Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science, Technology and Society
Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science, Technology and Society
Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science, Technology and Society
2.5 M 3000 BC 2500 BC 2000 BC 1500 BC 1000 BC 500 B.C 500 AD 1000 AD 1500 AD 2000 AD
Code of Hammurabi- (1792-1750/43 BC)
-contains 282 case laws (economic provisions,
family laws, criminal laws and civil laws).
-Law in the practice of medicine:
“If a physician performs a major operation on a
lord… and causes his death…. they shall cut off his
Earliest Medical Prescription –(2112-2004 BC.
A. Egyptian Papyri
Ebers papyrus (1550BC)- Egyptian medical papyrus
of herbal knowledge.
Edwin Smith Papyrus –An ancient Egyptian medical
text and the oldest known surgical treatise for
wound, injuries and trauma.
B. Imhotep
The first physician to emerge.
The chancellor to the pharaoh Djoser.
Architect of the Step Pyramid in Memphis intended
as the burial place of the Pharaoh.
C. Mummification
is the process of preserving the body after death by
deliberately drying or embalming flesh and using
chemicals or natural preservatives.
• Thought that gods, demons, and spirits played a key role in
causing diseases.
• They used a combination of prayer and natural or non-
spiritual remedies.
• They have knowledge about bone structure, body organs,
musculoskeletal and some awareness of how the brain, live,
kidney and heart worked.
• Doctors also advised people to wash and shave their bodies
to prevent infections, to eat carefully, and to avoid unclean
animals and raw fish.
• Putting a plug of crocodile dung into the entrance of the
vagina, for example, was a method of birth control. People
also used dung to disperse evil spirits.
• Circumcision of baby boys was common practice.
• Bloodletting- believed that all illnesses stemmed from an
overabundance of blood, or plethora.
A. Vedas- Earliest concepts of Indian medicine were written
(probably 1500-1200 BC.)
B. Ayurveda (north )
- Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or
- emphasizes good health and prevention and treatment of
illness through lifestyle practices and the use of herbal
C. Siddha (South) – combination of spices and fruits, while
also using certain metals, minerals and chemical products
3. ANCIENT INDIA as their medicine.
D. The golden age of Indian medicine (800 BC to 1000
-Charaka-samhita (a physician) and Sushruta-samhita
(a surgeon).
F. The 5 procedures: the administration of emetics,
purgatives, water enemas, oil enemas, and sneezing
G. Leeching-the application of a living leech to the skin to
initiate blood flow or deplete blood from a localized area
of the body.
4. ANCIENT CHINA A. Concept of Yin-Yang (600BC)- aims to
prevent or heal disease by maintaining or
restoring yinyang balance.
B. Acupuncture (2500 BC)- thin needles are
inserted at specific points in the body.
C. Acupressure -involves the application of
manual pressure (usually with the
fingertips) to specific points on the body.
D. Moxibustion- It is performed by burning
small cones of dried leaves on certain
designated points of the body.
E. Cupping- It involves placing hot cups on
the skin to create suction
F. Herbal Therapy – Tea prepared with
some combination of thousands of
medicinal plants or dried animal parts
(e.g., snakes, scorpions, insects, deer
Trepanation Bloodletting
ENEMA QUARANTINE Urinary catheter-1752