School Form 7 (SF7) School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile

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School Form 7 (SF7) School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile

(This replaces Form 12-Monthly Status Report for Teachers, Form 19-Assignment List,
Form 29-Teacher Program and Form 31-Summary Information of Teachers)

School ID 304313 Region XI Division Schools Division of Mati City

School Name DAWAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL District MATI SOUTH School Year 2019-2020
(A) Nationally-Funded Teaching & Teaching Related Items (B) Nationally-Funded Non Teaching Items (C ) Other Appointments and Funding Sources

Title of Plantilla Position Title of Designation Appointment: (Contractual, Fund Source Number of Incumbent
Number of Title of Plantilla Position Number of (as it appears in the
(as it appears in the appointment Substitute, Volunteer, (SEF, PTA, NGO's
Incumbent (as it appears in the appointment document/PSIPOP) Incumbent contract/document: Teacher, Clerk, Security
document/PSIPOP) Guard, Driver etc.) others specify) etc.) Teaching
Principal III 1 Administrative Assistant III 1 Administrative Aide II Contractual LumpSum Appropriation 1
Master Teacher I 1 Administrative Assistant II 2
Teacher III 2
Teacher II 3
Teacher 1 20

Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)

Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)

142-564-964 Latras, Flavia F National Principal III Permanent BSE Mathermatics

194-573-304 Loon, Maria Victoria L F National Principal I Permanent MST Gen Science Detailed from NASA ES

Science10-Diligence M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300

Science10-Resilience M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
Science 9-Loyalty M//W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
TLE 8 - Prudence M/T/W/Th/ 3:00 4:00 300
Curriculum In Charge
Master Teacher
194-570-167-000 Pagayawan, Elmar M. M. National Permanent MST Gen Science Human Resource Designate
School Planning Officer
School LIS/eBEIS Administrator
Sience Lab Incharge
Ave. Minutes per Day 240
English 9- Integrity M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
English9- Loyalty M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
English 10- Diligence M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
Grade 9- Honesty M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
BSE w Masteral
181-612-215-000 Hugue, Nicanor M. M National Teacher III Permanent English English 10- Resilience M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
English Coordinator
Reading Coor.

Ave. Minutes per Day 300

School Form 7, Page _1__ of ___10___
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)

Vacant National Teacher III Permanent

Ave. Minutes per Day

Aral Pan.10 Resilience M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 180
Aral Pan 10 Deligience M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 180
Aral Pan 8-Generopsity M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 180
Aral. Pan 8- Kindness M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 180
142-562-846-000 Ponteres, Josefina P. M. National Teacher II Permanent BSE History
Aral. Pan 8-Compassion M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 2:00 180
Aral. Pan 8-Prudence M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 180

Ave. Minutes per Day 216

Vacant National Teacher II

Ave. Minutes per Day

TLE 9- Cookery M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300
TLE 10 Cookery M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
TLE 8-Compassion M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
TLE 8- Kindness M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
Paleguin, Mary Rose
919-506-303-000 F National Teacher II Permanent BSIE Home Economics TLE Coordinator
Belinda S.
YECS Coordinator
GPP Coordinator
Canteen Incharge
Ave. Minutes per Day 240
School Form 7, Page _2__ of ____10____
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)
Science 7 - Fortitude M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
TLE-10 AS M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300
TLE-9 AS M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
Science 7 - Courage M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
466-724-811-000 Aloba, Jodel Bryan A. M National Teacher I Permanent BSE Biological Science
Science Coordinator
Solid Waste Mngt. Coor.
Grade 7-Fortitude Adviser
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
Science 8- Prudence M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
Science 8- Kindness M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
MAPEH 7- Faith M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
National MAPEH 7- Courage M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
466-670-176-000 Cuaton, Aldemar A. M Teacher I Permanent BSE Biological Science
MAPEH 7- Fortitude M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
Grade 8 Prudence Adviser
School Brigada Eskwela Coordinator
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
Science 9- Honesty M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
Science 9- Integrity M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
Filipino 7- Faith M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
Filipino 8 - Compassion M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
155-108-795-000 Roble, Daisy Q. F. National Teacher I Permanent BSE Science on Maternity Leave
Filipino Coordinator
School Based Management Coordinator

Ave. Minutes per Day 240

English 7-Faith M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
English 7 - Fortitude M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
English 7- Courage M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
National English 7- Love M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
924-477-045-000 Escala, Eva B. F Teacher I Permanent BSE English
Librarian Designate
Grade 7 Reading Coor.
Grade 7- Faith Adviser
Ave. Minutes per Day 240
School Form 7, Page _3__ of 10____
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)
Science 7- Love M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
Science 7- Faith M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300
Aral. Pan 7- Fortitude W/Th/Fri 10:45 11:45 180
Aral Pan 7- Courage M/W/F 1:00 2:00 180
411-794-963-000 Libres, Lelibeth S. F National Teacher I Permanenbt BSE Integrated Science Aral Pan 7 -Faith T/Thu/F 3;00 4:00 180 on Maternity Leave
Science Club Adviser
Grade 7-Love Adviser

Ave. Minutes per Day 240

TLE 9 - ICT M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300
TLE 10- ICT M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
Science 8- Generosity M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
Science 8- Compassion M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
281-558-327-000 Malaay, Leopoldo Jr. N. M National Teacher I Permanent BSE Science
SSG Adviser
ICT Coordinator
Sports Coordinator
Ave. Minutes per Day 240
Math 8- Kindness M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
Math 8- Generosity M/T/W/Th/F 9:30 10:30 300
Math 8- compassion M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
MAPEH 7 - Love M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
488-196-742 Baltonado, Joemar M Teacher I Permanent BSE Mathematics
National Math 8- Prudence M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
DRRM Coor.
Grade 8 -Kindness Adviser
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
School Form 7, Page _4__ of _10____
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)
ESP Grade 10-Deligience Monday 2:00 3:00 120
Friday 2:00 3:00
ESP Grade 7 Courage Tuesday 1:00 2:00 120
Thursday 1:00 2:00
ESP Grade 7 Fortitude Monday 10:45 11:45 120
Tuesday 10:45 11:45
ESP Grade 7 Love Wednesday 8:30 9:30 120
Friday 8:30 9:30
ESP Grade 9 Honesty Tuesday 9:45 10:45 120
Thursday 9:45 10:45
284-016-569-000 Mapa, Janeth A. F. Teacher I Permanent BSE English
ESP Grade 9 Integrity Wednesday 10:45 11:45 120
National Thursday 10:45 11:45
EsP Grade 9-Loyalty Wednesday 7:30 8:30 120
Thursday 7:30 8:30
EsP Grade 10-Resilience Thursday 8:30 9:30 120
Tuesday 8:30 9:30
Career Guidance Coor.
Guidance Advocate
Clinic Incharge/Teen Center Incharge
Ave. Minutes per Day 192
Filipino 8 -Prudence M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
Filipino 8 - Kindness M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300
Filipino 9- Loyalty M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
National Filipino 9- Integrity M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
423-799-029-000 Gubalane, Avelino F. F Teacher I Permanent BSE Mathematics
Filipino 9- Honesty M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
Grade 9 Honesty Adviser
Sports Coordinator
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
School Form 7, Page _5__ of _10____
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)
Aral Pan 9- Loyalty M/T/F 7:30 8:30 180
Aral Pan 7- Love M/T/F 8:30 9:30 180
Aral Pan 9- Honesty M/W/ F 9:45 10:45 180
Aral Pan 9- Integrity M/T/Th/F 10:45 11:45 180
412-716401-000 Reseroni, Everlyn P. F National Teacher I Permanent BSE TLE ESP 7 - Faith T/Th 9:45 10:45 120
Aral Pan Coordinator
Grade 9- Loyalty Adviser
Sch. Supply Officer
Ave. Minutes per Day 168
Filipino 8- Generosity M/T/W/T/F 7:30 8:30 300
Math 7- Faith M/T/W/T/F 8:30 9:30 300
Math 7- Love M/T/W/T/F 9:45 10:45 300
Math 7- Courage M/T/W/T/F 1:00 2:00 300
Canonio, Honey Jane C.
432-306-890 F National Teacher I Permanent BSEd Mathematics Math 7- Fortitude M/T/W/T/F 2:00 3:00 300
Grade 8 - Generosity Adviser
School Watch Coor
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
English 8- Compassion T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
English 8- Generosity M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300 On Maternity Leave
English 8- Kindness M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
277-608-958 F National Teacher I Permanent BSE English English 8- Prudence M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
Arlalejo, Maria Gracia S.
Grade 8- Compassion Adviser

Ave. Minutes per Day 240

MAPEH 9- Integrity M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
MAPEH 9- Honesty M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
MAPEH 9- Loyalty M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
MAPEH 10- Diligence M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
MAPEH 10- Resilience M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
702-260-913 Nalam, Kieth P. F National Teacher I Permanent BSE PE Grade 9- Integrity Adviser
Dance Troupe Coor.
MAPEH Coordinator
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
School Form 7, Page _6__ of _10____
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)
Math10 - Resilience M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
Math 9 - Loyalty M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
Math 9 - Honesty M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300
454-397-093 Pahid, Arnel R. M National Teacher I Permanent BSE Mathematics Math10 - Diligence M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
Math 9 - Integrity M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
Grade 10 - Resilience Adviser
Math Coordinator
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
TLE 8- Generosity M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
TLE 9 - Beauty Care M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
TLE 10- Beauty Care M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
Filipino 10- Diligence M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
Filipino 10- Resilience M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
347-416-013 Banguis, Maricel P. F National Teacher I Permanent BSE Dev. Com. Grade 10 - Diligence Adviser
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
MAPEH 8- Generosity M/T/W/T/F 8:30 9:30 300
MAPEH 8- Prudence M/T/W/T/F 9:45 10:45 300
MAPEH 8 -Compassion M/T/W/T/F 10:45 11:45 300
MAPEH 8 -Kindness M/T/W/T/F 3:00 4:00 300
ESP 7 - Courage T/F 2:00 3:00 120
273-325-768 Campion, Rey T. M National Teacher I Permanent BSE Science Discipline In Charge
Asst. Sports Coor.
Ave. Minutes per Day 260
Filipino 7- Courage M/T/W/T/F 7:30 8:30 300
Filipino 7- Love M/T/W/T/F 8:30 9:30 300
Filipino 7 - Fortitude M/T/W/T/F 9:45 10:45 300
266-788-282 Batisting, Emily O. F. National Teacher I Permanent BSEd Biology ESP 8 - Generosity M/F 10:45 11:45 120
ESP 8 - Kindness M/T 1:00 2:00 120
ESP 8 - Prudence T/T 2:00 3:00 120
ESP 8 - Compassion T/T 3:00 4:00 120
Grade 7 Courage Adviser
Ave. Minutes per Day 300

Detailed at Macambol
267-772-017 Rangel, Elaine C F National Teacher I Permanent

704-260-598 Roslinda, Nicolle Jay S M National Teacher I Permanent Detailed at Macambol

432-306-890 Alma M. Salazar National Teacher I Permanent Detailed at Macambol
School Form 7, Page _7__ of _10____
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)
919-505-878 Pada, Nancy B. F National Permanent Management
Assistant III
Administrative Business Financial
304313050 Alinsub, Rina Kris M F. National Permanent
Assistant II Administration Management
304313045 Wating, Caressa Mae S F National Assistant II
Administrative Business Agribusiness/Entr
916805719 Mejia, Esterlina C F. National Permanent
Assistant II Management epreneurship
174615009 Repaso, Josephine V F National Contractual
G 11 TVL Oral Com M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
G 11 GAS Oral Com M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
G 11 TVL English for Acad M/T/W/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
417-605-779 Francois L. Guias M National Teacher III Permanent English G 11 GAS English for Acad M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
G 12 GAS Organizational M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
Grade 11- TVL Adviser M/T/W/Th/F
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
G 11 TVL General Math M/T/W/Th/F 8:30 9:30 300
G 12 TVL Entrepreneurship M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
G 11 GAS General Math M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
Maria Rudith B` G12 GAS Applied Economics M/T/W/Th/F 1;00 2:00 300
903-236-925 F. National Teacher III Permanent BSE Mathematics
G 11 TVL General Math M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
SHS Guidance Advocate
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
G 11-GAS Komunikasyon at
M/T//Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
G 11-TVL Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik M/T//Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
410-140-635 Jaimelita V. Vero F National Teacher II Permanent Bachelor of Arts Filipino G11-TVL Filipino sa Piling Larangan M/T//Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
G12-GAS Filipino sa Piling Larangan M/T//Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
G 11 GAS HOPE Friday 7:30 9:30 120
Grade 11- GAS Adviser
SHS Filipino Coor.
Ave. Minutes perDay 264
G12 TVL Empowerment M/T/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
G12 GAS Empowerment M/T/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
G 11 GAS Gen Math M/T/Th/F 2:00 3:00 300
G12 TVL 3 I's M/T/Th/F 3:00 4:00 300
G 11 GAS HOPE Wednesday 7:30 9:30 120
G 11 TVL HOPE Wednesday 7:30 9:30 120
919-513-231 Arnold A. Mapa M National Teacher II Permanent BSE Mathematics G 11 TVL MIL Wednesday 1:00 3:00 120
SHS Focal Person
SHS Comp. Lab. Incharge
School Physical Facilities
Ave. Minutes per Day 264
Name of School EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Daily Program (time duration)
Nature of Remarks (For Detailed
Employee No. (or Tax Personnel Position/ Appointment/
Subject Taught (include Grade
Total Actual Items, Indicate name of
Identification Number (Arrange by Sex Fund Source & Section), Advisory Class &
-T.I.N.) Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ DAY From Teaching school/office, For IP's
Position, Descending) Minor Other Ancillary Assignments To (00:00)
Status Graduate Specialization (M/T/W/TH/F) (00:00) Minutes per -Ethnicity)
G 12 GAS General Biology 1 M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
G11 TVL Earth Science M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
G11 GAS Earth Science M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
G 11 GAS DRR M/T/W/Th/F 1:00 2:00 300
436-938-184 Lin Mae R. Tonares F. National Teacher II Permanent BSE Physical Science Grade 12 GAS Adviser
GAS Focal Person
SHS Science Lab Incharge
Ave. Minutes per Day 240
G 11 GAS Personal Dev't M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 8:30 300
G 12 TVL 21st Century M/T/W/Th/F 9:45 10:45 300
G 12 GAS 21st Century M/T/W/Th/F 10:45 11:45 300
Ivy Kate T. Salva G12 GAS HOPE Friday 7:30 9:30 120
406-338-017-000 F. National Teacher I Permanent BS Nursing G12 TVL HOPE Friday 1:00 3:00 120
School Clinic In Charge
Ave. Minutes per Day 228
G 12 TVL NC1 M/T/W/Th/F 7:30 9:30 600
G 12 TVL NC1 M/T/W/Th/F 2:00 4:00 600
TVL Focal Person
270-258-236 Roy B. Arlalejo M National Teacher II Provisional BITM Automotive Immersion Focal Person
TVL Shop Incharge

Ave. Minutes per Day 240

1. This form shall be accomplished at the beginning of the school year by the school head. In case of movement of teachers and other personnel during the school year, an updated
Form 19 must be submitted to the Division Office . MARIA VICTORIA L. LOON
2. All school personnel, regardless of position/nature of appointment should be included in this form and should be listed from the highest rank down to the lowest. (Signature of School Head over Printed Name)
3. Please reflect subjects being taught and if teacher handling advisory class or Ancillary Assignment. Other administrative duties must also reported.
4. Daily Program Column is for teaching personnel only. Updated as of: SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

School Form 7, Page _10_ of ___10___

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