Egr. Samson Modified Instrument Teaching Effectiveness 5 2

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Rating Period: August 2020 to December 2020

Name of the Faculty: Engr. Neil Samuel G. Samson
Academic Rank: Instructor 1
Self Peer
Student Supervisor
Instruction: Please evaluate the faculty using the scale below. Tick the box for your rating.
Scale Descriptive Rating Qualitative Description
5 Outstanding The performance almost always exceed the job requirements.
The faculty is an exceptional role model.
4 Very Satisfactory The performance meets and often exceeds the job requirements.
3 Satisfactory The performance meets job requirements.
2 Fair The performance needs some development to meet job requirements.
1 Poor The faculty fails to meet job requirements.
A. Commitment 5 4 3 2 1
1. Demonstrates sensitivity to students’ ability to attend and absorb content information.
2. Integrates sensitivity his/her learning objectives with those of the students in a collaborative
3. Makes self available to students beyond official time.
4. Regularly makes himself/herself available to students for consultation.
5. Keeps accurate records of students’ performance and prompt submission of the same.
Total Score
B. Knowledge of Subject 5 4 3 2 1
1. Demonstrates mastery of the subject matter (prepares relevant activities/formulates HOTS
questions without relying solely on the prescribed textbook).
2. Draws and share information on the state on the art of theory and practice in his/her discipline.
3. Integrates subject to practical circumstances and learning intents/purposes of students.
4. Provides activities that give students the opportunity to relate the present topics to the previous
lessons, and relates the subject matter to relevant current issues and/or daily life activities.
5. Encorporates in the module up-to-date knowledge and/or awareness on current trends and issues
of the subject.
Total Score
C. Teaching for Independent Learning 5 4 3 2 1
1. Creates teaching strategies/activities that show students to practice using concepts they need to
understand (interactive discussion).
2. Enhances student self-esteem and/or gives due recognition to students’ performance/potentials.
3. Allows students to create their own course with objectives and realistically defined student-
professor rules and make them accountable for their performance.
4. Allows students to think independently and make their own decisions and holding them accountable
for their performance based largely on their success in executing decisions.
5. Encourages students to learn beyond what is required and help/guide the students how to apply
the concepts learned.
Total Score
D. Management of Learning 5 4 3 2 1
1. Creates opportunities for intensive/or extensive contribution of students in the class activities (e.g.
breaks class into dyads, triads or buzz/task groups).
2. Assumes roles as facilitator, resource person, coach, inquisitor, integrator, referee in drawing
students to contribute to knowledge and understanding of the concepts at hands.
3. Designs and implements learning conditions and experience that promotes healthy exchange
and/or confrontations.
4. Structures/re-structures learning and teaching-learning context to enhance attainment of collective
learning objectives.
5. Use of instructional materials (audio/video materials, film showing, computer aided instruction
and etc.) to reinforce learning processes.
Total Score
Legend for the Formula/Equation
ts = Total Score
hps = Highest Possible Score
% = Percentage

Signature of Evaluator: Position of Evaluator: Student

Name of Evaluator: Levine Shennen Valerie S. Viva Date: January 11, 2021

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