Coffee Fermentation: Rosane Freitas Schwan Cristina F Silva
Coffee Fermentation: Rosane Freitas Schwan Cristina F Silva
Coffee Fermentation: Rosane Freitas Schwan Cristina F Silva
Coffee Fermentation
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Rosane Freitas Schwan, Cristina Ferreira Silva, and Luis Roberto Batista Batista
42.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 677
42.2 Coffea Arabica and C. canephora................................................................................................ 678
42.3 Postharvest Processing of Coffee Fruits and Beverage Quality................................................... 678
42.3.1 Dry or Natural Process..................................................................................................... 678
42.3.2 Wet Process...................................................................................................................... 680
42.3.3 Semidry Process............................................................................................................... 681
42.3.4 Storage of Green Beans.................................................................................................... 681
42.4 Microorganisms Present in Coffee Fruits..................................................................................... 682
42.4.1 Bacteria............................................................................................................................. 682
42.4.2 Yeasts................................................................................................................................ 683
42.4.3 Filamentous Fungi............................................................................................................ 683 Ochratoxin A–Producing Toxigenic Fungi....................................................... 684
42.5 Microbiota of Wet Processed, Depulped, and Washed Coffee..................................................... 684
42.5.1 Bacteria............................................................................................................................. 685
42.5.2 Yeasts................................................................................................................................ 685
42.6 Final Considerations..................................................................................................................... 686
References............................................................................................................................................... 687
42.1 Introduction
Originally, coffee was grown in the Kaffa region in Ethiopia; later, in the early 17th century, the Dutch
spread it throughout Europe. Coffee reached North America in the beginning of the 17th century and
South and Central America in 1825. The habit of drinking coffee was developed in Arab culture, and the
coffee beverage was known only for its properties as a stimulant. Coffee fruit was consumed raw and fed
to herds as a stimulant while they were traveling. In 1000 AD, the Arabs began to prepare an infusion of
coffee cherries, boiling them in water. The roasting process was developed only in the 14th century, and
coffee finally became similar to today’s beverage (ABIC 2010).
As a beverage, coffee is characterized as energizing and nonalcoholic, with potential beneficial effects
on human health; it mainly acts as an antioxidant (Andueza et al. 2004). There are different types of
coffee beverages characterized by different nuances in terms of body, aroma, acidity, and astringency.
One hundred species are associated with the genus Coffea, but only two species are agroeconomically
important, Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora. Coffea dewevrei, C. congensis, C. eugenioides C.
kapakata, C. salvatrix, C. stenophyla, C. liberica, C. racemosa, and others are primarily used in genetic
crosses. Coffea arabica, known as Arabica in the coffee market, makes up 70% of total production vol-
ume, and C. canephora (Robusta coffee) is responsible for the remaining 30%. Currently, Brazil is the
largest producer of arabica coffees, followed by Colombia, Paraguay, Venezuela, Indonesia, Ethiopia,
India, Mexico, and 40 other countries. The United States, Brazil, and the European countries are the
major consumer markets.
TABLE 42.1
Chemical Compounds and Their Respective Concentrations Present in Coffee Beans Used
as Chemical Markers to Differentiate Between Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora
Chemical Markers (Dry Weight) Coffea arabica Coffea canephora
Sucrose 9.3 5.45
Putrescine-free (μg/g) 47.9 11.1
Linoleic acid (%) 6.1 3.7
Oleic acid (%) 8.3 12.3
Chlorogenic acids 4.1 11.3
Caffeine (%) 1–2 >3
β-Tocopherol (μg/g) 58.46 13.1
Fruit of coffee
Coffee fruits
Mechanical pulping
Green beans
Fruits of coffee
Mechanical pulping
Waste skin and pulp
(green, yellow green, cherry, dried). These types of fruit are separated by density during the fruit-wash-
ing phase. The fruits in the same maturity stage are placed on the threshing floor and remain there for
about 15–20 days, depending on weather conditions. The fruits are raked daily so that they will dry
evenly, and this process continues until they reach 11% and 12% humidity. This produces the so-called
green beans, which are stored in burlap sacks until marketing.
Several physicochemical, microbiological, agricultural, cultural, and processing- and storage-related
conditions can influence the final quality of the beverage. Natural coffees are more full-bodied and less
acidic than coffees processed using the wet method. The drying and storage of coffee fruit is important
to preserving the sensory and sanitary quality. Sanitary quality is preserved by reducing the water con-
tent and thus preventing colonization by toxigenic fungi during postprocessing. The drying temperature
also affects cell integrity. When the cells of the grains are broken, occur leakage of cellular material, and
quality decreases (Borem et al. 2008). Natural fruits cannot be stored above 40°C (Sfredo et al. 2005)
if they are to retain maximum quality, and the maximum possible storage time is 90 days (Coradi et al.
Roasted green beans will yield beverages that are softer, less viscous, and more acidic (Selmaret al.
2002) than natural coffees. The disadvantage of wet processing is the high consumption of water used to
pulp, ferment, and wash beans after fermentation.
The washed coffee beans have a chemical composition different from that of nonwashed beans
because the type of processing influences the metabolism of the seeds (Knopp et al. 2006). However,
environmental factors and genetic factors related to treatment, agricultural practices, soil and climatic
conditions, and technical procedures and postharvest fermentation time can influence the quality of the
washed coffee beverage. This is because environmental factors such as shading and altitude influence the
formation of aroma precursors such as proteins, amino acids, sucrose, triacylglycerols, chlorogenic acid,
and caffeine, as suggested by Vaast et al. (2006). The end of fermentation is determined by the producers
based on their tactile perceptions of the fruit. When the fruits are slippery, there is evidence of the pres-
ence of mucilage, indicating that fermentation should continue. However, tactile detection may fail, and
as a result, Jackels and Jackels (2005) propose the periodic measurement of pH value as an alternative.
When this parameter reaches a value of 4.6, this is indicative of the total release of mucilage and thus
the end of fermentation.
42.4.1 Bacteria
In natural coffee, some authors (Table 42.2) have identified the presence of Gram-negative and Gram-
positive bacteria; in the first days of fermentation, the average population found is 106 –109 CFU/g. Along
with the high bacteria count in natural coffee fruit, there is also a great deal of species diversity, some
native to the fruit, and so originating from the soil, agricultural tools, air, and water (Silva et al. 2008a).
Thus, some species present in the fruit may not be part of the fermentation process.
All species identified in coffee fruits at different stages of natural maturation and processing are listed
in the studies by Silva et al. (2000, 2008a,b). Among these species are Tatumella ptyseos, Pseudomonas
putrefaciens, P. mirabilis, Enterobacter aerogenes, Acinetobacter, and B. subtills (Silva et al. 2000,
2008a), and Paenibacillus amylolyticus (Sakiyama et al. 2001), which is an endophytic species that
presents pectin lyase activity and is therefore co-responsible for the fermentation of natural coffee, along
with some yeast species.
TABLE 42.2
Bacteria Species Identified During the Period of Natural (Dry) Fermentation Coffee Fruits
Reference Country Bacteria
Silva et al. (2000, 2008b) Brazil Gram-positive: Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, B. macerans, B.
Sakiyama et al. (2001) megaterium, B. stearothermophilus, B. laterosporus,
Vaughn (1958) Cellulomonas. Arthrobacter, Microbacterium, Brochothrix,
Dermabacter, Lactobacillus, Acinetobacter sp., B. polymyxa,
Kurthia, Paenibacillus amylolyticus
Gram-negative: Aeromonas, Enterobacter agglomerans,
Pseudomonas, Serratia rubidea, S. plymutica, Hafnia, Tatumella
ptyseos, Flavobacteriu, Klebsiella, Chromobacterium,
Pasteurella, Acinetobacter, Cedecea, Citrobacter, Shigella,
Providencia mirabilis
De Bruyne et al. (2007) Ethiopia Leuconostoc
Van Pee and Castelein (1972) Congo Erwinia dissolvens, Hafnia, Enterobacter aerogenes, E. cloacae,
The presence of organic acid from fermentation metabolism (acetic, lactic, butyric, and propionic
acids) confirms the microbial action in the fermentation process for natural coffees. In a study by Silva et
al. (2008a), the production of organic acids from microbial metabolism and seed via high-performance
liquid chromatography was assessed. In that study, it was observed that butyric acid is not detected in
any of the samples analyzed. The presence of this acid in coffee beans generally gives an unpleasant
flavor to the beverage and thus leads to quality loss. Acetic acid is detected mainly in the pulp and in
parts of the mucilage. Acetic acid production is an aerobic metabolic process that can be of bacterial ori-
gin or the product of the oxidation of yeast-produced alcohol. The bacteria present on the surface of the
coffee cherries synthesize the acid that can migrate to the pulp and mucilage and can interfere with the
organoleptic quality of the beans. The negative influence of bacteria on the quality of the coffee beverage
is linked to the species present and not to population density. In natural coffee, ruit rated very soft (i.e.,
as having optimal sensory quality), the bacterial population can represent up to 80% of total microbiota
during this process.
42.4.2 Yeasts
The yeast population in natural coffee is usually lower than the bacterial population, presenting aver-
age values of 104 CFU/g; it becomes predominant with the reduction of water activity during the drying
period and is detected in fruits with aw of 0.6. Pichia, Candida, and Arxula are the most commonly
found genera in fermented and dried fruits (Silva et al. 2000, 2008a). The species identified by Silva et
al. (2000, 2008a) on the surface of coffee fruits included Arxula adeninivorans, Blastobotrys prolifer-
ans, Candida auringiensis, C. glucosophila, C. incommunis, C. membranifaciens, C. paludigena, C.
schatarii, C. saitoana, Candida fermentati, C. vartiovaarae, Citeromyces matritensis, Debaryomyces
polymorphus, D. hansenii, Geotrichum fermentans, Pichia guilliermondii, Pichia acaciae, P. anom-
ala, P. burtonii, P. ciferii, P. jadinii, P. lynferdii, P. ofunaensis, P. sydowiorium, P. subpelliculosa,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomycopsis fermentans, S. fibuligera, Schizosaccharomyces cpombe,
Sporopachydermia cereana, Stephanoascus smithiae, Trichosporonoides oedocephales, and Williopsis
saturnus var. sargentensis.
The involvement of yeast species in the fermentation process and bacterial action can be assumed
based on their potential to produce pectin lyase and polygalacturonases. Of the identified species,
Debaryomyces hansenii, Pichia sydowiorium, Sthephanoascus smithiae, and Arxula adeninivorans are
those that have the capacity for pectin lyase production and that therefore cause degradation of the pulp
and mucilage of natural coffee fruit (fermentation) via pectinolytic bacteria). The role of yeast may be
related not just to the fermentation process but also to the control of filamentous fungi growth. Isolates
belonging to the genera Debaryomyces and Pichia have demonstrated the ability to inhibit the growth of
toxigenic fungi and may therefore have the potential for biological control (Ramos et al. 2010).
Central and South America, Asia, and Africa), Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, A. parasiti-
cus, A. sydowii, A. tamarii, A. terreus, Cladosporium cladosporioides, C. herbarum, C. macrocarpum,
Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium albidum, P. brevicompactum, P. chrysogenum, P. citrinum, P. cyclo-
pium, P. funiculosum, P. jensenii (Abdel-Hafez and El Maghraby 1992—Egypt), Aspergillus fumiga-
tus, A. niger, Fusarium graminearum, Penicillium granulatum (Liardon et al. 1992—Brazil), Mucor,
Cercospora, Phoma, Penicillium (Alves and Castro 1998—Brazil), A. carbonarius, A. niger, A. ochra-
ceus, Penicillium sp. (Taniwaki et al. 2003—Brazil), A. ochraceus, Aspergillus section Nigri, Rhizopus
(Pardo et al. 2004—Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Indonesia,
Ivory Coast, Java, Nicaragua, Uganda, and Vietnam), A. tubingensis, A. carbonarius, A. ochraceus, A.
sulphureus, A. tamari, A. niger, A. flavus (Magnani et al. 2005—Brazil), Cladosporium cladosporioi-
des (Chalfoun et al. 2007—Brazil), A. ochraceus, A. flavus, A. sulphureus, A. niger, A. versicolor, A.
sydowii, A. ostianus, A. melleus, A. dimorphicus, A. sclerotiorum, A. auricomus, A. foetidius, Eurotium
amstelodami, and E. chevalieri (Batista et al. 2001, 2007, 2009—Brazil), A. flavus, A. niger, A. ochra-
ceus, A. tamari, A. sydowii, A. foetidius, A. dimorphicus, Fusarium lateritium, F. solani, F. illudens, F.
stilboides, F. semitectum, P. brevicompactum, P. crustosum, P. roqueforti, P. citrinum, Cladosporium
cladosporioides, Paecelomyces sp. (Silva et al. 2000, 2008a,b—Brazil).
The microbial diversity of coffee beans in wet processing is lower than in dry processing due to
fermentation conditions like reduced fermentation time (48 hours), faster decreases in pH, and pulp
removal. The microbiota includes few species of bacteria and yeast and have been no reports of fila-
mentous fungi involved in the fermentation process. The greatest microbial diversity in washed coffee
fruits can be recognized using molecular techniques that allow the detection of culturable and uncultur-
able microorganisms. The molecular identification of microorganisms associated with coffee has been
performed by Vilela et al. (2010) for semidry processing and Masoud et al. (2004) for wet processing. In
semidry processing, microbial succession occurs, bacteria dominated at the beginning of the process, but
after 72 hours, bacteria and yeasts populations reach similar values (average 106 CFU/g), and the yeast
dominate after 192 hours of fermentation (Vilela et al. 2010). This process is similar to the process of
ecological succession described in Silva et al. (2008a), who observed that filamentous fungi were rarely
found in semidry processes.
42.5.1 Bacteria
Studies dating back to the 1920s have isolated bacteria, fungi, and yeasts from coffee fruits, but do not make
inferences about the involvement of microorganisms in mucilage degradation. Currently, there is still doubt
about the apparent involvement of bacteria in coffee fruit fermentation, and since 2002, no results that address
this issue have been published. An early study on the action of microorganisms present in coffee fermentation
was published in 1946 by Pederson and Breed (1946) using samples of coffee from Colombia and Mexico.
These authors isolated cocci and microaerophilic bacteria such as Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacillus
plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, and Streptococcus faecalis as facilitating the lysis of mucilage but not its
detachment. Agate and Bhat (1966) isolate and identify Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, and
Proteus from depulped coffees in India and state that these bacteria are not pectinolytic and are therefore not
involved in the process of fermentation of depulped fruits.
Avallone et al. (1999, 2001, 2002) have isolated bacteria from wet processed fruits and detect the
Gram-negative bacteria Erwinia and Klebsiella in a culture containing pectin, isolated from the coffee.
They were characterized by low pectinolytic capacity and produced pectate lyase. The authors support
the hypothesis that the presence of bacteria is facilitated by the consumption of simple sugars because
the production of pectate lyase keeps these bacteria from affecting the fruit mucilage; the bacteria that
produce polygalacturonase are rarely identified as Lactobacillus brevis. Microorganisms that facilitate
the degradation of mucilage must be capable of secreting pectin lyase and polygalacturonase due to the
methylated structure of pectin.
In semidry processing, 15 species, including Acinetobacter, Bacillus cereus, B. macerans, B. megate-
rium, B. subtilis, Enterobacter agglomerans, Erwinia herbicola, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Lactobacillus brevis, L. plantarum, Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and Serratia (Vilela et
al. 2010), have been identified using traditional and molecular methods. Some of these species have also been
identified in coffee cherries, possibly due to natural, common aspects of these two processes.
42.5.2 Yeasts
The population of yeasts in depulped coffees is greater than that of bacteria at the beginning of the fer-
mentation period, with a density close to 104 CFU/g that increases during fermentation, reaching a value
of 107 CFU/g (Masoud et al. 2004).
Of the studies that have been published on the isolation and the role of microorganisms in the fermen-
tation of depulped coffee, only the research by Avallone et al. (2001, 2002) has not inferred the degra-
dation of mucilage to be a product of the action of bacteria and/or yeast, which are responsible for the
production of ethanol in overfermented coffees. However, pectinolytic yeasts have been isolated during
the wet processing of coffee (Masoud and Jespersen 2006; Agate and Bhat 1966; Daivasikamani and
Kannan 1986; Van Pee and Castelein 1971) in both Robust and Arabic coffees.
Agate and Bhat (1966) observed that the yeasts found in Robust coffee beans from India are predomi-
nant over the population of bacteria. The yeasts Kluyveromyces, Saccharomyces sp., Saccharomyces
marxianus [Kluyveromyces marxianus (EC Hansen) van der Walt (1971)], S. bayanus, S. cerevisiae
var. ellipsoideus produce pectinases that degrade mucilage pectin. In that instance, it was impossible to
confirm the degradation of mucilage because the degradation of mucilage was not observed when the
depulped fruits were sterilized. Working with depulped coffees from the Congo, Van Pee and Castelein
(1971) have identified yeasts of the genus Candida, with C. guilliermondii var. membranaefaciens found
on the surface and mucilage of the grains; C. parapsilosis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Torulopsis famata
[Candida famata (Harrison) SA Meyer & Yarrow (Yarrow and Meyer 1978)], Saccharomyces marxianus
[Kluyveromyces marxianus (EC Hansen) van der Walt (1971)], Candida tropicalis, Rhodotorula muci-
laginosa, and Candida pelliculosa were found on the surface of grains.
The different types of pectinase produced by organisms can affect the degree of depolymerization of
the pectin components, which can then influence the selection of the dominant group of microorganisms
(Jones and Jones 1984). The depolymerization of pectin can be performed using the enzymes pectin
lyase, pectin methyl esterase, and polygalacturonase. Pectin from the fruit mucilage will be degraded via
pectin lyase and polygalacturonase.
The presence of Kluyveromyces marxianus in wastewater for fermentation tanks and of Pichia kluyv-
ery, P. anomala, Hanseniaspora uvarum with high pectinolytic capacity seems to enhance the action
of yeast during the fermentation process (Serrat et al. 2002; Masoud and Jespersen 2006). The latter
three species are capable of producing polygalacturonase in vitro under physicochemical conditions (pH
5.3–3.5 and 30°C) similar to those characteristic of the fermentation process. Thus, the authors conclude
that yeasts use mucilage pectin as a carbon source with simple sugars (glucose and fructose), inducing
polygalacturonase production.
Similarly, it has been observed that Pichia kluyvery, P. anomala, Hanseniaspora uvarum (Masoud
and Kaltoft 2006) have an inhibitory effect on the growth of Aspergillus ochraceus, a fungus that is
potentially toxigenic and is often isolated in coffee fruits and beans (Batista et al. 2009; Silva et al.
2008a,b). Thus, yeasts play a dual role during the processing of coffee fruits: they facilitate fermentation
and biological control.
Species identified in washed and natural coffee fruits have also been found in semidry processing
(Vilela et al. 2010). Pichia anomala have been shown to be similarly present in freshly harvested fruits
(104 CFU/g) and have persisted through the 216-hour-long fermentation process. The persistence of this
species may suggest the involvement of yeast in mucilage degradation. Other identified species include
Arxula sp., Candida ernobii, C. fukuyamaensis, C. membranifaciens, C. carpophila, Hanseniaspora
uvarum, Kloeckera, Kluyveromyces sp., Pichia caribbica, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Saccharomyces
bayanus, and Torulaspora delbrueckii.
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