Jinky Tapaya - M1-ACT-3
Jinky Tapaya - M1-ACT-3
Jinky Tapaya - M1-ACT-3
B. The following are the different situations that happens on a badminton game. Read
and analyze each item, explain briefly your answers then write your answers on the space
provided. (20 points)
When you make a service fault, you lose the rally, and your opponent receives a rally point.
2. Is it a foul if I have 2 attempts at a shot but only make contact with the shuttle once?
It would be called a foul if you have two attempts in which your racket or body directly hit
the shuttle on the first attempt.
3. Is it legal to hold your racket straight up and down on your own side of the net to
block an opponent’s shot?
As long as the racket does not move over to your opponent's side of the court, it is not a foul.
It should be safe to drive your racket around your side of the court.
4. Is it legal to rush forward to smash the shuttle when your opponent makes a service?
Yes, but you must wait until your opponent serves before doing so. To be more specific, a
player must wait until the opponent's racket contacts the shuttle before rushing forward to
smash the shuttle.