1 Paper EmergencyDepartmentPatientProcessFlow
1 Paper EmergencyDepartmentPatientProcessFlow
1 Paper EmergencyDepartmentPatientProcessFlow
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2 authors, including:
Anil Pandit
Chellaram Diabetes Institute
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Growing spectrum of disease and population has resulted in an increasing public demands and with the drive
towards effective service delivery, continuous performance and process improvements are essential to the
vitality of any Healthcare organization. ₁
Outpatient services have become an important component of health care. By hidebound thinking, the medical
profession emphasized that a physician’s time is more valuable than a patient’s time. This is no longer valid
in today’s consumer oriented society. Long waiting times for treatment in the outpatient department followed
by short consultations has long been a complaint. Nowadays, customers use waiting time as a decisive factor
in choosing a service provider. Therefore, idle time of both parties must be considered in designing a proper
OPD patient process flow although these two objectives are contradicted to each other.
Healthcare process mapping is a new and important form of clinical audit that examines how we manage the
patient journey, using the patient’s perspective to identify problems and suggest improvements. We outline
the steps involved in mapping the patient’s journey, as we believe that a basic understanding of this versatile
and simple technique, and when and how to use it, is valuable to clinicians who are developing clinical
This research aims to provide a study of the major causes of OPD- Patient Flow Process for medical
treatment in tertiary hospital and also provide recommendation on the best strategy to improve OPD process
flow so that can maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of resource and capacity.
Aim: To Study the OPD- Patient flow process in Hospital and its Importance.
should they optimally allocate their limited resources? Out Patient and Emergency Department:
How much exam rooms do they need? How much
physicians and supporting staff do they need? If they Outpatient department is that section of the hospital
increase or decrease the amount of exam rooms and/or which is staffed and equipped and has scheduled working
staff, how would this effect patient waiting time, the hours to provide “Diagnostic, Therapeutic, Preventive
length of a medical treatment and the total time spent in and Rehabilitative” care to those patients who are not
clinic by patient? registered as in patients while receiving the service. ₆
To improve patient satisfaction, the performance Process mapping allows us to “see” and understand
of key processes has to be improved ₃. There is no the patient’s experience by separating the management
doubt that healthcare institutions need to become high of a specific condition or treatment into a series of
performers. If they increase or decrease the amount of consecutive events or steps (activities, interventions, or
exam rooms and/or staff, how would this effect patient staff interactions). The sequence of these steps between
waiting time, the length of a medical treatment and the two points (from entry of patient to exit of patient) can
total time spent in clinic by patient?. To improve patient be viewed as a patient pathway or process of care.
satisfaction, the performance of key processes has to be The process by which patients move through a
improved ₃. There is no doubt that healthcare institutions hospital or other health care setting—can be improved
need to become high performers. the safety and quality of care.
Practical issues such as the ease of use of the LITERATURE REVIEW
appointment system, or implications on modifying
physicians‟ behavior need to be considered in order to A Hospital is an integral part of a social and medical
achieve the ultimate goal of improving “real systems”. It organization, the function of which is to provide for
may also be interesting to determine what are the most the population complete healthcare, both curative and
commonly used patient flow process in practice. ₄ preventive and whose outpatient services reach out to
the family and its home environment the hospital is also
Effectively managing patient flow in an outpatient a center for the training of health workers and bio-social
unit is a key to achieving operational excellence as well research. ₆
as ensuring clinical quality. It is especially so for an
outpatient department in a large hospital as it handles Outpatient services are the most important services
very large volume of patients with a diverse case mix. provided by all the hospital as it provides services to a
large number of patients at a low cost. Successful and
Medical care is a program of services that should efficient management of OPD can lighten the burden on
make available to the individual, and thereby to the the patient wards. ₇
community, all facilities of medical and allied services
necessary to promote and maintain health of mind The importance of the outpatient department lies in
and body. This program should take into account the the following:
physical, social and family environment, with a view to
1. An OPD is the first point of contact with the
the prevention of disease, the restoration of health and
hospital and the entry point into the healthcare delivery
the alleviation of disability. ₅
Hospitals deal with the life and health of their
2. It is an inseparable link in the hierarchical chain
patients. Out Patient Department (OPD) Services is one
of healthcare facilities.
of the important aspects of Hospital Administration. It
is also called Ambulatory Care Services. It is a shop 3. It contributes to the reduction in Morbidity and
window for patient. ₅ Mortality.
OPD is the mirror of the Hospital, which reflect 4. It’s a stepping stone for health promotion and
the functioning of the hospital being the first point of disease prevention.
contact between the patient and the hospital stuff.
5. It help reduce the number of admission to
inpatient wards, thus, conserving scare beds.
288 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July-September 2017, Vol. 8, No. 3
6. It acts as a filter for inpatient admission, be moved (“borders”). Also, processes are slowed in ED
ensuring that only those patients are admitted who are due to limited accessibility of certain ancillary services.
most likely to benefit from such care. Radiology, for example, is on a different floor and ED
patients must sometimes be moved up to that floor for
7. It’s the “SHOP WINDOW” of the hospital.
diagnostic services and then moved back down to the
In OPD, improving the patient pathway involves ED.
the coordination of multidisciplinary practice, aiming to
After the patient’s condition has been stabilized,
maximize clinical efficacy and efficiency by eliminating
each patient is assigned one PFS worker who asks
ineffective and unnecessary care. The data provided by
questions, enters data into the information system, takes
process mapping can be used to redesign the patient
printouts and puts this info next to the patient’s bed for
pathway to improve the quality or efficiency of clinical
the doctor to see them. If the patient needs to be admitted
management and to alter the focus of care towards
into an inpatient bed, he/she is seen again by PFS. At the
activities most valued by the patient. ₈ Process mapping
end of the ED visit, or if additional service is needed,
has shown clinical benefit across a variety of specialties,
such as admission to an inpatient bed, then the patient
multidisciplinary teams, and healthcare systems.
receives “financial screening” from PFS.
Flow of Patients:
On outpatient visits, patients flow is in a predictable
Study Design:
manner usually from Enquiry to Registration to Waiting
to Examination room to Investigation facilities, although The research design used in this study is both
there are many exceptions to this. Nevertheless, it Descriptive and Exploratory.
is beneficial to draw a flowchart of activities and
Study Population:
movements in the outpatient department to guide the
planning process for location of various facilities and All patients who came for ED visit at, tertiary clinic.
their relationship with one another. Sample Size: - 200 ED Patients.
OPD workflow in Emergency Department: Technique: - Convenient Sampling.
The ED is organized into three areas: Major Observations & Analysis:
medical/trauma, Minor Medical/Trauma and ED Walk-
in. Each has a separate physical area (Figure 1-3) .Each The study conducted in the ED showed the various
also serves a different set of patients. bottlenecks which cause to reduce the patient satisfaction
in hospital.
When a patient enters the ED, he or she first sees a
triage nurse, who determines the severity of the patient’s 1. Crowd management was not proper because of
condition. Immediately afterwards, the Patient Flow less manpower.
System ( PFS) assigns a Unique Health Identification
2. Long Patient waiting time.
Number(UHIN) if the patient is new to the hospital.
With the help of the patient’s name, date of birth and 3. Patient waiting area is insufficient.
mother’s maiden name, PFS checks in the information
system for previous medical records. In some cases a 4. Medical Record data of patients were not
duplicate ID is created, but this is rare. Patients generally properly maintained.
have previously received an ID card, which shows their 5. Proper signage were not there in the hospital.
UHIN and their financial situation regarding hospital
reimbursement. 6. Less availability of rooms.
Patient arrival patterns drive systems for scheduling changes related to patient flow.
staff and other resources. The patterns were somewhat
2. Hospital Portal - Patient appointments and
predictable. Hospital scheduling controlled most of the
referrals are received by the hospital at a variety of
other arrivals.
points. This complicates the scheduling process and
The following time of day graphs for the 12 noon harms patient satisfaction through a lack of consistency
and 10.30 pm (Figures 1) show a strong peak early in and control. A single centralized point of access and
the day. The arrival pattern is somewhat different in a strengthened CSC would support a more efficient
1350, with a peak in the evening hours, from about 5: hospital operation and improve customer service.
00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., which may reflect the severity
3. Patient Tracking System and ID - By
and incidence of injuries resulting from accidents and
enforcing a system with a clear patient ID, costs can
be avoided. Many computerized patient tracking
systems, such as those the hospital is considering,
have capabilities in electronic tracking. Operational
data related to patient flow requires a clear, consistent
and efficient patient identification system. A variety of
alternatives are available, such as bar-codes and radio
frequency ID, which will save operating costs and offer
very useful data on patient flows.
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