Module 8 (Prof Ed 16 PT)
Module 8 (Prof Ed 16 PT)
Module 8 (Prof Ed 16 PT)
Libon, Albay
Lesson Plan/Learning Plan is a blue print of the daily activities in the teaching-learning process.
● It guides the teacher on the instructional activities he/she will implement in class
This is an important component in the instructional process.
● This will help teachers become systematic and organized and on track/on task while
● Tis will aid the teachers to teach MORE and DO MORE and will help her / his
learners attain the outcomes set for the day
● This will help the teachers plan differentiated activities to cater the diverse types of
● This gives a sense of direction to the curriculum map and teaching guides prepared
for the subject.
● It also serves as practical and useful basis for future plans.
● It gives the teacher more confidence in carrying out the daily tasks.
1. Objectives
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competences
11. Content
1V. Procedures:
A. Before the lesson – Opening of the lesson
● Conduct/review of the previous lesson
Note: Assessment method are integrated in the DLP to regularly check the understanding of the lesson.
V. Assignment (OPTIONAL) - it should be related to the lesson. It should allow learners to master what was
V1. Remarks
- This is to document specific instances that result to the continuation of the lesson in case
of :
■ Re-teaching
■ Insufficient time
Teachers who have been in the service for at least one (1) year, handling learning areas with available LMS
and TGs provided by the DepEd shall not be required to write the DLP instead they shall be required to fill out a
weekly Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 - Request a sample lesson plan or a Daily Learning Plan from your CT. Study each part
carefully. Paste it here.
Subject Area
Learning Competencies
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Performance Task 3 - Write your Daily Learning Plan. Get your topic/content from your Cooperating Teacher.
Follow the LDP format. Write your plan on the space provided.
My Assessment Tasks
My Learning Artifacts
Request three (3) samples of Learning Plans from various schools with different formats. You may also wish
to surf the net for some samples. Acknowledge the source.
My Scoring Rubric
INDICATORS Meets Standard of Approaching Meets Acceptable Does Not Meet Acceptable
Excellence Standards of Standards Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance Tasks -Has all the aspects of -Has some aspects of -Has minimal aspects No aspect of work meets
work that exceed level work that exceed level of work that meet
of expectation. of expectation. level of expectation level of expectations
-Show exemplary -Demonstrates solid -With some errors and -Has errors, omissions and
performance performance and mastery is not misconceptions
understanding thorough
Assessment Tasks With 5 correct answers With 4 correct answers With 3 correct answers With less than 3 correct
Learning Artifacts The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of evidence of
evidence of learning evidence of learning evidence of learning learning is/are NOT aligned
is/are aligned with is/are aligned with is/are aligned with with the learning outcomes
learning outcomes SOME of the learning ONE of the learning
outcomes. outcomes.
Creativity and The learning tasks are The learning tasks are The learning tasks are The learning tasks are
Resourcefulness done very creatively done creatively and done quite creatively poorly done and need
and resourcefully. resourcefully and resourcefully improvement
Submission of The assigned learning The assigned learning The assigned learning The assigned learning tasks
Requirements tasks are submitted on tasks are submitted a tasks are submitted 2 are submitted 3 days or
or before the deadline. day after the deadline. days after the deadline more after the deadline.
Signature of Practicum Supervisor