Developing Diverse Ability Through Socialization

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Chapter I


All of us has a great responsibility lies on our acquired knowledge and skills

when we are engage into a job and acted as one of the enforcement in

an industry that would further improve the depleting economy of the

country. All of this comes first from wishes and aspirations that arise during

the childhood aspiration, family and relatives, peers or friends anticipated

problems they encountered are presumed to affect the student

preference of their career.

Young students have diverse dreams and interests in life. In choosing a

career, suitability to the interest of the students is given importance.

Students must know on what degree to pursue in college, one that interest

them and must also fit their abilities so that it will not be hard for them to

choose the right career path.

Being adolescent can be extremely lonely. It is not unusual to have a feeling

that there is no one turn to when problems come arise. This is the stage

where major decisions and deep concerns affect the courses of their lives.

Most adolescents are pressured to perform and succeed, which

experience severe stress in meeting these expectations (,

It is this stage when teenager needs guidance in the proper selection of

their desired career. Where, they will arrive at the right decision considering

their innate capacities, educational privilege offered to the students and

other resources that society makes available for them to be more efficient

and effective (DepEd, 2017).

It needs proper, full and comprehensive consideration.

There are professions, careers, trades and jobs in plenty. There are a number

of professional and training institutions like It’s., polytechnics, engineering

colleges etc., which give training in various trades, skills, professions and

jobs, such as medicine, engineering, teaching, business, commerce,

banking, computer science, advertising, journalism, government services,

positions in armed forces, and scores others. Then one can begin his own

workshop, factory or shop, or choose a career in police, films, commercial

art etc. The whole world of careers is yours, but each and every profession

requires a special aptitude, training, guidance, education and


Stated, that the greatest barrier among students pursuing their own career

and having command over their life is the lack of in – depth knowledge of

the said career. In addition, knowledge is required to make valid career

preferences. (Philips, 1986)

Bautista (as cited in Bulaong, 1986) stated that elementary education

provides a foundation for formal education. It is when high school where

students starts to feel tangibly about career preferences. He cited, Castillo

(1963), who stressed that the redirection and guidance of the high school

youth because; it is in that stage where skills, capacities and decisions are

developed. The youth should get a through picture of their aspirations and

expectations. According to Super (2005), the students should first become

aware of the need for a career. So every graduating student needs a wise

choice in decision making. Bautista (1997) stated that at this stage, a

student must take important and vital decision in the selection of a career

which will determine his/her future success.

According to Gramsci (1999), the ones who need the ends, need the

means. Are the means provided are scientific and supportive to the

wanted ends of the students? Or they are captives or prisoners of tyranny

of educational system that steal their freedom to choose their own path.

Therefore, the problem should be faced and resolved as early as possible.

It is better if one decides at the school stage itself what career one is going

to adopt in future. But the school-going students are quite young,

inexperienced and raw to take a right decision. They cannot be the best

judge in the matter. What are needed are proper guidance, counseling,

advice, vocational training, encouragement and orientation.

Career is a job or occupation regarded as a long-term and a lifelong

activity, the general path or progress taken by somebody where he is

trained in a particular occupation for his entire working life while preference

is the selection of something rather than other choices, it is the power to

choose on what you desire or what is desirable on your part. Making a

career choice is defining face in every student's life. Students have to

consider several factors for arriving at a decision. The influence of career

choice has a lasting impact on an individual it serves to be a predictor and

determinants of their prospective level of income nature of work and

consequently leaves a mark on the personality a demeanor, outlook of an


According to Webster, Career preference is a free opportunity to select a

desired career . It is also decision-making in a confusing station which

occurs during senior high school level. Career development unfolds within

the general process of cognitive development as one resolves ago

relevant crisis. Career preparedness will help the student become more

effective and successful in life with his chosen job but there is an external

factor such as socioeconomic status which changes their aspiration in life.

A right choice of a career is fundamentally important. On it does depend

one’s success or failure in life. A correct choice may lead to happy,

prosperous and satisfying career in life. On the other hand, a wrong

selection may result in failure, disappointment and sadness in life. The result

of prolonged indecision rimy still proves worse.


This study aimed to determine the factors affecting career preference in

developing diverse ability through socialization of grade 12 students at St.

Augustine Lipa. Specifically, this sought answer to the following questions.

1.What are the profiles of student’s respondents in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 strand

2. What are the factors that affect career preference in developing

diverse ability through socialization of grade 12 student at St. Augustine

School of Nursing in terms of:

2.1 Academic Reason

2.2 Financial Reason

2.3 interest

2.4 Influence of Others

3. Is there a significance effect between the profiles of the respondents

and the factors that affect their career preference in developing diverse

ability through socialization?

4. Based from the findings, what are the possible actions that may lessen

the effects of the factors affecting their career preference in developing

diverse ability through socialization of grade 12 students at St. Augustine

School of Nursing?

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the study

The main concern of this study was to determine the factors affecting

career preference in developing diverse ability through socialization of

Grade 12 students at St. Augustine School of Nursing Lipa in terms of age

and sex and their strand. It focuses on the Factors affecting the career

preferences among the selected Grade 12 students of St. Augustine School

of Nursing.

This study was only limited to the students both male and female in the

grade 12 students of St. Augustine School of Nursing. The researcher only

used survey questionnaire to get the corresponding opinion of the students.

However, this study was delimited to the students who are not Grade 12

students of St. Augustine School of Nursing. The researcher acknowledges

the study omitted potentially pertinent information regarding the grade 12

student and non-grade 12 student’s groups.


There is fact that every research is conducted not only for the reason that

problem exist, the researchers behind this believed that the result of this

study is beneficial to instructors, students, community and future

researcher. The generalization of this present study would be a great

contribution to vast knowledge in relation to student’s achievements. Vital

results of this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial

specifically to the following:

To the Instructors: This refers to professional teacher took an education

course. In this study, they are the instrument in materialization of

education systems.

To the Grade 12 Students: They are the senior high school students of St.

Augustine Lipa Campus. They are considered as the main concern in this

educational system. In this study, the findings of this research will inspire,

enlightened and become beneficial to their Career preference of grade

12 student in St. Augustine Lipa Campus.

To the Community: They also play a vital role in the development of every

studies. The school is part of community so every parents of the students

must know what problems of the school. So that they understand what is

happening and what is the good solution for that problem.

To the Researchers: this study will have served as based like files for similar

researcher to be done in the future.


There are various factors that affect career preferences of senior high

school students such as Academic Reason, Financial Reason, interest and

Influence of Others. These factors can directly or indirectly affects career

preferences of the respondents.

This study focuses the factors that affect students career choice who aren’t

able to decide their career choice. Career preference is a free opportunity

to select a desired career. It is also decision-making in a confusing station

which occurs during senior high school level. Career development unfolds

within the general process of cognitive development as one resolves ago

relevant crisis.

As previously explained, it is one of the major factor which affects the

decision on what career they’ll go through. The students should decide on

what career they’ll prefer, because they are the one which is aware of their

capabilities and what profession they’ll want to have in the future as their

life long activity. A right choice of a career is fundamental importance. On

it does depend one’s success or failure in life. A correct choice may lead

to happy, prosperous and satisfying career in life. On the other hand, a

wrong selection may result in failure, disappointment and sadness in life.

The result of prolonged indecision rimy still proves worse.


Input Process Output

The profiles of student’s
respondents in terms of:

1.1 age
The output in this
1.2 sex
research study is to
1.3 strand A qualitative conduct a flier that will
research design in able to introduce the
Factors that affect career descriptive method
importance of career
preference in developing using survey guide
questionnaire. preference in
diverse ability through
developing diverse
socialization of grade 12
ability through
student at St. Augustine
socialization of Grade
School of Nursing in terms
12 Students at St.
Augustine School of
2.1 Academic Reason Nursing

2.2 Financial Reason

2.3 interest

2.4 Influence of Others



Definition of the terms

Ability - It is the possession of the means or skill to do something. It may be

used of an unborn power to do something. It is the power, skill, means or

opportunity to do something. It is considerable as a skill, proficiency, or

intelligence able to be.

- It is also an acquired knowledge and skills that are engage into a

job and acted as one of the enforcement in an industry that

would further improve the depleting economy of the country.

Career- a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a

permanent calling. It is the job that someone does for a long period of

their life. The progress and actions taken by a person throughout a

lifetime, especially those related to that person's occupations. A career is

often composed of the jobs held, titles earned and work accomplished

over a long period of time, rather than just referring to one position.

- Career is a job or occupation regarded as a long-term are

lifelong activity, the general path or progress taken by

somebody where he is trained in a particular occupation for his

entire working life while preference is the selection of something

rather than other choices, it's the power to choose on what you

desire or what is desirable on your part.

- According to Super (2005), the students should first become

aware of the need for a career. So every graduating student

needs a wise choice in decision making.

Career Preference - According to Webster, Career preference is a free

opportunity to select a desired career. It is also decision-making in a

confusing station which occurs during senior high school level. Career

development unfolds within the general process of cognitive

development as one resolves ago relevant crisis.

- Stated, that the greatest barrier among students pursuing their

own career and having command over their life is the lack of in –

depth knowledge of the said career. In addition, knowledge is

required to make valid career preferences. (Philips, 1986)

Decisions - a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration. The

action or process of deciding something or of resolving a question. A

choice made between alternative courses of action in a situation of

uncertainty. choice made between alternative courses of action in a

situation of uncertainty.

- it is the pressure to the student to perform and succeed, which

experience severe stress in meeting expectations

(, 2017).
- It considers their innate capacities, educational privilege offered

to the students and other resources that society makes available

for them to be more efficient and effective (DepEd, 2017).

- Bautista (1997) stated that at this stage, a student must take

important and vital decision in the selection of a career which will

determine his/her future success.

Education - is a process of facilitating learning of the acquisition of

knowledge, skills, values and habits. It empowers minds that will be able to

conceive good thoughts and ideas. The wealth of knowledge acquired by

an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life

lessons that provide an understanding of something. Education requires

instruction of some sort from an individual or composed literature. The most

common forms of education result from years of schooling that

incorporates studies of a variety of subjects.

- Bautista (as cited in Bulaong, 1986) stated that elementary

education provides a foundation for formal education. It is when

high school where students starts to feel tangibly about career

preferences. He cited, Castillo (1963), who stressed that the

redirection and guidance of the high school youth because; it is

in that stage where skills, capacities and decisions are developed.

The youth should get a through picture of their aspirations and

expectations. À

- According to Gramsci (1999), the ones who need the ends, need

the means. Are the means provided are scientific and supportive

to the wanted ends of the students? Or they are captives or

prisoners of tyranny of educational system that steal their freedom

to choose their own path.

Influence- it is the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or

intangible ways. It is a person who let you come within. And doesn’t intent

to have any effect but sometimes they are using influence to benefit

themselves. Effect of the fluctuation in the value of an independent (such

as income) variable on the value of a dependent variable (such as


position power.

Interest- is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an object,

event or process. It is the feeling of a person whose attention concern or

curiosity is particularly engaged by something. a feeling that accompanies

or causes special attention to something or someone.

-something or someone that arouses such attention to a person that

causes curiosity, that accompanies special attention.

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