Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science, Technology and Society

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Historical Antecedents in the

Course of Science, Technology and Society

Prepared by: Gail Chantel Spring

 reflects the period between the appearance of humans on the planet (roughly 2.5
million years ago) and 600 B.C. (Before Christ).

Christ was born

2.5 M 3000 BC 2500 BC 2000 BC 1500 BC 1000 BC 500 B.C 500 AD 1000 AD 1500 AD 2000 AD

Major Periods of the Prehistoric Era

1. The Stone Age - (2.5 million B.C. to 3000 B.C.)

A. Paleolithic Age- Old Stone Age
B. Neolithic Age- New Stone Age
2. The Age of Metal
A. The Bronze Age (3000 B.C. to 1300 B.C.)
B. The Iron Age (1300 B.C. to 600 B.C.)


• Used the process of “Trial and Error”
• Plant materials were among the treatments for
SORCERER their diseases

S • Believed in a combination of natural and

supernatural causes and treatments for
& SHAMAN conditions and diseases.

 Code of Hammurabi- (1792-1750/43 BC)
-contains 282 case laws (economic provisions,
family laws, criminal laws and civil laws).
-Law in the practice of medicine:
“If a physician performs a major operation on a
lord… and causes his death…. they shall cut off his

 Earliest Medical Prescription –(2112-2004 BC.

A. Egyptian Papyri
 Ebers papyrus (1550BC)- Egyptian medical papyrus
of herbal knowledge.
 Edwin Smith Papyrus –An ancient Egyptian medical
text and the oldest known surgical treatise for
wound, injuries and trauma.

B. Imhotep
 The first physician to emerge.
 The chancellor to the pharaoh Djoser.
 Architect of the Step Pyramid in Memphis intended
as the burial place of the Pharaoh.

C. Mummification
 is the process of preserving the body after death by
deliberately drying or embalming flesh and using
chemicals or natural preservatives.
• Thought that gods, demons, and spirits played a key role in
causing diseases.
• They used a combination of prayer and natural or non-
spiritual remedies.
• They have knowledge about bone structure, body organs,
musculoskeletal and some awareness of how the brain, live,
kidney and heart worked.
• Doctors also advised people to wash and shave their bodies
to prevent infections, to eat carefully, and to avoid unclean
animals and raw fish.
• Putting a plug of crocodile dung into the entrance of the
vagina, for example, was a method of birth control. People
also used dung to disperse evil spirits.
• Circumcision of baby boys was common practice.
• Bloodletting- believed that all illnesses stemmed from an
overabundance of blood, or plethora.
A. Vedas- Earliest concepts of Indian medicine were written
(probably 1500-1200 BC.)
B. Ayurveda (north )
- Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or
- emphasizes good health and prevention and treatment of
illness through lifestyle practices and the use of herbal
C. Siddha (South) – combination of spices and fruits, while
also using certain metals, minerals and chemical products
3. ANCIENT INDIA as their medicine.
D. The golden age of Indian medicine (800 BC to 1000
-Charaka-samhita (a physician) and Sushruta-samhita
(a surgeon).
F. The 5 procedures: the administration of emetics,
purgatives, water enemas, oil enemas, and sneezing
G. Leeching-the application of a living leech to the skin to
initiate blood flow or deplete blood from a localized area
of the body.
4. ANCIENT CHINA A. Concept of Yin-Yang (600BC)- aims to
prevent or heal disease by maintaining or
restoring yinyang balance. 
B. Acupuncture (2500 BC)- thin needles are
inserted at specific points in the body.
C. Acupressure -involves the application of
manual pressure (usually with the
fingertips) to specific points on the body.
D. Moxibustion- It is performed by burning
small cones of dried leaves on certain
designated points of the body.
E. Cupping- It involves placing hot cups on
the skin to create suction
F. Herbal Therapy – Tea prepared with
some combination of thousands of
medicinal plants or dried animal parts
(e.g., snakes, scorpions, insects, deer

Civilization emerged around 700 or 600 BC:

A. Doctors used the concept of “cause and effect”.
B. Hippocrates-The Father of Western medicine.
C. Pythagoras- believed the precise meaning of 4 and 7 in health
D. Asclepius- god of medicine and patron god of Asclepiades.
E. “Mens sana in corpore sano’’
meaning – Healthy in mind, health in body
F. The Four Humors- Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood.
G. Greek doctors became expert herbalists and prescribers of natural
H. Constant wars gave doctors experience in practical first aid, and
they became skilled experts at setting broken bones, fixing
dislocated limbs, and curing slipped discs.
•Roman Empire began around 800 B.C. and existed for around 1,200 years

• Greek influence in medical practice

Archagathus of Sparta- a greek medical practitioner, arrived in Rome in 219 B.C.
• Religion Played a big part in Roman Medical Practices
• Sanitation and public health facilities throughout the Empire. 
• They boil medical tools and prevent using them on more than one patient without cleansing.
• Galen-  prominent physician of the Roman Empire. He pursued Hippocrates' methods of
observation and research
III. Middle Ages
( 476 -A.D. 1450 AD )
• Islamic medicine built upon the legacies of Greek and Roman
physicians and scholars.
A. Al-Razi- The Father of Pediatrics.
-first to distinguish measles from smallpox, and he discovered
the chemical kerosene and several other compounds.
B. Ibn Sina (Avicenna)- wrote “the Canon of Medicine” a huge
medical encyclopedia
C. Ibn Nafis - wrote about the circulation of blood around the
body in the thirteenth century.
D. housed some of the first and most advanced hospitals from the
8th century, notably in Baghdad and Cairo.
E. Advanced the surgery- used cannabis and opium for
anesthesia, mercury and alcohol for antiseptics.
• “Dark Ages”- Life expectancy was 30-35 years and 1 in 5
children died at birth.
• Monks were the only people who could read & write
• Quality of medical practitioners was poor, & people rarely saw
a doctor.
• Midwives helped with childbirth.

2. Medieval Era in • The Church was an important institution.

• Doctors and nurses were members of religious orders and
EUROPE combined spiritual with physical healing.
• 1066 AD- The Universities of Oxford and Paris were
-Monarchs became owners of more territory
- Trade grew rapidly and towns formed.
• Crusaders traveled to middle east and learnt scientific
• Medieval physicians analyzed symptoms, examined excreta,
and made their diagnoses.
• Surgeons could treat fractures and dislocations, repair hernias,
and perform amputations and a few other operations.
(1450A.D- 1750 A.D)
Age of Discovery (A.D. 1400 to A.D. 1500 )
• Girolamo Fracastoro (1478–1553)- an Italian doctor and scholar,
suggested that epidemics may come from pathogens outside the
• Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564), a Flemish anatomist and
physician, wrote one of the most influential books on
human anatomy “De Humani Corporis Fabrica”
• William Harvey (1578–1657), an English doctor, was the first
person to properly describe the systemic circulation and properties
of blood.
1. RENAISSANCE • Paracelsus (1493–1541), a German-Swiss doctor, scholar, and
occultist, pioneered the use of minerals and chemicals in the body.
ERA • Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519), from Italy, an expert in
anatomy and made studies of tendons, muscles, bones, and other
features of the human body.
• Ambroise Paré (1510–1590), from France, helped lay the
foundations for modern forensic pathology and surgery
(cauterization, Ligatures, turpentine oil).
• Rene Descartes-(1596-1650) French philosopher, he promoted
the development of a new science grounded in observation and
AUTOPSY Maggot Therapy Cauterization

Trepanation Bloodletting
ENEMA QUARANTINE Urinary catheter-1752

Cataract Surgery Urethral syringe-1500

Age of Reason (A.D. 1650 to A.D. 1800)

• Edward Anthony Jenner (1749-1823) was an English

doctor and scientist, known as the pioneer of vaccinations.
He created the smallpox vaccine.
•  Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier- (1743-1794)- French
Chemist discovered the essential nature of oxygen and
clarified its relation to respiration.
• Antonie van Leeuwenhoek  ( 1632- 1723) -Dutch
2. THE Microscopist who was the first to
observe bacteria and protozoa.
ENLIGHTENMENT • Thomas Willis (1621-1675)- British physician  he is
known for his careful studies of the nervous system and of
various diseases.
• Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) German physician,
founder of the system of therapeutics known
as homeopathy.
Mechanical Clock- 1657 Microscope- 1590

Metal Syringe-1650 Mercury Thermometer- 1714

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• Synapses Medical (2019, July 15). A History of Medical Records in the Ancient World. Retrieved from:
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