Writer's Effect
Writer's Effect
Writer's Effect
It was a cold December morning. There was some snow on the ground and the trees
were moving in the wind.
It was a chilly December morning. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground
and the trees were dancing in the breeze.
Author B uses the word “___________” to describe the December morning which
suggests that the temperature is ________________________________________.
This is supported by the use of the phrase “_____________________ of snow”
which helps the reader to imagine that the snow is __________________________.
By using ___________________ to describe the trees as “dancing” the author
reminds us of
___________________________________________________________ which
creates a feeling of __________________.
Practice 2
The child’s big smile and cute laugh made the mother feel happy.
The toddler’s sunshine smile and adorable giggle warmed his mum’s heart.
Author B has chosen to use the word “toddler” which implies that the infant is
____________. Furthermore, the “sunshine” metaphor makes me feel
____________. The use of the word “giggle” helps us to imagine
______________________________________________________. By using the
phrase “his mum” the writer conveys a clear understanding of the relationship
between the mother and child because
Practice 3
The old woman revealed the gift from under the cloth: it was a beautiful ancient vase.
The mature woman unveiled the gift from under the white cloth: it was an exquisite
antique vase.
Author B uses the word “_______________” to describe the woman, which has
connotations of ____________________________, suggesting that the woman is
____________________. Likewise, the connotations of the colour
“__________________” make me think of _________________________________.
The author’s choice of the verb “unveil” is interesting because it suggests that the gift
was ________________________________. By describing the vase as
“_____________________” and “______________________” the author creates an
impression that the vase is__________________________________.
For paper 2 practice try to:
Summarise what happened to Paul after Evan was flung out of the boat.
Choose words and phrases and explain how the writer creates effects through these
I reached over to grab his outstretched hand but as our fingers were about to touch, I
was engulfed in darkness. There was no transition at all, no sense of approaching
danger. It was as if I had suddenly gone blind and deaf.
I was aware that my legs were surrounded by water, but my top half was almost dry.
I seemed to be trapped in something slimy. There was a terrible, sulphurous smell,
like rotten eggs, and a tremendous pressure against my chest. My arms were
trapped but I managed to free one hand and felt around – my palm passed through
the wiry bristles of the hippo’s snout. It was only then that I realised I was
underwater, trapped up to my waist in his mouth.
I wriggled as hard as I could, and in the few seconds for which he opened his jaws, I
managed to escape. I swam towards Evans, but the hippo struck again, dragging me
back under the surface. I’d never heard of a hippo attacking repeatedly like this, but
he clearly wanted me dead.
Read the following description of setting from Lord of the Flies. Select words and
phrases and explain how the writer created effects by using this language.
The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against
the light and their green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air. The ground
beneath them was a bank covered with coarse grass, torn everywhere by the
upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts and palm saplings.
Behind this was the darkness of the forest proper and the open space of the scar.
Ralph stood, one hand against a grey trunk, and screwed up his eyes against the
shimmering water. Out there, perhaps a mile away, the white surf flinked on a coral
reef, and beyond that the open sea was dark blue. Within the irregular arc of
coral the lagoon was still as a mountain lake—blue of all shades and shadowy green
and purple. The beach between the palm terrace and the water was a thin stick,
endless apparently, for to Ralph’s left the perspectives of palm and beach and water
drew to a point at infinity; and always, almost visible, was the heat.
He jumped down from the terrace. The sand was thick over his black shoes and the
heat hit him. He became conscious of the weight of clothes, kicked his shoes off
fiercely and ripped off each stocking with its elastic garter in a single movement.
Then he leapt back on the terrace, pulled off his shirt, and stood there among the
skull-like coconuts with green shadows from the palms and the forest sliding over his