Behaviors PDF
Behaviors PDF
Behaviors PDF
Instructor: Class:
Instructions to Student
In this inventory you are asked to assess your instructor's specific classroom behaviors. Your instructor has
requested this information for purposes of instructional analysis and improvement. Please try to be both thoughtful
and candid in your responses so as to maximize the value of the feedback.
Your judgments should reflect that type of teaching you think is best for this particular course and your
particular learning style. Try to assess each behavior independently rather than letting your overall impression of the
instructor determine each individual rating.
Each section of the inventory begins with a definition of the category of teaching to be assessed in that section.
For each specific teaching behavior, please indicate the frequency with which he/she exhibits the behavior in
question. Please use the following rating scale in making your judgments:
* Murray, Harry G. (1983). Low-inference Classroom Teaching Behaviors and Student Ratings of College Teaching
Effectiveness. Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 138-149.