Group 5 Research Paper
Group 5 Research Paper
Group 5 Research Paper
Grade 10 Students in
Direction: Please check (/) the number that corresponds to your answer. Use the following
scale. Scale and Description: (5) ALWAYS, (4) OFTEN, (3) SOMETIMES,
Attention 5 4 3 2 1
1. Use social media to connect with the library?
2. Collaborate with other students through social media
3. Use Social Networking to do research for an assignment
4. Always using your phone.
5. Having attention with someone talking
1. Based on what I've learned, I recall information.
2. I clarify and explain the teacher's point of view.
3. I recall details based on what I've heard and seen.
4. I retain knowledge for a long time as a result of what I've
5. Based on my previous experiences, I retrieve information for
a short period of time.
Motor Production
1. I can apply what I've learned in the classroom to real-life
2. I can show you how to perform a procedural task.
3. I am capable of contributing to group activities.
4. When my teacher asks me to perform, I am capable of doing
5. During a group presentation, I can demonstrate my talent and
use newly acquired ideas.
Motivational Processes
1. I am Motivated to do every activity that is given to me.
2. I am eager to join in school activities.
3. I am excited to complete the task.
4. When my teacher gives extra points during class discussion, I
am motivated to express my thoughts.
5. I am confident about completing a task, especially when my
teacher recognizes my suggestion.
Republic of the Philippines
Research Title:
Rosebelle Madrid
Agustin Catapang
Jarryl Maas
Research Advisers:
Nowadays many of students are addicted of the social media. Because they are focusing of what they’re doing,
so some of students are not focus on their studies. They are now more able to focus on social media than the modules
that they have. One of the reasons why students lose interest in learning is our current situations. It is easier to focus
when the students are in the school because when they are in the school the only thing, they think about is studying
and the students are more forced to focus because there has a teacher to guide their academics.
Well, the issue that we have on this topic is the behavior of the students. There are many students nowadays that
using social media. But we all know that there are many toxic things about social media, like fake news, plagiarism
and many more that can influence students on their behavior. We all concern about the effect of it in each of every
student. The truth is, is must be bad or it must be good, but our concern is the behavior of the student and that is the
issue all about.
It has a lot of purpose, because there are many knowledge that we can make or we can learn through this topic.
Especially social media nowadays is very active. In this topic we can determine what are the effects of social media on
the behavior of the students. We may identify what to do into the future so that we can handle the thing. We can also
know the disadvantage and the advantage of this thing. In that way we can really understand the effect of it. So, we
can know what we're going to do and how to manage it.
Statement of the Problem
This research study aims to conduct the Impact of Social Networking Sites on Study Habits of Selected Grade
10 Students. In relation to this, the paper will respond to the concerns being raised. The problem it will address are the
What is the perception of the students respondents in the impact of Social Networking in terms of:
What is the perception of the students respondents in the extent of Study Habits in terms of:
a. Time management
b. Concentration
c. Motivation
Is there any significant relationship between social media and Grade 10 Students in Immaculate
Heart of Mary Academy?
There is no significant relationship between the Impact of Social Networking Sites and the Study Habits of
Grade 10 Students in Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy.
Conceptual Framework
As you can see in Figure 1 there are 2 variable that are given. The impact of Social Networking Sites on Study
Habit of IHMA. The independent variable in this study is the Impact of social media and the Dependent variable is the
Study habit of Grade 10 students of IHMA. The conceptual framework presents the Independent and Dependent
variable. The Variable shows What is the perception of the students’ respondents in the effects of social media, what is
the perception of the students’ respondents in the extent of behavior in terms and is there any significant relationship
between social media and the Grade 10 Students. The second illustrates how the researcher gathered the data by
conducting a survey through questionnaire and how the researcher analyzed and evaluates the data. The output will
determine the Impact of Social Media Sites on Study Habits of Grade 10 Students in Immaculate Heart of Mary
Impact of Social Networking Sites in terms Study Habits of Grade 10 students in
of: terms of:
This study focuses on the Impact of Social Networking Sites on Study Habits of Grade 10 Students in IHMA
S.Y. 2020-2021 to examine students' behaviors on Social media sites. Whether there is a positive relationship between
confidence and social media participation will also be assed. It is true that it is easy to communicate when using social
media but other were not disciplined enough so they can get really addicted when using social media. The Question
will be distributed on the selected Grade 11 student at Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy S.Y. 2020-2021.
This research studies give importance to students on answering the kind of behavior can they see on
themselves using social networking platform. Using social media, they can learn new things without any help from
other people. It Increases their learning skill to become more experienced in Critical thinking.
Students: Through this study, The Significance of Using Social Networking is, it will improve them more Actively
engage with your audience, able to learn new things, It will practice their critical thinking and learning to understand
what people feel.
Parents: Through this study, parents are usually busy on their mobile phones because of Social Media, and this
creates a strong bond between a student and parents.
Teachers: Through this study, Teachers and students will be linked not only in school but also outside of school as a
result of this report, and students will be able to tell the teacher if they are having problems. Teachers can also use the
patterns to launch the class for a fun and exciting discussion afterwards.
Society: Through this study, society will be united and can be influential to others. It gives people a way to stay in
touch with people who live far away. It lets people share fun, interesting and informative content.
Future Researcher’s: Through this study, the study will be beneficial to the future researcher by knowing that using
social media can be addicted but your knowledge will expand because of it.
will not only be for fun but also for acquisition of learning
Definition of Terms
Motivation - is a motivator for actions, willingness, and priorities. The word motivation comes from the word
purpose, which means a desire that must be met.
Time Management - is the method of arranging and preparing how you can split your time between various tasks.
When time is limited and stresses are high, good time management encourages you to work smarter, not harder, and
get more done in less time.
Concentration - is the ability to direct one’s attention in accordance with one’s will. It means control of the attention.
It is the ability to focus the mind on one subject, object or thought, and at the same time exclude from the mind every
other unrelated thoughts, ideas, feelings and sensations.
Influence - is the power to affect someone's or something's character, growth, or actions, or the effect itself.
Related Literature
Ul Haq & Chand (2012) investigated the usage and popularity of famous social media network
(Facebook) among university students with special focus on the gender based comparison and the impact of
the selected social medium on their academic performance. The two researchers evaluate the pattern and
frequency of Facebook use among university students while focusing gender that majority of the users
(61%) agree that this social medium has adverse effects on their academic performance. Further analysis
reveals that among these 61%, majority of the respondents were male. In addition to adverse effects of
Facebook on academic performance, there was also an opinion that use of Facebook makes it hard for them
to perform the best on their career performance. However the researcher feels that the later opinion is not
very clear and established and needs further investigation.
Social networks’ gave a big help to everyone, especially among the students another members of the
society. Social networks’ have different features that may enjoy by the people all around the world, what the
problem is, people, mostly students, losses their self! Control in using them.(or the students, (Facebook" is
the most popular social networking sites today they can share and upload videos, pictures, messages and
chat. #witter is also famous to every student nowadays wherein people can share their feelings, thoughts and
ideas. )side from these two, #umblr, My Space, and *in also became a ranging create to Students. Social
networking communities will continue to stay due to its million to users. In addition, students today stay on
these accessibilities of information they may get in social networks’. Social networks’ may help them in
giving "knowledge in thesis and $journals but still, negative effect of this still overweighs especially about
losing their self! Control. Moreover, social networking sites can be a good way to make connections with
people who has similar interests and goals. Communication is one of the main things why social networking
sites had been viral. #his is a good place to gather information on what is trending nowadays.-n the other
hand, social network" is not always good for us because people use it in an inappropriate way wherein they
post some pornographic or nude photos that frequently students may see.
In the Philippines, social media use has become a very common feature of most Filipino’s daily
lives. In 2015, the data of the Social Media and Digital Stats in the Philippines from Third Team Media
shows that the Philippines remains as the “Social Media Capital of the World”. Out of more than 100
million population in the country, 44 million are Internet users and 40 million of them are active social
media users. Recently, the 2016 data on Social Media and Digital Stats in the Philippines, the percentage of
social media penetration has increased from 40% in 2015 to 47% in 2016. This data means that social media
continues to be an essential part in the lives of Filipinos who have increased access to the Internet via their
mobile phones and electronic devices (Castro, 2016). In the article by Digital Marketing Philippines, from
the 40 million active social media users, 65% of them are teenagers and young adults, and 81% of them
access their accounts daily (Gregorio, 2013).
According to the survey conducted by comScore, Inc., a global leader in measuring the digital world
and preferred source of digital marketing intelligence, Filipino internet users are the most engaged in social
networking online, a leading online audience measurement service on year 2010. In a press statement,
comScore said the Philippines has the highest social networking usage in the Asia-Pacific region with more
than 90% of its entire Web population visiting a social networking site during the month of February 2010,
followed by Australia (89.6% penetration) and Indonesia (88.6% penetration).
The study of Lewis et al. (2008) found out that the influence of these SNSs continues to get
increasingly more pervasive, making actual and virtual realities almost indistinguishable. Students are
talking about the social networking related stuffs almost every single day; thus it would be a surprise if any
student never got involved with Facebook, Twitter or any other SNSs nowadays. Moreover, students are
paying more attention towards these social networking activities rather than utilizing their time to study
which will surely affect their academic performance.
The study of Jabr (2011) found that SNSs are making a tremendous effect nearly in every aspect of
life. In fact, it had shifted as a tool for extending academic learning and communication. SNSs are web-
based application that allow individuals to create profile and share information with friends within the
system. This “SNSs phenomenon” had permeated on the students and became the latest online avenue for
social interactions, as well as academic interaction. Every technological innovation has been a center of
research attention and same is the case with the development and evolution of Social Networking Sites.
Some noted researchers have conducted studies to find the several impacts of SNSs on their users, and they
have arrived at mixed conclusions. For example, the study of Suhail and Barges (2006) found that excessive
usage of Social Networking Sites causes many psychological, physical, interpersonal, and educational
problems to users. A number of studies have also been conducted to delineate the impact of Social
Networking Sites on young generation and students. Ellison (2007) proposed that young people compete on
the basis of their
efficiency regarding the use of Social Networking Sites and the criterion of this competition is the number of
friends one can accumulate using these sites. As shown in the study of Choney (2010) due to the increased
popularity of SNSs, economists and professors are questioning whether grades of students are being affected
by how much time is being spent on these sites. Essentially, the environment and other factors may affect
the way a student views learning and studying. Truly SNSs are one of the factors that can affect student’s
time, insight, and outlook about learning and studying. With the prevalence of SNSs, the study of Karpinski
and Kirschner (2010) validated that students’ study time and their academic performance could be affected.
Moreover, the study of Karpinski (2009) shows that users who spend more time on SNSs like Facebook
spend less time in studying. Hence, school authorities are one of the primary people who oppose it’s use
particularly in schools, which is the reason why they usually ban it during class hours. The teachers and
administrators are likewise affected because of this negative implications. Many schools have opted for
strict restrictions on SNSs usage in campuses amid concerns about safety, privacy and confidentiality, and
lack of knowledge about how best to ensure it’s appropriate use.
In studying the total number of hours spent by the users, Wang, Chen and Liang (2011) disclosed
that 45% of their samples admitted that they spent 6 – 8 hours per day checking social media sites, while
23% spent more 8 hours; 20% spent 2 – 4 hours and only 12% spent less than 2 hours on this task. Results
showed that social media is a college interest in the Wales University. Students consume a lot of time on
social networking sites especially the adolescents. They are involved in uploading/downloading, getting
information related to their academic or future career, chatting with friends and watching online movies
(Kanagarathinam, 2014). Twitter is one of the most important media companies in the world. It is now one
of the top 10 most visited sites. With more than 500 million users, the students can find teachers, schools,
and perhaps more important professionals, lead publications in their areas of interest (Anonymous, 2013).
This chapter elaborates how the research was performed. It covers the research design, the
respondents of the study, sampling technique that is used, research instrument, scaling and qualification, the
reliability of research instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data. The purpose of
the study is to examine the Impact of Social Networking Sites on Study Habits of Selected Grade 10
Students in Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy.
Research Design
Sampling Technique
Research Instrument
Scaling and Quantification
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data