Developing Diverse Ability Through Socialization
Developing Diverse Ability Through Socialization
Developing Diverse Ability Through Socialization
All of us has a great responsibility lies on our acquired knowledge and skills
when we are engage into a job and acted as one of the enforcement in
country. All of this comes first from wishes and aspirations that arise during
Students must know on what degree to pursue in college, one that interest
them and must also fit their abilities so that it will not be hard for them to
that there is no one turn to when problems come arise. This is the stage
where major decisions and deep concerns affect the courses of their lives.
It is this stage when teenager needs guidance in the proper selection of
their desired career. Where, they will arrive at the right decision considering
other resources that society makes available for them to be more efficient
There are professions, careers, trades and jobs in plenty. There are a number
colleges etc., which give training in various trades, skills, professions and
positions in armed forces, and scores others. Then one can begin his own
art etc. The whole world of careers is yours, but each and every profession
Stated, that the greatest barrier among students pursuing their own career
and having command over their life is the lack of in – depth knowledge of
(1963), who stressed that the redirection and guidance of the high school
youth because; it is in that stage where skills, capacities and decisions are
developed. The youth should get a through picture of their aspirations and
aware of the need for a career. So every graduating student needs a wise
student must take important and vital decision in the selection of a career
According to Gramsci (1999), the ones who need the ends, need the
means. Are the means provided are scientific and supportive to the
of educational system that steal their freedom to choose their own path.
It is better if one decides at the school stage itself what career one is going
inexperienced and raw to take a right decision. They cannot be the best
judge in the matter. What are needed are proper guidance, counseling,
trained in a particular occupation for his entire working life while preference
occurs during senior high school level. Career development unfolds within
relevant crisis. Career preparedness will help the student become more
effective and successful in life with his chosen job but there is an external
1.1 age
1.2 sex
1.3 strand
2.3 interest
and the factors that affect their career preference in developing diverse
4. Based from the findings, what are the possible actions that may lessen
School of Nursing?
The main concern of this study was to determine the factors affecting
and sex and their strand. It focuses on the Factors affecting the career
of Nursing.
This study was only limited to the students both male and female in the
However, this study was delimited to the students who are not Grade 12
There is fact that every research is conducted not only for the reason that
problem exist, the researchers behind this believed that the result of this
education systems.
To the Grade 12 Students: They are the senior high school students of St.
Augustine Lipa Campus. They are considered as the main concern in this
educational system. In this study, the findings of this research will inspire,
To the Community: They also play a vital role in the development of every
must know what problems of the school. So that they understand what is
To the Researchers: this study will have served as based like files for similar
There are various factors that affect career preferences of senior high
This study focuses the factors that affect students career choice who aren’t
which occurs during senior high school level. Career development unfolds
relevant crisis.
what career they’ll prefer, because they are the one which is aware of their
capabilities and what profession they’ll want to have in the future as their
it does depend one’s success or failure in life. A correct choice may lead
1.1 age
The output in this
1.2 sex
research study is to
1.3 strand A qualitative conduct a flier that will
research design in able to introduce the
Factors that affect career descriptive method
importance of career
preference in developing using survey guide
questionnaire. preference in
diverse ability through
developing diverse
socialization of grade 12
ability through
student at St. Augustine
socialization of Grade
School of Nursing in terms
12 Students at St.
Augustine School of
2.1 Academic Reason Nursing
2.3 interest
permanent calling. It is the job that someone does for a long period of
often composed of the jobs held, titles earned and work accomplished
over a long period of time, rather than just referring to one position.
rather than other choices, it's the power to choose on what you
confusing station which occurs during senior high school level. Career
own career and having command over their life is the lack of in –
situation of uncertainty.
(, 2017).
- It considers their innate capacities, educational privilege offered
knowledge, skills, values and habits. It empowers minds that will be able to
expectations. À
- According to Gramsci (1999), the ones who need the ends, need
the means. Are the means provided are scientific and supportive
intangible ways. It is a person who let you come within. And doesn’t intent
to have any effect but sometimes they are using influence to benefit
position power.