ldm2 Rose Gee Final 2 4
ldm2 Rose Gee Final 2 4
ldm2 Rose Gee Final 2 4
Lesson 1. Background, Rationale, and Development of MELCs
Lesson 2. Unpacking and Combining MELCs into Learning Objectives
LAC Session 2
1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow teachers in your respective learning
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the first quarter and unpack these into
learning objectives.
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and processing will follow each
presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be considered in enhancing the learning
Repeat the above process but instead of unpacking, each team will now combine at least two MELCs of their choice.
Group deliberation will be observed in order to arrive at a consensus. Discuss and jot down the synthesis of the
presentations in your Study Notebook.
The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no child will be excluded from learning during
the COVID-19 crisis. Think about groups of learners in your School/Division who might require special consideration to
be able to participate in DL. Describe what targeted interventions you would develop to include them. Listed below
are some examples which may be relevant to your context. Add others as appropriate. Write down your answers in
your Study Notbook.
Parental involvement is necessary on the education of their children .Provide additional reading
Beginning readers (K to 3) materials in developing their reading skills. Attach monitoring sheets that parents/guardians
may check. Constant communication with the parents/guardians should be implemented.
Provide remedial reading materials. Attach monitoring sheets that parents/guardians may check.
Struggling readers Constant communication with the parents/guardians should be implemented. Organize, if
(Grades 4-12) possible, a learning support system in the area that can be composed of volunteers to provide
assistance to these learners. Make video lessons that help them develop their reading skills.
No access to devices and Provide self-learning modules and other additional learning materials.
Inaccessible (living in Coordinate with their barangay officials to assist the teachers in delivering the self-learning
remote and/or unsafe modules and other additional learning materials.
Provide self-learning modules and other additional learning materials that are cultured friendly.
Indigenous People Establish a strong home-school-community collaboration by communicating with the community
Assess the particular needs of these learners and provide them with the materials that would
Persons with Disabilities
suffice it. Ensure needed learning materials like braille books and audio-based materials.
Additional Remarks:
(ex. can be done via voice calls, can be
Check if already facilitated by a household partner, can
Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks present in the be done via a learning activity sheet, can
SLM be presented via an internet based
resource, can be facilitated during a
synchronous learning session, etc.)
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous lesson
2. Clarify concepts from previous lesson /
3. Present warm-up activities to
establish interest in new lesson /
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge
about the new lesson /
5. Present connection between old and
new lesson and establish purpose for /
new lesson
6. State lesson objectives as guide for
learners /
Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and / Can be provided with video lessons to be
illustrate the concepts, ideas, skills, stored in a USB flash drive
or processes that students will Can be facilitated by a household partner
eventually internalize
2. Help learners understand and / Can be done via voice calls or SMS
master new information
3. Ask learners to recall key activities / Can be done via digital tools
and concepts discussed
4. Reinforce what teacher has taught / Can be done via digital tools
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new / Can be monitor through portfolio output
Which assessment methods can you adapt in DL considering the content area that you are teaching? In your study
notebook, recreate the following table and list five methods that you would like to try. For each one, write how you
plan to use it in DL.
How to Adapt the Assessment Method in DL
1. HOTS I will send a three-item quiz via text message before the lesson. Based on the responses, I will
take note of the common misconceptions and clarify them to the learners during our online
session or via text message.
2. Portfolio I will ask the learners to provide portfolio’s to show their cumulative efforts and learning over
time. It will offer a valuable data learner’s improvement and skill mastery.
3. Pictorials/Videos Performance task in learning, assess through pictorials of performance and tangible products
that serve as evidence of learning. I will ask learners to submit reflection videos or photos of
their progress. You can partner with the parents to take those videos or photos, especially for
learners in the younger years.
4. Digital tools Sending assessment Google forms through messenger and email or via text messages.
5. Assessment Feedbacks Construct an assessment feedbacks using emoticons valence, happy, sad or confused face.
Through this, you can easily get the reactions or feedback from the learner on a certain topic.
Individual Learning Monitoring Plan for a student who lags behind in completing the learning
Learner’s Name:
Grade Level:
Study the LR Rapid Assessment Tool. Download an LR from either DepEd Commons or LRMDS Portal and assess the
material using the tool. Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:
The components found in LRMDS sample suit the learners need about the lesson. It is easy to understand and
it is aligned in the MELCs. The learning material covered the lesson but require some description and terminology to
achieve the best understanding of the concepts.
The download LR material met the learning targets of the lesson. The LR has the basic standards required to
deliver the MELCs.
2. Communicate with your assigned Instructional Coach to provide you a list of Regional and Division Training
Programs in your area.
3. Accomplish the Individual Development Plan Template by referring from your output in Lesson 1 Activity 3 of this
Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Strengths Developmental Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Intervention
Objectives of the
PD Program
Applying Align the lessons with To model the Equip myself and Whole Webinars
knowledge and the targeted concepts effective familiarize the school
content within stated in the MELC. applications of learning year
and across content competencies
curriculum knowledge stated in the
teaching areas within and MELC.
teaching areas
Using a range Evaluate the use and Model a Study or search Year - Webinars
of teaching development of comprehensive new strategies to round
strategies that teaching strategies selection of be used in this
enhance that promote learner effective new normal and
learner achievement in teaching in different
achievement in literacy and numeracy strategies that modalities.
literacy and skills. promote learner
numeracy achievement in
skills. literacy and
numeracy skills.