Notes On Descriptive Writing

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Descriptive Writing
Tips for Descriptive Writing

1. In this paper, narrative means a story, and descriptive means NOT a story. For descriptive writing, you do
not need a plot, a conflict, characters, or any of that other stuff you need for narrative writing.

2. So if you're not supposed to tell a story, what ARE you supposed to do? You're supposed to create an
image in the reader's head. Think of it as the exposition part of a story: you have to set the scene, but don't
go on to tell the story. Or think of it as a page out of a novel that just seems to be one big, long paragraph
about the main character's grandmother's moles. In fact, when you're reading a novel, you're probably tempted
to skip over those pages. But if you're in IGCSE First Language, DON'T, for the love of Kevin Spacey, skip
over the long, chunky descriptive passages! Read them carefully and try to emulate the style in your descriptive
writing tasks.

3. Imagine you're standing in the middle of the scene you're describing. Without moving from your location,
look around you. Describe everything.

4. Use imagery. Imagery comes in many forms: as well as describing what you see (visual imagery), you
should also describe what you hear (aural imagery), smell (olfactory imagery), feel (tactile imagery), and
taste (gustatory imagery.) To learn all about these five kinds of sensory imagery, click here.

5. Use adjectives. So instead of saying there's a house, say there's a two-story sky-blue house. See? You're
already getting a mental image of the house.

6. 6. Use figurative language, like metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeia. For example, instead of saying
someone's sweater was uncomfortable, say it was like wearing a walrus skin. See? You can really imagine a
scratchy, hot, heavy uncomfortable sweater.

7. Use imaginative vocabulary. For instance, instead of saying someone ran, say they sprinted, jogged, flew,
scampered, or trotted. See? Each of these words gives you a different picture of how they ran.

8. DON'T use vague words. So, instead of saying someone is nice, say they're generous, thoughtful, or kind-

9. DON'T use cliches, or over-used words. For instance, instead of saying someone's sleeping like a baby
(Come on: anyone who's ever had a baby knows that babies wake up screaming at all hours of the night,
anyway!) say they're sleeping peacefully with a calm expression.

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