Ldm2output - Day3 - Learning Modalities - Amaslog

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By the end of this Module, you will be able to:
1. differentiate between the learning
delivery modalities prescribed by the LCP
and between the different types of
distance learning modalities

2. apply lesson design and assessment
considerations for distance learning in
light of the COVID-19 crisis
3. create a weekly home learning plan to
guide your learners as they do
independent study at home
4. create an individual learning
monitoring plan to keep track of the
progress of learners who lag behind in
completing the prescribed learning tasks

Lesson 1. Understanding the Different
Lesson 2. Designing Lessons and
Assessments in the Different LDMs
Lesson 3. Guiding and Monitoring
Learners in the Different LDMs
LAC Session 3A


18 to 24 hour

Reflection: Prepared by:

This Module 3 brings me hope for the nearer opening of ANGUSTIA
class this school year. There may be a lot to prepare but
through this different learning modalities it will equip me
to become more efficient to my profession. Which is to
give a better future with a package of quality education for
Teacher 1,
our learners. Aposkahoy NHS
Click here
to open

1. Do a quick check of your knowledge of the four modalities prescribed in the LCP—face to-face (F2F) learning, DL, blended
learning (BL), and homeschooling. In your own words, define each modality. Write your own definitions in your Study Notebook.

• Face-to-face (F2F) learning refers to a learning refers to a new normal classroom setting wherein there is an actual interaction
between the learners and the teachers. This where we can find the place where there is a conducive to learning and you will be able to
see the different emotions of the students along the way. Face to face learning may also build good relationship towards their peers by
sharing their thoughts and ideas to their different subject areas.
• Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modally where a learner is given materials to answer their Self-learning module. This
time it will be difficult for them in answering the modules since it is a self-directed study at home or in another venue. The teacher will
give his/her lesson through the use of the secondary storage media stored on CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive for them to view it and saved
their outputs later on. Or it can be also giving printed modules directly for them and if the student has radio and televisions at home it
will be much easier for them to learn by just watching and listening to this blended learning of the lesson
• Blended learning refers to a learning delivery modality using a combination of the features of F2F learning and distance learning. It
can be (1) F2F and modular distance learning; (2) F2F and online distance learning (3) F2F and TV-based Instruction/Radio-based
Instruction; or (4) F2F and any combination of the other type of distance learning.
• Home schooling refers to an alternative learning delivery mode (ADM) it also provides the learners with an access to formal education
by staying in an out-of-school environment with the guidance of their parents, guardians, tutors instead of a classroom teacher.

2. Which of the LDMs do not have an F2F learning component? Write down your answer in your Study Notebook
- Homeschooling and Distance Learning do not require Face to face learning.
See LDM Module 3A – page 15

Consider the situation in your School/Division—your organizational capabilities, your level of resources (infrastructure, financial, human), level of
experience in DL, health and safety status, context and capacities of your learners and their households, etc. Then rank the DL types—MDL, ODL, TVBI,
RBI, and BL—from easiest to most difficult to implement. Give the reasons for your ranking of each. Replicate the following table and write your answers
in your Study Notebook.

(1 to 5, from easiest to Type of DL Why?
hardest to implement)
Modular Distance Learning Fastest way to collect and retrieve finished outputs of the learners.
2 Online Distance Learning I put it on the 2nd rank because not al students have an internet connection.
Blended Learning This will be difficult since there are two kinds learning that will be implemented if blended learning
will be chosen.
Radio Based Instruction Expensive materials will be used in preparing the learning instruction through radio-based
Television Based Instruction This is difficult since not all family household have television set especially those who are living the
far-flung area. And electricity is a must here in order to watch their lesson, then after that they are
obliged to pay their monthly electricity bill and this will cause too much burden to the family of the
The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no child will be excluded from learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Think about
groups of learners in your School/Division who might require special consideration to be able to participate in DL. Describe what targeted interventions
you would develop to include them. Listed below are some examples which may be relevant to your context. Add others as appropriate. Write down
your answers in your Study Notebook


Learners without parents or Make a weekly supervisory plan for them and check their module and activity sheets.
household member who can
guide and support their learning
at home.
Beginning readers (K to 3)
Struggling readers (Grades 4-12)

No access to devices and Internet Provide module for them

Inaccessible (living in remote

Provide module and making it sure to check and follow up their output weekly.
and/or unsafe areas)

Provide module and making sure to check their work weekly and to check the content of the module if it is cultured friend for
Indigenous People

Persons with Disabilities Provide learning modules that are applicable for their needs.

Read DO 42, s2016 on Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation. As you go through the document, write down your answers to the following
questions in your Study Notebook:

1. What is Lesson Designing or Lesson Planning?

- Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process and the heart of every lesson, the teacher plans what are the learning
opportunities that the learner will achieve by the end of the discussion. Various styles are need to plan ahead by preparing the
instructional materials as well in giving also learning activities and grouping methods.
2. Why is lesson designing important?
Lesson designing helps ensure that:

• time is maximized for instruction and learning

• lessons are responsive to learner's needs
• teachers set learning targets for learners
• teachers carry out a lesson successfully
• teachers master their learning area content
• teachers become more reflective about their teaching
3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?
- Clearly articulated lesson objectives (What should be taught?)
- Well-selected and making sequenced presentation of learning resources and activities that will help the learners meet the lesson
objectives. (How should it be taught?)
- Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and feedback for both teacher and learners. (How should
learning be assessed?)

The second component of a well-designed lesson asks teachers to select and sequence teaching and learning activities
that would help learners meet the learning objectives. These learning tasks can be presented (1) before the lesson, (2)
during the lesson proper, and (3) after the lesson. In your Study Notebook, copy the following table:

Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

 Review previous lesson  Provide learners with feedback  Initiate activities
 Clarify concepts from previous lesson  Check for learner’s understanding  Giving or emphasizing key of terms or
 State lesson objectives as guide for  Explain, demonstrate and illustrate new information
learners ideas and skills or processes that student  Mastery of the lesson
 Differentiate between previous and will internalize the topic  Transfer ideas and concepts to anew
present lesson and establish  Help learners understand the new situations
 Unlocking of difficulties about the new information  Ask learners to recall key activities and
topic concept ideas
 Reinforce what the teacher has taught

In your Study Notebook, copy the components of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) listed
below, then highlight which part/s is/are accomplished after the lesson is delivered.
Components of the DLL/DLP
I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and Resources
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
Learning Delivery Modality (select one): _ODL _MDL _T V/RBI _BL
Grade Level and Learning Area:
Learning Objectives:
Learning Resources/Materials Needed:

Additional Remarks:
(ex. can be done via voice calls, can be facilitated by
Check if already
a household partner, can be done via a learning
Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks present in the
activity sheet, can be presented via an internet based
resource, can be facilitated during a synchronous
learning session, etc.)
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous lesson n/a
2. Clarify concepts from previous lesson / n/a
3. Present warm-up activities to establish interest in / n/a
new lesson / n/a
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge about the new /
lesson n/a
5. Present connection between old and new lesson /
and establish purpose for new lesson
6. State lesson objectives as guide for learners
Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and illustrate the / Module
concepts, ideas, skills, or processes that students will
eventually internalize
2. Help learners understand and master new / Module
3. Provide learners with feedback
4. Check for learners ‘understanding / Module
After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities / Module
2. Emphasize key information and concepts / Module
3. Ask learners to recall key activities and concepts / Module
4. Reinforce what teacher has taught / Module
5. Assess whether lesson has been mastered / Module
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new situations / Module

Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. For learning tasks not found in the SLM you examined, what materials or resources can you create or curate
to supplement the SLM?

- Provide module for distant learning in order to supplement the lacking learning task. And this also helps attain the learning objectives
of the modules.

2. What kind of additional support can you give: a) the learner, and/or b) the household partner so that they are
guided throughout the lesson?
- As an adviser the only additional support that I can give is additional activity sheets and reading materials.

3. How can the teacher gather feedback on the different learning tasks, in order to refine or modify current and
future lessons?
- In modular distant learning the only way is to retrieve the modules for checking and for the teacher adviser to assess and gather
feedback. This is the only way to know if they really understood the modules that was given to them.
Assessment is always a part of designing instruction. Read the DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines on Classroom
Assessment to learn about assessment. In the policy, you will find out about the two types of assessment: formative
and summative. Take note of the similarities and differences between the two. Write your answers in a Venn
diagram in your Study Notebook.

Formative Assessment Summative Assessment
Assessment for learning: to Assessment of learning to
adjust in the lesson of what is being S measure of the student met the
integrated in all parts of the lesson, it E Performance and content standards
is where the lesson must all begin, done after the lesson/end of a
into the proper discussion and until S quarter results it identifies the
the end of the lesson. Afterwards the S student by the end of the quarter of
result of the assessment will be what is being retained in their
recorded In order to know who M memory. Which are then reflected in
among the learners understand the the class record learners may be
lesson and that would be the basis for assessed individually or
their grade every quarter. N collaboratively should promote self-
reflection and personal
accountability among students about
their own learning may be a written
work or a performance task.
Which assessment methods can you adapt in DL considering the content area that you are teaching? In your study
notebook, recreate the following table and list five methods that you would like to try. For each one, write how you
plan to use it in DL.
Assessment How to Adapt the Assessment Method in DL

1. 5 Items Formative Send the 5 items formative assessment through Group Chat and it will be corrected during
Assessment online meeting in google meet.

2.Essay type 5 points Send rubrics of the essay and tell them to achieve the standards given to get high points. And
send it through group chat.

1. What assessment methods are common among the group members?

- Five items formative assessment is common among our groups. Since this is the most convenient and easy to construct assessment for
the learners and this also give them specific comprehension upon answering the test given to them.

2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in DL?

-For me the biggest challenge is how to contact all your student to inform them that you have your assessment for the reason that not all
of them have an access in the internet.

3. Despite the challenges, what opportunities can you and your colleagues explore to make assessment doable in
- We can collaborate well and choose among our all method of assessment in order to come up the best method to be use in Distant Learning

Questions True False

1. A portfolio mainly displays the /

academic achievement of the
2. Testimonies of parents/guardians /
and learning facilitators
regarding the learner’s progress
may be included in a portfolio.
3. There is a fixed list of items that /
should be included in a portfolio
4. For synchronous learning, / /
teachers allow learners to work
on their outputs during their own
time. The latter will submit the
portfolio within the schedule that
the teachers set.

1. c) learning competencies
2. d) learning task
3. a) learning area
4. b) mode of delivery

Read items 7 to 11 of the Appendix D of DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162. After you read the guidelines on creating an ILMP, copy and fill out the
table below in your Study Notebook to see how the ILMP differs from the WHLP.

Weekly Home Learning Plan Individual Learning

(WHLP) Monitoring Plan (ILMP)
To guide the learners in answering the elf-learning To follow up the students in their learning activity
For the parents or guardians in facilitating of their child’s on
For Whom? To the students to be able to come up with the right learning the activity modules given to them.
Teachers-adviser/parents or guardians
Follow up the parents in any means to assess learners needs.
The parents must be oriented and must be given
Has to be communicated to parents? instruction before the distribution of the Self-learning
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


8:00-9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day!
9:00-9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.
Monday MATHEMATICS Illustrates well-defined sets, Consider the following sets: Send outputs to Google
9:30-11:30 subsets, universal sets, null U = {a,b,c,d.e,f.gh,i } classroom account
set, cardinality of sets, union A = {a,b,c,d.e,f.g} provided by the teacher
and intersection of sets and B = {set of vowels} or any other platform
the difference of two sets. C = (consonants} recommended by the
D = {a.b,i.j} school. I have the parent
E {f,a,c,e} hand-in the output to
the teacher in school.
I. Present the following using
Venn diagram. 1. Intersection
of B and C 2. Union of D and E
3. Intersection of B. D. and E 4.
A-D 5. (A intersection E) minus

II. Answer the following

1. What is the cardinality of Set
2. List down all the subsets of
11:30-1:00 LUNCH BREAK
1:00-3:00 FILIPINO Nahihinuha ang kaugalian at 1.1.1asahin ang "Alamat ng Ipasa ang output sa
kalagayang panitpunan ng Lawa ng Paoay" na pamamagitan ng
lugar na pinagmulan ng matatagpuan sa Google Classroom
kuwentong bayan batay sa httls:/imttakwentontzalama account na ibinigay
mga pangyayari at usapan ng tsapilipinas.bloRspot.com/ ngguro o sa ibang
tnga tauhan. Sagutin ang mga sumusunod na platfonn na ginagamit
tanong: ng paaralan
Dalhin ng magulang
1. Tungkol saan ang alamat? ang output sa paaralan
2. Anong mga ugali ang at ibigay sa guro.
ipinakita ng mga tauhan sa
3. Sa paanong paraan natamo
ang partsa o gantimpala ng mga
tauhan sa alama?

II.Panoorin ang video clip na

matatagpuan sa
watch?v=Vkl)Dvt7N11 'k& t=

Sagutin ang mga sumusunod na

1. Tungkol saan ang video?
2. Anong ttgali ng tauhan ang
ipinakita sa vidco cliP?
3. Paano nakaaapekto sa tauhan
ang kasalukuyang kalagayan sa
kanyan paniniwala? Paano ito
nagbago? Susing salita: kultura,
tradisyon. kalagayang
Tuesday SCIENCE Describe the components of a An informative text explaining Send outputs to Google
9:30-11:30 scientific investigation. the process of scientific classroom account
investigation (definition, types. provided by the teacher
components, and examples) is or any other platform
given to the learner through the recommended by the
school LMS. school. Have the parent
1. Given 2 scenarios of hand-in the output to
scientific experiments, identify the teacher in school.
and describe the component/s
of scientific investigation that
were used. 2. Given a science
problem, design ∎•our
investigation by providing the
possible steps (components) in
scientific investigation that will
help you solve the problem.
1:00-3:00 EDUKASYONG Natatanggap ang mga 1. Ipasa ang output sa
PAGPAPAKATAO pagbabagong nagaganap sa 1.N1agdikit ng iyong larawan pamamagitan ng
sarili na may pagtataya sa mga sa kwaderno, ilarawan ang Google Classroom
kilos tungo sa maayos na iyong sarili at isulat ito sa baba account na ibinigay ng
pagtupad ng kanyang mga ng iyong larawan. guro o sa ibang
tungkulin bilang 2.Isulat ang mga pagbabagong platform na ginagamit
nagdadalaga/nagbibinata. sa iyko mula pagkabata ng paaralan.
hanggang sa kasalukuyan. Anu- Dalhin ng magulang
ano ang mga napansin mong ang output sa paaralan
pagbabago? at ibigay sa guro.
11.Kapanayamin ang dalawa
hanggang tatlo na tulad mo ay
nagdadalaga. Ang paksa ay
tungkol sa paraan ng paglinang
ng mga angkop na inaasahang
kakayahan at kilos sa panahon
ng pagdadalaga o pagbibinata.
Bigyang puna ang mga paraan
ng kanilang paglinang ng mga
inaasahang kakayahan at kilos
batav sa natutunan mo sa
pamamagitan ng isang ltham.
Friday Self Assessment Task, Portfolio Preparation e.g Reflective Journal, Other Learning Area Tasks for Inclusive
9:30-11:30 Education
11:30-1:00 LUNCH BREAK
1:00-3:00 Self-Assessment Task, Portfolio Preparation e.g Reflective Journal, Other Learning Area Tasks for Inclusive

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