ligence organizations, of the inevitability terrorist violence against the West.
personnel. This assessment may have been of a Taliban takeover. Preparations should The release of thousands of incarcer-
supported by other U.S. and allied intel- have been made, and plans and options ated members of the former al-Qaida,
ligence reporting. for evacuation co-ordinated and put in ISIS-K and Taliban from Kabul prisons
The scapegoating of the intelligence place. Instead of a well-planned and or- poses potential problems. Al-Qaida and
community has impinged on the credibil- derly withdrawal, those political leaders ISIS-K are dedicated to a regional and
ity and dedication of intelligence profes- responsible for this catastrophe were no- global jihadist campaign and the Afghan
sionals who have committed their lives to where to be seen, including the Canadian Taliban are focused on re-establishing
addressing and analyzing the “wilderness ambassador, Reid Sirrs, who reportedly their Afghan power base. It is unknown
of mirrors” to provide the necessary guid- went on leave in July, as the Taliban were to what extent al-Qaida and ISIS-K have
ance to their respective political, military advancing. This does not bode well for the influenced the Afghan Taliban in their
and bureaucratic leadership. This accu- future of the U.S.’s global position or the doctrinal outlook regarding a global jihad,
sation, in itself, is revealing and reflects credibility of the Western alliance. or what the Taliban success will mean to
poorly upon the Biden administration as jihadists globally, especially those who as-
it tries to displace its responsibility, and to The threat picture pire to follow a more activist/violent path
ascertain who is blameworthy. Following the departure from Afghani- against the West and Western interests.
NATO partners — Canada, Great Brit- stan, the West will likely face an increased Western police and security organizations
Canadians joined the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan in 2001. In all, 158 Canadian Armed Forces members lost their lives. Here, a Canadian honour
guard carries the remains of Canadian army Pvt. Sebastien Courcy during a sundown ceremony at Kandahar Air Field.
may have to counter a potential resur- strategic issue, ignoring a critically impor- The chimerical aim was to create a central-
gence by similarly inspired Islamist terror- tant principle of war — establishing and ized Afghan government responsible for
ist groups and individuals. maintaining the aim. The intention of the securing and governing a traditionally
U.S. and its allies to build an Afghanistan disparate country, from Kabul. This proj-
The history that mirrored Western countries was in ect appeared idealistic, overly optimistic
The stated aim of the invasion was to kill itself a magnitude of hubris — indeed ar- and unattainable given the complexity of
or capture Osama bin Laden, replace the rogance — beyond any Western norm. Afghanistan.
Taliban-led Afghan government, which Lord Jonathan Evans, former head of The U.S. and its allies proceeded un-
under a democratic and effective govern- was viewed with some circumspection, Washington. The Afghan-Pakistan border
ment. This includes many Afghan women particularly by Afghan feminists. The next was historically permeable and the Tali-
who made great progress in societal terms day, the Taliban reportedly shot a woman ban employed this advantage, recruiting
in public and private sectors, forging a in the street for not wearing a burqa. This young men from Pakistani madrassas
path in Afghan society by starting busi- incident and reports from the provinces of (religious schools) to fight. They used the
nesses and becoming teachers, professors, women hiding, in fear of Taliban assault city of Quetta to secure their leadership
doctors and lawyers as well as elected and potential retribution predicated upon and used Pakistan for training, a logistical
representatives. their education, occupation or political/ base and a secure communications route
Many of these Afghans were educated feminist activism, demonstrated the level for their Afghan operations.
in the West and witnessed the opportuni- of concern for the future of women and As the years passed, the Taliban waited
ties provided by democratic societies and girls in Afghanistan. patiently while inspiring fear, conducting
their institutions in the form of human psychological warfare by threats, targeted
rights, social equality and freedom of Why were we there? assassinations and IEDs and occasionally
speech. They appreciated the advantages Twenty years on, the question still needs attacking American and allied ground
of modernity in terms of technology, social to be posed as to why the West was in forces. The Taliban persistently studied
attitude, education and opportunity. The Afghanistan. Even in 2006, then-secretary how Western forces planned and oper-
U.S. and the coalition shared an optimistic of state Condoleezza Rice asked if some- ated, working out the methodologies at
vision for Afghanistan’s future and sought one could tell her why the U.S. was still strategic, operational and tactical levels,
to help Afghans forge a new path for in Afghanistan. The original 2001 aim garnering substantial insights on how
ried departure had a direct impact upon
the morale of the Afghan National Army,
which was now the target of sustained
Taliban assaults, resulting in Afghan sol-
diers realizing the futility of pursuing the
fight against the advancing Taliban, thus
prompting widespread surrender. The
American departure and the cessation of
their innate support helped to create the
tactical, operational and strategic vacuum
of which the Taliban forces expeditiously
and understandably took immediate ad-
paganda purposes is that the Taliban is an the past two decades moved to 64 years
organization of American-led “crusader- from 56 years and the literacy rate saw a
puppets.” ISIS-K gained a foothold in significant increase to 43 per cent from 8
Afghanistan in 2015 and is an integral part per cent.
of the IS global terror franchise, which is
dedicated to establishing a formal caliph- Mujahideen resistance to the Taliban
ate in both south and central Asia. Oper- Afghanistan is still far from a cessation of
ating in Afghanistan and Pakistan, it has hostilities, with the possibility of a civil
conducted a reported 250 attacks targeting war amongst the Afghan people. Situated
Pakistani, Afghan and American person- in the Panjshir Valley, a number of sources
nel over the past four years. confirmed that a nascent resistance move-
These operations provoked U.S./Af- ment has begun to evolve, operating un-
ghan forces to conduct operations in 2019 der the banner of the National Resistance
with the aim of driving ISIS-K forces from Front of Afghanistan (NRFA.) This anti-
their refuge in eastern Afghanistan. With Taliban resistance group was led by the
the Taliban in charge, ISIS-K will likely deposed Afghan vice-president and well-
bide its time to expand its reach in Af- respected former head of the National A R MI N G T H E F U T U R E G LOBA L
ghanistan. This will further challenge and Directorate of Security, Amrullah Saleh, JI H A D I
complicate matters for the Taliban govern- who is now considered by many as the
ment in its attempts to secure the country. de facto president of free Afghanistan. He Most concerning to security services
In the latter stages of the Kabul evacua- was joined by Ahmad Massoud, son of the is the Taliban’s windfall capture of
tion, intelligence raised the spectre that famed Northern Alliance leader, Ahmad a quantity and variety of weapons
ISIS-K would attempt a suicide attack, car Shah Massoud, who conducted a deter- and ammunition from departing
bomb or mortar attack that would usurp mined and ferociously skilful resistance U.S. forces. Social media is replete
an orderly evacuation and withdrawal. against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan with photos showing Taliban fighters
The attacks on the Kabul airport on Aug. in the 1980s and continued to fight the brandishing late model M4 and M-16
26 reportedly were orchestrated by ISIS- rifles and videos including M2 .50
K, killing 13 U.S. service personnel. On heavy machine-guns and M24 sniper
Sept. 8, an ISIS-K suicide bomber attacked rifles.
a Shiite mosque in Kunduz, killing 46 at- According to the July 2021 Special
tendees. Inspector General for Afghanistan
Reconstruction study, the U.S. pro-
Were the aims achieved? vided Afghan forces with more than
What may remain amongst the Afghan 7,000 machine-guns and 20,000 gre-
population and its youth is an aspiration nades, 4,700 Humvees and uncounted
to move their country into a peaceful, suc- communications equipment, intel-
cessful, sustainable 21st Century — and ligence, surveillance and reconnais-
hope for the future. During my deploy- sance (ISR) equipment and explosive
ments, I remember driving through the ordnance disposal equipment. A 2017
crowded streets of Kabul and encounter- Government Accountability 0ffice
ing a group of young girls going to school. (GAO) report identified that the
I turned to my security detail and advised U.S. military donated approximately
them that “there is a future for Afghani- 75,898 vehicles, 599,690 weapons and
stan if we can ensure their education — 208 aircraft to the Afghans between
the future will be bright.” That hope is 2003 and 2016.
now at risk of being diminished. Amrullah Saleh is now considered by many
Of possible greater security con-
To evaluate the success of the U.S. as the de facto president of free Afghanistan. cern is that the Taliban has reportedly
and NATO’s work in Afghanistan, the seized American military biometrics
initial strategic aim and objectives must devices that would help identify
be assessed. If they were achieved and first Taliban regime that took power a de- Afghans who assisted the coalition
sustained, the U.S. and its allies were suc- cade later. Massoud posed a direct threat forces, which would compromise the
cessful. If they were not, the coalition has to al-Qaida and was assassinated at the safety and security of many Afghans.
failed. direction of Osama bin Laden just before The $1 trillion expended on the
The scorecard is not balanced. The the 9/11 attacks. Ahmad Massoud was Afghan security forces means that
Afghan poverty rate increased to 47 per educated at the Royal Military Academy, the U.S. government has essentially
cent in 2020, up from 36 per cent in 2007, Sandhurst, and then studied at King’s Col- provided modern and expensive arms
according to World Bank records. Schools, lege, London, earning a master’s in inter- and equipment to the Taliban forces
hospitals and dams that were planned and national politics. By 2019, he was named it was meant to fight. This windfall
built by Americans and allies reportedly his father’s successor and returned to the has made the Taliban the world’s
were largely ineffective. The U.S.-trained valley to garner anti-Taliban support in best equipped and armed terrorist
Afghan military, as was witnessed in Kabul and the Panjshir. state, at the expense of American
August, dissipated in a matter of weeks. Anticipating a contradiction between taxpayers.
The good news is that life expectancy over what the Taliban publicly declared and
Commanding General U.S. Central Command Kenneth F. McKenzie tours an evacuation control centre at Hamid Karzai International Airport on Aug. 17.
what it would do, Massoud brought to- reportedly overtook Panjshir Valley; while ate the memories of the neo-conservative
gether various Afghan leaders and their the status of the NFRA is unknown at this (neo-cons) movement that permeated the
supporters. The resistance began acquir- time, Massoud is believed to have escaped Bush administration for two terms. The
ing weapons and equipment, and was and Saleh sought refuge in Uzbekistan. neo-cons embraced a belief in American
populated by soldiers and commandos Notwithstanding, an interview on Oct. 5, ideals and the innate military/economic
well versed in military skills, having gar- 2021, with the head of foreign relations power and global purpose of American
nered extensive combat experience over of the NRFA Ali Maisam Nazary advised exceptionalism, which clashed with the
the past 20 years. Both Massoud and Saleh that Massoud remains in Afghanistan and Afghan culture and multifaceted societal
are Dari-speaking Tajiks, the second larg- resistance inside the country will continue. realities.
est ethnic group in Afghanistan. This misguided idealism was further
This challenge to Taliban rule forced Concerns for the future complicated by the counter-insurgency
the deployment of forces to the Panjshir Ignoring the acrimonious discourse that environment that pervaded the conflict.
Valley, as elements of the NRFA were pervades the issues of intelligence warn- The hopes of undertaking an Afghan-
reported to have seized three districts. ing — who, what, when, where and why wide program of defence, diplomacy and
Ahmad Massoud wrote in The Washington
— what are the takeaways? Following the development that would be transferred to
Post on Aug. 18 to request that the West Taliban takeover, Lord Evans “cautioned the Afghan government to subsequently
provide weapons, ammunition and sup- that the West will now have to ‘tool up’ lead and manage, failed. There was no
plies to support a war against the Taliban to counter a potential resurgence from the effective government in Kabul that could
as, he stated, “Afghanistan will without group founded by Osama bin Laden.” Is- assume the 3D responsibilities to provide
doubt become Ground Zero of radical lamists globally have heralded the Taliban and manage the spectrum of basic social
Islamist terrorism; plots against democ- takeover as a victory, which will likely services, security and governance. His-
racies will be hatched here once again.” inspire similar groups and create a resur- torical experiences that acknowledge the
However, any perceived American sup- gence of calls for a global caliphate. There importance of having either governmental
port for NFRA jeopardizes the precarious are early reports of increased attacks citing control (Malaya, Northern Ireland) or
and fragile arrangements with the Taliban ISIS as an inspiration. substantial government influence (Oman,
leaders in Kabul who are enabling Ameri- This long-running conflict will have Philippines) to address a counter-insur-
can passage from the Kabul airport. impacts on the American intellectual gency challenge abound.
However, on Sept. 7, 2021, the Taliban landscape, as some might want to obliter- In geopolitical terms, the seemingly
unilateral withdrawal by the U.S. caused The fact is that the Taliban was much bet- The notion of sustaining the Afghan
allied nations to reassess the U.S.’s global ter organized and stronger than in 2001. government was not in the cards. The
role and their respective relationships. Meanwhile, the Afghan military and United States and the West must now
The U.S., under the Obama, Trump and security forces were targets of wide- contemplate, plan and prepare for a
Biden administrations, gradually with- spread corruption with intermittent pay, steeper problem in confronting the ex-
drew itself as a trustworthy leader and little logistical support and under pres- tremist threat, not only potentially from
effective global partner. All three U.S. sure from an aggressively advancing Afghanistan, but from Islamist extrem-
administrations began to exhibit vary- Taliban. The situation was exacerbated ists operating globally who have taken
ing degrees of insularity pertaining to further by the U.S.’s seemingly secretive inspiration and succour from this Islamist
U.S. foreign policy, perhaps given a U.S. withdrawal from their bases that helped victory over the West. This situation will
perception that NATO allies were not to spark widespread Afghan desertions. A require global counterterrorist security
delivering on their NATO military and and police authorities to, once again, ‘up
financial commitments. This was high- tool’ to address the impending terror chal-
lighted in Afghanistan where, for 20 years, lenges. The departure of U.S. intelligence
the U.S. government was the supplier PO S T- WA R F I N A N C I A L C O S T S assets from Afghanistan will also make
of 90 per cent of the money, equipment the monitoring of counterterrorism activi-
and personnel. The U.S.’s allies have Since the 2001 invasion, approximately ties in the region far more difficult. This
been reliant on its support within NATO 47,000 Afghan civilians and more expensive venture in Western political ide-
for out-of-area operations and to be the than 2,500 American troops have died alism underlined some little-appreciated
world’s policeman. With the U.S. decision in the conflict. According to Brown Afghan realities.
to leave Afghanistan, the ensuing unchar- University and its Costs of War Project, Overextending an occupation in any
acteristic lack of co-ordination from NATO the war cost approximately $2.5 tril- country, particularly Afghanistan, was a
impacted allied nations that had hoped to lion and will rise to $6 trillion. The serious geopolitical error of epic propor-
have more time to extricate their citizens direct war fighting costs were assessed tions. The invasion’s initial objective was
and those Afghans who assisted their re- at $815.7 billion and infrastructure to take down the Taliban government
spective governments. projects, training of Afghan military and rout al-Qaida and its leadership. This
For many Americans, this departure forces and nation-building added subsequently morphed into what has been
may herald the beginning of the end of the another $143 billion. The cost of the described as a neo-con fantasy of taking
“forever wars.” The departure of the U.S. campaign has been estimated at $300 a poor and disparate tribal state that was
and its coalition from Afghanistan may million per day for 20 years. To pay deeply religious and governed essentially
mean accepting unconditional surrender. for the war, military actions were sup- by warlords and transforming it into a
Afghanistan had ceased to be a “war” a ported through government general modern Western democracy. This dra-
number of years ago, as the small numeri- revenue, which borrowed heavily, matic transition was to be orchestrated
cal presence of American and coalition resulting in more than $530 billion through the West's combined investment
forces had transitioned to a counterterror- paid in interest and total debt pay- and efforts in defence, diplomacy and
ism operation from a counter-insurgency ments, which are estimated to balloon development.
operation. Importantly, this small repre- to $6.5 trillion, according to the Costs As recent events have proved, our
sentational force continued to successfully of War Project. combined efforts were, for the most part,
exclude the Taliban from seizing power Linda J. Bilmes, an expert on bud- for naught. We have ended the lives of
and reinstituting a theocratic regime. The getary and public financial issues at thousands of American, allied and Afghan
rapid departure of American forces cre- the Harvard Kennedy School, reported military personnel and civilians. Among
ated a vacuum of which the Taliban took that “the costs outlined here are really them were 165 Canadians — 158 soldiers
full advantage, thereby finding itself in just the tip of the iceberg. For exam- and 7 civilians. More than 2,000 were
control in Kabul. ple, the U.S. will need to continue to wounded during the war. And thousands
In the end, the U.S. and its coalition provide care for veterans wounded in more endure lifelong debilitating physical
partners departed Kabul. This demon- the Afghan and Iraq wars for decades and mental injury — and we spent tril-
strated to the Taliban that they succeeded to come.” lions to what end?
militarily and politically to defeat the That expense, which will total more Will we see the same when the Ameri-
West, diminishing the West’s power, influ- than $2 trillion, is not expected to cans depart Iraq by the end of 2021?
ence and unity. peak until after 2048, according to Perhaps this time they will be better pre-
In the aftermath of the U.S.’s departure, Bilmes. pared.
the question amongst many observers
is: What happens after the departure Col. J. Paul de B. Taillon, ret’d, has con-
of the United States and the West from ducted intelligence and counter-terrorism
Afghanistan? The establishment of Tali- decision to support the Afghan govern- operations and served in Great Britain,
ban leadership in Kabul has brought ment would have meant the re-intro- the United States, Oman, Bosnia, Kosovo,
with it anger, frustration, finger-point- duction of U.S. forces that would have Ukraine and Afghanistan. Taillon, who
ing and the search for scapegoats. This effectively renewed open conflict with holds a PhD from the London School of
will occupy historians and commen- a numerically strong Taliban. Moreover, Economics, is currently the academic ad-
tators for months and years to come. should Biden not have ordered the depar- viser to Samuel Associates. He has pub-
The hard reality is that no withdrawal ture of U.S. forces and personnel, the Tali- lished more than 60 books and articles on
from Afghanistan would be easy and ban would likely have launched attacks terrorism, insurgencies, strategy, national
Biden had to make a difficult decision. against American interests in the country. security and military history.
Robert I.
akainde Hichilema’s resounding
victory in Zambia’s August presi-
dential poll proves that Africans
can abandon identity preferences, resist
intimidation by an incumbent regime and
oust a sitting autocrat accustomed to rig-
ging elections. Voters in that one southern
African country removed president Edgar
Lungu, a despot who had increasingly
brutalized opponents, curtailed free
speech and assembly and wrecked the
nation’s economy while lining his own
pockets and the pockets of cronies.
Hichilema’s success represents a rare Hakainde Hichilema’s election as president of Zambia represents a triumph of popular democracy in
triumph of popular democracy in an an Africa that is increasingly politically fraught.
Africa increasingly fraught with vicious
ethnic disputes and intranational rival- tion and restore prosperity in a land long lion people, has led his country in exactly
ries. Ethiopia, the continent’s second dependent on the export of copper and the opposite direction. The successor as
most populous country, with 110 million cadmium. prime minister to the Tigrayan junta that
inhabitants, is a poster child for such in- Zambia defaulted on its bond pay- had organized and fought a guerrilla war
ternal antagonisms; as a result, Ethiopia ments to Europe in 2020, Africa’s first to take Ethiopia back from an oppressive
is in danger of dissolving into its separate victim of profligacy. Whether Hichilema Marxist regime that had assassinated Em-
ethnic sections thanks to misguided poli- can persuade the International Monetary peror Haile Selassie in 1974 and ruled all
cies pursued since 2020 by Prime Minister Fund (IMF) to give Zambia the massive of Ethiopia despotically until 1991, Abiy
Abiy Ahmed, the nation’s arrogant leader. loan it needs to pay off its remaining debts tried and is still trying to conquer Tigray
The two leaders and their policies rep- to Europe and China and stabilize an (one of his country’s 10 regional govern-
resent the disparate poles of contemporary economy, now running wild deficits re- ments) and extirpate Tigrayans (6 per
sub-Saharan Africa discourse: Will the mains to be seen. Under Lungu, Zambia’s cent of Ethiopia’s population) in 2020 and
post-colonial nations of that continent public debt as a share of GDP doubled 2021. By attempting to gain control over
hold together and eventually become full from 66 per cent to 113 per cent, the value Tigray and thus end a theoretical threat
nations, or will they continue to remain of the local kwacha currency fell precipi- to his personalist rule, Abiy has revived
pre-institutional states dominated by par- tously, food prices soared and copper pro- contentions among all of the country’s
ticularly populous or influential ethnicities duction slumped. The austerity that the other large ethnic entities, and engaged
intent on marginalizing minorities? IMF will demand promises to make Hich- in wholesale ethnic cleansing (a precursor
Zambia has never elected someone ilema’s early governing efforts unpopular. to genocide) in Tigray. As many as half
from its neglected south to high office. Nevertheless, Hichilema has already of Tigray’s 8 million inhabitants are now
But, because Lungu, backed by the coun- accomplished the bringing together of a hungry and starving.
try’s Bemba majority, ruled high-hand- state long organized along ethnic lines. Abiy has prevented humanitarian aid
edly, mismanaged the country’s economy, He could be the unifier and nation-builder from reaching Tigray and his actions have
borrowed lavishly from China and Europe that Abiy is not, and his election and ef- driven 150,000 Tigrayans across the border
to finance extravagant infrastructure proj- forts in office could advance the cause of into impecunious Sudan. Meanwhile, a
ects, and threatened to extend his term of democratic modernization in a continent Tigrayan militia regained control of the
office beyond constitutionally permitted otherwise still focused largely on ethni- region, thus further nullifying Abiy’s ef-
limits, voters tossed him out and thus cally acquired spoils. forts to become a new paramount ruler of
ended northern (Bemba) hegemony in Ever since winning a Nobel Peace a now-divided Ethiopia, but deepening in-
Zambia. Hichilema, a CiTonga-speaker, Prize, Abiy, a member of the Oromo, ternal schisms. Abiy’s forces bombed and
promises to unify Zambia, end corrup- Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group of 38 mil- invaded Tigray again, in October.
Whereas Hichilema can conceivably speaking minority. Currently, 20 per cent than an embryonic state. South Africa,
build upon his unexpected electoral tri- of Cameroon’s people speak English long a full nation, would seem exempt
umph to unify and modernize Zambia, a rather than French, the residue of different from all of these concerns. But president
Texas-sized country of 18 million inhabit- colonial experiences. Since 2017, the Eng- Jacob Zuma’s calamitous rule from 2009
ants, Abiy’s actions have accentuated fis- lish speakers have been fighting to create to 2018 exacerbated residual ethnic prefer-
siparous tendencies in Ethiopia, a mixed Ambazonia, a new state to be carved out ences. As a Zulu, a member of the most
Christian and Muslim entity 1.6 times the of Cameroon’s southwest corner. But so populous peopling of South Africa, Zuma
size of that same American state. Many far, even with a ruler of 39 years (President shifted governmental employment prefer-
other African polities are still struggling Paul Biya) who lives most of the year in ence and access to illicit profits to fellow
— 60 years after independence — to build Switzerland, French-speaking security Zulu, thus opening up the Pandora’s
real nations. Most default into their ethnic forces have managed to prevent Ambazo- box of ethnicity almost for the first time.
components, and fight elections on the nia from splitting away from Cameroon. His efforts, and the “selling” of the state
basis of identities, not policies. The Central African Republic, just to a cabal of Indian capitalists and Zulu
Nigeria harbours an extreme version east of Cameroon, has been mired for at entrepreneurs, divided the ruling African
of this ethnic favouritism. Africa’s most least a decade in a pitched battle between National Congress (ANC) and the entire
populous place, with more than 200 mil- Muslims (the Séléka) from the north and nation in ways that president Nelson
lion people, and by 2050 about 400 mil- Christians (the anti-Balaka movement) Mandela himself warned against before
lion, Nigeria is home to an Igbo irredentist from the south. Likewise, Mali, Niger and his death.
movement in its southeast quadrant that Burkina Faso, north of Nigeria, endure al- Zuma, now on trial for peculation and
seeks to revive the fortunes of Biafra, a most weekly attacks by criminal Islamists influence-peddling from as long ago as
secessionist state that fought and lost a loyal to the Islamic State in the Sahara/ the 1990s as well in the 2010s, is still try-
bitter war against the rest of Nigeria from Maghreb. The insurgents have been grow- ing to protect himself and his mercantile
1967 to 1970. To the southwest of the area ing stronger in recent months, especially interests by raising the Zulu ethnic flag
that was once Biafra, in and around the as France, Britain and the United States and, with his supporters, by opposing the
Niger River delta, is the homeland of the have focused their military attentions else- valiant, but so far still inconclusive efforts
increasingly restive Ijaw people. West of of President Cyril Ramaphosa to unite the
this area and west of the Igbo homeland nation and rebuild it economically despite
is Yoruba country, already exhibiting an- the massive damage of COVID-19, the
other ethnic upsurge. These three peoples, Delta variant and inexcusable vaccine
and others such as the Ibibio and Ogoni shortages. Ramaphosa is a Venda, a small-
(near the Ijaw) and the Tiv (in mid-Nige- ish and much-derided ethnicity in north-
ria), collectively resent the predations and ern South Africa.
pretensions of northern Muslims (about Woe be to South Africa and Africa if
half of the country’s total population), Ramaphosa is unable to contain the Zulu
and especially of Fulani herders who are and ANC separatists. Like Nigeria, South
increasingly moving south into what was Africa is the tribune of Africa and, under
once considered the fertile lands of Chris- a democratic, well-intentioned leader such
tian and animist agriculturalists. as Ramaphosa, it theoretically should be
Nigeria’s northeast corner, spilling able to hold together and prosper on be-
over into Niger and Cameroon, also suf- half of its 60 million inhabitants and for
fers from a long-running insurgency that Patriotic Front (PF) leader Edgar C. Lungu casts the rest of Africa.
has pitted Boko Haram (now split into his ballot in the Zambian election. His opponent, Africa’s future depends on triumphs
two fundamentalist groups) irredentists Hakainde Hichilema prevailed. such as those of Hichilema, and the stal-
against the massive (but ineffectual) Ni- wart endeavours of Ramaphosa. But there
gerian army for control of Borno state and where and the local armies have proven are power hungry leaders, such as Abiy
the littoral of Lake Chad. Boko Haram and incapable of recovering the lands of the and Biya, and inept ones such as Buhari,
gangsters farther west in Muslim Kaduna, Sahel (and the Sahara) from militants with whose maladroit efforts may drive Afri-
Katsina and Zamfara states (Nigeria has access to Libyan arms. This whole area cans more and more apart.
36) have kidnapped schoolchildren repeat- could soon fall, Afghanistan-like, to armed Things have, at least, come together in
edly, disrupted farmers and even raided gangs based mostly beyond Timbuktu. Zambia at last, a hopeful harbinger for
towns and cities such as Maiduguri. In many more African states, govern- much of the rest of Africa.
Nigeria, a classically failed state, will ments discriminate on the basis of ethnic-
doubtless continue to stagger onward de- ity. Uganda favours southwesterners loyal Robert I. Rotberg is the founding director
spite its many separatist-inclined peoples to its autocratic president, and system- of Harvard Kennedy School’s Program
and ambitious ethnically driven politi- atically persecutes those from its one-time on Intrastate Conflict and was Fulbright
cians. President Muhammadu Buhari’s dominant kingdoms of Buganda and Distinguished Professor at Carleton and
leadership is lacking, so a ramshackle Bunyoro. Kikuyu rule Kenya, often with Waterloo universities. He wrote The Cor-
country that should advance Africa’s in- little consideration for the wishes of those ruption Cure (Princeton University Press,
terests globally and continentally falters of, say, Luo, Kamba, Samburu, Maasai or 2017) and published Anticorruption (MIT
endlessly without finally falling apart. Kipsigis origin. Press) and Things Come Together: Africans
Nearby Cameroon also suffers from Possibly in southern Africa, given Hich- Achieving Greatness in the Twenty-first Cen-
separatist endeavours on the part of ilema’s ascent, Zambia can join Botswana tury (Oxford University Press) in August.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, shown here with Chinese President Xi Jinping, has alluded to a revised engagement strategy with China.
oth Prime Minister Justin Trudeau The China of Xi Jinping rested, no tolerance for dissent, controls on
and Foreign Affairs Minister Marc It is important to understand where foreign NGOs and the introduction of the
Garneau have alluded to an up- China is going. When Xi Jinping became social credit system that penalizes those
coming revised engagement strategy with general secretary of the Communist who dare to criticize the Chinese regime.
China. This is good news as Canada takes Party of China in November 2012, he was Traditionally, China’s foreign policy has
stock of the aggressive path President concerned about instability, inequalities been based on its security and territorial
Xi Jinping has taken in China. Trust has in Chinese society and the bad reputa- integrity (it has 14 neighbours), but also
been broken with the heavy penalties tion of the party. He has put measures in on principles such as non-interference,
imposed on Canada after the arrest of place to clean up the party, launched a equality and mutual respect. These prin-
Meng Wanzhou in December 2018 at the major anti-corruption campaign and more ciples seem to have been jettisoned when
request of U.S. authorities, including tak- recently revived the notion of common you look at the Wolf Warriors type of di-
ing Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig prosperity. Domestically, there has been a plomacy pursued by Chinese diplomats,
as hostages. major crackdown on freedom of expres- including recent Chinese ambassadors to
sion, more lawyers and labour activists ar- Canada. Since 2012, we have seen a China
that is more assertive, arrogant and ag- tion and trained engineers, lawyers and Square uprising of June 4, 1989. More
gressive, especially in the neighbourhood. judges. recently, relations improved after the
Recall the Senkaku/Diaoyutai crisis It was, maybe, for all these reasons that election of the Trudeau government in
in the fall of 2012, the militarization of former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said October 2015 with the creation of many
the South China Sea despite the July in November 1998 that “Canada is China’s official annual dialogues, completing the
2016 decision under the UN Convention best friend.” There was then a heavy flow work started by prime minister Stephen
on the Law of the Sea that its claims are of visitors in both directions and a genuine Harper. Despite repeated warnings about
overwhelmingly without merit and, more desire in China to move forward with the tightening of controls on Chinese so-
recently, border incidents with India. rule of law and gradual democracy. Its ciety imposed by Xi Jinping and events
When he came to power, Xi declared
that the time had come for China to take
its rightful place on the international
scene. His goal was to achieve a compre-
hensive national renaissance and be the
main global superpower by the time of
the 100th anniversary of the creation of the
People’s Republic of China in 2049.
Consequently, China has put its people
in international organizations (and sup-
ported the election of foreigners whose
country is indebted to China.) It has cre-
ated its own institutions, such as the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank, it has be-
come one of the largest contributors to UN
peacekeeping operations and launched
the Belt and Road Initiative to increase its
sphere of influence, and its markets. At
the 19th Party Congress in October 2017,
Xi went further by presenting China as
a model for the world, underlining the
economic success it had achieved without
adopting Western values. Based on its
recent assertive and aggressive behaviour,
it seems that Xi no longer cares about
China’s reputation, as he has probably
concluded that Western countries depend
so much on China that they will not dare
to react forcefully to its transgressions.
tion. It also helped finance the feasibility special relationship with China. Since of dealing with a superpower that ignores
study of the Three Gorges Dam hydro- 1970, there have been a number of ups international rules when they are not to
electric project, readied China for its and downs in the relationship. There was its liking. China does not hesitate to se-
admission into the World Trade Organiza- a major cooling off after the Tiananmen verely punish countries that refuse to obey
Canada’s embassy in Beijing: Despite the political tensions, bilateral trade is now doing well. Canadian exports increased by eight per cent in 2020.
its diktats. Apart from having Michael Globe & Mail on July 30, 2019 : ”We need China? It is high time for the Canadian
Kovrig and Michael Spavor detained as a realistic, not a romantic, China policy. government to adopt a much firmer at-
hostages and four Canadians on death It should start with the recognition that titude with China. After all, firm language
row for drug trafficking, including Rob- China is an authoritarian state, a strate- is only type it respects. The message
ert Schellenberg, Canada paid a heavy gic competitor and systemic rival. It will should be forthright: Canada is ready
price in 2019 as its exports to China went for a constructive engagement, as long
down by 16 per cent or $4.5 billion, with as China respects international laws and
canola and pork producers being hard hit, treaties and stops acting like a bully when
although the African swine flu eventually a country does not follow its edicts. Also,
forced China to resume its imports of our there should be zero tolerance for inter-
pork. ference or spying activities in Canada. A
Despite the political tensions, bilateral good starting point would be to look at
trade is now doing well: Canadian exports the four foreign interference laws adopted
increased by 8 per cent in 2020 ($25.2 by Australia.
billion). Exports saw a further increase China will always need Canada’s agri-
of 23.2 per cent over the first six months food products, as well as iron and cop-
of this year as Canada benefited from per, which gives Canada leeway to take
With China's recent provocations against Taiwan, some have questioned whether Taiwan's Navy, together with its allies, including the U.S. Navy, whose
forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan transits the South China Sea here, are well enough equipped to go to war against China.
with the World Health Organization to China when it imposes punitive sanctions with clean technologies, liquefied natural
investigate the origin of the COVID-19 (this would apply to other countries that gas and green/blue hydrogen to help re-
pandemic. enact these measures as well). Canada duce its coal addiction. On public health
Canada should also ban Huawei from could suggest an alliance to Australia and and pandemics, Canada should continue
its 5G development to ensure that the the U.S. (to start) whereby they would not to collaborate with China — especially to
company’s equipment cannot be used for increase their exports to China beyond ensure it doesn’t cut corners.
espionage and to align Canada with the their historical share of a given product if It is important to distinguish between
United States. one of their citizens is victim of such sanc- Chinese leaders and Chinese citizens: Chi-
As this country may be asked again, in tions. To counter China’s influence in the nese immigrants have made a great contri-
the future, to arrest a prominent Chinese developing world through its Belt & Road bution to Canada’s development and the
citizen at the request of a foreign country Initiative, Western countries also need to government should declare that Canada
with which it has an extradition treaty, offer an alternative with more financing remains open to Chinese visitors, includ-
it needs mechanisms to prevent future and assistance, and to demonstrate that ing students, and will provide support
hostage-taking. Canada should take the a democratic system presents more long- to all Chinese nationals seeking asylum
Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention term benefits than the Chinese authoritar- from state persecution, including those
in State-to-State Relations one step further ian regime. from Hong Kong. The Canadian govern-
by developing criteria that would trigger The Canadian government should also ment also has its own homework to do
common responses, including sanctions, look at ways to diversify its trade by relo- by increasing Canadian literacy on China
on the part of signatory countries. The cating resources from China to other mar- by devoting more resources to Mandarin
way the two Michaels were released just kets in Asia. In this regard, ASEAN should training and centres specializing on the
confirmed that it was pure hostage diplo- be a top priority for a new free trade country’s politics, economics and culture.
macy and that it can happen to citizens of agreement (FTA) because of the growth To be successful, this new engage-
other Western countries, as well. potential of the region. Negotiations could ment strategy with China will have to be
Canada should continue to work with proceed rapidly using as the model con- implemented in close collaboration with
like-minded countries to reinforce the cluded with Australia and New Zealand. like-minded countries. An impending test
multilateral system. The Australian Stra- Similarly, the CPTPP offers a good plat- to do so will be at Beijing’s 2022 Winter
tegic Policy Institute noted recently that form to expand Canadian exports; and it Olympics. Let’s propose that delegations
China used coercive tactics 152 times be- would not be surprising to see the Biden to the opening ceremony be limited, and
tween 2010 and 2020, against 27 countries administration take another look at it. that foreign leaders not attend. The more
and the EU. To prevent such bullying tac- There are, of course, areas where it is in the West speaks with one voice, the more
tics, Canada should impress on Washing- Canada’s interest to pursue co-operation China will be forced to stop its bullying
ton that it needs to make the World Trade with China. On the environment, Canada tactics.
Organization functional again by allowing has already a good record of providing as-
arbiters to be appointed to panels. Coun- sistance. This could facilitate business op- Guy Saint-Jacques was Canada’s ambas-
tries could then launch action against portunities for Canada to provide China sador to China from 2012 until 2016.
Shown here is study period at Roman Catholic Indian Residential School, Fort Resolution, Northwest Territories. The latest residential school scandal
made headlines across the globe, and China weaponized it in its dealings with Canada.
n May, Tk’emlúps te Sec wépemc for the residential school system in 1998 dians should not have known about the
leaders announced that the loss of and 2008. The 1998 Statement of Recon- residential schools. We’re shocked because
children from B.C.’s Kamloops Indian ciliation included $1.9 billion to pay 80,000 we’ve refused to look at the dark side of
Residential School had been confirmed survivors. our history; it’s time we did, especially if
by ground-penetrating radar. In the press A more profound apology in 2008 the world is looking at us.
release, Chief Rosanne Casimir said the paid $3.23 billion to 26,700 claimants in
presence of the graves was known, but a class-action settlement. A cornerstone History of residential schools
the deaths appear to be undocumented of the agreement was the Truth and Rec- Roman Catholic missionaries established
and they “sought out a way to confirm onciliation Commission (established in the first Indigenous residential schools
that [knowing knowledge] out of deepest 2007). Its widely publicized final report in 17th-Century New France, which was
respect and love for those lost children in 2015 noted missions near reserves had ceded to Great Britain in 1763. With Con-
and their families.” conducted burials of local and non-local federation in 1867, the federal government
As other school sites revealed their children and adults. The report also iden- assumed responsibility for Indigenous
findings, the media reported in sensation- tified known and suspected burial sites people with the mistaken belief that they
alist detail, sometimes with some histori- across Canada. needed to be managed. The Indian Act
cal context. It has never been a secret that residen- of 1876 incorporated colonial laws to
Comments on social media revealed tial schools had cemeteries. Sol Mamakwa, assimilate Indigenous people into Euro-
that many Canadians, surprisingly, knew an Indigenous member of Ontario’s legis- Canadian society.
nothing of the residential schools. The lature, said, “It is a great open secret that In the 1950s and 60s, the government
subject has been in provincial curricula our children lie on the properties of the began integrating Indigenous children
for decades. Canada formally apologized former schools.” There is no reason Cana- into provincial school systems. Closing
them took decades; the last closed in 1996. olic Church had removed grave markers to demand an investigation. Prompted by
(Grollier Hall closed in 1997, but was not in the 1960s. Jon Z. Lerat, a Cowessess Deb Haaland, the first Native American
a state-run residential school in that year.) band councillor, said the site was used by Cabinet secretary, the Biden administra-
It was a horrific social experiment the municipality and not all of the graves tion announced it will review America’s
based on ideas of colonial superiority contain children’s remains. In Shubena- residential schools.
and that assimilating Indigenous people cadie, N.S., Sipekne’katik First Nation China weaponized the graves. At the
into Euro-Canadian society would solve announced evidence of unmarked graves same time Canada helped launch an ef-
the “Indian problem.” The schools sepa- that predate the residential school by 100 fort to have the UN demand China allow
rated children aged seven to 15 from their years, connected to former landowners. free access to Xinjiang to investigate hu-
families, communities and traditions, man rights violations, China and its allies
ostensibly to educate them. Education was Global repercussions demanded the UN investigate Canada’s
not restricted to religion and the three Rs; Canadian media reported mass graves crimes, citing its deep concern for Indig-
children also learned skills to allow them and bodies found. The story took on a enous people, “especially the children.”
theoretically to earn a living — sewing, life of its own; it wasn’t about Indigenous China’s supporters — Belarus, North
laundry, carpentry and construction. With efforts to seek “out a way to confirm Korea, Iran, Russia, Sri Lanka, Syria and
schools underfunded, students were put that knowing.” Reaction was immediate; Venezuela — do not have rights-respect-
to work to maintain them. shrines of little shoes and teddy bears ing governments. According to Aaron
There was often too little food. Dor- appeared at legislatures. Prime Minister Ettinger, an assistant professor special-
mitories were crowded; tuberculosis Pierre Trudeau apologized. Churches were izing in international relations at Carleton
flourished. Many teachers were unquali- burned down. Some politicians made University, “They regard international
fied and teaching materials reflected an wary public statements about the national human rights instruments as tools of
alien culture. Many children could not tragedy while some, along with other no- Western dominance and would be happy
speak English or French, the languages tables, cheered the arsonists. NDP leader to undercut the global effectiveness of hu-
of instruction. Corporal punishment was Jagmeet Singh fanned the flames, declar- man rights.”
applied excessively. And while not every ing “215 Indigenous kids were found in an
teacher was a child abuser and not every unmarked mass grave.” Will there be fallout?
child was abused, the environment was Global reaction has largely been re- On Sept. 12, in Saskatchewan, the Pasqua
hostile. stricted to the media. The BBC, The New First Nation donated orange markers to
identify graves at the cemetery of the Re-
The graves gina Indian Residential School. The story
In July, the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc an- EXC E R P T F R O M 2 0 0 8 A P O L O G Y fell out of the news cycle by mid-Septem-
nounced the Kamloops Indian Residential BY P R I ME MI N I S T E R S T E P H E N ber, but was referred to ahead of the first
School Le Estcwéý (The Missing) Report. HAR P E R : National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
They had hired Sarah Beaulieu, a Univer- Today, we recognize that this policy According to Ettinger, “For the most
sity of the Fraser Valley instructor and a of assimilation was wrong, has caused part, most other countries will regard the
ground-penetrating radar (GPR) specialist great harm and has no place in our discovery of Indigenous graves as a mat-
experienced at surveying Indigenous and country. The government of Canada ter of domestic Canadian affairs.”
municipal cemeteries. She explained that sincerely apologizes and asks the Perhaps Canadians are now aware of
GPR is not an X-ray; it reveals soil dis- forgiveness of the Aboriginal peoples the residential schools and are uncom-
turbances, not necessarily organic matter of this country for failing them so fortable. Roger Epp, professor of political
such as human remains or coffins. While profoundly. We are sorry. science at the University of Alberta, says it
disturbed soil is not exclusive to burials, Source: CBC Archives should “set limits around the classic Cana-
it “can give indications of burials if they dian temptation to imagine that, in foreign
are in an area where burials are suspected policy, we are rightly positioned on the
to exist.” side of the angels, that we stand for the
The results are used in conjunction with York Times, The Washington Post and Al kind of higher principles on which a better
oral histories, a known cemetery or other Jazeera hung the story under headlines world will get built.”
evidence to determine if further searches crafted to get eyeballs on pages, such as What others think they know about
are warranted. By Beaulieu’s estimate, the “Horrible History: Mass Grave of Indig- Canada is less important than what we
Kamloops location revealed 200 suspected enous Children Reported in Canada” understand about ourselves. As Epp
graves in a two-acre (.8-hectare) portion of (NYT, May 28.) Reader comments sug- notes, there aren’t countries with settler-
a 60-acre (24-hectare) site where excava- gested many read only the headlines. The colonial histories that have shown a better
tions and assessments had been done two Washington Post noted “one of the darkest way to address their history or re-building
decades ago. chapters of Canada’s history”; France 24 their relations with Indigenous peoples.
GPR surveys at other sites revealed focused on national shock; UK dailies crit- As to whether international reaction could
more suspected graves, including 182 at icized the Catholic church’s role. German create barriers to healing and reconcilia-
the Kootenay Residential School in B.C., media avoided referring to mass graves or tion, Epp says “some days, the [barriers]
which former chief Sophie Pierre said they genocide. we’ve built for ourselves seem imposing
had always known about. There were few official statements; enough.”
Cowessess First Nation in Saskatch- countries with dark histories shouldn’t
ewan located 751 graves. Chief Cadmus point fingers. France and Britain share Laura Neilson Bonikowsky is an Alberta
Delorme emphasized unmarked graves, the residential school history. In the U.S., writer who learned about Canada’s resi-
not a mass grave, and suggested the Cath- Native Americans leveraged the situation dential schools in middle school.
Reading Liberia books developed by CODE in partnership with local authors and illustrators feature prominently in the Girls’ Accelerated Learning
Initiative, which aims to help over-age girls master literacy and numeracy skills. Without this program, girls such as Annie and Sarah, above from left,
who are too old for their grade, are at high risk of never completing primary school as they contend with many social and economic barriers.
race hunches over her desk to literacy. Amongst over-age students — school, they are likely to never learn to
write. Watching her, it seems she’s those whose learning is truncated by late read in later years.
trying to hide her size and blend entry into the school system and early Over-age girls such as Grace have the
into the sea of much younger and smaller departure during adolescence — the rate odds stacked against them. They suffer
children around her. She’s 16 and sitting is often higher. This example of Learning under the weight of compounding pres-
in a Grade 1 classroom in rural Liberia. Poverty, as defined by the World Bank sures and multiple barriers to success.
If you were to flip through her notebook, and UNESCO, is the inability to read and A late start in school finds them in over-
you would be impressed by her penman- understand a simple text by age 10. Learn- crowded and desperately under-resourced
ship. She has mastered the art of copying ing Poverty has catastrophic downstream classrooms where teachers often lack the
notes from the chipped chalkboard. Grace impacts on children like Grace. skill to cater to their unique pedagogical
shows up every day, conquering her The ability to read is a foundational needs. A lack of parental support, feel-
shame and determined to learn. stepping-stone, a gateway skill that allows ings of low self-worth, low family literacy
So, what’s holding her back? She can’t students to progress successfully through and mounting social pressures push girls
read. school and to realize their potential as into unwanted sexual activity, teen preg-
In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 88 per literate, empowered and self-reliant citi- nancy, early marriages and into the labour
cent, or 202 million children, are not zens. Conversely, if children can’t read by market to support their families. Unless
meeting minimum proficiency levels in age 10, or at least by the end of primary something changes, girls such as Grace
quickly drop out and are relegated to a life Over the past four years, the program tending school.
of poverty. has been refined and adapted with feed- While primary education in public
As in other post-conflict countries, in back from teachers, students and other schools is free in Liberia, the costs of uni-
Liberia, over-age enrolment remains a civil local stakeholders. Attendance challenges forms, school supplies and transportation
war legacy. But there are other persistent have been minimized through enhanced can be prohibitive and force families to
economic and social challenges that con- parental engagement and the introduction make difficult choices.
tribute to the high prevalence of children of snacks and sanitary pads. Professional Perhaps traditional cultural norms
getting a later start in school. For girls, in development for GALI teachers, introduc- would have dictated that one of Mary’s
particular, this includes a disproportion- tion of more girl-centric learning materials brothers be given the opportunity, but see-
ate burden of care for younger siblings and mobile learning labs have created en- ing Mary’s rapid promotion from Grade
and household chores, as well as safety vironments where girls are thriving. 2 (where she remained age 14) to Grade 4
concerns when girls need to travel a long In CODE’s most recent GALI cohort, 77 over the course of one academic year has
distance to school. per cent of girls were promoted two grade Mary’s mother convinced that her educa-
Over-age enrolment in Liberia is the levels in a single year and 22 per cent were tion is worth supporting.
highest in sub-Saharan Africa, with 74 per
cent of students (both girls and boys) too
old for their grade. And although the inci-
dence of over-age enrolment is nearly the
same for boys and girls, girls face a greater
risk of dropping out sooner for the many
reasons noted above.
Over-age girls need to advance quickly
if they are to have a fighting chance at
completing primary school and success-
fully transitioning into higher levels of
education. And that is precisely what
the Girls’ Accelerated Learning Initiative
(GALI) aims to do.
The program, established by CODE (an
Ottawa-based international development
organization) and its local partner, the WE-
CARE Foundation in Monrovia, aims to
give girls like Grace an academic lifeline.
The program presently provides 383
over-age girls at 25 primary schools in
Bomi, Margibi and Montserrado counties
in Liberia with daily after-school small-
group tutoring to accelerate their learning Every day after school, Ms. Kemokai works with a group of five over-age girls at Dominic Hena
Primary School in Liberia to help them succeed academically and develop important life skills.
and equip them with valuable life skills.
Through the program and the girls’ hard
work, girls are quickly and confidently promoted one grade. The latter may not GALI demands significant awareness-
advanced to more age-appropriate grades. seem surprising, however many would raising among parents and community
Each of 75 specially trained teachers have dropped out or been held back with- members, culminating in formal permis-
receives a modest stipend to work closely out the additional support. While statistics sion being granted for their daughters to
with a group of five over-age girls over the show a good measure of success, it’s the participate in the after-school programs.
course of the academic year. They focus on stories and voices of participating girls Without parental support and permis-
mastery of foundational literacy and nu- that show the far-reaching impacts of this sion, attendance in after-school programs
meracy skills and provide remedial sup- modest program. So, we are delighted to would be erratic or start off strong and
port for learning in other subject areas as introduce you to three current GALI girls. then taper off as the year goes on. Girls
well. Given that participating girls tend to are in high demand after school to help
be 12 to 16 years old and in Grades 1 to 3 Mary, 15 with chores and income generation, and
when they enter the program, inclusion of Shifting the norm allowing them to stay at school longer is
gender-specific topics such as menstrual “If you don’t go to school, you will not no small commitment for these families.
hygiene management and gender equality eat….” threatens Mary’s mother in a stern An interesting and notable driver of
are also a critical element of the program. voice when Mary drags her heels in the parental interest in GALI has been the in-
GALI was first piloted in five schools in morning. troduction of mobile learning labs into the
2017 at the behest of the WE-CARE Foun- This kind of parental “encouragement” program at select schools, which give the
dation. The high demand and exceptional for girls to attend school is often still the girls access to a carefully curated assort-
potential were quickly recognized, and exception rather than the rule. As in much ment of high-quality books, videos and
the following year, GALI was expanded of the Global South, in Liberia, pervasive games through a solar-powered RACHEL-
to an additional 20 schools with support cultural norms diminish the perceived Plus wireless server and tablets. The digi-
from the Montreal-based 60 million girls value of educating girls. Amongst her tal divide is significant in Liberia, and yet
foundation. siblings, Mary is the only one currently at- there is recognition amongst many parents
that familiarity with technology provides begin the new academic year in Novem- that to include fluency, comprehension
a significant advantage to their girls. ber as a 7th-grader in junior high school. and critical thinking. The teachers CODE
For Mary’s part, she required no con- Sarah has come a very long way academi- trains to facilitate GALI focus on develop-
vincing to take part in GALI. She describes cally and, just as important, in her feelings ing the entire spectrum of literacy skills,
herself as “happy” for having been se- of confidence and self-worth. thereby helping to nurture girls to become
lected, and says that the program has When Sarah first joined GALI in 2017, problem-solvers and eager learners.
helped her “feel good about herself.” she was a 10-year-old sitting in a Grade With only 32 per cent of girls transi-
The friendships she has made with the 1 classroom. Having already repeated tioning to junior high school in Liberia
other four girls in her GALI pod are the Grade 1 twice before, she was struggling (and only 11 per cent from the poorest
sorts that are bound to last a lifetime. The to learn and to advance. With her parents households), Sarah is already defying the
girls open up during their lifeskills lessons not seeing the “return” on their decision to odds. While GALI has helped to nurture
about difficult subjects such as puberty enrol Sarah in school, her days in the class- her academic success, it’s Sarah’s intrinsic
and sexual health, and turn to each other room were most likely numbered. motivation, conscientious work ethic and
for academic support. Through GALI’s small-group tutoring, light-hearted sense of humour that will
get her further than she may ever have
dared to hope.
Blessing, age 14
Determined to learn
Blessing grew up living with her mother
“in the interior” — a rural area where she
wasn’t given the chance to go to school.
At age 12, her father brought her to the
city and enrolled her in school for the first
time. Despite her late start, Blessing is de-
termined to follow in the footsteps of her
older sisters, both of whom are currently
in high school.
Blessing was selected to participate
in GALI one year ago, and has since ad-
vanced two grade levels. It hasn’t been an
easy road as schools in Liberia remained
closed due to the pandemic between Sep-
tember and December 2020, and, upon
reopening, introduced a condensed school
year, including weekend classes.
It’s well documented that girls are dis-
proportionately impacted by large-scale
disruptions to schooling, whether civil
unrest or health-related emergencies. After
For Mary, learning to read with the support of the GALI has been a critical stepping stone in her the Ebola crisis in 2015, for instance, the
academic journey. Now that she has learned to read, she can read to learn. percentage of out-of-school girls in Liberia
rose from 8 per cent to 21 per cent. To help
It’s this camaraderie and the safe space Sarah’s learning accelerated and double prevent learning loss, but also to maxi-
that GALI creates that help the girls not promotions over a two-year period got her mize their chances of returning to school,
only thrive in their studies, but also gain comfortably into Grade 5. And although CODE adapted the GALI program to en-
a sense of empowerment that helps them she exited the academic portion of the pro- courage girls to keep on learning at home.
challenge norms and assert their rights gram at that time, making way for other Between September and December
now and well into the future. over-age girls awaiting the opportunity, 2020, CODE and WE-CARE Foundation
she continued to participate in Friday distributed monthly at-home learning kits
Sarah, 14 sessions focused on sexual health and to GALI participants containing reading
Defying the odds lifeskills development. books, academic workbooks with grade-
Sarah confidently strode out of the class- Underlying Sarah’s success was her specific content for language arts, math,
room where she had just concluded sitting mastery of foundational literacy skills, a science and social studies, as well as sta-
for the Liberia Primary School Certificate gateway to learning in all other subject tionery and hygiene supplies, including
Examination, which tests knowledge of areas. Sarah explains in her own words: “I hand sanitizer and face masks.
science, language arts, social studies and was very excited [to join GALI] because I Along with the kits, GALI teachers es-
mathematics. knew that it was going to benefit me in the tablished contact, where possible, with the
The sun was shining brightly, reflecting future. Knowing how to read and write… five girls in their respective GALI pods,
her buoyant spirits. “I know I passed,” she can further my understanding of lessons.” and regularly checked in to provide help
declared to Yvonne Weah, program direc- Literacy is about mastering the basics — with self-study. Despite the additional
tor with the WE-CARE Foundation. ABCs, letter sounds, decoding and word supports, 19 per cent of GALI participants
If Sarah’s prediction is true, she will recognition — but it goes well beyond did not return when school reopened,
demonstrating just how significant the school year ahead will be far less tumultu- Over the past three years, GALI has
challenge is. ous than last year’s. demonstrated that remedial lessons and
Although Blessing’s parents are illiter- lifeskills development opportunities for
ate, she received support from her siblings Hope for the future over-aged girls need not be difficult or ex-
in completing her at-home study activi- In 1992, Lawrence Summers, then-chief pensive to make a positive impact.
ties, and returned to school without delay economist at the World Bank, said, “In- For girls like Blessing, Sarah and Mary,
in January 2021. With the resumption of vestment in girls’ education may well be GALI has been an educational lifeline
GALI, her grades improved dramatically the highest return investment available in that has set them on a solid track toward
— from failing in all subjects to meeting the developing world.” Although much primary school completion and transi-
the 80 per cent minimum requirement for time has passed, this statement rings tion into higher grades. But beyond the
accelerated promotion. Midway through as true today as it did when it was first immediate benefits, we know that invest-
the year, she was promoted to Grade 3 made. ment in girls’ education creates a virtuous
and then to Grade 4 at year end. Great strides have been taken globally circle over time: The children of literate
In November, with the start of the new in advancing girls’ education, and the mothers are more than twice as likely to
academic year, Blessing will find herself momentum continues to build. Earlier go to school themselves. By supporting
sitting proudly in a Grade 4 classroom. this year at the G7 in Cornwall, England, this generation of girls, we are also sup-
While she credits her GALI teacher Ms. world leaders defined two new global porting the next, through compounding
Watson’s careful explanations for much goals for girls’ education, one of which is benefits in education, health and economic
of her success in mastering fundamental “20 million more girls reading by age 10 prosperity.
literacy and numeracy skills over the past or by the end of primary school by 2026.”
year, she notes it’s the math games avail- Significant funding commitments fol- Claire Wanjiru Bolton joined CODE in
able on the mobile learning lab tablets that lowed from both donor and national gov- 2012 and is presently a program man-
have injected a dose of fun and excitement ernments through the Global Partnership ager. CODE (formerly the Canadian
into her learning. for Education’s Global Education Summit. Organization for Development through
Blessing will have an opportunity to Meanwhile, within the framework for Education) has been championing chil-
continue diving into the wealth of inter- the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, dren’s literacy as a foundational building
active content available on the tablets, as and with careful consideration of national block of quality education for more than
well as benefit from Ms. Watson’s tute- education priorities, organizations such 60 years. Our partnership with the Libe-
lage over the coming year. We hope, for as CODE and the WE-CARE Foundation rian WE-CARE Foundation spans more
her sake and that of all students, that the continue to do their part. than a decade. www.code.ngo
oon after Peter Westmacott arrived
in Turkey as British ambassador, a
bomb razed Pera House, the Brit-
ish consulate general in Istanbul. Twelve
consulate employees died in the 2003 at-
tack, and three people in the vicinity. Had
the timing been a few days earlier, when
Westmacott and his wife were visiting the
building, they would have been among
the casualties.
It’s a reminder that the life of diplomats
— though often perceived to be focused
on pomp, protocol and pleasantries — can
also be dangerous. It is not just super-
power representatives (specifically Ameri-
cans) who are the targets of protest and
sometimes violence abroad.
Nor is it just the superpowers that have
global interests and priorities, as Westma-
cott’s biography of a British envoy shows.
Much of the focus of this book is on Lon-
don’s herculean attempts over many years
to resolve the festering tension in divided
Cyprus and assist Turkey in joining the
European Union — an effort that has so
far failed (and is now more than a little
Peter Westmacott's new book provides insights from a British envoy abroad. He served as
ironic, given that Britons themselves have
British ambassador to France, Turkey and the U.S.
left the European fold).
Westmacott joined what was then the
understand their needs as well as your counting the number of cabinet minis- Freed in his retirement of the bonds of
own,” writes Westmacott, surely alluding ters and permanent secretaries she had self-restraint, Westmacott has a few choice
to what he thinks is unique about success- brought with her who had been so unable words about his country’s most significant
ful diplomats, too. to answer her questions that she had had global action in recent years: its decision to
Westmacott’s insights include short, to get the answers from the first secretary leave the European Union. To Westmacott,
telling anecdotes. For instance, he was kneeling at her feet.” It was a technique Brexit was a clear mistake that has dimin-
friendly with British prime minister Tony Thatcher, a woman operating in a man’s ished the U.K.’s standing in the world. If
Blair, who came to Paris regularly even world, sometimes used to keep her people only the British government listened more
after he had left No. 10 Downing Street. in their place. closely to its diplomats.
In 2008, Blair, then out of office, was asked In mid-career, Westmacott took a job as
to give a speech to Nicolas Sarkozy’s po- deputy private secretary to The Prince of Sovereignty: The Biography of a Claim
litical party in Paris. “He arrived on an Wales. Rumours swirled about the tattered By Peter H. Russell
overnight flight from the Middle East, suf- relationship between Prince Charles and UTP Insights, University of Toronto
Princess Diana, yet his respect for both Press, 2021
is clear. “On trips abroad, ambassadors 192 pages
wanted the prince to be given the keys of Kindle: $16.63
the city, attend receptions and shake lots Hardcover: $29.65
of hands, while he — and the princess
— wanted to make a difference, engage Almost 50 years ago, professor Peter H.
with businesspeople and cultural leaders, Russell was approached by members of
promote environmental projects and con- the Dene Nation for help in dealing with
servation, or set up local versions of vol- the threat that a pipeline would be built
unteering. My role was to try to get others in Canada’s North. Although he had been
to understand what [his] agenda was, and teaching political science since the late
to make my principals feel that their time 1950s, Russell writes that he had never
was being well spent.” heard of the Dene. When its representa-
He adds: “ … on a series of global is- tives asked him two specific questions
sues like inequality, social cohesion, [cor- —“What is sovereignty?” and “How did
porate social responsibility,] the survival the Queen get it over us?” — he was at a
of endangered species and the future of loss to provide helpful answers.
our planet, the Prince of Wales was al- Addressing these questions in the
ready years ahead of his time.”
Peter Westmacott joined Britain’s foreign service Not included in this book, no doubt
in 1972 when it was called the British Foreign because it wasn’t directly part of Westma-
and Commonwealth Office.
cott’s brief, is discussion of Britain’s role in
the Commonwealth. Indeed, only one Ca-
fering from an unpleasant throat infection. nadian prime minister is even mentioned
After putting the speech he had written — Stephen Harper — during a brief seg-
on the plane into French with the help of ment describing a particularly busy day
his translator, he put on his suit, went to at the British Embassy in Paris. (This may
wash his hands in an elegant but vintage speak to the relative importance accorded
bathroom … and was promptly soaked Canada by world powers).
by the overhead shower. Hairdryer to the For all the world events in which the
rescue, we did our best to tidy him up and author had a front-row seat — the Falk-
sent the former prime minister on his way lands invasion, the Gulf wars, the Arab
with a throat so sore he was barely able to Spring, the Obama years, for instance —
speak. None of the several thousand UMP Westmacott is also determined to describe
[Union pour un Mouvement Populaire] the “soft” side of diplomacy. He is inter-
supporters who heard him speak, power- ested in and often describes the architec-
fully and in excellent French, were any the ture of British embassies abroad. He plays
wiser.” tourist, and passes on his observations: context of Canada’s relationship with
Then there was Margaret Thatcher, “We skied at 4,000 metres in the Alburz its Indigenous population spurred his
whom Westmacott saw in action when Mountains just north of Tehran.” “It decades-long research into the nature
he was a junior foreign officer. Travelling would have been a terrible waste to spend of sovereignty — its history, evolution,
abroad, she liked to talk through the is- four years in France and not develop some advantages and pitfalls — and how it
sues with her team the night before formal appreciation of its wonderful wines” and applies globally and to groups, such as
meetings, over a glass of whisky. On one so forth. Such travelogue paints a life of Indigenous peoples, not subsumed by the
occasion, she asked a technical question privilege, but it is also part of what diplo- Westphalian notion of sovereign states. He
and no one could answer — except West- mats do — aside from helping nationals in soon concluded that the Crown had ac-
macott, a lowly first secretary sitting on distress, pushing business and commercial quired sovereignty over the Dene through
the floor. After he offered up the informa- interests, gathering and sharing intelli- “trickery” and “fraud.”
tion she wanted, “the prime minister went gence with allies and trying, so genteelly, They’re powerful words from an aca-
round the room, wagging her finger and to influence policy in their host countries. demic. And while you’d think a book
Author Peter H. Russell moves his exposition on sovereignty along smoothly, exploring European history from Charlemagne through the Thirty Years’
War and the French Revolution, whose storming of the Bastille is pictured here.
about sovereignty (and its relatives such helped spread nationalistic pride. When Britain in the 1830s handed over
as federalism and constitutionalism) While the strengthening of sovereignty to the Canadian colonial government re-
might be dry reading, Russell moves among nations lent coherence and iden- sponsibility for Indigenous peoples, their
this exposition along smartly, touring tity, it also made it easier for European plight worsened, through “dishonest use
European history from Charlemagne to countries to start what Russell calls “the of treaties,” the Indian Act and the intro-
the Thirty Years’ War, through the French global scramble for wealth and power” duction of residential schools. “No other
Revolution and into the age of imperial — also known as expansionism and colo- settler country tried so systematically to
expansion, with nods along the way to nialism. Nations claimed new territories force Indigenous peoples to assimilate
Jean Bodin, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques to prevent other sovereign states from with the dominant settler culture, or in-
Rousseau, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Ed- reaping any of the benefits associated with vested as many resources in that under-
mund Burke, Francisco de Vitoria and them, and if those new lands happened to taking.”
other thinkers. be populated prior to their “discovery,” How, in the modern world of nation
Sovereignty, writes Russell, is a claim well, European thinking held that “only states, might one respect the sovereignty
to be the highest source of legitimate civilized people were entitled to self- of Canada’s first people? Here, Russell
power, but as a claim, “it can be resisted; government.” A land could be claimed on touts the virtues of federalism, in which
a claim is only as good as its acceptance any of three principles: “terra nullius” (the entities within a country — provinces and
by others.” The European notion of sov- assertion that there was no one else there); territories, for example — are treated as
ereignty at first rested with the Christian conquest; or cession. Russell notes with equal political partners under a federal
God, then was channelled to the monarch, dismay that these principles were applied umbrella. “Treaty federalism,” he feels,
eventually passing during the revolution- to both North America and New Zealand can give the descendants of this country’s
ary age between 1760 and 1800 to “the in what he terms “fake history.” The lands original peoples a large measure of self-
people.” Ideas about sovereign states had weren’t devoid of people; no one was ever rule.
been strengthened over the centuries by “conquered”; and Indigenous peoples Sovereignty, being a “claim,” is never
Gutenburg’s invention of the printing certainly did not cede their land by any an absolute, he reminds us. Globally, there
press, which homogenized languages and accepted definition of the term. are precedents for one state or a cluster
of states to challenge the actions of oth- government with its own independent au-
ers: the Genocide Convention, the World thority to address grave issues of concern
Bank and the WTO all were created with to all humankind.
this need in mind. The European Union “So I end my book by expressing the
crowds into aspects of individual state hope that the next step in the biography
sovereignty (at least in the eyes of the of the sovereignty claim is the consumma-
United Kingdom, which voted to leave it.) tion of a global marriage between sover-
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate eignty and federalism,” he writes.
Change presses its signatories to achieve High hopes. What would the Dene
greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and think?
so forth.
There are also limits to sovereignty: The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s
Individual states cannot prevent nuclear Guide to Changing the World
war, solve the world’s growing migration By Séverine Autesserre
and refugee crisis or perhaps even prop- Oxford University Press, 2021
erly manage global pandemics. For this, 240 pages
nations must act in concert. Thus Russell Kindle: $15.12
ends his “biography of a claim” on a bit Hardcover: $27.95
of a jarring note — a quick argument in
favour of some sort of world government In the last five years, armed conflicts have
to counter “the incapacity of sovereign flared in more than 50 regions around
states.” This powerful world govern- the world, affecting two billion people,
ment would be “organized on a federal costing at least US $10 trillion a year and
Two Life & Peace Institute representatives conduct inter-community dialogue in Democratic Republic
of Congo. Author Séverine Autesserre lauds the organization’s work in that country.
basis, one in which sovereign nation states sparking the worst global refugee crisis
maintain their self-rule over most matters since the Second World War. The United
of importance to their citizens, but at the Nations has 100,000 peacekeepers de-
same time join together to create a global ployed and urgent peace or truce nego-
tiations regularly take place between the pared to neighbouring provinces. Its own of localized peace initiatives that have
top belligerents. Humanitarian and non- citizens have long fostered this culture. worked — from Liberia to Somaliland,
governmental organizations rush to war And they have done it without the as- to Timor-Leste to local Israel/Palestinian
zones to provide aid to victims. sistance of national governments or big pacts (yes, even there) — but she is care-
With so much at stake, you’d think the humanitarian programs. ful not to present them as utopian fixes or,
experts would by now have developed “When there is a conflict that individu- in many cases, permanent solutions. Nor
more effective ways to quell the violence als or families cannot resolve by them- does she shut out conventional notions of
that devastates lives decade after de- selves, instead of calling the police or peace-building. What she is emphasizing
cade. Instead, asserts researcher Séverine the army or resorting to violence, people is that leaders negotiating at high levels
Autesserre, these high-level élites often reach out to religious networks, traditional often have no accurate sense of what is
end up fooling themselves: an agreement institutions, youth groups, elders’ groups, happening on the ground; and on-the-
is signed; foreign workers and aid money women’s groups, and so on,” she writes. ground conflicts, while sometimes tied to
pour in — all looks good on paper. Yet the “Village elders, along with the village or exacerbated by national geo-politics,
misery continues. Why? Can it be fixed? chiefs, have historically helped to assuage are often focused on specific local tensions
In some of the least likely places on the local tensions … In recent years, everyday
planet, local people are answering in the citizens have also formed dozens of small
affirmative, showing that there is a bet- clubs and community organizations, and
ter path forward than relying solely on they have done so without any funding.”
“Peace Inc.,” which is Autesserre’s term Local superstitions and beliefs help,
for the conventional methods, culture too: In the case of Idjwi, there is a strong
and approach of the UN-NGO-diplomatic tradition of blood pacts between families,
community. A 20-year veteran of on-the- and there is a widely held belief that the
ground peacebuilding projects in war guardians of ancestral power live there.
zones, she has the examples to prove it. Both do wonders for discouraging blood-
The sprawling Democratic Republic of shed.
the Congo (DRC) is one of these unlikely Outsiders generally don’t learn how
these kinds of characteristics can buttress
peace in a given community unless they
take time — often years — to listen and
learn, slowly earning local trust. In an-
other example Autesserre cites, residents
of a rural part of South Kivu province
were facing a sharp increase in kidnap-
pings, murders, rape and torture. About that can be resolved regardless of who’s
100,000 people in more than 50 villages sitting down for dinner with whom at the
were affected. The local farmers’ associa- UN.
tion approached Life & Peace Institute (a The work can also often be done
rare NGO that was doing things right) for cheaply, but the key is taking the lead
support, then spent huge periods of time from the people who are themselves most
talking to kidnapping and other victims affected by the violence, those whose
about the perpetrators, who were appar- voices are often least likely to be heard.
ently rebels from neighbouring Rwanda. They have the most at stake for resolving
They were consistently told there were conflict, and quite probably the most real-
10,000 or perhaps 100,000 insurgents. istic notions of how it can be done.
To the local people researching this, And they are willing to work at it over
places. Since independence from Belgium the number sounded odd. So they kept the long-term; unlike the “Peacelanders”
in 1960, Congo has been pummelled at patiently asking questions, and eventu- in foreign NGOs or political and diplo-
various times by ethnic and social clashes, ally discovered that these figures were matic circles, they can’t board a plane and
corrupt and dictatorial government, civil used because the perpetrators had told leave.
war, rebel infiltrations and brutal regional people to use them. “In fact,” a farmers’
conflicts involving its nine neighbour- association leader told the author, “they Preventing the Next Pandemic: Vaccine
ing nations. It is the 11th least-developed are no more than 15 people, and they are Diplomacy in a Time of Anti-science
country on Earth. Drawn-out, high-level not from the Democratic Forces for the By Peter J. Hotez
peace talks have been hit-and-miss in Liberation of Rwanda, they are a dissident Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021
terms of making people’s lives safer. group called Rasta.” This was the sort of 208 pages
Yet during her years there, Autesserre information, he noted, that “foreigners Hardcover: $35.30
discovered grassroots peace projects that could never get.” Kindle: $27.49
worked extraordinarily well in specific But using it, Congolese troops were
regions. One was on the island of Idjwi on able to kill a handful of the Rasta gang and “Infectious and tropical diseases are now
Lake Kivu, which borders Rwanda. While scare the others away. The villages slowly abruptly arising in multiple hot spot areas
Idjwi has its share of crime — domestic re-established ties to each other, and re- across the globe,” writes Peter J. Hotez.
assaults, public brawls, prejudice between built their once-terrorized communities. And it’s mostly because of 21st-Century
tribes, etc. — it is a “haven of peace” com- Autesserre offers lots of other examples forces: war, poverty, climate change,
An American-Iranian dual national who that before them, terrorism was seen in
spent her childhood in Tehran, then the West mostly as a “niche phenomenon,
her high school and college years in the something that happened ‘over there’,”
United States, journalist Tara Kangarlou Phil Gurksi writes. It didn’t seem like part
quickly realized the one-dimensional of our own lives. Public perception has
views Westerners, and Americans in par- changed vastly since then; these days, it
ticular, have of Iran. As a journalist and a is rare for news media not to mention in-
“daughter of Persia,” she aims to change cidents or threats of some sort. Still, in the
this, with a series of detailed, absorbing West, terrorism is not an existential threat
portraits of everyday Iranians. as it is in many countries (the Taliban hav-
While her book also provides a useful ing just illustrated this in Afghanistan.)
lay person’s history of Iran, it is not, she But it is still important — often front
stresses, a political book. Indeed, through and centre in our psyche — and this book
the people she interviews and portrays, from Gurski, who spent more than 30
she wants readers to conclude “there is years working in Canada’s security intelli-
so much more that connects us as human gence community, is a useful introduction
beings than what divides us on the global to how our government thinks and ap-
stage.” proaches those episodes when this is not a
urbanization and anti-science views. CO- “peaceable kingdom.”
VID-19 is but one example. Hotez argues The Peaceable Kingdom?
that a concerted focus on “vaccine diplo- A History of Terrorism in Canada from Christina Spencer is the editorial pages
macy” might be part of the solution. Confederation to the Present editor of the Ottawa Citizen and the in-
As a one-time U.S. science envoy for Phil Gurski augural recipient of the Claude Ryan
the Middle East and North Africa, Hotez Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Award for Editorial Writing at the 2017
describes the concept as “simultaneous Ltd., 2021 National Newspaper Awards. She has a
scientific and diplomatic opportunities 242 pages master’s in international affairs from the
between nations, with an overriding objec- Paperback: $25 Norman Paterson School of International
tive to jointly develop and test vaccines as Affairs at Carleton University and is a
a means to promote health, security, and This year is the 20th anniversary of the past winner of a National Newspaper
peace.” The author then cites examples of 9/11 attacks, and it is hard to remember Award for international reporting.
how this has worked and can in future.
Well and good, but Canada’s recent ex-
perience attempting to develop a COVID
vaccine in concert with China might give
one pause.
A dry, federal compendium is the launching point for Laure Bourgault’s “canadas” at AXENÉO7 in Gatineau.
oncurrent exhibitions at AXENÉO7 Almost all premiers had been opposed to
may challenge a viewer’s sense of the Charter as an incursion on provincial
how Canada looks, and how it is jurisdictions, and none more than Que-
governed. bec’s René Lévesque.
The exhibitions, which run Nov. 3 to Overnight on Nov. 4, 1981, after
Dec. 11 at the artist-run centre in Gatineau, Lévesque and his delegation had re-
include Laure Bourgault’s canadas, and turned to Gatineau, Trudeau’s team dog-
Peter Simon Belleau’s Pour Quelques Arpents de gedly won support for the Charter from
Neige (For a Few Acres of Snow). the other premiers. The next morning
Belleau’s exhibition revisits, 40 years Lévesque, outraged at what he saw as
Editor’s note: All dates and times are tenta- later, a notorious moment in Canada’s po- backstabbing by other premiers, decried it
tive, as pandemic public health rules evolve. litical history, when prime minister Pierre as “the night of the long knives” — a pro-
Please contact galleries before visiting to Trudeau, behind Quebec’s back, turned vocative label, given its origin in a night
learn of any changes. the provincial premiers toward support of extreme violence by the Nazi party in
for the new and bitterly contested Ca- Germany in 1934.
nadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Outside of Quebec, the event and its
Simon Belleau’s For A Few Acres of Snow reconsiders an infamous night in Canadian political history.
players are better known as “the Kitchen gault considers “the type of images and ligions were banned. Our land occupied.
cabinet” or “Kitchen Accord,” which de- texts used to put forward a certain vision Our languages silenced. Yet we remain.
scribe the politicos who pushed Trudeau’s of Canadianness — a large space with It is through family knowledge, the per-
deals through overnight. “Kitchen cab- pristine nature, harmonious and open sistence of our art, renewed relationships
inet” has its own distasteful historic to the world. Bourgault’s launching pad with the land and the reclaiming of spiri-
connotations from the ignominious ad- is the book Canada 1970, a sort of state- tual traditions that our children will come
ministration of American president An- of-the-union compendium published in to know the ways of our ancestors.”
drew Jackson. the early 1970s by the federal Dominion The display continues to August 2022 at
“I am interested in the irony of the dis- Bureau of Statistics (precursor to Statistics the museum, 100 rue Laurier in Gatineau.
tinction between these two terms, which Canada). historymuseum.ca
nevertheless refer to the same event,” “Through paintings, poetic texts and
Belleau writes. “Two very distinct terms, sculptural elements inspired by Brutalist An out-of-gallery installation
which nevertheless name the same event,” architecture,” the notes say, “the exhibition The National Gallery of Canada is making
and are a starting point to consider “the reworks the official Canadian rhetoric in superlative use of its unintended places
framing of political and historical events order to propose a critical re-reading.” — meaning, places that are not built as
within a larger public consciousness, the AXENÉO7 is at 80 rue Hanson in Gatin- exhibition galleries, per se. The rotunda
tension between individual and collective eau. axeneo7.qc.ca that’s outside the doors to the cafeteria, for
narratives, and the relationship between example, is once again home to an ambi-
historical and physical time.” Interns showing the way tious and beautiful installation.
Belleau takes the title for his exhibition Not far from AXENÉO7 at the Canadian Symphony, by the Brooklyn-based Ca-
from Voltaire, who disdained France’s de- Museum of History, a team of Indigenous nadian-Jamaican artist Tau Lewis, is a new
termination to colonize Canada — “a few interns “invite you to witness the sparks addition to the gallery’s Contemporary
acres of snow.” To mark the 40th anniver- currently reigniting the flames of our cul- Projects series. It’s part of Lewis’s ongoing
sary of the notorious night, Belleau “takes tures.” Their display is titled Rekindled — work known as T.A.U.B.I.S., or the Trium-
on the role of director,” the exhibition Tradition, Modernity and Transformation in phant Alliance of the Ubiquitous Blossoms
notes say, “creating a multidisciplinary Indigenous Cultures. of Incarnate Souls. Symphony is the sov-
installation that retraces this almost Shake- “Following centuries of disruption, ereign of T.A.U.B.I.S., and she is built of
spearean episode in Canadian history.” our nations have struggled to assert their many flowers, each one containing a soul
In the exhibition canadas, Laure Bour- cultures,” the group’s notes say. “Our re- that has been inducted into the alliance,
RBC Indigenous Internship Program co-ordinator Gaëlle Mollen, left, at the Canadian Museum of History, with interns Sarah Monnier,
Kaitlyn Stephens, Shaun Canute and Skylar-James Wall. Their display, titled Rekindled — Tradition, Modernity and Transformation in
Indigenous Cultures, invites you to “witness the sparks currently reigniting the flames of our cultures.”
A detail of Tau Lewis’s Symphony at the National Gallery An image from Playing Dead, an intensely
of Canada. intimate exhibition by Project X Award winner
Joyce Crago, at the Ottawa Art Gallery.
Andrew Morrow’s Here’s A Place To Start is scheduled to open in November at Studio 66 in the Glebe.
Drew Klassen’s work shows at Galerie St-Laurent + Hill in the ByWard Market. Onwards (But Not Forgotten), by Ava Margueritte at the School of
Photographic Arts: Ottawa (SPAO).
“an institution similar to sainthood. They SPAO: Stay Silent Run Deep, Nov. 5 to Dec. Sivarulrasa Gallery: Constructs — Eric
regulate the moral compass of the Uni- 19, 77 Pamilla St. Artists Ava Margueritte, Walker and Louis Thériault, to Oct. 29, 34
verse,” she writes. Margo McDiarmid, Shaelynn Tredenick Mill St., Almonte. Walker and Thériault
Responding to the legacy of the Black and Steven West completed residencies at offer distinctive perspectives on transpor-
diaspora, Lewis’s textile works “are
exuberant and lively sculptures, stitched
together from discarded materials that
have been revived by Lewis’s hand,”
writes Jack Levinson, of the Night Gallery
in Los Angeles, in the National Gallery’s
magazine, Muse. “Immersed in falling
blossoms, Lewis’s stunning sculptures cre-
ate a new world from scraps of our shared
history, bridging the terrestrial and the
celestial, the intimate and the communal,
the archival and the imagined.”
Symphony continues to at least January,
with an exact closing date TBA. 380 Sussex
Dr., gallery.ca
Burrata Persimmon Stacks with Caviar are a heavenly starter for any meal.
decade, burrata cheese — a cloud-like season (or any time of the year), thrill
ball made of cream and mozzarella — has your family and guests with my crunchy,
become a darling of serious chefs, usually addictive and scrumptious peanut butter
paired with luscious tomatoes. Instead, chocolates. They are certain to become ev-
I surprise guests with a unique burrata eryone’s new favourite. Bon Appetit!
persimmon stack with caviar, delivering
exquisite and complex colours, textures Burrata Persimmon Stacks with Caviar
and flavours. Keep in mind that only ripe Makes 4 servings
Hachiya persimmons should be used
in this recipe. They appear on grocery For many, persimmons remain a rather
his issue features three recipes that shelves in October and are gone by mid- unfamiliar fruit. They tend to make their
illustrate my determination to con- February. Next, my inviting escargots and appearance on the market primarily from
tinue introducing originality into orzo with portobello are always a win- October until February. But what does
my culinary repertoire. Over the past ner. And, when preparing for the holiday one do with persimmons? Here, I share a
a jelly-like texture and a tangy-sweet fla- 1 cup (250 ml) orzo 4. Cook orzo in an abundant amount of
vour. 1/3 cup (80 ml) soft garlic butter, divided salted boiling water over medium heat
** Option: Black mullet and herring roes To taste, salt until al dente (about 7 to 8 minutes); drain
(or similar types of black roe). 4 large portobello mushroom caps (diam- well. (Makes about 2½ cups or 625 ml.)
Scrumptious Peanut Butter Chocolates are good for the holidays or for any occasion.
Toss with just 2 tsp (10 ml) garlic butter chives arranged in an “X” formation 5. Using a melon baller (capacity: 1 tsp
and salt to taste; set aside. across the top of the stack. or 5 ml), scoop and level off portions of
5. Meanwhile, to make the Instant Goat’s the mixture, pressing down firmly to
Cheese Sauce, break up goat’s cheese in Scrumptious Peanut Butter Chocolates create small domes. Place the peanut but-
a small bowl. Dissolve chicken bouillon Makes 20 chocolates ter domes on a parchment paper-lined
powder in hot water; gradually whisk tray and place in the freezer for at least a
only a sufficient amount (e.g., 6 tbsp or Peanut butter lovers will want to check couple of hours.
90 ml) into the goat’s cheese to form a out this unique recipe that combines white 6. Place white chocolate in a microwave-
smooth, creamy sauce. (Makes about 4/5 chocolate with the nutty spread. safe bowl and soften gradually in a mi-
cup or 200 ml.) crowave oven at medium heat, stirring
6. Rub all surfaces of mushroom caps (as 6 tbsp (90 ml) smooth peanut butter well every 15 seconds until the chocolate
required) with remaining soft garlic butter. ¼ tsp (1 ml) maple extract is quite soft, but definitely not melted. Re-
7. In a couple of large nonstick skillets 2 tbsp (30 ml) icing sugar move from microwave oven and stir until
over medium heat, sauté the whole por- ½ cup (125 ml) lightly crushed Rice Krisp- the chocolate is smooth and creamy. (Note:
tobello mushroom caps on both sides, ies cereal The chocolate should be thick to facilitate
seasoning them with salt and crushed ½ cup (125 ml) very finely chopped wal- coating of the domes.)
black peppercorns. Cook until barely 2/3 nuts 7. Working with a few peanut butter
done; remove from heat. (Note: mush- 6 oz (175 g) white chocolate domes at a time, remove them from the
room caps should be rather firm.) Trans- 2 oz (60g) dark chocolate (preferably bit- freezer, dip into the chocolate and coat
fer sautéed mushroom caps (underside tersweet), optional completely. Transfer to a wax paper-lined
up) to 4 individual dinner plates. Drizzle tray and refrigerate.
any mushroom drippings into inverted 1. Place peanut butter in a bowl. Add 8. When the white chocolate coating is set,
caps. maple extract and combine thoroughly if desired, decorate* the chocolates with
8. Heat spinach leaves in a microwave before adding the icing sugar and blend- melted dark chocolate and refrigerate to
oven for a matter of seconds only to soften ing it in well. set.
slightly. (Spinach should still look fresh.) 2. Gradually, add crushed Rice Krispies, 9. Store the peanut butter chocolates in a
Season with salt and crushed black pep- incorporating them well into the peanut single layer in an airtight plastic container
percorns, drizzle with garlic-infused olive butter mixture after each addition. lined with wax paper and refrigerate until
oil and toss. 3. Finally, incorporate the chopped wal- ready to serve.
Non-heads of mission
Austria Cuba Takeshi Nukui Qatar
Thomas Sindelar Henry Torres Torres First secretary Nasser Hamad H.H Al-Khulaifi
Assistant attaché Attaché Second secretary
Hiraku Uzawa
Bangladesh Germany Third secretary Romania
Sharmin Sultana Chrisin Furtwaengler Marius Badea
First secretary First secretary Kazakhstan Attaché
Amirbek Alibi
Bolivia Manuel Furtwaengler Second Secretary Saudi Arabia
Sorka Jannet Copa Romero First secretary Abdulaziz Mohammed H.
Second secretary Latvia Albadi
France Edgars Kaktins Chargé d’affaires
China Frank Marchetti Third secretary
Jianwei Li Minister-counsellor Hassan Alsaadi
Second secretary Mongolia Attaché
Honduras Uyanga Dorjsuren
Hanzhao Pang Sandra Isabel Mata Echeverri Counsellor Fouad Abdrabbo A. Alzahrani
Counsellor Minister Attaché
Ben Tian Hungary Rojina Tamrakar Mohammed Abdulhamid M.
Second secretary Anna Erzsebet Miklos Counsellor/ deputy chief of Khan
Second counsellor mission Third secretary
Juan Jose Alvarez Lopez Viktoria Kontra Nigeria Turkey
First secretary Attaché Remigius Obioma Nzewuji Anil Gumusarda
Minister First secretary
Pablo Castagnino Japan
Counsellor Shigeki Kobayashi Rhema Jummai Dungus
First secretary Olayemi
First secretary
86 FALL 2021 | OCT-NOV-DEC
espite being the first step in open-
ing a bottle of wine, the closure
is often the last thing that we put
any thought into.
Traditionally, cork has been the closure
of choice as it provides a near-airtight seal
that allows minute oxygen interplay, a
necessity for wines that require long cel-
laring times, aiding the evolution of the
wine’s fruit set anywhere from leathered
to honeyed, softening tannins and round-
ing out acidities; think an aged Barolo or
Mosel Riesling.
Natural cork is a cylindrically bored
layer of the cork oak’s bark. These are
considered best for long-term ageing com-
pared to agglomerated corks, which use
the trimmings and dusts leftover from the
cork-cutting process, reconstituted with Frank Cornelissen makes his natural wine in these hills of Sicily.
food-safe materials.
The downside of cork is, of course, too much oxygen in too quickly. cork, secondary wine regions were left
corked wine. Cork taint’s chemical com- Frank Cornelissen, a natural wine- with poor-quality corks, resulting in regu-
pound (trichloroanisole, or TCA) occurs maker in Sicily, known for his volcanic larly corked and faulty wines. As such, it
when processing the wood with antimi- terroir-driven wines, employs a highly almost seems as though Australia passed
crobial agents. At its best, cork taint will engineered hybrid closure. Cornelissen a law that all closures on its wines should
mute a wine’s bouquet, while at its worst, finds that this bullet-shaped capsule gives be Stelvins. Even today, more than 85 per
it will leave it smelling of musty basement a consistent result throughout vintages cent of Australian wines are under Stelvin.
and wet cardboard. Improvements in the while still allowing a minute amount of What was once a small economy based
industry’s production have lowered in- air interplay and preventing cork taint; a on supplying the local villages with bar-
stances of TCA: depending on where you seemingly goldilocks solution. rels of wine has evolved throughout the
read it, 3 per cent to 8 per cent of all wines Beyond the practical applications, cap- years as globalization and wine has per-
are corked — enough to allow guests at sule types have a financial and environ- meated cultures and national boundaries.
restaurants to taste the wine before they mental impact as well. Cork can only be Shipping supply routes have changed
buy and occurring in high- and low-end harvested from quarter-century-old trees and lighter glass is used to offset carbon
wines indiscriminately. every nine years. Synthetic corks were footprints. Liquor laws have been imple-
Synthetic closure manufacturers push traditionally plastic-based while a grow- mented that were previously unnecessary.
this narrative along, highlighting their ing number of environmentally friendly This past century has seen an explo-
ability to prevent TCA spoilage. While alternatives are becoming available. Not sion in advancements in chemical use and
screw caps — Stelvins — offer a hermetic only does a natural cork cost the most, it agricultural equipment, and yet the cork,
seal, their ability to store wines for any also looks the nicest. From a marketing a simple and effective closure, has yet to
length of time is still hotly debated. Some standpoint, Stelvin enclosures still face the be topped.
winemakers bottle their still wines under inaccurate assertion that it means that the
crown cap, much like a beer or sparkling wine is cheap. When Tristan Bragaglia-Murdock isn’t
wine as they’re meant for more immediate In the 1970s, due to high market de- talking wine and pulling corks at Fauna,
enjoyment. Synthetic corks, too, are best mands for Birkenstocks, along with estab- chances are his nose is either in a glass or
for short-term storage as they can allow lished wine countries demanding the best in a wine book.
Eliminate them with simple
saline injections.
A striving team
of 10 Doctors
Monday - Friday
1335, avenue Carling, suite 600
613 722-0101
1. 2.
5. 3.
1. Japan’s Foreign Press Centre presented an online briefing about the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, by Yuriko
Koike, governor of Tokyo. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 2. The Embassy of Poland planted a tree in memory of Polish
composer Krzysztof Penderecki at Confederation Park. The event was organized in co-operation with the Na-
tional Capital Commission. Polish Ambassador Andrzej Kurnicki (left) and deputy mayor Laura Dudas spoke.
(Photo: Ülle Baum) 3. A commemoration ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks took
place at the U.S. ambassador’s residence. Arnold Chacon, U.S. chargé d'affaires, spoke. (Photo: Ülle Baum)
4. United Arab Emirates Ambassador Fahad Saeed Al Raqbani, shown here, hosted a virtual session on EXPO
2020 Dubai, featuring guest speaker Hayat Shamsuddin, senior vice-president of EXPO pavilions and exhibi-
tions. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 5. On the occasion of the Constitution Day of Slovakia, Ambassador Vit Koziak and
his wife, Janka Koziakova, took part in a virtual presentation. Slovak Foreign Minister Ivan Korcok, shown here,
spoke. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 6. The Embassy of Paraguay hosted a national day celebration of Paraguayan folk-
lore, food and drink at 1 Elgin St. First secretary and chargé d'affaires Victoria Mariel Franco Carvallo spoke.
(Photo: Ülle Baum)
1. 2.
1. The embassies of Latvia and Lithuania hosted a Balts Unity Day celebration. From left: Latvian Ambassador
Karlis Eihenbaums; Lithuanian Ambassador Darius Skusevicius; Polish Ambassador Andrzej Kurnicki; Ukrainian
minister-counsellor Andrii Bukvych; Antoine Pouliot, desk officer for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at Global
Affairs Canada; Paul Laanemets, member of the Estonian Central Council in Canada; and Hélène Cayer,
Algonquin woman and member of the Friends of Library and Archives Canada. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 2. From
left, Darius Skusevicius and Karlis Eihenbaums at Balts Unity Day. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 3. Black Ribbon Day was
marked at Parliament Hill. Diplomats from Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine
and Lithuania attended. Inga Miskinyte, second secretary at the Lithuanian Embassy, spoke. (Photo: Ülle Baum)
4. To mark the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Ambassador Cong
Peiwu spoke at a virtual reception. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 5. To mark 50 years of scientific and technological co-
operation between Germany and Canada, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and the German Embassy
presented a webinar. The event marked the launch of the German-Canadian Herzberg Network. Markus Rex,
physicist and leader of the MOSAiC Expedition, spoke. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 6. To mark the 205th anniversary of
Argentine independence, Ambassador Maria Josefina Martinez Gramuglia hosted a wreath-laying ceremony
before the statue of Gen. José de San Martin at Minto Park. (Photo: Ülle Baum)
1. 2.
5. 3.
1. The Embassy of the Philippines organized a vernissage for Perspectives and Experimentation in Visual Arts
featuring artworks by Alan Deniega, minister and consul-general; Jeffrey Salik, first secretary and consul; and
Maria Teresa Narbuada. Here, Jeffrey Salik stands in front of his paintings. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 2. During the 2021
Korean Week in Canada, the Embassy of Korea and the Korean Culture Centre organized an outdoor concert
at Lansdowne Casino Lac-Leamy Plaza featuring a string quartet and a traditional Korean musical performance.
Here, Hyunyoung Roa Lee plays a gayageum, a Korean zither with 12 strings. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 3. The Belgian
Embassy hosted an official unveiling of the mural Peace Flowers by Belgian artist Tom Cech, a gift from Belgium
to the City of Ottawa. From left: Johan Verkammen, then-Belgian ambassador, his wife Kathleen Billen and Ot-
tawa Mayor Jim Watson. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 4. The Lithuanian Embassy hosted an event marking the restoration
of Lithuanian-Canadian diplomatic relations at the Auditorium of the National Gallery of Canada. Mantas Ado-
menas, Lithuania’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, spoke. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 5. To mark the national day and
Korean Armed Forces Day, Ambassador Chang Keung Ryong and his wife, Suh Yong Suk, hosted a reception at
the Westin Hotel's Venue Twenty Two. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 6. To mark the day of German unity and to look back
on Angela Merkel's 16 years of leadership, the German Embassy, with the Munk School, presented a webinar.
Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser delivered opening remarks. (Photo: Ülle Baum)
1. A flag-raising ceremony to commemorate the bicentennial celebration of the independence several Central
American countries, including Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. This year, Panama
and Dominican Republic also joined in the event, which took place at Ottawa City Hall. From left: Ambassadors
Mauricio Ortiz Ortiz (Costa Rica), Romy Vasquez (Panama), Maurizio Carlo Gelli (Nicaragua), Sofia Cerrato
(Honduras), Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, Ambassadors Ricardo Alfonso Cisneros Rodriguez (El Salvador), Guisela
Atalida Godinez Sazo (Guatemala) and Michelle Cohen (Dominican Republic) attended. (Photo: Ülle Baum)
2. On the occasion of the 76th National Day of Vietnam, Ambassador Pham Cao Phong (right) and Madame
Van Thi Le Hien hosted a large in-person reception and photography exhibition at the Westin Hotel. (Photo:
Ülle Baum) 3. A full view of the Vietnam gathering, with social distancing. (Photo: Ülle Baum) 4. To mark the
76th Anniversary of Indonesia’s independence, chargé d'affaires Yulastiawarman Zakaria and his wife, Wiene
Andriyana, hosted a reception and a musical performance at Wisma Indonesia in Rockcliffe Park. (Photo: Ülle
Baum) 5. At the Indonesian event, third secretary I Made Diangga (left) and second secretary Sri Remaytin wear
traditional costumes. (Photo: Ülle Baum)
he fourth wave may be creating un-
certainty, and winter is on its way,
but there’s no reason we can’t get
out and about in the coming months. Our
travel recommendations this time keep
us mostly closer to home and include
multiple arts suggestions because the arts
bolster the heart and mind in precarious
McCord Museum features Parachute: stitution, features current exhibits on car- hagen (Nov. 4-7), which was to open just as
Subversive Fashion of the ’80s, an exhibit pet design and the use of design as a way the 2020 provincial lockdown descended,
starting in mid-November. The venerable to return colonized spaces to Indigenous tackles the moral dilemma inherent in a
McCord is hosting other shows, including peoples. Don’t miss the outdoor sculpture 1941 meeting between a German and a
the permanent Indigenous Voices of Today: garden, which is at once an urban garden Danish scientist about the atomic bomb.
Knowledge, Trauma, Resilience and, over and an outdoor museum. On Dec. 11 only, NAC Indigenous Theatre
Christmas, Enchanted Worlds, a trip back to presents Tomson Highway: Kisaageetin
the wonderful seasonal window exhibits Live theatre — journeying into others’ (I love you/Je t’aime), a musical/literary
once mounted by Montreal’s Ogilvy’s de- lives: Bit by bit, Ottawa theatre companies celebration with the playwright/author/
Breaking the Frame in Toronto: If you’re Wildlife in the city: You could commis-
in Toronto before Jan. 16, 2022, leave time sion Ottawa artist Christopher Griffin to
for a visit to the North American debut create a work you’d treasure forever. Al-
of Breaking the Frame at the Royal Ontario ternatively, and for free, you can just drive
Museum. The photo exhibit showcases to spots like the underpass at Bronson and
Riverside and revel in the natural world
depicted in his art. Griffin, well-known for
his painting and sculpture, has enlivened
many of Ottawa’s dull concrete structures
with birds, fish, raccoons and other ani-
mals. At Bronson and Riverside, there are
peregrine falcon etchings and sculptures.
You’ll spot a raccoon etching at the Glebe
Community Centre and reptiles, birds
and others at the four-level Glebe Garage
NAC Indigenous Theatre presents Tomson
Highway: Kisaageetin (I love you/Je t’aime), a
parkade on Second Avenue. A fish mural
musical/ literary celebration with the playwright/ emblazons a wall at 34 Brighton Ave. near
author/librettist Highway on piano. the Rideau River. Lumbering sculptures
of Blanding’s turtles enliven the Beaver-
brook branch of the Ottawa Public library
librettist Highway on piano, chanteuse in Kanata. And an unimaginative bit of
Patricia Cano and others. On Oct. 26 and graffiti at the Bayswater and Queensway
28, NAC French Theatre offers a stage underpass has been reworked by Grif-
adaptation of the dark Rêve et folie by Aus- A Bride Dances by Emilio Amero, a leading fin into an elegant horned animal that, if
trian expressionist poet Georg Trakl, who figure in the Mexican Modern art movement, you look closely, still displays the original
died in 1914 at the age of 27 from a cocaine who died in 1976. This vintage gelatin silver graffiti tags. Griffin has good reason for
overdose. NAC Theatre, 1-844-985-2787 print is showing at the Royal Ontario Museum relying on animals in his transforma-
in Toronto until Jan. 16, 2022. tion of uninteresting and even offensive
Small town joys: Why do small towns public spaces through art. “They’re fun
seem to revive the spirit of even the most works from the Solander collection of for me and there’s a spiritual quality to
die-hard urbanite or suburbanite? Maybe mostly vintage prints of the last two them and an innocence and broad appeal.
visiting them feels like a reconnection centuries. The collection focuses on in- They’re a way to connect with nature,” he
with some long-buried part of our past ternational traditions, underrepresented says. You’ll also find what he calls “semi-
when community and a simpler life could and forgotten artists, ethnic diversity public” pieces scattered around the city,
be taken for granted. Fortunately, small and women. The exhibit includes one of including a whale sculpture at Flora Hall
towns abound within an hour’s drive of the earliest photographs by a female art- Brewing and a painting at Planet Coffee.
Ottawa, and the fall is a lovely time to ist, works from West African and Indian
make the trek. Wakefield, Que., is home to photo studios, and names such as Ansel Patrick Langston is an Ottawa writer
a glorious red covered bridge, restaurants Adams, Robert Frank and Dorothea who loves the arts, boulders and the ro-
and shops, occasional intimate concerts Lange. mance of the open road.
at the Blacksheep Inn, and the unfussy
MacLaren Cemetery, where former prime
minister Lester B. Pearson is buried. The
pretty towns of Almonte and Pakenham,
Celebration time
A listing of the national and independence days marked by countries
100 FALL 2021 | OCT-NOV-DEC
Photographer Mike Beedell: “The greater snow goose is a large, hardy migratory bird that travels from the Atlantic Seaboard and Gulf of Mexico to the
Arctic islands of Canada and the west coast of Greenland every year. Snow geese raise their young on the tundra vegetation in the high Arctic before
migrating back south in the fall. They nest within 820 kilometres of the North Pole and there are more than 800,000 in existence. The biggest colony in
the world is on Bylot Island in Canada’s Northwest Passage, where more than 200,000 geese nest annually. These rugged geese lay three to five eggs
and, within hours, the goslings leave the nest and forage with parental supervision. One-day-old goslings can walk 30 kilometres in a day. Two of the
finest observation sights for the fall migration spectacle are at Cap Tourmente and Baie du Febvre, Que.