2ng Grading COT Observation

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Department of Education

Caraga Administrative Region

Division of Surigao del Norte
Malimono District


Grade : 5/Second Grading

Unit/Module :2
Lesson : 5 –Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
Duration : 50 minutes

Day 1
I. Objectives:
A. Instructional Objectives
1. Distinguish fact from opinion (EN5LC-IIe-2.10);
2. Respond to ideas and opinions after reflection(EN5OL-IIe-3.4.1);
3. Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers (EN5A-IIe-16)

B. Expressive Objective
1. Taking care of the environment
2. Observe Politeness at all times

Topic: Fact and Opinion
References: CG- EN5LC-IIe- 2.10
EN5OL-IIe- 3.4.1, EN5A-IIe-16
English Expressway
Language Network by Mc Dougal Little

MATERIALS: charts, ball, strips of printed texts, powerpoint presentation

A. Review
 Recall what the pupils have learned about the previous lesson by asking some volunteers
from the class.
B. Motivation
 The teacher will paste on the board letters of the words “fact” and opinion”. Tell the pupils
to arrange the jumbled letters and form it into a word to unlock the lesson for the day.
Then the teacher will ask the following questions:
 What word/s have you assembled/formed from the jumbled letters?
 The teacher will then introduce the lesson and tell the pupils that they will find out how to
distinguish fact from opinion.

C. Pre-assessment of Target Skills(Diagnostic Assessment)

The teacher will read sentences and let the pupils identify if it is a fact or opinion to assess if
the pupils have prior knowledge of the lesson.

D. Introduction
Setting the Stage
The teacher will tell the pupils that they are going to learn how to distinguish fact from
opinion and its importance to their lives. The teacher will discuss the key ideas on a
powerpoint presentation.

Teaching/ Modelling
Listen carefully as the teacher show the news report “Amazon Rainforest burning at
record rate”.

 After reading the news report, ask the following questions to the pupils:
1. What forest is on fire?
2. In what country is Amazon located?
3. What are the effects of the fire to the animals, people and to the environment?
4. What did the government of Brazil do to put the fire off?
5. How will you take good care of our rainforests?

Ask the following questions:

 -Is the newscast you heard a fact or an opinion?
 -Why do you say that it is a fact?
Give sets of sentences taken from the news report.
1. The affected area is the Amazon Rainforest.
-Is the information from the sentence found in the news report?
-If it is found in the news report then it is a fact.
2. Authorities face difficulties in putting out the forest fire because of its wider scope.
-Is the information from the sentence found in the news report?
-If it is found in the news report then it is a fact.
3. Amazon Rainforest is known as “the lungs of the earth” for it gives the larger amount
of oxygen to the earth.
-Is the information from the sentence found in the news report?
(If it is found in the news report then it is a fact.)
4. There were people killed during the Amazon Fire.
-Is the information from the sentence found in the news report?
(If it is not found in the news report then it is an opinion.)
- Do you think some people would think that there are people killed in the fire?
(If people think that there were other people killed in the fire, but is not stated in
the news report then the statement is an opinion.)
5. The people living near Amazon Rainforest caused the fire.
-Is the information from the sentence found in the news report?
(If it is not found in the news report then it is an opinion.)
-What word signals that the statement is an opinion?

E. Guided Practice (Differentiated Instruction)

 Group the class into 3 according to their learning needs.
Activity 1 (Using Picture Analysis Strategy) - Fast Learners
 The teacher will give the group 2 pictures showing a particular
scenario. The group will generate in each picture 5 facts and 5
opinions. They are going to write their answers on a manila paper
provided by the teacher.

Activity 2 (Using the Brainstorming Strategy) - Moderate Learners

 The group will write 5 facts and 5 opinions on their own. They will write
their answers on a manila paper provided to them.

ACTIVITY 3 (Using the Group Collaboration Strategy) - Slow Learners

 Teacher will write sentences in strips of colored paper then pupils will
paste them under the proper heading. They are going to distinguish if the
sentence is a fact or an opinion.
 Ask the group presenters to post their output. Have the group representative present the
results of the activity. Three (3) minutes may be allotted per group presentation.
 Check the pupil’s responses to the activity.

(Group presentation of output and immediate feedback from teacher and pupils)

* Discuss politeness in processing

F. Independent Practice
The teacher will give a worksheet to the pupils. In the given worksheet, have them draw
a star ( ) if the sentence is a fact and a moon ( ) if it is an opinion, then tell the
pupils why it is an opinion.

1. The early Filipinos lived in caves.

2. Books play an important role in the life of humans.
3. I think it is best if we deposit money in the bank.
4. I believe Christmas is the best time of the year.
5. We celebrate New Year every first day of January.

 Show a short video clip about taking care of the environment and ask the pupils the importance
of taking care of our environment in their lives.

III. Post Assessment of Target Skills

Tell the pupils to listen carefully as you read the following sentences. Let the pupils
identify the sentences as Fact or Opinion by writing it in their notebook.

1. Your school principal is Mrs. Arlyn D. Macahidhid.

2. All of you love Math Subject.
3. Most Grade 5 pupils have complete school uniforms.
4. All pupils come to school early.
5. We live in the Philippines.
IV. Closure
The Independent Practice output will be the evaluation for the lesson.

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