3 Tétel-Weather

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The environment and the weather

Hungary has a continental climate. This means that the weather is quite easily predictable
and there are big differences between the weather in the four seasons: spring, summer,
autumn and winter.
Winter is normally cold. It can be snowy, windy, icy, rainy and sometimes even foggy. The
period of daylight is the shortest in winter.
In autumn the weather slowly starts turning cold. The days are getting shorter and the
mornings are especially chilly. September can be very hot, (which we call Indian summer)
but it can change overnight. It can be extremely foggy, rainy, icy, freezing, windy and even
The summer is the hottest season. In normal conditions, most of the time it is dry and sunny,
but sometimes it can be rainy and humid as well. However, there are days, when the heat is

Now let me tell you about my favourite season which is spring. It’s warmer than the winter,
but not too hot as in the summer. The weather is very changeable and unpredictable, it can
be windy, sunny, warm, cold, rainy, humid, freezing, stormy and sometimes even snowy.

I love this season because I was born in spring and it feels like the Nature is waking from its
winter sleep and that looks very beautiful. The sun shines more and more and we can switch
from winter clothes to lighter clothing. When the weather gets very good, I always sunbathe
because my skin gets tanned very easily. I like going hiking, cycling and running in spring,
because the temperature is just ideal for these activities, and much better than in the
summer, when it can be too hot and humid. I visit open-air entertainment facilities with my
friends and my family.

Finally, what I don’t like about spring is that this time flowers bloom and I am allergic to the
pollens they produce, so I have a very hard time in spring, because I can’t normally breathe.
As I said earlier, spring is also very unpredictable, so one day it’s sunny, and the next day
everything might be covered in snow. Bugs/bogarak/ and insects/rovarok/ also return in
spring. The changeability and unpredictability of the weather make people depressed,
impatient or angry. People often get sick, because they get dressed like in the summer.

Weather affects my mood. It is quite distressing/szorongó/ when the sky is overcast and I
become depressed and low-spirited. A sunny day, however, can put me in a good mood.

England has a maritime climate, which means that the weather is very wet and rainy there.

Bad weather conditions usually mean that the crops/termény/ will be of poor quality or
there will be no crops at all. Hungary has a rather low rainfall but the number of sunny hours
is quite high. We haven’t had enough precipitation/csapadék/ for the past few years so we
had to irrigate/öntözni/ the fields to get a good yield/hozam,termés/.The Hungarian climate
is the most favorable for cereals, forage crops/takarmánynövények/ such as maize and
lucerne, root crops like potatoes or sugar beet for example, and lots of kinds of vegetables
and fruit, mainly green peppers, grapes and apples.

Factories, power stations, cars and other type of public transports pump large quantities of
CO2 and other waste gases into the air. This is the major cause of greenhouse effect. A lot of
petrol contains lean, which is very poisinous and can cause brain damage in children. But
luckly, many people now prefer to use unleaded petrol.
Some poisonous gases dissolve in/feloldódik vmiben/ water in the atmosphere and then fall
to the earth as acid rain. Not only acid rain dameges trees and buildings, but also can be
harmful for the meraine life, especially for fishes in the rivers and lakes. However, rivers can
also be polluted by industrial waste from factories.

One of the main effects of pollution is global warming, it causes the changes in our climate
and makes temperature rise. This leads to many problems for humans, plants and animals.
Global warming has been present since the end of the 19th century, but we are still not
doing enough to stop it. We are still polluting our earth.

Global warming:
Global warming means an increase in the world’s temperature, a rise in the sea level and
also the melting of ice caps. Due to the depletion/kimerülés/ of the ozone layer, global
warming is one of the most threatening issues concering the environment. Basically
/alapjában véve/, it was caused by the different gases the humans produce /termel/ with
their factories, cars burning and even with household appliances /háztartási eszközök/ like
the refrigerator /hűtőszekrény/or even only with a simple deodorant /dezodor/

Ozone layer:
Gases, like Freon start to devastate/elpusztít/ the ozon layer part by part, and this is what
should not happen. The ozon layer is like an enormous bubble around the Earth, and it is
what keeps most of the gases, like the oxygen inside. Also, this layer stops the dangerous
ultraviola ray, which can burn the skin or cause skin cancer. Without the ozon layer we
would not be able to breathe, to go out of the house or even to find a green spot/hely/
somewhere around, because it prevents the planet from/megakadályoz/

When we produce several kinds of gases, like carbon-dioxide, some of these gases
reflect/visszaverődik/ from the ozon layer and get stuck inside of it. That’s why the avarage
temperature rises everywhere.

The three main kinds of pollution are: air, water and land pollution.

Air pollution:
Air is polluted by natural activities like forest fires and volcanic eruptions/kitörések/, but
unfortunately, human activity is even more polluting. Our consumer society is based on
manufacturing/gyártás/. We need factories to produce the things we buy and power plants
for electricity, which emit/kibocsát/ high levels of carbon monoxide, methane and other
cemicals into the air through the fumes and smoke that come out of their chimneys/kéméy/.
Burning fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal for transportation also results in smog and serious
air pollution. Not only these causes climate change,but also respiratory and lung disases.

Water pollution:
In many parts of the world sewage is allowed to flow into the rivers or lakes and waste is
deposited in the sea.

Land pollution:
Using poisonous substances in farming, like insecticides/rovarírtók/ or artificial
fertilizers/mesterséges műtrágyák/, is one of the main reasons of land pollution. These kinds
of substances get into the soil, plants that we and the animals eat, and also into our water
sources. To prevent land pollution we should recycling, buy biodegradable product

All in all, we really should think of our future, maybe we can’t always see the scary marks,
but a snowless winter in Hungary or plants blooming in the middle of winter, is very

It is disheartening/lehangoló/ to know that more than 100 animal species are endangered
worldwide and this number is ever-increasing/állandóan növekvő/. These species include
elephants hunted for their ivory/agyar/, the giant panda and the black rhinoceros. Whales
and gorillas are also endangered due to excessive huntin or the loss of their

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