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Module 3a Lesson 2 Ebonalo-2

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Read DO 42, s2016 on Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation. As you go through the document,
write down your answers to the following questions in your Study Notebook:
1. What is Lesson Designing or Lesson Planning?
Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process of determining what learning opportunities
students in school will have by planning "the content of instruction, selecting teaching materials,
designing the learning activities and grouping methods.

2. Why is lesson designing important?

Lesson designing is imperative to ensure that time is maximized for instruction and learning,
lessons are responsive to learners' needs, teachers set learning targets for learners, and for the
teachers to carry out lessons successfully.

3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?

 A clear and articulated set of objectives or what the learners need to learn or acquire.
 A well-selected and well-organized group of learning activities to ensure that the objectives
are met.


The second component of a well-designed lesson asks teachers to select and sequence teaching and
learning activities that would help learners meet the learning objectives. These learning tasks can be
presented (1) before the lesson, (2) during the lesson proper, and (3) after the lesson. In your Study
Notebook, copy the following table:

Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

 Review and clarify  Provide learners with  Wrap up activities
concepts and key points feedback  Emphasize key
from previous lessons  Check for learners' information and concepts
 State lesson objectives as understanding discussed
guide for learners  Explain, model,  Assess whether lesson
 Present connection demonstrate, and has been mastered
between old and new illustrate the concepts,  Transfer ideas and
lesson and establish ideas, skills, or processes concepts to new
purpose for new lesson that students will situations
 Check learners' prior eventually internalize  Ask learners to recall key
knowledge about the  Help learners understand activities and concepts
new lesson and master new discussed
information  Reinforce what teacher
has taught


In your Study Notebook, copy the components of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
listed below, then highlight which part/s is/are accomplished after the lesson is delivered.
Components of the DLL/DLP
I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and Resources
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection

Learning Delivery Modality (select one): _ODL _MDL _T V/RBI _BL
Grade Level and Learning Area:
Learning Objectives:
Learning Resources/Materials Needed:

Additional Remarks:
(ex. can be done via voice calls, can
be facilitated by a household
Check if already
partner, can be done via a learning
Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks present in the
activity sheet, can be presented via
an internet based resource, can be
facilitated during a synchronous
learning session, etc.)
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous lesson
2. Clarify concepts from previous /
3. Present warm-up activities to /
establish interest in new lesson
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge /
about the new lesson
5. Present connection between old /
and new lesson and establish
purpose for new lesson
6. State lesson objectives as guide /
for learners
Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and /
illustrate the concepts, ideas, skills,
or processes that students will
eventually internalize
2. Help learners understand and /
master new information
3. Provide learners with feedback /
4. Check for learners’understanding /
After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities /
2. Emphasize key information and /
concepts discussed
3. Ask learners to recall key activities /
and concepts discussed
4. Reinforce what teacher has /
5. Assess whether lesson has been /
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to /
new situations

Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. For learning tasks not found in the SLM you examined, what materials or resources can you
create or curate to supplement the SLM?
Create printed materials that would supplement the missing learning tasks in the SLMs.

2. What kind of additional support can you give: a) the learner, and/or b) the household partner so
that they are guided throughout the lesson?
Providing additional learning resources like activity sheets/worksheets and constant
communication with the parents/guardians for proper instructions and monitoring.

3. How can the teacher gather feedback on the different learning tasks, in order to refine or
modify current and future lessons?
In MDL, the only way is to retrieve the modules and additional activity
sheets/worksheets/outputs for checking. Teachers may also set up a communication procedure with
the parents/guardians for the feedbacks , comments, and suggestions.

Assessment is always a part of designing instruction. Read the DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines on
Classroom Assessment to learn about assessment. In the policy, you will find out about the two types of
assessment: formative and summative. Take note of the similarities and differences between the two.
Write your answers in a Venn diagram in your Study Notebook.

Formative Assesment Summative Assement

Assessment FOR learning: ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING:
To make adjustment in the T o make sure if the students and
Lesson. Should teachers met the competencies.
promote self .
Maybe integrated in any part reflection and Can be administer after every 3
Of the lessons. lessons.
accountability Results arealways recorded and part of
Results can be recorded to
study the development of the the computation grade.
learners and the mastery of the
about their Always individual
Can be individual or group. own learning.
Which assessment methods can you adapt in DL considering the content area that you are teaching? In
your study notebook, recreate the following table and list five methods that you would like to try. For
each one, write how you plan to use it in DL.

How to Adapt the Assessment Method in DL

1. 5items Send 5 items formative assessment through groupchat and it will be

FORMATIVE corrected during online meeting in google meet.

2. Essay Send rubrics of the essay and tell them to achieve the standards given
type assessment to achieve high points.

1. What assessment methods are common among the group members?

Five items formative assessment are common among our groups.
2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in DL?
For me the biggest challenge is how to contact all your students to inform them that you
have your assessment for the reason that not all of them have an access in the intenet.
3. Despite the challenges, what opportunities can you and your colleagues explore to make
assessment doable in DL?
We can collaborate well and chose among our all method of assessment listed in our
notebook.We come up the best method of to use in the Distant Learning.



1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the

2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators regarding
the learner’s progress may be included in a portfolio

3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a portfolio.

4. The teacher can only comment on a learner’s portfolio.

5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners to work on their

outputs during their own time. The latter will submit the portfolio
within the schedule that the teachers set.

6. The learners may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via file
sharing programs or they may submit the actual softcopies of their
work saved on a CD/DVD/USB flash drive.

7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or physical

forms may be handed over to the teacher by the parents or learning

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