7factura, Neil R-La Paz National High School

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Face- to-face (F2F) learning refers to a learning delivery modality where the teacher
and learner/s are physically in one venue There are opportunities for active
engagement, immediate feedback and socioemotional development of learners. It
may be conducted in any available physical learning space.

Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modality where a learner is given

materials or access to resources and he/she undertakes self-directed study at home
or in another venue. Learners engage in independent learning at home or in any
physical learning space applicable, by using learning materials that are accessible
either online, stored on CD/DVD/USB Flash drive, or in printed form, or by viewing TV
lessons or listening to radio-based instruction while being geographically distant from
the teacher The teacher supervises and monitors the learner's progress and provides
remediation and enhancement when needed and possible. Assistance may be
provided by a learning facilitator who may be a parent or any member of the family, or
a community stakeholder.

Blended learning refers to a learning delivery modality using a combination of the

features of F2 learning and distance learning. It can be (1) F2F and modular distance
learning: (2) F2F and online distance learning (6) F2F and TV-based instruction/Radio-
based instruction; or (4) F2F and any combination of the other types of distance

Home schooling refers to an alternative learning delivery mode {ADM) that provides
learners with access as to formal education while staying in an out-of-school
environment, with parents, guardians, or tutors specific authorized facilitators instead
of classroom teachers. This does not preclude going to a school on and others. It
periods to develop learning competencies that require the use of laboratory,
equipment, uses any oral combination of the various learning delivery modalities.


1. What is lesson designing or lesson planning?

Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process of determining what learning
students school opportunities in will have by planning the content of instruction, select
teaching materials, designing the learning activities and grouping methods, and deciding
and allocation of instructional time" (Virginia on the pacing Department of Education,
No. 42, 2016). Well prepared as cited in DepEd Order and well planned lessons are
fundamental to ensuring the delivery of quality teaching and learning in schools. In order
for the design to be effective, teachers need to consider the learners characteristics and
be responsive to the needs of the learners.

2. Why is lesson designing important?

Lesson designing helps ensure that:

*time is maximized for instruction and-learning

*lessons are responsive to learners needs
*teachers set learning targets for learners
*teachers carry out a lesson successfully
*teachers master their learning area content
*teachers become more reflective about their teaching
learners successfully reach the set learning goals

3. What are the 3 elements or components of well-designed lessons

1. Clearly articulated lesson objectives (What should be taught?)

2. Well-selected and logically sequenced presentation of learning resources and

to help leaners meet the objectives (How should it be taught?)

3. Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and
feedback for both teachers and learners (How should learning be assessement.

Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

1.Review previous lesson 1. Explain, model, 1.Wrap up activities

.2 Clarify concepts from demonstrate, and 2. Emphasize key
previous lesson illustrate the concepts, information and concepts
3.Present warm-up activities ideas, skills, or discussed
to establish interest in new processes that students 3. Ask learners to recall
lesson will eventually key activities and
4. Check learner’s prior internalize concepts
knowledge about the new 2. Help learners discussed
lesson understand and master 4.Reinforce what teacher
5 Present connection new information has taught
between old and new lesson 3.Provide learners with 5. Assess whether lesson
and establish feedback has been mastered ideas
lesson purpose for new 4. Check for learners and
objectives understanding 6. Transfer concepts to
6. State lesson as guide for new
learners. situations


Answer. VI. Reflection

According to DepEd Order No 42, s. 2016 The reflection part of the DLL and DELP
should be filled up after the lesson is delivered Teachers are encouraged to think
about their lessons, particularly the parts that went well and the parts that were weak
and write about those briefly. In the reflection, teachers can share their thoughts and
feelings about their lessons including things about the lesson that were successfully
implemented and which ones need improvement or could be adjusted in the future.
Teachers can also take note of the number of learners who earned 80% in the
evaluation, the number of learners who principal require additional activities for
remediation, and the difficulties teachers encountered that their or supervisor can
help solve.


Formative Assessment Summative Assessments

Asessment for learning assessments of learning :to measure if
to make discussions and the students met performances and
Learners may be
assessed individually content standards .
the lesson may be integrated
or collaboratively done after the lesson/end of the
in all parts of the lesson before Should promote self -
reflections and quarter
the lesson proper and after personal accountability
results enable teachers to describe
the lesson results must be among students about

recorded to study the patterns

their own learning how will the sutdents learned the
May be written work
or a performance task
standards/competencies for a
of learning demonstrated by the
given quarter, which are then
students but should not be used as
refelcted in the class
the basis for grading


1. These are the knowledge, understanding, demonstrate skills, and attitudes that
learners need to
in every lesson and/or learning task.
Answer: c) learning competencies

2. These are the formative learning opportunities given to learners to engage them in
the subject
matter and to enhance their understanding of the content.
Answer: d) learning task

3. This refers to the prescribed subject that learners take.

Answer: a) learning area preferred by the

4. This refers to the method of submission of learning outputs learner/parent based on

their context.
Answer: b) mode of delivery


Weekly Home Learning Plan Individual Monitoring Plan (IMP)

Purpose A tool to guide learners and A tool for monitoring learners who lag
learning facilitators or household behind on the results of their
partners in tracking the subject formative and summative
areas to be tackled and activities assessments.
to perform at home

For whom? Learners and learning facilitator Teachers and learning facilitator or
or household partners household partners

Components Learning area, learning Learner’s needs, intervention

competencies, learning tasks, strategies, monitoring date, learners
mode of delivery status

Has to be communicated to Yes Yes



Questions True False

1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the

Correct statement: A learning portfolio demonstrates not just the

academic achievements but also the effort well put forward by
the learner as the progress in achieving learning outcomes.

2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators /

regarding the learner's progress may be included in a portfolio.

3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a


Correct statement: There is no hard and fast rule that states a /

clear list of
items that should be included in a portfolio, as it depends upon
and students’ requirements of the learning area. Teachers,
administrators, include in (and what to even parents) may
decide collectively on student outputs, portfolios, which
assessment criteria to use, how to evaluate result. and what to
expect from the end

4. The teacher can only comment on a learner's portfolio. /

Correct statement: The teacher must address the students'

learning and
encourage self-assessment through their work samples. The
Leaners may also be allowed to view and comment on their
5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners portfolios.
to work /
on their
outputs during their own time. The latter will submit the portfolio
the The
schedule learners the
that file
teachers sharingset. /
may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via
programs saved or they may submit the actual softcopies of their
work on a CD/DVD/USB flash drive.

7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or
physical forms may be handed learning over to the teacher by
the parents or

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