Nbn-Hfc-User-Guide - Amplifier
Nbn-Hfc-User-Guide - Amplifier
Nbn-Hfc-User-Guide - Amplifier
User guide
Identifying your nbn™ supplied equipment 4
Installation 5
Troubleshooting 9
Congratulations on connecting This booklet contains information
to ensure your nbn™ supplied
to the nbn™ network. With
equipment is connected and
your hybrid fibre coaxial (HFC) stays in good working order.
connection, you’ll be able to It also outlines what to do if your
access the benefits of fast and equipment isn’t working properly.
reliable phone and internet
services,* including:
*Your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn™ network, depends on the technology over which
services are delivered to your premises and some factors outside our control (like your equipment quality, software,
broadband plans and how your service provider designs its network).
Identifying your nbn ™
supplied equipment
1 Depending on your needs, your installation may include
some or all of the equipment below. Your nbn™ approved
installer can confirm what nbn™ supplied equipment has
been installed at your property.
1. nbn™ utility box: This is located on the external wall of your
premises. It connects the HFC cable from the street to the
wall outlet(s) in your premises. nbn™ utility box dimensions can
2 vary from 215mm high x 136mm wide x 60mm deep to 330mm
high x 228mm wide x 76mm deep.
nbn™ supplied equipment may be After your nbn™ connection box is
installed in several different ways installed and activated, your service
provider will activate your broadband
depending on your premises and service over the nbn™ network, which
needs. Your service provider and may include the supply of a new gateway
nbn™ approved installer should (router) that connects by Ethernet cable
advise you on where and how to the data (UNI-D) port at the rear of
your equipment is to be installed. your nbn™ connection box. Once your
gateway is connected, you can start
accessing your broadband service.
The diagram below shows the two
main combinations of nbn™ supplied
equipment, including installation without
a pay TV service and installation with a
splitter for pay TV.
Wall Connection to
outlet service provider
nbn connection box
Wall Connection to
outlet Splitter service provider
nbn connection box
Plugging devices into your
nbn™ connection box
Make sure only compatible equipment, such as your own or your
service provider’s supplied gateway (router), is connected to your
nbn™connection box via the data (UNI-D) port located on the rear panel.
Rear panel on the nbn™ connection box
(Arris Touchstone CM820 Cable Modem)
The rear panel of your nbn™ connection box will look like this:
163 mm
53 mm
145 mm
Link Online US DS Power
Ethernet connectivity between your nbn™
connection box and gateway (router)
Online nbn™ network connection
US Upstream connectivity
Link Online US DS Power
DS Downstream connectivity
Power AC power
Off Off Off Off Off No power to the nbn™ connection box
Note: All indicator lights shine green if the nbn™ connection box establishes a connection.
Troubleshooting indicator lights The reset button
If you’ve followed the instructions from Your service provider may need to reset
your service provider and your nbn™ your nbn™ connection box if it is having
connection box or other connections problems connecting to the internet.
are not working, please read the This is done by pressing the recessed
troubleshooting section opposite. reset button (see diagram below) with a
pointed, non-metallic object.
If any of the services provided through your nbn™ connection box
stop working (e.g. internet or phone), first check the following:
Frequently asked questions
Who do I contact if I need help? Is my nbn™ connection box safe?
If you have any questions or want to Your nbn™ connection box only uses
report a fault, please call your service fixed cables and connections, which
provider in the first instance, or are not designed to emit any wireless
visit nbn.com.au radiation.
Will my pay TV service be affected? Will any extra nbn™ supplied equipment
If you have an existing pay TV service, be included in my standard installation?
an nbn™ approved installer will include In some circumstances, if your premises
a splitter with your installation. The have multiple services connected or low
splitter allows both your broadband signal levels, an amplifier will be included
internet service and pay TV service to in your installation as part of your nbn™
operate from one wall outlet. It also supplied equipment. The amplifier will
ensures you’ll have minimal interruption usually be located in your nbn™ utility
to your pay TV service during box and connected to your internal wall
installation of your nbn™ connection box. outlet, as well as to a power point inside
your premises. It is important that you
Is my coaxial cable fly lead safe? leave everything connected and the
As coaxial cables conduct electricity, power on at all times.
you should never disconnect, tamper
with or alter the coaxial connection Will my monitored security system work
without consulting your service provider. over the nbn™ network?
The coaxial cable should not be pinched, Monitored security systems may operate
kinked, or bent sharply – this can cause over the nbn™ network. However, if you
a break or short in the cable (which would like to use an existing system,
may have to be replaced, and charges you should check with your security
may apply). provider to ensure it is compatible with
the nbn™ network. You should test your
If I’m going away, can I unplug my alarm on the day your service over the
service to save power? nbn™ network is activated. For more
nbn recommends leaving your nbn™ information, visit nbn.com.au/alarms
supplied equipment connected and
powered at all times.
What happens to my nbn™ connection Can I connect my phone to a
box and other equipment if I move? gateway (router) provided by my
Your nbn™ supplied equipment is the phone company?
property of nbn and should not be Yes. Ask your phone service provider how
removed from the premises in which it your phone can connect to a gateway
was originally installed. Contact your that is not the nbn™ connection box.
service provider for advice on
connecting services at your new premises. Will my device work during a
power blackout?
I have moved somewhere with an The nbn™ network will not work during
nbn™ connection box, how do I get it a power blackout, so you should
working? consider having an alternate form of
If you move to premises with an existing communication handy – such as a
nbn™ connection box, please contact charged mobile phone. If you have a
your service provider to arrange for a safety-critical device such as a medical
new service over the nbn™ network to alarm, fire alarm or lift emergency
be activated. phone, please speak to your equipment
provider about any alternate solutions.
Can I install cabling myself?
An nbn™ approved installer will install I have a medical alarm, what should I do?
the cabling from the street to your If you use a medical alarm, or care for
nbn™ connection box (for more someone who does, you’ll need to
information on what’s included in a register it with nbn. This will help us
standard installation, please visit identify premises where support may
nbn.com.au/installation). be needed to help minimise potential
If you choose to have additional breaks in service. To register, visit
permanent phone or data cabling nbn.com.au/medicalregister or call
installed through wall, floor or ceiling 1800 227 300, 9am – 5pm AEST,
cavities, it must be done by an ACMA Mon – Fri. You should also contact
registered cabler. Your service provider your medical alarm provider.
may be able to recommend a registered
cabler in your area.
Quick troubleshooting
Things to check Solution
Have you tried using another Ethernet It’s possible your Ethernet cable is
cable between your nbn™ connection faulty and is not connecting properly
box and your equipment? to your nbn™ connection box.
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